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Igni Firebeard

Fire Dwarf SmithIgni nods gratefully to Brody and Mezzina as he is hoisted slowly out of the pit. "Much appreciated," he murmured as he clambered over the edge of the pit and stood up, back on solid ground once more. He noted Brody's irritated expression and the blood from the small wound he had taken as a result of Igni's sudden fall and grimaced awkwardly. Without saying anything further he muttered a brief prayer to the Tender of the Forge and laid a gauntleted hand on the injury, a healing light restoring the flesh to normal in a moment.

Wordless apology conveyed, Igni turned to the problem of getting over the pit. With his Blink Shirt it wasn't a problem for him personally and he quickly teleported across to a spot near Snow, leaving enough space for one of the others to land.

"Aye, nobody tosses a dwarf!" He replied solemnly. The tibbit's idea was a good one but the sturdy lump of steel that was Igni was probably a good enough anchoring point himself. He likely weighed more than any two of the others put together. Turning to those remaining to get across the dwarf held out his open hands.

"Ye can probably just jump across, it's not far. But before ye do, tie the rope around yer waist and toss me the other end. I'll anchor ye and can haul ye up in case ye fall." Igni was self aware enough to realise the irony in his words. "I have some experience in these things," He said with a grin.


Standard: Spontaneous Casting - sacrifice Read Magic for Cure Minor Wounds to heal Brody for 1HP

Move: Teleport across the pit using Blink Shirt


Igni Firebeard

Male Lawful Neutral Azerblood Dwarf

Level 3: Azerblood1/Cleric2 ll Totemist2/Wizard1

Initiative: -6, HP: 32/32, Speed: 30ft (15ft in Armour)

AC 24, Touch 10, Flat-footed 24, Fort 7, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2.25   

Attack: Masterwork Warhammer +8 (1d8+4, x3)

Defense: Dwarvencraft Mountain Plate, Dwarvencraft Gauntlet Shield (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Natural)

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 6

Active Effects: Darkvision 60ft, Fire Resist 10, Feather Fall, Endure Elements, Immune from Snow's breath weapon

Soulmelds: Blink Shirt (Bound to Totem Chakra, 2 Essentia invested), Wormtail Belt, Pegasus Cloak




Igni Firebeard

Fire Dwarf SmithIgni nods gratefully to Brody and Mezzina as he is hoisted slowly out of the pit. "Much appreciated," he murmured as he clambered over the edge of the pit and stood up, back on solid ground once more. He noted Brody's irritated expression and the blood from the small wound he had taken as a result of Igni's sudden fall and grimaced awkwardly. Without saying anything further he muttered a brief prayer to the Tender of the Forge and laid a gauntleted hand on the injury, a healing light restoring the flesh to normal in a moment.

Wordless apology conveyed, Igni turned to the problem of getting over the pit. With his Blink Shirt it wasn't a problem for him personally and he quickly teleported across to a spot beside Snow. The tibbit's idea was a good one but the sturdy lump of steel that was Igni was probably a good enough anchoring point himself. He likely weighed more than any two of the others put together. Turning to those remaining to get across the dwarf held out his open hands.

"Ye can probably just jump across, it's not far. But before ye do, tie the rope around yer waist and toss me the other end. I'll anchor ye and can haul ye up in case ye fall." Igni was self aware enough to realise the irony in his words. "I have some experience in these things," He said with a grin.


Standard: Spontaneous Casting - sacrifice Read Magic for Cure Minor Wounds to heal Brody for 1HP

Move: Teleport across the pit using Blink Shirt


Igni Firebeard

Male Lawful Neutral Azerblood Dwarf

Level 3: Azerblood1/Cleric2 ll Totemist2/Wizard1

Initiative: -6, HP: 32/32, Speed: 30ft (15ft in Armour)

AC 24, Touch 10, Flat-footed 24, Fort 7, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2.25   

Attack: Masterwork Warhammer +8 (1d8+4, x3)

Defense: Dwarvencraft Mountain Plate, Dwarvencraft Gauntlet Shield (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Natural)

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 6

Active Effects: Darkvision 60ft, Fire Resist 10, Feather Fall, Endure Elements, Immune from Snow's breath weapon

Soulmelds: Blink Shirt (Bound to Totem Chakra, 2 Essentia invested), Wormtail Belt, Pegasus Cloak




Igni Firebeard

Fire Dwarf SmithIgni nods gratefully to Brody and Mezzina as he is hoisted slowly out of the pit. "Much appreciated," he murmured as he clambered over the edge of the pit and stood up, back on solid ground once more. He noted Brody's irritated expression and the blood from the small wound he had taken as a result of Igni's sudden fall and grimaced awkwardly. Without saying anything further he muttered a brief prayer to the Tender of the Forge and laid a gauntleted hand on the injury, a healing light restoring the flesh to normal in a moment.

Wordless apology conveyed, Igni turned to the problem of getting over the pit. With his Blink Shirt it wasn't a problem for him personally and he quickly teleported across to a spot beside Snow. Turning back the dwarf held out his open hands.

"Ye can probably just jump across, it's not far. But before ye do, tie the rope around yer waist and toss me the other end. I'll anchor ye and can haul ye up in case ye fall." Igni was self aware enough to realise the irony in his words.
"I have some experience in these things," He said with a grin.


Standard: Spontaneous Casting - sacrifice Read Magic for Cure Minor Wounds to heal Brody for 1HP

Move: Teleport across the pit using Blink Shirt


Igni Firebeard

Male Lawful Neutral Azerblood Dwarf

Level 3: Azerblood1/Cleric2 ll Totemist2/Wizard1

Initiative: -6, HP: 32/32, Speed: 30ft (15ft in Armour)

AC 24, Touch 10, Flat-footed 24, Fort 7, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2.25   

Attack: Masterwork Warhammer +8 (1d8+4, x3)

Defense: Dwarvencraft Mountain Plate, Dwarvencraft Gauntlet Shield (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Natural)

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 6

Active Effects: Darkvision 60ft, Fire Resist 10, Feather Fall, Endure Elements, Immune from Snow's breath weapon

Soulmelds: Blink Shirt (Bound to Totem Chakra, 2 Essentia invested), Wormtail Belt, Pegasus Cloak


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