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Flaming DwarfIgni moved up beside Brody and Mezzina and pondered the riddle of the sign for a moment, considering what the others had said. Thieves and beholders were the obvious answers but perhaps it wasn't so simple.

"It's possible we're looking at this the wrong way. Perhaps we are the beholders and the path ahead has something beautiful, like a nymph or a bunch of fey. Maybe we are the thieves and the left path is full of traps only a thief could pass through. Can't be sure one way or another but I'm tempted to go for the beholder path. Hopefully that has something I can hit rather than a bunch of hidden traps. I'm not good at those as ye may have noticed!"

The dwarf would go whichever way the group decided as safety in numbers was absolutely the law of the dungeon. He'd already escaped one trap only through the help of his teammates and he wasn't about to go it alone in this place.


Igni Firebeard

Male Lawful Neutral Azerblood Dwarf

Level 3: Azerblood1/Cleric2 ll Totemist2/Wizard1

Initiative: -6, HP: 32/32, Speed: 30ft (15ft in Armour)

AC 24, Touch 10, Flat-footed 24, Fort 7, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2.25   

Attack: Masterwork Warhammer +8 (1d8+4, x3)

Defense: Dwarvencraft Mountain Plate, Dwarvencraft Gauntlet Shield (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Natural)

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 6

Active Effects: Darkvision 60ft, Fire Resist 10, Feather Fall, Endure Elements, Immune from Snow's breath weapon

Soulmelds: Blink Shirt (Bound to Totem Chakra, 2 Essentia invested), Wormtail Belt, Pegasus Cloak




Flaming DwarfIgni pondered the riddle of the sign for a moment and considered what the others had said. Thieves and beholders were the obvious answers but perhaps it wasn't so simple.

"It's possible we're looking at this the wrong way. Perhaps we are the beholders and the path ahead has something beautiful, like a nymph or a bunch of fey. Maybe we are the thieves and the left path is full of traps only a thief could pass through. Can't be sure one way or another but I'm tempted to go for the beholder path. Hopefully that has something I can hit rather than a bunch of hidden traps. I'm not good at those as ye may have noticed!"

The dwarf would go whichever way the group decided as safety in numbers was absolutely the law of the dungeon. He'd already escaped one trap only through the help of his teammates and he wasn't about to go it alone in this place.


Igni Firebeard

Male Lawful Neutral Azerblood Dwarf

Level 3: Azerblood1/Cleric2 ll Totemist2/Wizard1

Initiative: -6, HP: 32/32, Speed: 30ft (15ft in Armour)

AC 24, Touch 10, Flat-footed 24, Fort 7, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2.25   

Attack: Masterwork Warhammer +8 (1d8+4, x3)

Defense: Dwarvencraft Mountain Plate, Dwarvencraft Gauntlet Shield (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Natural)

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 6

Active Effects: Darkvision 60ft, Fire Resist 10, Feather Fall, Endure Elements, Immune from Snow's breath weapon

Soulmelds: Blink Shirt (Bound to Totem Chakra, 2 Essentia invested), Wormtail Belt, Pegasus Cloak


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