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Flaming DwarfDespite his initial disdain for the humans who had constructed this dungeon, Igni realised he had been overconfident. The narrow gap between the stones was not a flaw in their construction but a cunning trap and one which he spotted too late. He heard others cry out as the blade flashed up towards him at great speed but Igni's panic took magical effect and he vanished, reappearing with a thud a few feet back.

"Ye'll want to avoid that one," Igni remarked drily, indicating the trapped area. "It's unfriendly."

At that moment there was a crash behind him and a thousand daggerlike shards of glass fell from the ceiling along with a flailing noble, lacerating Mezzina as they fell. Ignoring the noble, who would likely have help from the organisers, the dwarf teleported across the glass covered ground and laid a gauntleted hand on the injured Maralith's shoulder, muttering a prayer to Tharmekhul and hoping his god wouldn't be too angry at the loss of his holy symbol to help out in a crisis.

As the healing light emanated from his palm, Igni whispered an idea to Brody who was beside him. The dwarf knew what he could do and what he could not and persuasion was not his forte. He indicated his intent by flicking his eyes upwards to the crowd. "See if ye can get them to drop us a healing potion or something. Appeal to their sense of fair play and sportsmanship if ye have to. After all, it's hardly a fair contest if a spectator's accident affects the outcome. Or the betting," he murmured.


Immediate: Abrupt Jaunt teleport 10ft south to avoid the trap

Move: Blink Shirt teleport to the square directly west of Mezzina

Standard: Sacrifice Bless (which can't be cast without a Divine Focus) to spontaneously cast CLW (which can be) on Mezzina


Igni Firebeard

Male Lawful Neutral Azerblood Dwarf

Level 3: Azerblood1/Cleric2 ll Totemist2/Wizard1

Initiative: -6, HP: 32/32, Speed: 30ft (15ft in Armour)

AC 24, Touch 10, Flat-footed 24, Fort 7, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2.25   

Attack: Masterwork Warhammer +8 (1d8+4, x3)

Defense: Dwarvencraft Mountain Plate, Dwarvencraft Gauntlet Shield (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Natural)

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 6

Active Effects: Darkvision 60ft, Fire Resist 10, Feather Fall, Endure Elements, Immune from Snow's breath weapon

Soulmelds: Blink Shirt (Bound to Totem Chakra, 2 Essentia invested), Wormtail Belt, Pegasus Cloak




Flaming DwarfDespite his initial disdain for the humans who had constructed this dungeon, Igni realised he had been overconfident. The narrow gap between the stones was not a flaw in their construction but a cunning trap and one which he spotted too late. He heard others cry out as the blade flashed up towards him at great speed but Igni's panic took magical effect and he vanished, reappearing with a thud a few feet back.

"Ye'll want to avoid that one," Igni remarked drily, indicating the trapped area. "It's unfriendly."

At that moment there was a crash behind him and a thousand daggerlike shards of glass fell from the ceiling along with a flailing noble, lacerating Mezzina as they fell. Ignoring the noble, who would likely have help from the organisers, the dwarf telepoorted across the glass covered ground and laid a gauntleted hand on the injured Maralith's shoulder, muttering a prayer to Tharmekhul and hoping his god wouldn't be too angry at the loss of his holy symbol to help out in a crisis.

As the healing light emanated from his palm, Igni whispered an idea to Brody who was beside him. The dwarf knew what he could do and what he could not and persuasion was not his forte. He indicated his intent by flicking his eyes upwards to the crowd. "See if ye can get them to drop us a healing potion or something. Appeal to their sense of fair play and sportsmanship if ye have to. After all, it's hardly a fair contest if a spectator's accident affects the outcome. Or the betting," he murmured.


Immediate: Abrupt Jaunt teleport 10ft south to avoid the trap

Move: Blink Shirt teleport to the square directly west of Mezzina

Standard: Sacrifice Bless (which can't be cast without a Divine Focus) to spontaneously cast CLW (which can be) on Mezzina


Igni Firebeard

Male Lawful Neutral Azerblood Dwarf

Level 3: Azerblood1/Cleric2 ll Totemist2/Wizard1

Initiative: -6, HP: 32/32, Speed: 30ft (15ft in Armour)

AC 24, Touch 10, Flat-footed 24, Fort 7, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2.25   

Attack: Masterwork Warhammer +8 (1d8+4, x3)

Defense: Dwarvencraft Mountain Plate, Dwarvencraft Gauntlet Shield (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Natural)

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 6

Active Effects: Darkvision 60ft, Fire Resist 10, Feather Fall, Endure Elements, Immune from Snow's breath weapon

Soulmelds: Blink Shirt (Bound to Totem Chakra, 2 Essentia invested), Wormtail Belt, Pegasus Cloak




Flaming DwarfDespite his initial disdain for the humans who had constructed this dungeon, Igni realised he had been overconfident. The narrow gap between the stones was not a flaw in their construction but a cunning trap and one which he spotted too late. He heard others cry out as the blade flashed up towards him at great speed but Igni's panic took magical effect and he vanished, reappearing with a thud a few feet back.

"Ye'll want to avoid that one," Igni remarked drily, indicating the trapped area. "It's unfriendly."

At that moment there was a crash behind him and a thousand daggerlike shards of glass fell from the ceiling along with a flailing noble, lacerating Mezzina as they fell. Ignoring the noble, who would likely have help from the organisers, the dwarf laid a gauntleted hand on the injured Maralith's shoulder and muttered a prayer to Tharmekhul, hoping his god wouldn't be too angry at the loss of his holy symbol to help out in a crisis.

As the healing light emanated from his palm, Igni whispered an idea to Brody who was beside him. The dwarf knew what he could do and what he could not and persuasion was not his forte. He indicated his intent by flicking his eyes upwards to the crowd. "See if ye can get them to drop us a healing potion or something. Appeal to their sense of fair play and sportsmanship if ye have to. After all, it's hardly a fair contest if a spectator's accident affects the outcome. Or the betting," he murmured.


Immediate: Abrupt Jaunt teleport 10ft south to avoid the trap

Move: Blink Shirt teleport to the square directly west of Mezzina

Standard: Sacrifice Bless (which can't be cast without a Divine Focus) to spontaneously cast CLW (which can be) on Mezzina


Igni Firebeard

Male Lawful Neutral Azerblood Dwarf

Level 3: Azerblood1/Cleric2 ll Totemist2/Wizard1

Initiative: -6, HP: 32/32, Speed: 30ft (15ft in Armour)

AC 24, Touch 10, Flat-footed 24, Fort 7, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2.25   

Attack: Masterwork Warhammer +8 (1d8+4, x3)

Defense: Dwarvencraft Mountain Plate, Dwarvencraft Gauntlet Shield (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Natural)

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 6

Active Effects: Darkvision 60ft, Fire Resist 10, Feather Fall, Endure Elements, Immune from Snow's breath weapon

Soulmelds: Blink Shirt (Bound to Totem Chakra, 2 Essentia invested), Wormtail Belt, Pegasus Cloak




Flaming DwarfDespite his initial disdain for the humans who had constructed this dungeon, Igni realised he had been overconfident. The narrow gap between the stones was not a flaw in their construction but a cunning trap and one which he spotted too late. He heard others cry out as the blade flashed up towards him at great speed but Igni's panic took magical effect and he vanished, reappearing with a thud a few feet back from the dangerous square.

"Ye'll want to avoid that one," Igni remarked drily, indicating the trapped area. "It's unfriendly."

At that moment there was a crash behind him and a thousand daggerlike shards of glass fell from the ceiling along with a flailing noble, lacerating Mezzina as they fell. Ignoring the noble, who would likely have help from the organisers, the dwarf laid a gauntleted hand on the injured Maralith's shoulder and muttered a prayer to Tharmekhul, hoping his god wouldn't be too angry at the loss of his holy symbol to help out in a crisis.

As the healing light emanated from his palm, Igni whispered an idea to Brody who was beside him. The dwarf knew what he could do and what he could not and persuasion was not his forte. He indicated his intent by flicking his eyes upwards to the crowd. "See if ye can get them to drop us a healing potion or something. Appeal to their sense of fair play and sportsmanship if ye have to. After all, it's hardly a fair contest if a spectator's accident affects the outcome. Or the betting," he murmured.


Immediate: Abrupt Jaunt teleport 10ft south to avoid the trap

Move: Blink Shirt teleport to the square directly west of Mezzina

Standard: Sacrifice Bless (which can't be cast without a Divine Focus) to spontaneously cast CLW (which can be) on Mezzina


Igni Firebeard

Male Lawful Neutral Azerblood Dwarf

Level 3: Azerblood1/Cleric2 ll Totemist2/Wizard1

Initiative: -6, HP: 32/32, Speed: 30ft (15ft in Armour)

AC 24, Touch 10, Flat-footed 24, Fort 7, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2.25   

Attack: Masterwork Warhammer +8 (1d8+4, x3)

Defense: Dwarvencraft Mountain Plate, Dwarvencraft Gauntlet Shield (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Natural)

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 6

Active Effects: Darkvision 60ft, Fire Resist 10, Feather Fall, Endure Elements, Immune from Snow's breath weapon

Soulmelds: Blink Shirt (Bound to Totem Chakra, 2 Essentia invested), Wormtail Belt, Pegasus Cloak




Flaming DwarfDespite his initial disdain for the humans who had constructed this dungeon, Igni realised he had been overconfident. The narrow gap between the stones was not a flaw in their construction but a cunning trap and one which he spotted too late. He heard others cry out as the blade flashed up towards him at great speed but Igni's panic took magical effect and he vanished, reappearing with a thud a few feet back from the dangerous square.

"Ye'll want to avoid that one," Igni remarked drily, indicating the trapped area. "It's unfriendly."

At that moment there was a crash behind him and a thousand daggerlike shards of glass fell from the ceiling along with a flailing noble, lacerating Mezzina as they fell. Ignoring the noble, who would likely have help from the organisers, the dwarf laid a gauntleted hand on the injured Maralith's shoulder and muttered a prayer to Tharmekhul, hoping his god wouldn't be too angry at the loss of his holy symbol to help out in a crisis.

As the healing light emanated from his palm, Igni whispered an idea to Brody who was beside him. The dwarf knew what he could do and what he could not and persuasion was not his forte. He indicated his intent by flicking his eyes upwards to the crowd. "See if ye can get them to drop us a healing potion or something. Appeal to their sense of fair play and sportsmanship if ye have to. After all, it's hardly a fair contest if a spectator's accident affects the outcome. Or the betting," he murmured.


Immediate: Abrupt Jaunt 10ft south to avoid the trap

Move: Teleport to the square directly west of Mezzina

Standard: Sacrifice Bless (which can't be cast without a Divine Focus) to spontaneously cast CLW (which can be) on Mezzina


Igni Firebeard

Male Lawful Neutral Azerblood Dwarf

Level 3: Azerblood1/Cleric2 ll Totemist2/Wizard1

Initiative: -6, HP: 32/32, Speed: 30ft (15ft in Armour)

AC 24, Touch 10, Flat-footed 24, Fort 7, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2.25   

Attack: Masterwork Warhammer +8 (1d8+4, x3)

Defense: Dwarvencraft Mountain Plate, Dwarvencraft Gauntlet Shield (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Natural)

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 6

Active Effects: Darkvision 60ft, Fire Resist 10, Feather Fall, Endure Elements, Immune from Snow's breath weapon

Soulmelds: Blink Shirt (Bound to Totem Chakra, 2 Essentia invested), Wormtail Belt, Pegasus Cloak


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