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"Aye, our boy Lewie knows what he signed up for. His ship's got more than enough armor to see it through." 
Then the green light goes on. A cheer rises from the assembled dwarves as the ships rocket out of the gate.
"The way we saw it, this is an endurance race. We'll follow along in our pitship just in case, but our expectation is Lewis can complete the course without resupply."


At the starting line:

Lewis grips the controls. "Otto, prepare broadcast for the moment of the green light."

[Affirmative. Ready.]


The dwarven ship's engines roar to life, a tail of flame and gas trailing behind as it rockets off along the track.
A comms broadcast starts; a bombastic dwarven drinking song set to thrumming guitars and beating drums.


Space-Kelp Cluster:

"Otto, ready maneuvering thrusters."

[Affirmative. Ready.]

The dwarven ship reduces its breakneck pace slightly as it enters the obstacle course, maneuvering thrusters firing to keep it on course... or more or less on course. The vessel handles well for a brick, but it's still basically a brick. It's armored prow smashes through some of the kelp along its way.

Unfortunately, the dwarven ship doesn't have the force necessary to break through. "Reverse thrusters. Plot us a new course, Otto."
This will cost valuable time going into the next leg.




"Aye, our boy Lewie knows what he signed up for. His ship's got more than enough armor to see it through." 
Then the green light goes on. A cheer rises from the assembled dwarves as the ships rocket out of the gate.
"The way we saw it, this is an endurance race. We'll follow along in our pitship just in case, but our expectation is Lewis can complete the course without resupply."


At the starting line:

Lewis grips the controls. "Otto, prepare broadcast for the moment of the green light."

[Affirmative. Ready.]


The dwarven ship's engines roar to life, a tail of flame and gas trailing behind as it rockets off along the track.
A comms broadcast starts; a bombastic dwarven drinking song set to thrumming guitars and beating drums.


Space-Kelp Cluster:

"Otto, ready maneuvering thrusters."

[Affirmative. Ready.]

The dwarven ship reduces its breakneck pace slightly as it enters the obstacle course, maneuvering thrusters firing to keep it on course... or more or less on course. The vessel handles well for a brick, but it's still basically a brick. It's armored prow smashes through some of the kelp along its way.

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