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On This 16 Tarsahk
in the Year 1492 DR,
the Year of Three Ships Sailing

The 16th Day of the Campaign18:00


"I see. Well, it's kind of a shame, but guess I can't argue with that. Um... Aaron is it? I think, maybe I aught to talk to your people. I kinda stumbled onto something, and guess it's divine. Think maybe you and yours can help me understand it a bit better." She offers an apologetic smile to Reinsmith. "Protecting the home's a really good thing to, just... don't think my powers came from mortal communities, you know?"

   “Aye, lass,” Reinsmith acknowledges, “Tha’s fine. ’Tis a shame ye won’t be joinin’ our ranks, but you’ll be in good hands with the Gauntlet!” All of a sudden, now that who you’ll be joining is decided, they seem like they’ve been friends all this time.

   “Divine?!” Aaron marvels. “Little wonder you’ve proven yourself an attractive asset to both our organizations! Not to mention I’ve heard tell that another one, Force Grey, will likely be contacting you lot, soon, too! Either way, you’ll need to come by the temple and get sworn in. I believe your friend, Pen has already been sworn in and he can give you the details of your first mission.”

   Reinsmith turns to Badmaw and says, “All very good points. We protect the cities and their people from threats, foreign and domestic, but we’re not prepared to become one to a guild of dung-sweepers by forcing them to lower their profits to bolster yours. Now, if they offer you a nicer rate, then far be it of me to stop them. However!” he says, before Badmaw can raise a fuss, “Promoting your new establishment is well within our ability. And given who we ultimately work for, you can imagine that we could have a very wealthy clientele clamoring to give you their custom.”
   “As for a writ,” he continues, “Those will be provided per job, and will apply specifically to that job. Head over to the Yawning Portal before you and your group go on your first mission, and Jalester Silvermane’ll have your writ ready for you.”

   “You prove yourself in your jobs, gain some renown, and those writs will get a lot broader in their scope and purpose, if you catch my drift. You’re certainly coveted, but let’s be honest with ourselves, you’re still just starting out as a cloak—a Warduke or Lioncrown you’re not! . . . Not yet, at least. I don’t see your progression up the ranks taking all that long if what you’ve achieved so far is any indication of what you’ve yet to achieve.”

Portraits & Statblocks






On This 16 Tarsahk
in the Year 1492 DR,
the Year of Three Ships Sailing

The 16th Day of the Campaign18:00


"I see. Well, it's kind of a shame, but guess I can't argue with that. Um... Aaron is it? I think, maybe I aught to talk to your people. I kinda stumbled onto something, and guess it's divine. Think maybe you and yours can help me understand it a bit better." She offers an apologetic smile to Reinsmith. "Protecting the home's a really good thing to, just... don't think my powers came from mortal communities, you know?"

   “Aye, lass,” Reinsmith acknowledges, “Tha’s fine. ’Tis a shame ye won’t be joinin’ our ranks, but you’ll be in good hands with the Gauntlet!” All of a sudden, now that who you’ll be joining is decided, they seem like they’ve been friends all this time.

   “Divine?!” Aaron marvels. “Little wonder you’ve proven yourself an attractive asset to both our organizations! Not to mention I’ve heard tell that another one, Force Grey, will likely be contacting you lot, soon, too! Either way, you’ll need to come by the temple and get sworn in. I believe your friend, Pen has already been sworn in and he can give you the details of your first mission.”

   Reinsmith turns to Badmaw and says, “All very good points. We protect the cities and their people from threats, foreign and domestic, but we’re not prepared to become one to a guild of dung-sweepers by forcing them to lower their profits to bolster yours. However!” he says, before Badmaw can raise a fuss, “Promoting your new establishment is well within our ability. And given who we ultimately work for, you can imagine that we could have a very wealthy clientele clamoring to give you their custom.”
   “As for a writ,” he continues, “Those will be provided per job, and will apply specifically to that job. Head over to the Yawning Portal before you and your group go on your first mission, and Jalester Silvermane’ll have your writ ready for you.”

   “You prove yourself in your jobs, gain some renown, and those writs will get a lot broader in their scope and purpose, if you catch my drift. You’re certainly coveted, but let’s be honest with ourselves, you’re still just starting out as a cloak—a Warduke or Lioncrown you’re not! . . . Not yet, at least. I don’t see your progression up the ranks taking all that long if what you’ve achieved so far is any indication of what you’ve yet to achieve.”

Portraits & Statblocks






On This 16 Tarsahk
in the Year 1492 DR,
the Year of Three Ships Sailing

The 16th Day of the Campaign18:00


"I see. Well, it's kind of a shame, but guess I can't argue with that. Um... Aaron is it? I think, maybe I aught to talk to your people. I kinda stumbled onto something, and guess it's divine. Think maybe you and yours can help me understand it a bit better." She offers an apologetic smile to Reinsmith. "Protecting the home's a really good thing to, just... don't think my powers came from mortal communities, you know?"

   “Aye, lass,” Reinsmith acknowledges, “Tha’s fine. ’Tis a shame ye won’t be joinin’ our ranks, but you’ll be in good hands with the Gauntlet!” All of a sudden, now that who you’ll be joining is decided, they seem like they’ve been friends all this time.

   “Divine?!” Aaron marvels. “Little wonder you’ve proven yourself an attractive asset to both our organizations! Not to mention I’ve heard tell that another one, Force Grey, will likely be contacting you lot, soon, too! Either way, you’ll need to come by the temple and get sworn in. I believe your friend, Pen has already been sworn in and he can give you the details of your first mission.”

   Reinsmith turns to Badmaw and says, “All very good points. We protect the cities and their people from threats, foreign and domestic, but we’re not prepared to become one to a guild of dung-sweepers by forcing them to lower their profits to bolster yours. However!” he says, before Badmaw can raise a fuss, “Promoting your new establishment is well within our ability. And given who we ultimately work for, you can imagine that we could have a very wealthy clientele clamoring to give you their custom.”
   “As for a writ,” he continues, “Those will be provided per job, and will apply specifically to that job. Head over to the Yawning Portal before you and your group go on your first mission, and Jalester Silvermane’ll have your writ ready for you.”

   “You prove yourself in your jobs, gain some renown, and those writs will get a lot broader in their scope and purpose, if you catch my drift. You’re certainly coveted, but let’s be honest with ourselves, you’re still just starting out as a cloak—a Warduke or Lioncrown you’re not! . . . Not yet, at least. I don’t see your progression up the ranks taking all that long if what you’ve achieved so far is any indication of what you’ve yet to achieve.”

Portraits & Statblocks



On 3/13/2024 at 1:46 AM, Peacemonger said:


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