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Safehouses (proposal)


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Ok, here's what I have for the safe houses.  21 points is too much or too little for one place, so I suggest two.  

One main house that we could stay in for a while if we needed to, and a bolthole that would be for emergencies.


Converted Warehouse on the Waterfront

Obviously a corporate apartment building or love nest, shouldn't invite too much scrutiny

14 dots
Size: 4
Luxury: 3 (Looks like a love nest)
Mondragora Garden: 2 (Basement?) Basically a blood investment bank, 2 blood donated raises a 4 blood crop in a month, which lasts until picked.
Security: 2 (electronic surveillance & motion detectors/security doors)
Secret Escape Route: 1 (Underwater)
Secret Entry: 1 (?)
Retainer: 1 (Maintenance, light cleaning, Security)


Bolthole (abandoned shack?)

3 dots
Size: 2
Secret Entry: 1

Fleet: 1

Sublime suggested a place in his domain, the waterfront.
That works for me. A little investment and we could have jet-skis or a couple small power boats for leaving in an emergency


The bolthole should be just outside of town, some ramshackle abandoned house or something.

Edited by FredRogers (see edit history)
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Note too that Marcus has an office/warehouse in the same area as his Domain.  It's 2 dots in size with 1 in security (because I can't do math the first time).  It's the head quarters of his company.  He would welcome investment into expanding it if anyone wanted to.  Moving to 4 dots in size would control the entire block, for example, and give us much needed space.  It's an option.  He has it as it either way.


Also, rules-wise:  I thought a new Background, bought with experience, costs 3 dots to start and 2xcurrent level to improve.


Under this rule, it would cost:

New Background: 3 dots

Size from 1 to 2: +2 dots

Size from 2 to 3: +4 dots (I'd recommend stopping here as this is a large building)

Size from 3 to 4: +6 dots 


Honestly, it gets a lot more complicated here.  Security is listed as just another dot that's specific to security.  In this case, that would make it:

Security 1 (total 4 to 5): +8 dots

Security 2 (total 5 to 6): +10 dots


Already just with a four dot size and 2 dot security, you're looking at way more than we have to invest.  The 1:1 point cost was for Freebie points at creation only.  @ArcaneDesperado Please tell me if I'm wrong.  Marcus would love to invest more in his Backgrounds.  hehe  And, I'm not trying to be a buzz-kill but I just had to redo, for a second time, ALL of my xp expenditures because I was on the same faulty logic of 1:1.

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