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The Men and Women of Project Utopia work hard to make our world a better place. But to whom they turn for support?

They call Team Tomorrow!

True guardians of justice, these real-life superheroes put their lives on the line for all of us!

They are led by Cestus Pax, the living embodiment of the ideals of Project Utopia!

But Thwarting Nova Terrorists is only part of their mission. Team Tomorrow is also responsible for:

  • Responding to disasters
  • Decreasing local crime
  • Improving Urban Infrastructure
  • and Helping people like you and me!


Team Tomorrow needs you, young nova! Bring your Mazarin-Rashoud Test results to your Local project Utopia branch and join up today!

The year is 2028, it's been 10 years since Novas have come to our world because of the incident and changed our world!

This chronicle uses the Trinity Continuum Aberrant rules by Onyx Path and as part of Team Tomorrow, it is a more traditional superheroes story about saving the world.


Novas have used their abilities to help improve technology here's the main 3 types of Technology, even if most baseline (normal people) call them Nova Tech:

-Core-tech: Nova-designed technology that can be replicated, mass-produced, and mostly understood by baseline designers.
-Nova tech: Technology created from the study of novas or their abilities, or created by novas, but understandable and usable by baselines.
-Quantum Tech: Technology created by and for novas and only usable by them due to their quantum-manipulating abilities.



Aberrant: 1) A common slur term for a nova, particularly one with various transformations. 2) A member of the violent Aberrants faction of the Teragen.

Nova: From Homo sapiens novus, a theoretical subspecies of humanity with the mental ability to manipulate fundamental quantum forces to perform amazing feats.

Eruption: The first manifestation of a potential nova’s abilities, often accompanied by a violent release of force or energy, which led to its name.




The Men and Women of Project Utopia work hard to make our world a better place. But to whom they turn for support?

They call Team Tomorrow!

True guardians of justice, these real-life superheroes put their lives on the line for all of us!

They are led by Cestus Pax, the living embodiment of the ideals of Project Utopia!

But Thwarting Nova Terrorists is only part of their mission. Team Tomorrow is also responsible for:

  • Responding to disasters
  • Decreasing local crime
  • Improving Urban Infrastructure
  • and Helping people like you and me!


Team Tomorrow needs you, young nova! Bring your Mazarin-Rashoud Test results to your Local project Utopia branch and join up today!

The year is 2028, it's been 10 years since Novas have come to our world because of the incident and changed our world!

This chronicle uses the Trinity Continuum Aberrant rules by Onyx Path and as part of Team Tomorrow, it is a more traditional superheroes story about saving the world.


Novas have used their abilities to help improve technology here's the main 3 types of Technology, even if most baseline (normal people) call them Nova Tech:

-core-tech: Nova-designed technology that can be replicated, mass-produced, and mostly understood by baseline designers.
-nova tech: Technology created from the study of novas or their abilities, or created by novas, but understandable and usable by baselines.
-Quantum Tech: Technology created by and for novas and only usable by them due to their quantum-manipulating abilities.



Aberrant: 1) A common slur term for a nova, particularly one with various transformations. 2) A member of the violent Aberrants faction of the Teragen.

Nova: From Homo sapiens novus, a theoretical subspecies of humanity with the mental ability to manipulate fundamental quantum forces to perform amazing feats.

Eruption: The first manifestation of a potential nova’s abilities, often accompanied by a violent release of force or energy, which led to its name.




The Men and Women of Project Utopia work hard to make our world a better place. But to whom they turn for support?

They call Team Tomorrow!

True guardians of justice, these real-life superheroes put their lives on the line for all of us!

They are led by Cestus Pax, the living embodiment of the ideals of Project Utopia!

But Thwarting Nova Terrorists is only part of their mission. Team Tomorrow is also responsible for:

  • Responding to disasters
  • Decreasing local crime
  • Improving Urban Infrastructure
  • and Helping people like you and me!


Team Tomorrow needs you, young nova! Bring your Mazarin-Rashoud Test results to your Local project Utopia branch and join up today!

The year is 2028, it's been 10 years since Novas have come to our world because of the incident and changed our world!

This chronicle uses the Trinity Continuum Aberrant rules by Onyx Path and as part of Team Tomorrow, it is a more traditional superheroes story about saving the world.



Aberrant: 1) A common slur term for a nova, particularly one with various transformations. 2) A member of the violent Aberrants faction of the Teragen.

Nova: From Homo sapiens novus, a theoretical subspecies of humanity with the mental ability to manipulate fundamental quantum forces to perform amazing feats.

Eruption: The first manifestation of a potential nova’s abilities, often accompanied by a violent release of force or energy, which led to its name.




Project Utopia focuses on making the world a better place but to protect themselves from people who would harm them...they need Team Tomorrow.






Aberrant: 1) A common slur term for a nova, particularly one with various transformations. 2) A member of the violent Aberrants faction of the Teragen.

Nova: From Homo sapiens novus, a theoretical subspecies of humanity with the mental ability to manipulate fundamental quantum forces to perform amazing feats.

Eruption: The first manifestation of a potential nova’s abilities, often accompanied by a violent release of force or energy, which led to its name.





Aberrant: 1) A common slur term for a nova, particularly one with various transformations. 2) A member of the violent Aberrants faction of the Teragen.

Nova: From Homo sapiens novus, a theoretical subspecies of humanity with the mental ability to manipulate fundamental quantum forces to perform amazing feats.

Eruption: The first manifestation of a potential nova’s abilities, often accompanied by a violent release of force or energy, which led to its name.




Aberrant: 1) A common slur term for a nova, particularly one with various transformations. 2) A member of the violent Aberrants faction of the Teragen.

Nova: From Homo sapiens novus, a theoretical subspecies of humanity with the mental ability to manipulate fundamental quantum forces to perform amazing feats.

Eruption: The first manifestation of a potential nova’s abilities, often accompanied by a violent release of force or energy, which led to its name.


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