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((Okay, so you each only moved 5 ft. then. Got it. Fang did not manage to land that crit since he is not flanking. I'll update the HP then.))

Almost forgot to check for trip.

Vs Trip

Fang and Gwain manage to harm another of the Acid Beasts, but unlike the humanoid Stalkers above, it stays on its feet easily against Fang's pull.



((Okay, so you each only moved 5 ft. then. Got it. Fang did not manage to land that crit since he is not flanking. I'll update the HP then.))

Almost forgot to check for trip.

Vs Trip:1d20+7



((Okay, so you each only moved 5 ft. then. Got it. Fang did not manage to land that crit since he is not flanking. I'll update the HP then.))

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