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Rocket Relm

Rocket Relm

1 hour ago, Stygian said:

Inside the Box

"Come on...! You could see that swing from a mile away!" Andrei hissed as Yihan was forced onto the back foot almost immediately. "Get moving, kid!"

In the Arena

"He never stops talking."
Yihan picked himself up, the sharp pain of broken ribs ripping breath from the duelist for a moment. Still, he withdraws from the Pugilarch's relentless blows and turns himself toward a target of seeming opportunity. With Keon's armor half-melted, there is an opportunity to press an advantage. While it may not be the most honorable thing, this was not a field of honor--but a carnival of death. And it was better to die fighting than wait for it to come to you.

He is slower than he might like, but he angles the falchion toward Keon's back, aiming to dig it right through the melted plates.


The Alliance's combatant is Yihan, a Bironian expatriate from Uhra. Yihan will be rolling at 2d6 and wielding a cusped falchion. He is wounded.

He is attacking Keon Night, played by @Rocket Relm. TN to beat is 8+ (tie goes to the attacker).



"Well, let it be done."

The warrior, still reeling, feels the presence of something around him. Rather, the tendril arms on the back do, which have their own limbs and claws. Thrusting backwards into a lunge like a wild beast, past the falchion to rip and tear and rend...

... the opponent, getting past that weapon. The man seems almost limp at this point, burnt and wavering, and it's the thing on the back doing the true fighting at this point. Gnawing and gnashing like an octupus crinking up a squid, gruesome and savage and getting blood all over.

The knight sizes up everyone else while his back armament has its feast.

Rocket Relm

Rocket Relm

1 hour ago, Stygian said:

Inside the Box

"Come on...! You could see that swing from a mile away!" Andrei hissed as Yihan was forced onto the back foot almost immediately. "Get moving, kid!"

In the Arena

"He never stops talking."
Yihan picked himself up, the sharp pain of broken ribs ripping breath from the duelist for a moment. Still, he withdraws from the Pugilarch's relentless blows and turns himself toward a target of seeming opportunity. With Keon's armor half-melted, there is an opportunity to press an advantage. While it may not be the most honorable thing, this was not a field of honor--but a carnival of death. And it was better to die fighting than wait for it to come to you.

He is slower than he might like, but he angles the falchion toward Keon's back, aiming to dig it right through the melted plates.


The Alliance's combatant is Yihan, a Bironian expatriate from Uhra. Yihan will be rolling at 2d6 and wielding a cusped falchion. He is wounded.

He is attacking Keon Night, played by @Rocket Relm. TN to beat is 8+ (tie goes to the attacker).



"Well, let is be done."

The warrior, still reeling, feels the presence of something around him. Rather, the tendril arms on the back do, which have their own limbs and claws. Thrusting backwards into a lunge like a wild beast, past the falchion to rip and tear and rend...

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