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Vyl Or Lohar (Ridgeborne Galapa Syndicate Rogue)


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Vyl Or Lohar Level 1 Ridgeborne Galapa Syndicate Rogue

Evasion 11 | Armor 9, 0/3 | Thresholds 4, 9, 14 | HP 0/6 | Stress 0/5 | Hope 2/5 | Proficiency 1

Heritage: Ridgeborne Galapa

The peak tortoises are a reclusive lot, living in secluded communities high in the mountains, where they cling to strange, old philosophies and regard other creatures with an odd condescension. The few who have trafficked with the peak tortoises often feel as though they are being judged for something that the shorter-lived species have no hope of remembering.


What Bare Rock Can Tell (+2): Peak Tortoises are well adapted for hiding in their native habitats, their rock-like skins and shells allowing them to appear like boulders when their limbs and heads are tucked in. As such, they are also keenly aware that stone is not always what it seems, and have a special sense for secrets hidden in rock.

Blasphemer (+1): Vyl Or has defied the sacred principles of his people, and the philosophy he was raised in views the gods of other species with some contempt. This gives him a knack for skirting or violating the edicts and magics of religious orders, and gives him a means of identifying with those disaffected by religion.


Agility +1 (bonus from rapier), Strength -1, Finesse +1, Instinct 0, Presence +2, Knowledge +1


Rapier, Dagger, Chainmail, Torch, Rope (50 ft), Basic Supplies, Minor Stamina Potion, Forgery Tools, Handful of Gold


Vyl Or's stony hide is a rough, varied gray, with a few whiter streaks that look like quartz inclusions. His eyes are an amber color reminiscent of tiger's eye gemstones, and he blinks with a slowness that would appear to be sleepiness, if not for the intense focus in his large pupils. He girds his limbs and neck in chainmail to protect his softer areas, and wears a dark gray shrouding about his shoulders—a common fashion among his people.


What did you get caught doing that had you exiled from your home community? While not exiled per se, Vyl Or is not particularly welcome in his original home, and several in the Clave Lohar wish to formally disown him in the Rite of Unnaming, though they have been less motivated to go through with it in his absence. The peak tortoises consider their mountain homes to be sacred, and rarely tolerate the extraction of minerals from the earth, especially ores and crystals of magical power, the use of which by other species is held to be blasphemous. Vyl Or was caught passing some of these minerals to outsiders, and he smartly used the proceeds to leave his homeland.

You used to have a different life from this one that you've tried to leave behind you. Who from that life is still chasing you? The Clave Avarh has long feuded with the Clave Lohar, and some among that family see Vyl Or's separation from the Clave Lohar as an opportunity to strike while he is vulnerable. Though it may be hard to spot a peak tortoise on the mountainside, it is rather easy to find one that makes its home in the communities of other species, and they could start tracking him down any day now.

Who from that other life were you most sad to say goodbye to? Vyl Or is not sad to have said goodbye to his elder sister, Nim Kul, but is sad that he had no chance to say goodbye before he left. Nim Kul questions the philosophy of the peak tortoises at least as much as Vyl Or, though she has the good sense not to share her disagreements publicly, and is not so easily blinded by greed.

Domain Cards


Enrapture (Spell)

Deft Deceiver (Ability)

I hope I am not being a bother by shoehorning a character in at the last minute.

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