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cowboy3.pngGaron Ammakyl

Human Noble Paladin

AC 18 | HP 12/12 (1/1d10 +2) | Sense 4/4 | LoH 5/5
Str 16 | Dex 12 | Con 14 | Int 10 | Wis 12 | Cha 16

Spellcasting +5 DC 13 | Cantrips | Shield 1/1

IC: “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,'  | My actions

When Thordin starts charging toward the goblins, Garon looks back at the cover of the temple. Goblins are sneaky and can lead a force into an ambush. Plus, this courtyard is out in the open and best for archers. Garon heads toward the next building sheathing his longsword and calling out, "take cover from the archers! Beware of ambushes, Thordin!"

With his back against a wall, he points a finger at the furthest goblin and ignites it with, "Fuego!" The bolt of fire flies true but just singes the goblin, hopefully getting it to retreat.


Right hand: Empty
Left hand: Shield

Use Object sheathe Longsword

Move to V21

Action Cast Firebolt at Goblin 4

Reaction Cast Shield if hit and worth it


To Whom It May Concern . . .

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cowboy3.pngGaron Ammakyl

Human Noble Paladin

AC 18 | HP 12/12 (1/1d10 +2) | Sense 4/4 | LoH 5/5
Str 16 | Dex 12 | Con 14 | Int 10 | Wis 12 | Cha 16

Spellcasting +5 DC 13 | Cantrips | Shield 1/1

IC: “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,'  | My actions

When Thordin starts charging toward the goblins, Garon looks back at the cover of the temple. Goblins are sneaky and can lead a force into an ambush. Plus, this courtyard is out in the open and best for archers. Garon heads toward the next building sheathing his longsword and calling out, "take cover from the archers! Beware of ambushes, Thordin!"

With his back against a wall, he points a finger at the furthest goblin and ignites it with, "Fuego!"


Right hand: Empty
Left hand: Shield

Use Object sheathe Longsword

Move to V21

Action Cast Firebolt at Goblin 4

Reaction Cast Shield if hit and worth it


To Whom It May Concern . . .

Put Player mention tags, and any particular notes in here.

cowboy3.pngGaron Ammakyl

Human Noble Paladin

AC 18 | HP 12/12 (1/1d10 +2) | Sense 4/4 | LoH 5/5
Str 16 | Dex 12 | Con 14 | Int 10 | Wis 12 | Cha 16

Spellcasting +5 DC 13 | Cantrips | Shield 1/1

IC: “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,'  | My actions

When Thordin starts charging toward the goblins, Garon looks back at the cover of the temple. Goblins are sneaky and can lead a force into an ambush. Plus, this courtyard is out in the open and best for archers. Garon heads toward the next building sheathing his longsword and calling out, "take cover from the archers! Beware of ambushes, Thordin!"

With his back against a wall, he points a finger at the furthest goblin and ignites it with, "Fuego!"


Right hand: Empty
Left hand: Shield

Use Object sheathe Longsword

Move to V21

Action Attack Goblin 4

Reaction Cast Shield if hit and worth it


To Whom It May Concern . . .

Put Player mention tags, and any particular notes in here.

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