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The rumor mill has it that Eddie is set up in a town two days out called El Corazon. The word is he moved in and just took over the town. El Corazon was a mining hub for lead and silver until the veins dried up. It had a population of 400 people at it's peak but is more likely a tenth of that now. It's situated on the side of a mountain filled with open mining shafts and boarded up holes of death. There's not much risk of poison gas there, but don't drink the water.



The rumor mill has it that Eddie is set up in a town two days out called El Corazon. The word is he moved in and just took over the town. El Corazon was a mining hub for lead and silver until the veins dried up. It had a population of 400 people at it's peak but is more likely a tenth of that now. It's situated on the side of a mountain filled with open mining shafts and boarded up holes of death.

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