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  1. I'll take Marina and Jason. Initially:
    • Arrangement established approx 1 year ago. Marina heals Jason through sex. They have feelings for each other but hide them.
    • Jason meets Juma when he possesses Marina during the standard morning ritual. Juma charges Jason with looking after Marina and challenges him to be a cacique (PR native term for "chief": a tie-in to Marina's heritage as his great x infinity-niece and Jason's police dynasty family)
    • Marina and Jason gradually fall in love but don't talk about it. He spends more time at her place until eventually they have a very significant 24 hours between the balcony at her apartment and a fight at his, where they say, "I love you"
    • Jason surprises Marina with the suggestion of buying a house together. He plans on selling his townhouse and Marina would give up her apartment.
  2. 🎲 Arcane_Desperado 🎸Today at 7:23 PM

    CCPD has corruption, Sarah shot Jason, but thats still an unknown. She was somehow related to Eric's murder. Vampires potentially involved with the police corruption as well. Sarah or some vampires helped break out the serial killer that Jason was able to capture thanks to first contract he made with Rati
  3. AkwehawkToday at 7:24 PM

    Daemon inherited the family business; bound with an ancient ghost;
    • doing it ten years to game time
      • met Marina about two years in and they would exchange jobs
      • Daemon is consistently lied to by Gabriel (have since reached some type of understanding) and had feelings for Marina
      • Found out Gabriel lied and planned on advancing relationship with her; same time Jason enters picture so Daemon backs off, will do anything for her
      • Daemon increasingly erratic and reckless; working on coming to terms with it
      • Daemon and Gabriel now work together in "sync", so essentially Gabriels powers are Daemons
  4. Falene (Larissa O'Neil)Today at 7:33 PM

    Marina herself:
    • initially afraid but Juma has been a leader and support for her
    • she is the daughter of Jumas sister many generations ago. She is what he calls bohíque: a priest/spiritual communicator for the Taíno tribe
    • Juma and Marina connect daily through a morning ritual before sunrise
    • Marina has integrated Juma's lessons and is less afraid, more confident, and has regular communicates with spirits
    • Marina helps with mainly "soft" jobs: helping families and ghosts achieve peace
    • Marina's ghostly communication/channeling makes her face take on a fuck-me-eyes (MW translation: bedroom eyes) expression. Jason gave her his aviators to disguise the look when in public. She bought him designer replacement aviators.
    • Juma is invested in developing Jason into a leader for Marina, since he knows he won't be around forever if Marina achieves his goals
  5. [7:37 PM]
    Marina and Daemon:
    • met about ten years ago and decleoped a friendship. He took the harder, violent jobs. She took the jobs that required a more delicate touch
    • once close friends, now somewhat weirdly distant as they navigate their relationship With Jason as he love interest despite Daemon's feelings
    • Daemon left after seeing Jason and Marina together, which triggered her abandonment issues
    • Marina will still do anything for Daemon, but she's reserved in her expression at the moment
  6. [7:38 PM]
    Johan is someone Marina enjoys the finer things in life with: art, culture, etc. Nero is her constant companion and beloved (read: spoiled) pet
  7. AkwehawkToday at 7:43 PM

    Daemon also;
    • he is paid by sponsors (church, and possibly Venatori if allowed)
      • he has a network of contact (other hunters) he sometimes works with
      • his brand (which binds Gabriel to him) burns when in the presence of supernatural, he learned to interpret the sensation amongst supers he knows
      • Daemon "broke", burned his estate (since rebuilt) to the ground, sent Marina a letter confessing all his secrets and tried to kill himself
      • Gabriel stopped him and he left the country for about 3 months, returned to Marina. Shortly after a vampire (same one Jason's ex is apparently worked with) became a problem. That was dealt with.
      • Now Daemon is distancing himself from them for a bit to get his head on straight
  8. 🎲 Arcane_Desperado 🎸Today at 7:52 PM

    A lot of Jason's stuff has been covered amid other peoples stuff Lots of covert sneaking into locations "off the books" to try and dig up more on the corruption that ties into drug dealing and illegal weapons.
    Lots of fights. Hence more time at Maria's
    Utilizing more contracts. Some on a temp basis, some more long term.
    Learning to hone powers and payment with them.
    Set up "Brinks" as a security system in Maria's apartment, that has the 911 call list if something happens to her. Paging everyone on the list (all the PCs) and the police department. (edited)
  9. [7:53 PM]
    Made the contract with Wadjet for the "Nuclear Option"
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