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Character Creation

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 Character Creation



Those strong and able, seeking gold or renown.

Within the caverns of the Craven Valley lies the temple of a Dead God, within it my son entered almost two weeks ago.

Please learn what has happened to him, and if alive bring him back.

Fifth payment made at entrance of cavern, remainder on evidence of death or safe return.


The message on the quest board was simple, in a small town in the middle of nowhere. It is something you and your team could deal with, so taking on the quest was a no brainer. Little did you know that this little cavern is a one way journey, those that enter never get out.


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You will be a group of characters that all know each other, and perhaps friends, family or just a group that have done a few jobs already. The only thing that matters is for the most part you like and trust each other (or at least, the majority of the team). I will judge character separately, and after the players are accepted there will be a brief period to allow all players to chat and merge backstories a little.


Below is what is required for character creation.

  • Create a public thread.
  • You will be level 1
    • Common classes only (no gunslinger or inventor).
    • Common and uncommon ancestries are allowed.
    • Common and uncommon backgrounds are allowed.
    • Starting gold is 20 gp, this is base 15gp from character creation + 5gp from the quests pre-payment.


  • Give and overview of the mechanics for you character, e.g. "I am playing a Champion who intends to be on the front lines, taking all the damage."
    • You do not need to create a sheet at the start, however you can if you want.


  • Describe the character, how to they look and what is their personality? I want to get an idea of how they will interact with people.
    • This rouge-like dungeon crawl is all about getting to the end of the dungeon and getting out. Meaning, you character needs a strong reason to always try and get out, to push forward and return to the real world.
    • If a character decides, I give up, I am just going to live in this cave, they have basically died at that point. If you decide this fits the character for one reason or another, we can look at introducing a new character.


  • Brief history, though don't go over the top. Once you enter the dungeon the outside world will not matter as much.
    • I will pull from your story to create interesting NPCs etc within the dungeon, so do have something of note. You simply do not need to write 1000 words.
    • We are not playing in a pre-set world, so you are welcome to create names of cities and the like and I will integrate them into the game.


  • Secrets, within your application use the private tags and create a minimum of two secrets.
    • These should be things that make your characters life a bit more troublesome, something not known by other players.


The Dead line for this is the XXX of YYY.

Edited by darkhugh (see edit history)
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