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From Ironsworn Core Rulebook

  • Alchemist
  • Animal Kin
  • Banner-Sworn
  • Battle-Scarred
  • Blade-Bound
  • Bonded
  • Commander
  • Dancer
  • Devotant
  • Empowered
  • Fated
  • Fortune Hunter
  • Herbalist
  • Honorbound
  • Improviser
  • Infiltrator
  • Lorekeeper
  • Loyalist
  • Masked
  • Oathbreaker
  • Outcast
  • Pretender
  • Rider
  • Ritualist
  • Shadow-Kin
  • Sighted
  • Slayer
  • Spirit-Bound
  • Storyweaver
  • Trickster
  • Veteran
  • Waterborn
  • Wayfinder
  • Weapon-master
  • Wildblood
  • Wright

Homebrew/Setting Inspired

  • Hermit
  • Faerie-Bound
  • Farmer


From Ironsmith

  • Scholar
  • Way of Sacrifice
  • Beast-Bonded (Builds on Animal-Kin)
  • Druidic Influence
  • Earthborn
Edited by Varon777 (see edit history)
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Combat Talents


From Ironsworn Core Rulebook

  • Archer
  • Berserker
  • Brawler
  • Cutthroat
  • Duelist
  • Fletcher
  • Ironclad
  • Long-Arm
  • Shield-Bearer
  • Skirmisher
  • Slinger
  • Sunderer
  • Swordmaster
  • Thunder-Bringer


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From Ironsworn Core Rulebook

  • Augur
  • Bind
  • Communion
  • Divination
  • Invoke
  • Keen
  • Lightbearer
  • Scry
  • Shadow-Walk
  • Sway
  • Talisman
  • Tether
  • Totem
  • Ward

Homebrew/Setting Hacks

  • Glamour
  • Gramercy
  • Enchantment
  • Spellsong

From Ironsmith

  • Ancestral Knowledge
  • Protection
  • Soul of the Beast
  • True Namer
Edited by Varon777 (see edit history)
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