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Ability score: Standard array or 22 point buy
Allowed Sources: Any WOTC books, including Dragon magazine or Essentials line

Level: You will be starting at Level 5

Themes: Allowed

Background Traits: 1 Allowed

Allowed Races: Any, you are in a trading port that is also at the end road of a dwarven trading route, so a lot of races do journey there, although some are more rare than others.

Allowed Classes: Any, including Hybrid classes

Feats: You will receive an additional level 1 feat



Ability Scores: Standard Array or Point Buy (22 Points, as per PHB)

Allowed Source Books: Any official WotC sources (including the Essentials line and Dragon articles).

Allowed Classes: Any, including Hybrids

Allowed Races: Any

Themes: Allowed

Background Traits: Take one

Starting level: 1

Feats: One extra feat at level 1

Other than that a decent background, worthy for a level 1 character, a short personality and appearance blurb and character picture.

Feel free to ask questions in this thread.

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