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Tala Silvergrave

Tala glanced down at the kobold then lifted her shield up from it's spade-like rest in the dirt; it was at least half again taller than their captive and the cleric set it down beside the kobold as though to underscore the point.


"I mean - " she shrugged again, giving Astrid's point actual consideration before answering.  " - t'was faster work for large hands than small, and we barely came to terms amongst ourselves to let him bring us hither.  I can't see us agreeing down to a woman to loose his bounds long enough to be useful."


"Were I cleverer I might suggest that having the small one do the digging and thereby delaying us here would give rise to a better chance to ambush but truth is I had no thought of it at the time; if'n an elf saw fit to outdig the dwarves I'd not doubt her or be the last to strike the earth." another shrug.  Sometimes reasons were just reasons, after all.  They needn't all be GOOD ones.


"So . . . we're just standing around the box then?"  The cleric looks to the party for a long second, waiting for someone to step up before sighing and doing so herself.


"Best all stand behind me then."


And with that she raised her shield and looked to come down with it on the hasp, attempting to smash it open . . .

Out Of Character

Unless someone steps up to play the thief, Tala will open the box - battering open the lid with her shield on the wildly misguided theory that it would offer some protection were it trapped.  I have no concerns about this plan.  😑




Tala Silvergrave

Tala glanced down at the kobold then lifted her shield up from it's spade-like rest in the dirt; it was at least half again taller than their captive and the cleric set it down beside the kobold as though to underscore the point.


"I mean - " she shrugged again, giving Astrid's point actual consideration before answering.  " - t'was faster work for large hands than small, and we barely came to terms amongst ourselves to let him bring us hither.  I can't see us agreeing to a woman to loose his bonunds long enough to be useful."


"Were I cleverer I might suggest that having the small one do the digging and thereby delaying us here would give rise to a better chance to ambush but truth is I had no thought of it at the time; if'n an elf saw fit to outdig the dwarves I'd not doubt her or be the last to strike the earth." another shrug.  Sometimes reasons were just reasons, after all.  They needn't all be GOOD ones.


"So . . . we're just standing around the box then?"  The cleric looks to the party for a long second, waiting for someone to step up before sighing and doing so herself.


"Best all stand behind me then."


And with that she raised her shield and looked to come down with it on the hasp, attempting to smash it open . . .

Out Of Character

Unless someone steps up to play the thief, Tala will open the box - battering open the lid with her shield on the wildly misguided theory that it would offer some protection were it trapped.  I have no concerns about this plan.  😑


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