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Rider Z

Rider Z

Lerris Ninthborne

It ain't simple, that I can say for sure. Doing the right thing I mean. Spent fourteen long years trying to find out what the right thing was and even then it took having a noose wrapped around my neck to learn. But suppose I did figure it out, in the end. It's not about grand causes, unattainable ideals, or any such nonsense. For some men, it's just about waking up and deciding that today you're gonna be better... and maybe by the end of the day the world will be a bit better too.

~ Lerris Ninthborne, drunkenly yapping into the ear of some barmate before the Stolen Lands expedition.

A rare short-haired and (mostly) clean-shaven



Lerris Ninthborne in his regular, every-day attire.


Name: Lerris Ninthborne
Class:  Champion (Paladin)
Race: Human
Alignment: LG (Resident buzzkill)
Background: Local Brigand
Archetype:  Marshal or Blessed One 
Kingdom Role: General, Warden, or (gods-forbid) Ruler
Party Role:  Decent Survivalist, Fantastic Workmule, Good Face 



In another life, Lerris Ninthborne might have been considered a handsome man. Pretty even. His tallness is particularly impressive, standing well above six feet and in turn higher than average man. He's built decently well, strength being apparent in both his arms and chest. Though he does lean towards gauntness rather than being lean. His eyes are soft and brown, resembling ones that you might find on a grinning child rather than such a rough man. Indeed, there was a life for Lerris where he might have been considered of average handsomeness... but not in this life.


Ragged scars carve their way down his face which reveal a hard life of receiving, and likely inflicting, pain. Long matted hair and rugged garments show a man who wither cares very little for his physical appearance, or simply has no time for it. Missing fingers on each hand signify either a life focused on carpentry, or bladework... but the long blade sitting evenly at his side proves his expertise to be focused on the latter. And then there's the simple matter of how he carries himself. Sure he speaks kindly and of such nice things, but his stance resembles less of a man and more of a stray dog. A dog that has been starved for quite some time and is eager for it's next meal.


Overall, Lerris looks like he'd be the perfect fit for the Stag Lord's crew rather than a member of the righteous band trying to free the Stolen Land's from the villain. But looks can be deceiving, especially when one doesn't recognize the hanging charm of an Empyreal Lord around his neck, or mistakes the scars and missing fingers as the result of a reckless life... rather than lessons deeply cherished.


A rare picture of Lerris with his

hair cut short.



A pensive and friendly man, Lerris Ninthborne is a walking contradiction. While his appearance rightfully screams danger and ill fortune to any who would cross his path, the man's easy smile says anything but. Quick with a smirk and a laugh following a bad joke, Lerris could be described as easy-going. Perhaps even charming if you can get past the smell. Always looking to make a new friend, especially as the expedition into the Stolen Lands draws ever nearer, despite his horrifying face Lerris is the perfect picture of friendliness.


However, beneath all of that there is something both pensive and stalwart to Lerris. Despite his penchant for bad jokes, not bathing, and occasional drunkenness. Lerris has a streak of idealism to him. Lessons hard learned from a life of squalor and evading the law have strangely combined to form what might be called a common man's chivalry. This genuine belief in doing what's right is what drives him to help tame the Stolen Lands.


Overall there's a simplicity to Lerris. Ideals that can only be described as chivalrous combine with a straight-forward friendliness and earnest desire to do some good for the world. Indeed, such a combination paints a vivid and strange picture of a man. What is not known however, is just what circumstances could lead to such a strange picture in the first place.



Lerris looking all emo, because you always need one of 

those shots in the portfolio.



Some men are destined for great things from birth. To champion good causes, to lead just soldiers into battle, or to wear a crown. Lerris was born to wear a noose. Born on the lawless edges between Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, Lerris found himself belonging to a family that already had too many mouths to feed. Childhood was brief a cruel to Lerris, used up for all he was worth by family and then tossed to the side the moment he could fend for himself. 


By 8 Lerris had joined a gang, by 12 he had killed a man, by 16 he had a bounty, and by 20 he was set to be hanged. So was the cruel hand fate had dealt him, not that he had much room to complain. He wasn't the only one dealt such a hand and he wouldn't be the last. He had made his choices and he wasn't about to go crying about unfairness or any such nonsense once the consequences caught up to him. There were no two ways about it, he may have just been killing for bread... but he had killed nonetheless. No, Lerris would face the noose proudly. Head held up high, no tears, and a simple few words to the gods asking that he was judged fairly. And that was how Lerris fell from the gallows, with his pride intact and heart at peace...


It was also how he fell the second time, after the rope had snapped during the first. And how he had stood the third when the wood beneath him wouldn't give out. Nine times they tried to hang him, each time the circumstances by which he was saved grew more and more comedic until finally they gave up on hanging him altogether. And just like that, fate had changed for Lerris. He served three more years in a prison, then was tossed out when the warden decided he didn't want the "Ninthborne" under his office anymore. 


So it was that Lerris found himself alone again. Born the ninth child in a family that had no care for him, ninth to be hanged for a crime all of his own fault, and nine times executed... only for the rope to break nine times. Such coincidences would shake any man, shake him so badly that he might reconsider everything that he's ever known. And it did make Lerris reconsider. He'd been given another chance and he wasn't too keen on wasting it away stealing silver and bread from unwitting merchants on the road. No, he would make a difference. 


Now Lerris Ninthborne finds himself soon to depart for the Stolen Lands. He had no delusions about wearing a crown himself, sooner would Aroden come back to life before you would find anyone bowing their head to old Lerris Ninthborne. But the land is ailing and in desperate need of redemption. And while is by no means a diplomat or politician, he is well-versed in matters of the blade and perhaps even moreso in matters of redemption.



A face shot of Lerris' handsome ugly





Just for a moment I'd like to talk about Lerris from an OOC perspective. Namely in what I'm going for with him, inspirations, and etc... 

Lerris is very much a play on the "mysterious dangerous man with a bad past" sort of trope. The archetypal cowboy who blows through town, doesn't say much, solves the problem and then leaves because they can't risk their past catching up to them. The catch though is that Lerris is meant to be sort of a flip on that. He's not the quite type, instead he probably talks a bit too much and is always the first with a bad joke or friendly laugh. He isn't particularly focused on dwelling on his past, it effects him sure and it's not something easily forgettable... but he's focused on making the future better rather than the past worse. And finally he certainly wants nothing more than to lay down some roots rather than staying a vagabond as a form of self-inflicted, masochistic, penance. 


Overall I wanted to make sort of a stereotypical "bad man looking for redemption" and instead of playing him as miserable, try to play him as someone genuinely trying to enjoy the good life has to offer rather than continuing to dwell in a sorrowful pit of his own creation. While I think playing the quiet and stoic hero is genuinely fun and interesting, I thought it best to go for someone a little bit more warm and outgoing for something like Kingmaker where I imagine actively making connections with both other party members and NPCs will bring out the best in the story.


Inspiration wise, Lerris takes mainly after that archetypal outlaw/cowboy as I mentioned before. As well as a little dash of Logen Ninefingers from the First Law Trilogy, whom serves as his visual inspiration. Finally Lerris' history is inspired by the character Alwyn Scribe from The Pariah. A book that I really wish I enjoyed more.


Rider Z

Rider Z

Lerris Ninthborne

It ain't simple, that I can say for sure. Doing the right thing I mean. Spent fourteen long years trying to find out what the right thing was and even then it took having a noose wrapped around my neck to learn. But suppose I did figure it out, in the end. It's not about grand causes, unattainable ideals, or any such nonsense. For some men, it's just about waking up and deciding that today you're gonna be better... and maybe by the end of the day the world will be a bit better too.

~ Lerris Ninthborne, drunkenly yapping into the ear of some barmate before the Stolen Lands expedition.

A rare short-haired and (mostly) clean-shaven



Lerris Ninthborne in his regular, every-day attire.


Name: Lerris Ninthborne
Class:  Champion (Paladin)
Race: Human
Alignment: LG (Resident buzzkill)
Background: Local Brigand
Archetype:  Marshal or Blessed One 
Kingdom Role: General, Warden, or (gods-forbid) Ruler
Party Role:  Decent Survivalist, Fantastic Workmule, Good Face 



In another life, Lerris Ninthborne might have been considered a handsome man. Pretty even. But not in this life. Ragged scars carve their way down his face which reveal a hard life of receiving, and likely inflicting, pain. Long matted hair and rugged garments show a man who cares very little, if at all, for physical appearance. Missing fingers on each hand signify either a life focused on carpentry, or bladework... but the long blade sitting evenly at his side proves his expertise to be focused on the latter.


Overall, Lerris looks like he'd be the perfect fit for the Stag Lord's crew rather than a member of the righteous band trying to free the Stolen Land's from the villain. But looks can be deceiving, especially when one doesn't recognize the hanging charm of an Empyreal Lord around his neck, or mistakes the scars and missing fingers as the result of a reckless life... rather than lessons deeply cherished.


A rare picture of Lerris with his

hair cut short.



A pensive and friendly man, Lerris Ninthborne is a walking contradiction. While his appearance rightfully screams danger and ill fortune to any who would cross his path, the man's easy smile says anything but. Quick with a smirk and a laugh following a bad joke, Lerris could be described as easy-going. Perhaps even charming if you can get past the smell. Always looking to make a new friend, especially as the expedition into the Stolen Lands draws ever nearer, despite his horrifying face Lerris is the perfect picture of friendliness.


However, beneath all of that there is something both pensive and stalwart to Lerris. Despite his penchant for bad jokes, not bathing, and occasional drunkenness. Lerris has a streak of idealism to him. Lessons hard learned from a life of squalor and evading the law have strangely combined to form what might be called a common man's chivalry. This genuine belief in doing what's right is what drives him to help tame the Stolen Lands.


Overall there's a simplicity to Lerris. Ideals that can only be described as chivalrous combine with a straight-forward friendliness and earnest desire to do some good for the world. Indeed, such a combination paints a vivid and strange picture of a man. What is not known however, is just what circumstances could lead to such a strange picture in the first place.



Lerris looking all emo, because you always need one of 

those shots in the portfolio.



Some men are destined for great things from birth. To champion good causes, to lead just soldiers into battle, or to wear a crown. Lerris was born to wear a noose. Born on the lawless edges between Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, Lerris found himself belonging to a family that already had too many mouths to feed. Childhood was brief a cruel to Lerris, used up for all he was worth by family and then tossed to the side the moment he could fend for himself. 


By 8 Lerris had joined a gang, by 12 he had killed a man, by 16 he had a bounty, and by 20 he was set to be hanged. So was the cruel hand fate had dealt him, not that he had much room to complain. He wasn't the only one dealt such a hand and he wouldn't be the last. He had made his choices and he wasn't about to go crying about unfairness or any such nonsense once the consequences caught up to him. There were no two ways about it, he may have just been killing for bread... but he had killed nonetheless. No, Lerris would face the noose proudly. Head held up high, no tears, and a simple few words to the gods asking that he was judged fairly. And that was how Lerris fell from the gallows, with his pride intact and heart at peace...


It was also how he fell the second time, after the rope had snapped during the first. And how he had stood the third when the wood beneath him wouldn't give out. Nine times they tried to hang him, each time the circumstances by which he was saved grew more and more comedic until finally they gave up on hanging him altogether. And just like that, fate had changed for Lerris. He served three more years in a prison, then was tossed out when the warden decided he didn't want the "Ninthborne" under his office anymore. 


So it was that Lerris found himself alone again. Born the ninth child in a family that had no care for him, ninth to be hanged for a crime all of his own fault, and nine times executed... only for the rope to break nine times. Such coincidences would shake any man, shake him so badly that he might reconsider everything that he's ever known. And it did make Lerris reconsider. He'd been given another chance and he wasn't too keen on wasting it away stealing silver and bread from unwitting merchants on the road. No, he would make a difference. 


Now Lerris Ninthborne finds himself soon to depart for the Stolen Lands. He had no delusions about wearing a crown himself, sooner would Aroden come back to life before you would find anyone bowing their head to old Lerris Ninthborne. But the land is ailing and in desperate need of redemption. And while is by no means a diplomat or politician, he is well-versed in matters of the blade and perhaps even moreso in matters of redemption.



A face shot of Lerris' handsome ugly





Just for a moment I'd like to talk about Lerris from an OOC perspective. Namely in what I'm going for with him, inspirations, and etc... 

Lerris is very much a play on the "mysterious dangerous man with a bad past" sort of trope. The archetypal cowboy who blows through town, doesn't say much, solves the problem and then leaves because they can't risk their past catching up to them. The catch though is that Lerris is meant to be sort of a flip on that. He's not the quite type, instead he probably talks a bit too much and is always the first with a bad joke or friendly laugh. He isn't particularly focused on dwelling on his past, it effects him sure and it's not something easily forgettable... but he's focused on making the future better rather than the past worse. And finally he certainly wants nothing more than to lay down some roots rather than staying a vagabond as a form of self-inflicted, masochistic, penance. 


Overall I wanted to make sort of a stereotypical "bad man looking for redemption" and instead of playing him as miserable, try to play him as someone genuinely trying to enjoy the good life has to offer rather than continuing to dwell in a sorrowful pit of his own creation. While I think playing the quiet and stoic hero is genuinely fun and interesting, I thought it best to go for someone a little bit more warm and outgoing for something like Kingmaker where I imagine actively making connections with both other party members and NPCs will bring out the best in the story.


Inspiration wise, Lerris takes mainly after that archetypal outlaw/cowboy as I mentioned before. As well as a little dash of Logen Ninefingers from the First Law Trilogy, whom serves as his visual inspiration. Finally Lerris' history is inspired by the character Alwyn Scribe from The Pariah. A book that I really wish I enjoyed more.


Rider Z

Rider Z

Lerris Ninthborne

It ain't simple, that I can say for sure. Doing the right thing I mean. Spent fourteen long years trying to find out what the right thing was and even then it took having a noose wrapped around my neck to learn. But suppose I did figure it out, in the end. It's not about grand causes, unattainable ideals, or any such nonsense. For some men, it's just about waking up and deciding that today you're gonna be better... and maybe by the end of the day the world will be a bit better too.

~ Lerris Ninthborne, drunkenly yapping into the ear of some barmate before the Stolen Lands expedition.

A rare short-haired and (mostly) clean-shaven



Lerris Ninthborne in his regular, every-day attire.


Name: Lerris Ninthborne
Class:  Champion (Paladin)
Race: Human
Alignment: LG (Resident buzzkill)
Background: Local Brigand
Archetype:  Marshal or Blessed One 
Kingdom Role: Warden, General, or (gods-forbid) Ruler
Party Role:  Decent Survivalist, Fantastic Workmule, Good Face 



In another life, Lerris Ninthborne might have been considered a handsome man. Pretty even. But not in this life. Ragged scars carve their way down his face which reveal a hard life of receiving, and likely inflicting, pain. Long matted hair and rugged garments show a man who cares very little, if at all, for physical appearance. Missing fingers on each hand signify either a life focused on carpentry, or bladework... but the long blade sitting evenly at his side proves his expertise to be focused on the latter.


Overall, Lerris looks like he'd be the perfect fit for the Stag Lord's crew rather than a member of the righteous band trying to free the Stolen Land's from the villain. But looks can be deceiving, especially when one doesn't recognize the hanging charm of an Empyreal Lord around his neck, or mistakes the scars and missing fingers as the result of a reckless life... rather than lessons deeply cherished.


A rare picture of Lerris with his

hair cut short.



A pensive and friendly man, Lerris Ninthborne is a walking contradiction. While his appearance rightfully screams danger and ill fortune to any who would cross his path, the man's easy smile says anything but. Quick with a smirk and a laugh following a bad joke, Lerris could be described as easy-going. Perhaps even charming if you can get past the smell. Always looking to make a new friend, especially as the expedition into the Stolen Lands draws ever nearer, despite his horrifying face Lerris is the perfect picture of friendliness.


However, beneath all of that there is something both pensive and stalwart to Lerris. Despite his penchant for bad jokes, not bathing, and occasional drunkenness. Lerris has a streak of idealism to him. Lessons hard learned from a life of squalor and evading the law have strangely combined to form what might be called a common man's chivalry. This genuine belief in doing what's right is what drives him to help tame the Stolen Lands.


Overall there's a simplicity to Lerris. Ideals that can only be described as chivalrous combine with a straight-forward friendliness and earnest desire to do some good for the world. Indeed, such a combination paints a vivid and strange picture of a man. What is not known however, is just what circumstances could lead to such a strange picture in the first place.



Lerris looking all emo, because you always need one of 

those shots in the portfolio.



Some men are destined for great things from birth. To champion good causes, to lead just soldiers into battle, or to wear a crown. Lerris was born to wear a noose. Born on the lawless edges between Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, Lerris found himself belonging to a family that already had too many mouths to feed. Childhood was brief a cruel to Lerris, used up for all he was worth by family and then tossed to the side the moment he could fend for himself. 


By 8 Lerris had joined a gang, by 12 he had killed a man, by 16 he had a bounty, and by 20 he was set to be hanged. So was the cruel hand fate had dealt him, not that he had much room to complain. He wasn't the only one dealt such a hand and he wouldn't be the last. He had made his choices and he wasn't about to go crying about unfairness or any such nonsense once the consequences caught up to him. There were no two ways about it, he may have just been killing for bread... but he had killed nonetheless. No, Lerris would face the noose proudly. Head held up high, no tears, and a simple few words to the gods asking that he was judged fairly. And that was how Lerris fell from the gallows, with his pride intact and heart at peace...


It was also how he fell the second time, after the rope had snapped during the first. And how he had stood the third when the wood beneath him wouldn't give out. Nine times they tried to hang him, each time the circumstances by which he was saved grew more and more comedic until finally they gave up on hanging him altogether. And just like that, fate had changed for Lerris. He served three more years in a prison, then was tossed out when the warden decided he didn't want the "Ninthborne" under his office anymore. 


So it was that Lerris found himself alone again. Born the ninth child in a family that had no care for him, ninth to be hanged for a crime all of his own fault, and nine times executed... only for the rope to break nine times. Such coincidences would shake any man, shake him so badly that he might reconsider everything that he's ever known. And it did make Lerris reconsider. He'd been given another chance and he wasn't too keen on wasting it away stealing silver and bread from unwitting merchants on the road. No, he would make a difference. 


Now Lerris Ninthborne finds himself soon to depart for the Stolen Lands. He had no delusions about wearing a crown himself, sooner would Aroden come back to life before you would find anyone bowing their head to old Lerris Ninthborne. But the land is ailing and in desperate need of redemption. And while is by no means a diplomat or politician, he is well-versed in matters of the blade and perhaps even moreso in matters of redemption.



A face shot of Lerris' handsome ugly





Just for a moment I'd like to talk about Lerris from an OOC perspective. Namely in what I'm going for with him, inspirations, and etc... 

Lerris is very much a play on the "mysterious dangerous man with a bad past" sort of trope. The archetypal cowboy who blows through town, doesn't say much, solves the problem and then leaves because they can't risk their past catching up to them. The catch though is that Lerris is meant to be sort of a flip on that. He's not the quite type, instead he probably talks a bit too much and is always the first with a bad joke or friendly laugh. He isn't particularly focused on dwelling on his past, it effects him sure and it's not something easily forgettable... but he's focused on making the future better rather than the past worse. And finally he certainly wants nothing more than to lay down some roots rather than staying a vagabond as a form of self-inflicted, masochistic, penance. 


Overall I wanted to make sort of a stereotypical "bad man looking for redemption" and instead of playing him as miserable, try to play him as someone genuinely trying to enjoy the good life has to offer rather than continuing to dwell in a sorrowful pit of his own creation. While I think playing the quiet and stoic hero is genuinely fun and interesting, I thought it best to go for someone a little bit more warm and outgoing for something like Kingmaker where I imagine actively making connections with both other party members and NPCs will bring out the best in the story.


Inspiration wise, Lerris takes mainly after that archetypal outlaw/cowboy as I mentioned before. As well as a little dash of Logen Ninefingers from the First Law Trilogy, whom serves as his visual inspiration. Finally Lerris' history is inspired by the character Alwyn Scribe from The Pariah. A book that I really wish I enjoyed more.


Rider Z

Rider Z

Lerris Ninthborne

It ain't simple, that I can say for sure. Doing the right thing I mean. Spent fourteen long years trying to find out what the right thing was and even then it took having a noose wrapped around my neck to learn. But suppose I did figure it out, in the end. It's not about grand causes, unattainable ideals, or any such nonsense. For some men, it's just about waking up and deciding that today you're gonna be better... and maybe by the end of the day the world will be a bit better too.

~ Lerris Ninthborne, drunkenly yapping into the ear of some barmate before the Stolen Lands expedition.

A rare short-haired and (mostly) clean-shaven



Lerris Ninthborne in his regular, every-day attire.


Name: Lerris Ninthborne
Class:  Champion (Paladin)
Race: Human
Alignment: LG (Resident buzzkill)
Background: Local Brigand
Archetype:  Marshal or Blessed One 
Kingdom Role: Warden, General, or (gods-forbid) Ruler
Party Role:  Decent Survivalist, Fantastic Workmule, Good Face 



In another life, Lerris Ninthborne might have been considered a handsome man. Pretty even. But not in this life. Ragged scars carve their way down his face which reveal a hard life of receiving, and likely inflicting, pain. Long matted hair and rugged garments show a man who cares very little, if at all, for physical appearance. Missing fingers on each hand signify either a life focused on carpentry, or bladework... but the long blade sitting evenly at his side proves his expertise to be focused on the latter.


Overall, Lerris looks like he'd be the perfect fit for the Stag Lord's crew rather than a member of the righteous band trying to free the Stolen Land's from the villain. But looks can be deceiving, especially when one doesn't recognize the hanging charm of an Empyreal Lord around his neck, or mistakes the scars and missing fingers as the result of a reckless life... rather than lessons deeply cherished.


A rare picture of Lerris with his

hair cut short.



A pensive and friendly man, Lerris Ninthborne is a walking contradiction. While his appearance rightfully screams danger and ill fortune to any who would cross his path, the man's easy smile says anything but. Quick with a smirk and a laugh following a bad joke, Lerris could be described as easy-going. Perhaps even charming if you can get past the smell. Always looking to make a new friend, especially as the expedition into the Stolen Lands draws ever nearer, despite his horrifying face Lerris is the perfect picture of friendliness.


However, beneath all of that there is something both pensive and stalwart to Lerris. Despite his penchant for bad jokes, not bathing, and occasional drunkenness. Lerris has a streak of idealism to him. Lessons hard learned from a life of squalor and evading the law have strangely combined to form what might be called a common man's chivalry. This genuine belief in doing what's right is what drives him to help tame the Stolen Lands.


Overall there's a simplicity to Lerris. Ideals that can only be described as chivalrous combine with a straight-forward friendliness and earnest desire to do some good for the world. Indeed, such a combination paints a vivid and strange picture of a man. What is not known however, is just what circumstances could lead to such a strange picture in the first place.



Lerris looking all emo, because you always need one of 

those shots in the portfolio.



Some men are destined for great things from birth. To champion good causes, to lead just soldiers into battle, or to wear a crown. Lerris was born to wear a noose. Born on the lawless edges between Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, Lerris found himself belonging to a family that already had too many mouths to feed. Childhood was brief a cruel to Lerris, used up for all he was worth by family and then tossed to the side the moment he could fend for himself. 


By 8 Lerris had joined a gang, by 12 he had killed a man, by 16 he had a bounty, and by 20 he was set to be hanged. So was the cruel hand fate had dealt him, not that he had much room to complain. He wasn't the only one dealt such a hand and he wouldn't be the last. He had made his choices and he wasn't about to go crying about unfairness or any such nonsense once the consequences caught up to him. There were no two ways about it, he may have just been killing for bread... but he had killed nonetheless. No, Lerris would face the noose proudly. Head held up high, no tears, and a simple few words to the gods asking that he was judged fairly. And that was how Lerris fell from the gallows, with his pride intact and heart at peace...


It was also how he fell the second time, after the rope had snapped during the first. And how he had stood the third when the wood beneath him wouldn't give out. Nine times they tried to hang him, each time the circumstances by which he was saved grew more and more comedic until finally they gave up on hanging him altogether. And just like that, fate had changed for Lerris. He served three more years in a prison, then was tossed out when the warden decided he didn't want the "Ninthborne" under his office anymore. 


So it was that Lerris found himself alone again. Born the ninth child in a family that had no care for him, ninth to be hanged for a crime all of his own fault, and nine times executed... only for the rope to break nine times. Such coincidences would shake any man, shake him so badly that he might reconsider everything that he's ever known. And it did make Lerris reconsider. He'd been given another chance and he wasn't too keen on wasting it away stealing silver and bread from unwitting merchants on the road. No, he would make a difference. 


Now Lerris Ninthborne finds himself soon to depart for the Stolen Lands. He had no delusions about wearing a crown himself, sooner would Aroden come back to life before you would find anyone bowing their head to old Lerris Ninthborne. But the land is ailing and in desperate need of redemption. And while is by no means a diplomat or politician, he is well-versed in matters of the blade and perhaps even moreso in matters of redemption.



A face shot of Lerris' handsome ugly





Just for a moment I'd like to talk about Lerris from an OOC perspective. Namely in what I'm going for with him, inspirations, and etc... 

Lerris is very much a play on the "mysterious dangerous man with a bad past" sort of trope. The archetypal cowboy who blows through town, doesn't say much, solves the problem and then leaves because they can't risk their past catching up to them. The catch though is that Lerris is meant to be sort of a flip on that. He's not the quite type, instead he probably talks a bit too much and is always the first with a bad joke or friendly laugh. He isn't particularly focused on dwelling on his past, it effects him sure and it's not something easily forgettable... but he's focused on making the future better rather than the past worse. And finally he certainly wants nothing more than to lay down some roots rather than staying a vagabond as a form of self-inflicted, masochistic, penance. 


Overall I wanted to make sort of a stereotypical "bad man looking for redemption" and instead of playing him as miserable, try to play him as someone genuinely trying to enjoy the good life has to offer rather than continuing to dwell in a sorrowful pit of his own creation. While I think playing the quiet and stoic hero is genuinely fun and interesting, I thought it best to go for someone a little bit more warm and outgoing for something like Kingmaker where I imagine actively making connections with both other party members and NPCs will bring out the best in the story.


Inspiration wise, Lerris takes mainly after that archetypal outlaw/cowboy as I mentioned before. As well as a little dash of Logen Ninefingers from the First Law Trilogy, whom serves as his visual inspiration. 


Rider Z

Rider Z

Lerris Ninthborne

It ain't simple, that I can say for sure. Doing the right thing I mean. Spent fourteen long years trying to find out what the right thing was and even then it took having a noose wrapped around my neck to learn. But suppose I did figure it out, in the end. It's not about grand causes, unattainable ideals, or any such nonsense. For some men, it's just about waking up and deciding that today you're gonna be better... and maybe by the end of the day the world will be a bit better too.

~ Lerris Ninthborne, drunkenly yapping into the ear of some barmate before the Stolen Lands expedition.

A rare short-haired and (mostly) clean-shaven



Lerris Ninthborne in his regular, every-day attire.


Name: Lerris Ninthborne
Class:  Champion (Paladin)
Race: Human
Alignment: LG (Resident buzzkill)
Background: Local Brigand
Archetype:  Marshal or Blessed One 
Kingdom Role: Warden, General, or (gods-forbid) Ruler
Party Role:  Decent Survivalist, Fantastic Workmule, Good Face 



In another life, Lerris Ninthborne might have been considered a handsome man. Pretty even. But not in this life. Ragged scars carve their way down his face which reveal a hard life of receiving, and likely inflicting, pain. Long matted hair and rugged garments show a man who cares very little, if at all, for physical appearance. Missing fingers on each hand signify either a life focused on carpentry, or bladework... but the long blade sitting evenly at his side proves his expertise to be focused on the latter.


Overall, Lerris looks like he'd be the perfect fit for the Stag Lord's crew rather than a member of the righteous band trying to free the Stolen Land's from the villain. But looks can be deceiving, especially when one doesn't recognize the hanging charm of an Empyreal Lord around his neck, or mistakes the scars and missing fingers as the result of a reckless life... rather than lessons deeply cherished.


A rare picture of Lerris with his

hair cut short.



A pensive and friendly man, Lerris Ninthborne is a walking contradiction. While his appearance rightfully screams danger and ill fortune to any who would cross his path, the man's easy smile says anything but. Quick with a smirk and a laugh following a bad joke, Lerris could be described as easy-going. Perhaps even charming if you can get past the smell. Always looking to make a new friend, especially as the expedition into the Stolen Lands draws ever nearer, despite his horrifying face Lerris is the perfect picture of friendliness.


However, beneath all of that there is something both pensive and stalwart to Lerris. Despite his penchant for bad jokes, not bathing, and occasional drunkenness. Lerris has a streak of idealism to him. Lessons hard learned from a life of squalor and evading the law have strangely combined to form what might be called a common man's chivalry. This genuine belief in doing what's right is what drives him to help tame the Stolen Lands.


Overall there's a simplicity to Lerris. Ideals that can only be described as chivalrous combine with a straight-forward friendliness and earnest desire to do some good for the world. Indeed, such a combination paints a vivid and strange picture of a man. What is not known however, is just what circumstances could lead to such a strange picture in the first place.



Lerris looking all emo, because you always need one of 

those shots in the portfolio.



Some men are destined for great things from birth. To champion good causes, to lead just soldiers into battle, or to wear a crown. Lerris was born to wear a noose. Born on the lawless edges between Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, Lerris found himself belonging to a family that already had too many mouths to feed. Childhood was brief a cruel to Lerris, used up for all he was worth by family and then tossed to the side the moment he could fend for himself. 


By 8 Lerris had joined a gang, by 12 he had killed a man, by 16 he had a bounty, and by 20 he was set to be hanged. So was the cruel hand fate had dealt him, not that he had much room to complain. He wasn't the only one dealt such a hand and he wouldn't be the last. He had made his choices and he wasn't about to go crying about unfairness or any such nonsense once the consequences caught up to him. There were no two ways about it, he may have just been killing for bread... but he had killed nonetheless. No, Lerris would face the noose proudly. Head held up high, no tears, and a simple few words to the gods asking that he was judged fairly. And that was how Lerris fell from the gallows, with his pride intact and heart at peace...


It was also how he fell the second time, after the rope had snapped during the first. And how he had stood the third when the wood beneath him wouldn't give out. Nine times they tried to hang him, each time the circumstances by which he was saved grew more and more comedic until finally they gave up on hanging him altogether. And just like that, fate had changed for Lerris. He served three more years in a prison, then was tossed out when the warden decided he didn't want the "Ninthborne" under his office anymore. 


Now Lerris Ninthborne finds himself soon to depart for the Stolen Lands. He had no delusions about wearing a crown himself, sooner would Aroden come back to life before you would find anyone bowing their head to old Lerris Ninthborne. But the land is ailing and in desperate need of redemption. And while is by no means a diplomat or politician, he is well-versed in matters of the blade and perhaps even moreso in matters of redemption.



A face shot of Lerris' handsome ugly





Just for a moment I'd like to talk about Lerris from an OOC perspective. Namely in what I'm going for with him, inspirations, and etc... 

Lerris is very much a play on the "mysterious dangerous man with a bad past" sort of trope. The archetypal cowboy who blows through town, doesn't say much, solves the problem and then leaves because they can't risk their past catching up to them. The catch though is that Lerris is meant to be sort of a flip on that. He's not the quite type, instead he probably talks a bit too much and is always the first with a bad joke or friendly laugh. He isn't particularly focused on dwelling on his past, it effects him sure and it's not something easily forgettable... but he's focused on making the future better rather than the past worse. And finally he certainly wants nothing more than to lay down some roots rather than staying a vagabond as a form of self-inflicted, masochistic, penance. 


Overall I wanted to make sort of a stereotypical "bad man looking for redemption" and instead of playing him as miserable, try to play him as someone genuinely trying to enjoy the good life has to offer rather than continuing to dwell in a sorrowful pit of his own creation. While I think playing the quiet and stoic hero is genuinely fun and interesting, I thought it best to go for someone a little bit more warm and outgoing for something like Kingmaker where I imagine actively making connections with both other party members and NPCs will bring out the best in the story.


Inspiration wise, Lerris takes mainly after that archetypal outlaw/cowboy as I mentioned before. As well as a little dash of Logen Ninefingers from the First Law Trilogy, whom serves as his visual inspiration. 


Rider Z

Rider Z

Lerris Ninthborne

It ain't simple, that I can say for sure. Doing the right thing I mean. Spent fourteen long years trying to find out what the right thing was and even then it took having a noose wrapped around my neck to learn. But suppose I did figure it out, in the end. It's not about grand causes, unattainable ideals, or any such nonsense. For some men, it's just about waking up and deciding that today you're gonna be better... and maybe by the end of the day the world will be a bit better too.

~ Lerris Ninthborne, drunkenly yapping into the ear of some barmate before the Stolen Lands expedition.

A rare short-haired and (mostly) clean-shaven



Lerris Ninthborne in his regular, every-day attire.


Name: Lerris Ninthborne
Class:  Champion (Paladin)
Race: Human
Alignment: LG (Resident buzzkill)
Background: Local Brigand
Archetype:  Marshal or Blessed One 
Kingdom Role: Warden, General, or (gods-forbid) Ruler
Party Role:  Decent Survivalist, Fantastic Workmule, Good Face 



In another life, Lerris Ninthborne might have been considered a handsome man. Pretty even. But not in this life. Ragged scars carve their way down his face which reveal a hard life of receiving, and likely inflicting, pain. Long matted hair and rugged garments show a man who cares very little, if at all, for physical appearance. Missing fingers on each hand signify either a life focused on carpentry, or bladework... but the long blade sitting evenly at his side proves his expertise to be focused on the latter.


Overall, Lerris looks like he'd be the perfect fit for the Stag Lord's crew rather than a member of the righteous band trying to free the Stolen Land's from the villain. But looks can be deceiving, especially when one doesn't recognize the hanging charm of an Empyreal Lord around his neck, or mistakes the scars and missing fingers as the result of a reckless life... rather than lessons deeply cherished.


A rare picture of Lerris with his

hair cut short.



A pensive and friendly man, Lerris Ninthborne is a walking contradiction. While his appearance rightfully screams danger and ill fortune to any who would cross his path, the man's easy smile says anything but. Quick with a smirk and a laugh following a bad joke, Lerris could be described as easy-going. Perhaps even charming if you can get past the smell. Always looking to make a new friend, especially as the expedition into the Stolen Lands draws ever nearer, despite his horrifying face Lerris is the perfect picture of friendliness.


Overall there's a simplicity to Lerris. Ideals that can only be described as chivalrous combine with a straight-forward friendliness and earnest desire to do some good for the world. Indeed, such a combination paints a vivid and strange picture of a man. What is not known however, is just what circumstances could lead to such a strange picture in the first place.



Lerris looking all emo, because you always need one of 

those shots in the portfolio.



Some men are destined for great things from birth. To champion good causes, to lead just soldiers into battle, or to wear a crown. Lerris was born to wear a noose. Born on the lawless edges between Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, Lerris found himself belonging to a family that already had too many mouths to feed. Childhood was brief a cruel to Lerris, used up for all he was worth by family and then tossed to the side the moment he could fend for himself. 


By 8 Lerris had joined a gang, by 12 he had killed a man, by 16 he had a bounty, and by 20 he was set to be hanged. So was the cruel hand fate had dealt him, not that he had much room to complain. He wasn't the only one dealt such a hand and he wouldn't be the last. He had made his choices and he wasn't about to go crying about unfairness or any such nonsense once the consequences caught up to him. There were no two ways about it, he may have just been killing for bread... but he had killed nonetheless. No, Lerris would face the noose proudly. Head held up high, no tears, and a simple few words to the gods asking that he was judged fairly. And that was how Lerris fell from the gallows, with his pride intact and heart at peace...


It was also how he fell the second time, after the rope had snapped during the first. And how he had stood the third when the wood beneath him wouldn't give out. Nine times they tried to hang him, each time the circumstances by which he was saved grew more and more comedic until finally they gave up on hanging him altogether. And just like that, fate had changed for Lerris. He served three more years in a prison, then was tossed out when the warden decided he didn't want the "Ninthborne" under his office anymore. 


Now Lerris Ninthborne finds himself soon to depart for the Stolen Lands. He had no delusions about wearing a crown himself, sooner would Aroden come back to life before you would find anyone bowing their head to old Lerris Ninthborne. But the land is ailing and in desperate need of redemption. And while is by no means a diplomat or politician, he is well-versed in matters of the blade and perhaps even moreso in matters of redemption.



A face shot of Lerris' handsome ugly





Just for a moment I'd like to talk about Lerris from an OOC perspective. Namely in what I'm going for with him, inspirations, and etc... 

Lerris is very much a play on the "mysterious dangerous man with a bad past" sort of trope. The archetypal cowboy who blows through town, doesn't say much, solves the problem and then leaves because they can't risk their past catching up to them. The catch though is that Lerris is meant to be sort of a flip on that. He's not the quite type, instead he probably talks a bit too much and is always the first with a bad joke or friendly laugh. He isn't particularly focused on dwelling on his past, it effects him sure and it's not something easily forgettable... but he's focused on making the future better rather than the past worse. And finally he certainly wants nothing more than to lay down some roots rather than staying a vagabond as a form of self-inflicted, masochistic, penance. 


Overall I wanted to make sort of a stereotypical "bad man looking for redemption" and instead of playing him as miserable, try to play him as someone genuinely trying to enjoy the good life has to offer rather than continuing to dwell in a sorrowful pit of his own creation. While I think playing the quiet and stoic hero is genuinely fun and interesting, I thought it best to go for someone a little bit more warm and outgoing for something like Kingmaker where I imagine actively making connections with both other party members and NPCs will bring out the best in the story.


Inspiration wise, Lerris takes mainly after that archetypal outlaw/cowboy as I mentioned before. As well as a little dash of Logen Ninefingers from the First Law Trilogy, whom serves as his visual inspiration. 


Rider Z

Rider Z

Lerris Ninthborne

It ain't simple, that I can say for sure. Doing the right thing I mean. Spent fourteen long years trying to find out what the right thing was and even then it took having a noose wrapped around my neck to learn. But suppose I did figure it out, in the end. It's not about grand causes, unattainable ideals, or any such nonsense. For some men, it's just about waking up and deciding that today you're gonna be better... and maybe by the end of the day the world will be a bit better too.

~ Lerris Ninthborne, drunkenly yapping into the ear of some barmate before the Stolen Lands expedition.

A rare short-haired and (mostly) clean-shaven



Lerris Ninthborne in his regular, every-day attire.


Name: Lerris Ninthborne
Class:  Champion (Paladin)
Race: Human
Alignment: LG (Resident buzzkill)
Background: Local Brigand
Archetype:  Marshal or Blessed One 
Kingdom Role: Warden, General, or (gods-forbid) Ruler
Party Role:  Decent Survivalist, Fantastic Workmule, Good Face 



In another life, Lerris Ninthborne might have been considered a handsome man. Pretty even. But not in this life. Ragged scars carve their way down his face which reveal a hard life of receiving, and likely inflicting, pain. Long matted hair and rugged garments show a man who cares very little, if at all, for physical appearance. Missing fingers on each hand signify either a life focused on carpentry, or bladework... but the long blade sitting evenly at his side proves his expertise to be focused on the latter.


Overall, Lerris looks like he'd be the perfect fit for the Stag Lord's crew rather than a member of the righteous band trying to free the Stolen Land's from the villain. But looks can be deceiving, especially when one doesn't recognize the hanging charm of an Empyreal Lord around his neck, or mistakes the scars and missing fingers as the result of a reckless life... rather than lessons deeply cherished.


A rare picture of Lerris with his

hair cut short.



A pensive and friendly man, Lerris Ninthborne is a walking contradiction. While his appearance rightfully screams danger and ill fortune to any who would cross his path, the man's easy smile says anything but. Quick with a smirk and a laugh following a bad joke, Lerris could be described as easy-going. Perhaps even charming if you can get past the smell. Always looking to make a new friend, especially as the expedition into the Stolen Lands draws ever nearer, despite his horrifying face Lerris is the perfect picture of friendliness.


Overall there's a simplicity to Lerris. Ideals that can only be described as chivalrous combine with a straight-forward friendliness and earnest desire to do some good for the world. Indeed, such a combination paints a vivid and strange picture of a man. What is not known however, is just what circumstances could lead to such a strange picture in the first place.



Lerris looking all emo, because you always need one of 

those shots in the portfolio.



Some men are destined for great things from birth. To champion good causes, to lead just soldiers into battle, or to wear a crown. Lerris was born to wear a noose. Born on the lawless edges between Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, Lerris found himself belonging to a family that already had too many mouths to feed. Childhood was brief a cruel to Lerris, used up for all he was worth by family and then tossed to the side the moment he could fend for himself. 


By 8 Lerris had joined a gang, by 12 he had killed a man, by 16 he had a bounty, and by 20 he was set to be hanged. So was the cruel hand fate had dealt him, not that he had much room to complain. He wasn't the only one dealt such a hand and he wouldn't be the last. He had made his choices and he wasn't about to go crying about unfairness or any such nonsense once the consequences caught up to him. There were no two ways about it, he may have just been killing for bread... but he had killed nonetheless. No, Lerris would face the noose proudly. Head held up high, no tears, and a simple few words to the gods asking that he was judged fairly. And that was how Lerris fell from the gallows, with his pride intact and heart at peace...


It was also how he fell the second time, after the rope had snapped during the first. And how he had stood the third when the wood beneath him wouldn't give out. Nine times they tried to hang him, each time the circumstances by which he was saved grew more and more comedic until finally they gave up on hanging him altogether. And just like that, fate had changed for Lerris. He served three more years in a prison, then was tossed out when the warden decided he didn't want the "Ninthborne" under his office anymore. 


Now Lerris Ninthborne finds himself soon to depart for the Stolen Lands. He had no delusions about wearing a crown himself, sooner would Aroden come back to life before you would find anyone bowing their head to old Lerris Ninthborne. But the land is ailing and in desperate need of redemption. And while is by no means a diplomat or politician, he is well-versed in matters of the blade and perhaps even moreso in matters of redemption.



A face shot of Lerris' handsome ugly





Just for a moment I'd like to talk about Lerris from an OOC perspective. Namely in what I'm going for with him, inspirations, and etc... 

Lerris is very much a play on the "mysterious dangerous man with a bad past" sort of trope. The archetypal cowboy who blows through town, doesn't say much, solves the problem and then leaves because they can't risk their past catching up to them. The catch though is that Lerris is meant to be sort of a flip on that. He's not the quite type, instead he probably talks a bit too much and is always the first with a bad joke or friendly laugh. He isn't particularly focused on dwelling on his past, it effects him sure and it's not something easily forgettable... but he's focused on making the future better rather than the past worse. And finally he certainly wants nothing more than to lay down some roots rather than staying a vagabond as a form of self-inflicted, masochistic, penance. 


Overall I wanted to make sort of a stereotypical "bad man looking for redemption" and instead of playing him as miserable, try to play him as someone genuinely trying to enjoy the good life has to offer rather than continuing to dwell in a sorrowful pit of his own creation. While I think playing the quiet and stoic hero is genuinely fun and interesting, I thought it best to go for someone a little bit more warm and outgoing for something like Kingmaker where I imagine actively making connections with both other party members and NPCs will bring out the best in the story.


Inspiration wise, Lerris takes mainly after that archetypal outlaw/cowboy as I mentioned before. As well as a little dash of Logen Ninefingers from the First Law Trilogy, whom serves as his visual inspiration. 


Rider Z

Rider Z

Lerris Ninthborne

It ain't simple, that I can say for sure. Doing the right thing I mean. Spent fourteen long years trying to find out what the right thing was and even then it took having a noose wrapped around my neck to figure it out. But I did figure it out, in the end. It's not about grand causes, unattainable ideals, or any such nonsense. For some men, it's just about waking up and deciding that today you're gonna be better... and maybe by the end of the day the world will be a bit better too.

~ Lerris Ninthborne, drunkenly yapping into the ear of some barmate before the Stolen Lands expedition.

A rare short-haired and (mostly) clean-shaven



Lerris Ninthborne in his regular, every-day attire.


Name: Lerris Ninthborne
Class:  Champion (Paladin)
Race: Human
Alignment: LG (Resident buzzkill)
Background: Local Brigand
Archetype:  Marshal or Blessed One 
Kingdom Role: Warden, General, or (gods-forbid) Ruler
Party Role:  Decent Survivalist, Fantastic Workmule, Good Face 



In another life, Lerris Ninthborne might have been considered a handsome man. Pretty even. But not in this life. Ragged scars carve their way down his face which reveal a hard life of receiving, and likely inflicting, pain. Long matted hair and rugged garments show a man who cares very little, if at all, for physical appearance. Missing fingers on each hand signify either a life focused on carpentry, or bladework... but the long blade sitting evenly at his side proves his expertise to be focused on the latter.


Overall, Lerris looks like he'd be the perfect fit for the Stag Lord's crew rather than a member of the righteous band trying to free the Stolen Land's from the villain. But looks can be deceiving, especially when one doesn't recognize the hanging charm of an Empyreal Lord around his neck, or mistakes the scars and missing fingers as the result of a reckless life... rather than lessons deeply cherished.


A rare picture of Lerris with his

hair cut short.



A pensive and friendly man, Lerris Ninthborne is a walking contradiction. While his appearance rightfully screams danger and ill fortune to any who would cross his path, the man's easy smile says anything but. Quick with a smirk and a laugh following a bad joke, Lerris could be described as easy-going. Perhaps even charming if you can get past the smell. Always looking to make a new friend, especially as the expedition into the Stolen Lands draws ever nearer, despite his horrifying face Lerris is the perfect picture of friendliness.


Overall there's a simplicity to Lerris. Ideals that can only be described as chivalrous combine with a straight-forward friendliness and earnest desire to do some good for the world. Indeed, such a combination paints a vivid and strange picture of a man. What is not known however, is just what circumstances could lead to such a strange picture in the first place.



Lerris looking all emo, because you always need one of 

those shots in the portfolio.



Some men are destined for great things from birth. To champion good causes, to lead just soldiers into battle, or to wear a crown. Lerris was born to wear a noose. Born on the lawless edges between Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, Lerris found himself belonging to a family that already had too many mouths to feed. Childhood was brief a cruel to Lerris, used up for all he was worth by family and then tossed to the side the moment he could fend for himself. 


By 8 Lerris had joined a gang, by 12 he had killed a man, by 16 he had a bounty, and by 20 he was set to be hanged. So was the cruel hand fate had dealt him, not that he had much room to complain. He wasn't the only one dealt such a hand and he wouldn't be the last. He had made his choices and he wasn't about to go crying about unfairness or any such nonsense once the consequences caught up to him. There were no two ways about it, he may have just been killing for bread... but he had killed nonetheless. No, Lerris would face the noose proudly. Head held up high, no tears, and a simple few words to the gods asking that he was judged fairly. And that was how Lerris fell from the gallows, with his pride intact and heart at peace...


It was also how he fell the second time, after the rope had snapped during the first. And how he had stood the third when the wood beneath him wouldn't give out. Nine times they tried to hang him, each time the circumstances by which he was saved grew more and more comedic until finally they gave up on hanging him altogether. And just like that, fate had changed for Lerris. He served three more years in a prison, then was tossed out when the warden decided he didn't want the "Ninthborne" under his office anymore. 


Now Lerris Ninthborne finds himself soon to depart for the Stolen Lands. He had no delusions about wearing a crown himself, sooner would Aroden come back to life before you would find anyone bowing their head to old Lerris Ninthborne. But the land is ailing and in desperate need of redemption. And while is by no means a diplomat or politician, he is well-versed in matters of the blade and perhaps even moreso in matters of redemption.



A face shot of Lerris' handsome ugly





Just for a moment I'd like to talk about Lerris from an OOC perspective. Namely in what I'm going for with him, inspirations, and etc... 

Lerris is very much a play on the "mysterious dangerous man with a bad past" sort of trope. The archetypal cowboy who blows through town, doesn't say much, solves the problem and then leaves because they can't risk their past catching up to them. The catch though is that Lerris is meant to be sort of a flip on that. He's not the quite type, instead he probably talks a bit too much and is always the first with a bad joke or friendly laugh. He isn't particularly focused on dwelling on his past, it effects him sure and it's not something easily forgettable... but he's focused on making the future better rather than the past worse. And finally he certainly wants nothing more than to lay down some roots rather than staying a vagabond as a form of self-inflicted, masochistic, penance. 


Overall I wanted to make sort of a stereotypical "bad man looking for redemption" and instead of playing him as miserable, try to play him as someone genuinely trying to enjoy the good life has to offer rather than continuing to dwell in a sorrowful pit of his own creation. While I think playing the quiet and stoic hero is genuinely fun and interesting, I thought it best to go for someone a little bit more warm and outgoing for something like Kingmaker where I imagine actively making connections with both other party members and NPCs will bring out the best in the story.


Inspiration wise, Lerris takes mainly after that archetypal outlaw/cowboy as I mentioned before. As well as a little dash of Logen Ninefingers from the First Law Trilogy, whom serves as his visual inspiration. 


Rider Z

Rider Z

Lerris Ninthborne

It ain't simple, that I can say for sure. Doing the right thing. Spent fourteen long years trying to find out what the right thing was and even then it took having a noose wrapped around my neck to figure it out. But I did figure it out, in the end. It's not about grand causes, unattainable ideals, or any such nonsense. For some men, it's just about waking up and deciding that today you're gonna be better... and maybe by the end of the day the world will be a bit better too.

~ Lerris Ninthborne, drunkenly yapping into the ear of some barmate before the Stolen Lands expedition.

A rare short-haired and (mostly) clean-shaven



Lerris Ninthborne in his regular, every-day attire.


Name: Lerris Ninthborne
Class:  Champion (Paladin)
Race: Human
Alignment: LG (Resident buzzkill)
Background: Local Brigand
Archetype:  Marshal or Blessed One 
Kingdom Role: Warden, General, or (gods-forbid) Ruler
Party Role:  Decent Survivalist, Fantastic Workmule, Good Face 



In another life, Lerris Ninthborne might have been considered a handsome man. Pretty even. But not in this life. Ragged scars carve their way down his face which reveal a hard life of receiving, and likely inflicting, pain. Long matted hair and rugged garments show a man who cares very little, if at all, for physical appearance. Missing fingers on each hand signify either a life focused on carpentry, or bladework... but the long blade sitting evenly at his side proves his expertise to be focused on the latter.


Overall, Lerris looks like he'd be the perfect fit for the Stag Lord's crew rather than a member of the righteous band trying to free the Stolen Land's from the villain. But looks can be deceiving, especially when one doesn't recognize the hanging charm of an Empyreal Lord around his neck, or mistakes the scars and missing fingers as the result of a reckless life... rather than lessons deeply cherished.


A rare picture of Lerris with his

hair cut short.



A pensive and friendly man, Lerris Ninthborne is a walking contradiction. While his appearance rightfully screams danger and ill fortune to any who would cross his path, the man's easy smile says anything but. Quick with a smirk and a laugh following a bad joke, Lerris could be described as easy-going. Perhaps even charming if you can get past the smell. Always looking to make a new friend, especially as the expedition into the Stolen Lands draws ever nearer, despite his horrifying face Lerris is the perfect picture of friendliness.


Overall there's a simplicity to Lerris. Ideals that can only be described as chivalrous combine with a straight-forward friendliness and earnest desire to do some good for the world. Indeed, such a combination paints a vivid and strange picture of a man. What is not known however, is just what circumstances could lead to such a strange picture in the first place.



Lerris looking all emo, because you always need one of 

those shots in the portfolio.



Some men are destined for great things from birth. To champion good causes, to lead just soldiers into battle, or to wear a crown. Lerris was born to wear a noose. Born on the lawless edges between Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, Lerris found himself belonging to a family that already had too many mouths to feed. Childhood was brief a cruel to Lerris, used up for all he was worth by family and then tossed to the side the moment he could fend for himself. 


By 8 Lerris had joined a gang, by 12 he had killed a man, by 16 he had a bounty, and by 20 he was set to be hanged. So was the cruel hand fate had dealt him, not that he had much room to complain. He wasn't the only one dealt such a hand and he wouldn't be the last. He had made his choices and he wasn't about to go crying about unfairness or any such nonsense once the consequences caught up to him. There were no two ways about it, he may have just been killing for bread... but he had killed nonetheless. No, Lerris would face the noose proudly. Head held up high, no tears, and a simple few words to the gods asking that he was judged fairly. And that was how Lerris fell from the gallows, with his pride intact and heart at peace...


It was also how he fell the second time, after the rope had snapped during the first. And how he had stood the third when the wood beneath him wouldn't give out. Nine times they tried to hang him, each time the circumstances by which he was saved grew more and more comedic until finally they gave up on hanging him altogether. And just like that, fate had changed for Lerris. He served three more years in a prison, then was tossed out when the warden decided he didn't want the "Ninthborne" under his office anymore. 


Now Lerris Ninthborne finds himself soon to depart for the Stolen Lands. He had no delusions about wearing a crown himself, sooner would Aroden come back to life before you would find anyone bowing their head to old Lerris Ninthborne. But the land is ailing and in desperate need of redemption. And while is by no means a diplomat or politician, he is well-versed in matters of the blade and perhaps even moreso in matters of redemption.



A face shot of Lerris' handsome ugly





Just for a moment I'd like to talk about Lerris from an OOC perspective. Namely in what I'm going for with him, inspirations, and etc... 

Lerris is very much a play on the "mysterious dangerous man with a bad past" sort of trope. The archetypal cowboy who blows through town, doesn't say much, solves the problem and then leaves because they can't risk their past catching up to them. The catch though is that Lerris is meant to be sort of a flip on that. He's not the quite type, instead he probably talks a bit too much and is always the first with a bad joke or friendly laugh. He isn't particularly focused on dwelling on his past, it effects him sure and it's not something easily forgettable... but he's focused on making the future better rather than the past worse. And finally he certainly wants nothing more than to lay down some roots rather than staying a vagabond as a form of self-inflicted, masochistic, penance. 


Overall I wanted to make sort of a stereotypical "bad man looking for redemption" and instead of playing him as miserable, try to play him as someone genuinely trying to enjoy the good life has to offer rather than continuing to dwell in a sorrowful pit of his own creation. While I think playing the quiet and stoic hero is genuinely fun and interesting, I thought it best to go for someone a little bit more warm and outgoing for something like Kingmaker where I imagine actively making connections with both other party members and NPCs will bring out the best in the story.


Inspiration wise, Lerris takes mainly after that archetypal outlaw/cowboy as I mentioned before. As well as a little dash of Logen Ninefingers from the First Law Trilogy, whom serves as his visual inspiration. 


Rider Z

Rider Z

Lerris Ninthborne

It ain't simple, that I can say for sure. Doing the right thing. Spent fourteen long years trying to find out what the right thing was and even then it took having a noose wrapped around my neck to figure it out. But I did figure it out, in the end. It's not about grand causes, unattainable ideals, or any such nonsense. For some men, it's just about waking up and deciding that today you're gonna be better... and maybe by the end of the day the world will be a bit better too.

~ Lerris Ninthborne, drunkenly yapping into the ear of some barmate before the Stolen Lands expedition


Lerris Ninthborne in his regular, every-day attire.


Name: Lerris Ninthborne
Class:  Champion (Paladin)
Race: Human
Alignment: LG (Resident buzzkill)
Background: Local Brigand
Archetype:  Marshal or Blessed One 
Kingdom Role: Warden, General, or (gods-forbid) Ruler
Party Role:  Decent Survivalist, Fantastic Workmule, Good Face 



In another life, Lerris Ninthborne might have been considered a handsome man. Pretty even. But not in this life. Ragged scars carve their way down his face which reveal a hard life of receiving, and likely inflicting, pain. Long matted hair and rugged garments show a man who cares very little, if at all, for physical appearance. Missing fingers on each hand signify either a life focused on carpentry, or bladework... but the long blade sitting evenly at his side proves his expertise to be focused on the latter.


Overall, Lerris looks like he'd be the perfect fit for the Stag Lord's crew rather than a member of the righteous band trying to free the Stolen Land's from the villain. But looks can be deceiving, especially when one doesn't recognize the hanging charm of an Empyreal Lord around his neck, or mistakes the scars and missing fingers as the result of a reckless life... rather than lessons deeply cherished.


A rare picture of Lerris with his

hair cut short.



A pensive and friendly man, Lerris Ninthborne is a walking contradiction. While his appearance rightfully screams danger and ill fortune to any who would cross his path, the man's easy smile says anything but. Quick with a smirk and a laugh following a bad joke, Lerris could be described as easy-going. Perhaps even charming if you can get past the smell. Always looking to make a new friend, especially as the expedition into the Stolen Lands draws ever nearer, despite his horrifying face Lerris is the perfect picture of friendliness.


Overall there's a simplicity to Lerris. Ideals that can only be described as chivalrous combine with a straight-forward friendliness and earnest desire to do some good for the world. Indeed, such a combination paints a vivid and strange picture of a man. What is not known however, is just what circumstances could lead to such a strange picture in the first place.



Lerris looking all emo, because you always need one of 

those shots in the portfolio.



Some men are destined for great things from birth. To champion good causes, to lead just soldiers into battle, or to wear a crown. Lerris was born to wear a noose. Born on the lawless edges between Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, Lerris found himself belonging to a family that already had too many mouths to feed. Childhood was brief a cruel to Lerris, used up for all he was worth by family and then tossed to the side the moment he could fend for himself. 


By 8 Lerris had joined a gang, by 12 he had killed a man, by 16 he had a bounty, and by 20 he was set to be hanged. So was the cruel hand fate had dealt him, not that he had much room to complain. He wasn't the only one dealt such a hand and he wouldn't be the last. He had made his choices and he wasn't about to go crying about unfairness or any such nonsense once the consequences caught up to him. There were no two ways about it, he may have just been killing for bread... but he had killed nonetheless. No, Lerris would face the noose proudly. Head held up high, no tears, and a simple few words to the gods asking that he was judged fairly. And that was how Lerris fell from the gallows, with his pride intact and heart at peace...


It was also how he fell the second time, after the rope had snapped during the first. And how he had stood the third when the wood beneath him wouldn't give out. Nine times they tried to hang him, each time the circumstances by which he was saved grew more and more comedic until finally they gave up on hanging him altogether. And just like that, fate had changed for Lerris. He served three more years in a prison, then was tossed out when the warden decided he didn't want the "Ninthborne" under his office anymore. 


Now Lerris Ninthborne finds himself soon to depart for the Stolen Lands. He had no delusions about wearing a crown himself, sooner would Aroden come back to life before you would find anyone bowing their head to old Lerris Ninthborne. But the land is ailing and in desperate need of redemption. And while is by no means a diplomat or politician, he is well-versed in matters of the blade and perhaps even moreso in matters of redemption.



A face shot of Lerris' handsome ugly





Just for a moment I'd like to talk about Lerris from an OOC perspective. Namely in what I'm going for with him, inspirations, and etc... 

Lerris is very much a play on the "mysterious dangerous man with a bad past" sort of trope. The archetypal cowboy who blows through town, doesn't say much, solves the problem and then leaves because they can't risk their past catching up to them. The catch though is that Lerris is meant to be sort of a flip on that. He's not the quite type, instead he probably talks a bit too much and is always the first with a bad joke or friendly laugh. He isn't particularly focused on dwelling on his past, it effects him sure and it's not something easily forgettable... but he's focused on making the future better rather than the past worse. And finally he certainly wants nothing more than to lay down some roots rather than staying a vagabond as a form of self-inflicted, masochistic, penance. 


Overall I wanted to make sort of a stereotypical "bad man looking for redemption" and instead of playing him as miserable, try to play him as someone genuinely trying to enjoy the good life has to offer rather than continuing to dwell in a sorrowful pit of his own creation. While I think playing the quiet and stoic hero is genuinely fun and interesting, I thought it best to go for someone a little bit more warm and outgoing for something like Kingmaker where I imagine actively making connections with both other party members and NPCs will bring out the best in the story.


Inspiration wise, Lerris takes mainly after that archetypal outlaw/cowboy as I mentioned before. As well as a little dash of Logen Ninefingers from the First Law Trilogy, whom serves as his visual inspiration. 


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