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Round 2



Eadberht casts his spell on the boss as a response to his question.  The stone hands come up from the ground and grasp his ankles.  He looks startled and angry, but not seriously injured.  Silas then moves around behind him and his thugs.  Kaspar calls the boss "Bugroad" again and casts his cantrip, but the man brushes it off, looking at the half-elf with more confusion and growing anger.  "Who the hell is Bugroad, you moron?!"  He asks with exasperation.  Kaspar is beyond the hearth at this point regardless, in the midst of the melee.


Caelyn reached the top of the stairs, which turn to the left into a hallway with several private rooms along the front of the tavern.  Ehrick comes up behind her:


Lady Caelyn! Lord Anders Lightbringer sent my friends and I to bring you to him. If we get out of here I can take you to him, if you wish.

She pauses only long enough to look him over saying, "If that were true you would not call me 'Lady' nor call his name aloud in such a place as this." Then she pushes her way into one of the private rooms, closing the door behind her.


As Kaspar moves into the melee trying to get through, a random fist hits him in the side of his torso.  The front of the mob reaches the foot of the stairs and there are several fists, shoves and kicks as the first three try to get up and the others behind them pull them down and/or try to climb over them.


NotesKaspar takes 2 points of non-lethal damage.

Caelyn used two actions: one to reach the door and another to go through it.

Ehrick can now go.




Round 2

Eadberht casts his spell on the boss as a response to his question.

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