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Kaspar of Ederthal Half Elf Bard 3

AC: 14, HP 17/22, Initiative: +3(+1), Bardic Inspiration used 2/3


bold: proficient, * Jack of all trades modifier applied

Athletics: 2

Acrobatics*: +4, Stealth*: +4, Sleight of Hand: +5

Arcana*: +2, Nature: +2, History: +3, Religin*: +2, Investigation*: +2

Animal Handling*: 0, Medicine*: 0, Insight: +1, Survival*: 0

Deception: +5, Intimidation*: +4, Performance14undefined +7, Persuasion10: +5



"Shall we see if Lord Lightbringer has some refreshments, I could do with some Water or Juice, something more appropriate to toast the acquaintance of two men of substance will have to wait until the dealing with the Constable are done." He continues to project confidence and non chalance in his bearing and body language. 

The words of his first sword master coming to his mind "If you let them see you tremble, you might as well slit your wrists. Better to be thought brash or cocky." the latter usually accompanied by a slap at the back of the head and the words "But not being cocky". 

"So Miss Caelyn, would you care to fill us in a bit more on what is going on here?" He looks expectantly at the young woman "We have risked repeatedly our lives to get you out of Anchorhead, and depending on Randal's stubbornness it might not be over yet. I'm a storyteller, so I crave to here more and new stories, just like your for example. Don't you think we have earned the right to know what is going on here?"



lets try some persuasion



Edit bolsterded the persuasian part with more text




Kaspar of Ederthal Half Elf Bard 3

AC: 14, HP 17/22, Initiative: +3(+1), Bardic Inspiration used 2/3


bold: proficient, * Jack of all trades modifier applied

Athletics: 2

Acrobatics*: +4, Stealth*: +4, Sleight of Hand: +5

Arcana*: +2, Nature: +2, History: +3, Religin*: +2, Investigation*: +2

Animal Handling*: 0, Medicine*: 0, Insight: +1, Survival*: 0

Deception: +5, Intimidation*: +4, Performance14undefined +7, Persuasion10: +5



"Shall we see if Lord Lightbringer has some refreshments, I could do with some Water or Juice, something more appropriate to toast the acquaintance of two men of substance will have to wait until the dealing with the Constable are done." He continues to project confidence and non chalance in his bearing and body language. 

The words of his first sword master coming to his mind "If you let them see you tremble, you might as well slit your wrists. Better to be thought brash or cocky." the latter usually accompanied by a slap at the back of the head and the words "But not being cocky". 

"So Miss Caelyn, would you care to fill us in a bit more on what is going on here?"



lets try some persuasion




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