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Faction: The Summer Court

The Seelie Court in all its glory maintains a stronghold in the mortal city of Tucson. In fact, it ties directly to the Garden Castle of the Summer Lady, Raye. Along with her direct courtiers, many of the youngest and freshest Summer fae flock to her court and care. This where most Summer Fae start their education in the twisty games of the Fae, training with and against each other as they struggle into their new positions and standing. And that isn't even touching on the constant influx of Changelings that are drawn in by their heritage. 


They have a firm hand in the mortal side of things as well, mostly through the Changelings tied to the Court. They run several businesses, source multiple charities, and have a hand in most matters in the city and the university.

Goal: To protect, raise, and recruit the next generation of Summer Fae. They want their servitors to get the best training they can to prepare them for the rigors of Fae politics, and general warfare with Winter. They want to maintain their hold on the various Ways into the Summerlands as well.

Secret Goal:


Obstacles: They often find themselves playing defense, as they have the biggest hold on the city. The various others are often making passes at their resources. 




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Faction: The Country Club

A loose alliance of Sun gods, their kids, and hanger-ons. They vacation here in the mortal plane, owning the richest, most elusive neighborhood in the city. They busy themselves with the fanciest restaurants and entertainment venues they city has to offer and never turn their nose up at a good party in the desert especially in their honor. They aren't above causing mischief to amuse themselves or picking a fight if they don't feel like they are getting their just dues. 


Secret Goal:






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Faction: The Lunar Moth Gang

Group of seemingly petty criminals that run the streets of Tucson's less reputable areas. In the past, this was mostly the usual of dealing in illegal substances and small time thuggery, with a dab of stirring up civil unrest when they could get away with it. In recent times, this has changed into something more sinister. They have started being bolder about robbing folks and outright jumping those that don't pay them the respect they crave. And its been whispered they like inflicting fear and pain because they have found a method to syphon it off and use it for Power of some sort.


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Faction: The Eye of Toth

Its said there is a small team of police officers in the local PD that are in the know to some degree. They are the ones put on the uneasy, strange cases that others can't explain away. The Eyes have looked into the shadows and didn't like what they saw there. Said to be led by an elderly chaplain, they have set out on their own quiet crusade against the supernatural in their city, seeking to keep the normal citizens safe by any means necessary.


Secret Goal:






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