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Alias: Delver

Real name: Victor Restrom 


Age: Mid twenties


Height: 6”0’

Weight: Around 200lb


Occupation: Relic Hunter (Pathfinder Society Dropout) 


Delver's Appearance


Personality: Has a bit of a carefree attitude, but knows when to “Nut up and shut up” to get the job done. Always on the lookout for the next best thing, and hopes to one day be able to re-register with the Pathfinder Society and get some sort of thesis written to become recognised in the annals of history. 


Background: Born and raised in Absalom, specifically the Puddles District, Victor is used to living in backlogs of society, where the next days meal isn’t always a guarantee. Victor was used to fighting in order to obtain his next meal, job opportunities and at times even for a single copper to pay for leftovers from stores. 


Despite his rough upbringing, the young man developed a keen interest in history, both written and verbal kinds and eventually this interest blossomed into an opportunity to enlist with the Pathfinder Society as a Recruit. While he excelled at taking notes for various professors and assisting with other menial duties, there are times you can’t take the life of the streets out of a man and it wasn’t long until Victor began coming into blows with his other Recruits, after one too many fights the young man was expelled from the institute..


Victor became something of a roaming vagabond after his expulsion. Travelling from Settlement to Settlement in search of work, before receiving a message via courier, sly bastards always able to find you regardless of where you go, informing him that an old contact from his Pathfinder Society days; a Wrin Svinxi, had a job offer waiting for him in the coastal settlement of Otari... Never missing out on a chance for coin or potentially a way to get back into the good graces of the Society, Victor headed out immediately..



Alias: Delver

Real name: Victor Restrom 


Age: Mid twenties


Height: 6”0’

Weight: Around 200lb


Occupation: Relic Hunter (Pathfinder Society Dropout) 


Delver's Appearance


Personality: Has a bit of a carefree attitude, but knows when to “Nut up and shut up” to get the job done. Always on the lookout for the next best thing, and hopes to one day be able to re-register with the Pathfinder Society and get some sort of thesis written to become recognised in the annals of history. 


Background: Born and raised in Absalom, specifically the Puddles District, Victor is used to living in backlogs of society, where the next days meal isn’t always a guarantee. Victor was used to fighting in order to obtain his next meal, job opportunities and at times even for a single copper to pay for leftovers from stores. 


Despite his rough upbringing, the young man developed a keen interest in history, both written and verbal kinds and eventually this interest blossomed into an opportunity to enlist with the Pathfinder Society as a Recruit. While he excelled at taking notes for various professors and assisting with other menial duties, there are times you can’t take the life of the streets out of a man and it wasn’t long until Victor began coming into blows with his other Recruits, after one too many fights the young man was expelled from the institute..


Victor became something of a roaming vagabond after his expulsion. Travelling from Settlement to Settlement in search of work, be it by foot, boat or carriage. And eventually arrived at Otari.


It was here that Victor met Wrin Sivinxi, the proprietor and owner of Wrin’s Wonders. A shop aimed towards magical oddities and various other knick knacks. It was here that Victor found out about a most interesting rumour that Wrin was looking for experienced adventurers, and while the young man wouldn’t title himself as such, he did have some experience with delving and sourcing out oddities.. So he promptly signed up!

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