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Kaspar of Ederthal Half Elf Bard 3

AC: 14, HP 21/22, Initiative: +3(+1), Bardic Inspiration used 1/3


bold: proficient, * Jack of all trades modifier applied

Athletics: 2

Acrobatics*: +4, Stealth*: +4, Sleight of Hand: +5

Arcana*: +2, Nature: +2, History: +3, Religion*: +2, Investigation*: +2

Animal Handling*: 0, Medicine*: 0, Insight: +1, Survival*: 0

Deception: +5, Intimidation*: +4, Performance14undefined +7, Persuasion10: +5






Having rested a night, Kaspar is confidently striding along the Caravan, trying to become familiar with as many faces as possible. As he is planning to seek out the soldiers during the next rest. Soldiers were always appreciative of stories, and he might even pick up some new ones. He is almost surprised when the taciturn looking Borther Bruti speaks up, but recovers quickly.

"Lightbringer reached out to a couple of individuals and offered us the job of extracting Miss Caelyn. Thinking of it we never really settled on the payment for the job, but we have received a small purse for expenses. The two others got lost along the job. I don't know much about Ehrick, but I'm a man of the word and the stage. If you ever need a recital of the feats of the heroic age, in verse, I'm your man." then as he was aghast of a conversation going silent "I understand you are on an extended Journey"




Kaspar of Ederthal Half Elf Bard 3

AC: 14, HP 21/22, Initiative: +3(+1), Bardic Inspiration used 1/3


bold: proficient, * Jack of all trades modifier applied

Athletics: 2

Acrobatics*: +4, Stealth*: +4, Sleight of Hand: +5

Arcana*: +2, Nature: +2, History: +3, Religion*: +2, Investigation*: +2

Animal Handling*: 0, Medicine*: 0, Insight: +1, Survival*: 0

Deception: +5, Intimidation*: +4, Performance14undefined +7, Persuasion10: +5




Having rested a night, Kaspar is confidently striding along the Caravan, trying to become familiar with as many faces as possible. As he is planning to seek out the soldiers during the next rest. Soldiers were always appreciative of stories, and he might even pick up some new ones. He is almost surprised when the taciturn looking Borther Bruti speaks up, but recovers quickly.

"Lightbringer reached out to a couple of individuals and offered us the job of extracting Miss Caelyn. Thinking of it we never really settled on the payment for the job, but we have received a small purse for expenses. The two others got lost along the job. I don't know much about Ehrick, but I'm a man of the word and the stage. If you ever need a recital of the feats of the heroic age, in verse, I'm your man." then as he was aghast of a conversation going silent "I understand you are on an extended Journey"

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