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Kaspar of Ederthal Half Elf Bard 3

AC: 14, HP 18/22, Initiative: +3(+1), Bardic Inspiration used 0/3


bold: proficient, * Jack of all trades modifier applied

Athletics: 2

Acrobatics*: +4, Stealth*: +4, Sleight of Hand: +5

Arcana*: +2, Nature: +2, History: +3, Religion*: +2, Investigation*: +2

Animal Handling*: 0, Medicine*: 0, Insight: +1, Survival*: 0

Deception: +5, Intimidation*: +4, Performance14undefined +7, Persuasion10: +5




Yes, no problem, I just need to remember to parry a weapon strike with blade instead if my body." He marches on knowing the others being close to his back, thinking to himself “this time the blade stays ready, that guy could have gutted me, need to be more careful.

Kaspar follows the path that Caspian had almost taken  



Kaspar needs apparently big lighted signs to spot anything, that was a natural 1





Kaspar of Ederthal Half Elf Bard 3

AC: 14, HP 18/22, Initiative: +3(+1), Bardic Inspiration used 0/3


bold: proficient, * Jack of all trades modifier applied

Athletics: 2

Acrobatics*: +4, Stealth*: +4, Sleight of Hand: +5

Arcana*: +2, Nature: +2, History: +3, Religion*: +2, Investigation*: +2

Animal Handling*: 0, Medicine*: 0, Insight: +1, Survival*: 0

Deception: +5, Intimidation*: +4, Performance14undefined +7, Persuasion10: +5




Yes, no problem, I just need to remember to parry a weapon strike with blade instead if my body." He marches on knowing the others being close to his back, thinking to himself “this time the blade stays ready, that guy could have gutted me, need to be more careful.

Kaspar follows the path that Caspian had almost taken  


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