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This is going to be fun, I like the blend of characters.  

If you want my 2 cents @PureChance, not that I want to put you in a direction you don't want to play, but since we seem to be dps heavy with a bladesinger, hexblade, barbarian and ranger; a frontline battlefield commander who can help out our steadfast Forge Cleric get in and out of combat (if that is how he intends to RP), being the target of our foes, all the while doling out excellent tactical advice to the group seems like it would have great synergy.     



This is going to be fun, I like the blend of characters.  

If you want my 2 cents @PureChance, not that I want to put you in a direction you don't want to play, but we seem to be dps heavy with a bladesinger, hexblade, barbarian and ranger.  A frontline battlefield commander who can help out our steadfast Forge Cleric get in and out of combat (if that is how he intends to RP) while doling out excellent tactical advice to the group seems like it would have great synergy.     

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