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The Serene Holds of Urzoa


Chapter 1: Unrest in Baromenes                                                                                            Part 1: A Gathering of Wanderers


🎵 Theme 🎵



Urileth's eyes narrowed slightly as she observed Billie's defiant response. There was a flicker of respect in her gaze as she recognized the fire in the younger woman's spirit. Despite her cockiness, there was a raw determination that Urileth found intriguing. As Billie deliberately strolled forward, matching her slow pace, Urileth kept a watchful eye on her movements. She sensed the street-honed instincts and the unyielding spirit that emanated from the younger warrior.

"I'm ready for whatever you bring," Urileth responded, her voice carrying a note of challenge. As Billie's wild punch hurtled towards her, Urileth's reflexes kicked in. She deftly sidestepped the punch, allowing it to sail harmlessly past her. With lightning speed, she seized the opportunity, aiming two precise counterstrikes at Billie's exposed flank. Only one of the strikes lands, just merely missing Billie's liver and instead cracking against her ribs. Urileth stayed close, moving side to side to try and make herself a harder target to hit.

Dordin listened to Mags's response with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity. The young oracle's words had piqued his interest, but he remained guarded, keeping his rough exterior intact. He raised an eyebrow at Mags's mention of being invited into Billie's bed and bath, finding it hard to believe.

"Well, Mags, if there's truth to what you're saying, then you've certainly caught my attention," Dordin grumbled, his deep voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Though I must say, it's a bold claim you're making there."

He leaned back in his seat, studying Mags intently. The wrinkles on his weathered face deepened as he let out a hearty chuckle. "Complicated, you say? That seems to be a common trait among those who've seen their fair share of battles. The world does have a way of shaping people."

Dordin extended a rough hand toward Mags, giving him a firm handshake if the young oracle reciprocated. He gestured towards the ongoing fight, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "May the gods have mercy on anyone who crosses her path. Let's see what she's made of, eh?"

5:43 pm
Wineday (Wednesday), 17th of Midsummer, 495 AC

Forgot to add Urileths Proficiency bonus to her attack rolls but I'm going to keep them as is for this turn. That's one hit on Billie for 4 bludgeoning.




The Serene Holds of Urzoa


Chapter 1: Unrest in Baromenes                                                                                            Part 1: A Gathering of Wanderers


🎵 Theme 🎵



Urileth's eyes narrowed slightly as she observed Billie's defiant response. There was a flicker of respect in her gaze as she recognized the fire in the younger woman's spirit. Despite her cockiness, there was a raw determination that Urileth found intriguing. As Billie deliberately strolled forward, matching her slow pace, Urileth kept a watchful eye on her movements. She sensed the street-honed instincts and the unyielding spirit that emanated from the younger warrior.

"I'm ready for whatever you bring," Urileth responded, her voice carrying a note of challenge. As Billie's wild punch hurtled towards her, Urileth's reflexes kicked in. She deftly sidestepped the punch, allowing it to sail harmlessly past her. With lightning speed, she seized the opportunity, aiming two precise counterstrikes at Billie's exposed flank.

Dordin listened to Mags's response with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity. The young oracle's words had piqued his interest, but he remained guarded, keeping his rough exterior intact. He raised an eyebrow at Mags's mention of being invited into Billie's bed and bath, finding it hard to believe.

"Well, Mags, if there's truth to what you're saying, then you've certainly caught my attention," Dordin grumbled, his deep voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Though I must say, it's a bold claim you're making there."

He leaned back in his seat, studying Mags intently. The wrinkles on his weathered face deepened as he let out a hearty chuckle. "Complicated, you say? That seems to be a common trait among those who've seen their fair share of battles. The world does have a way of shaping people."

Dordin extended a rough hand toward Mags, giving him a firm handshake if the young oracle reciprocated. He gestured towards the ongoing fight, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "May the gods have mercy on anyone who crosses her path. Let's see what she's made of, eh?"


5:43 pm
Wineday (Wednesday), 17th of Midsummer, 495 AC


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