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Artanis Brightblade, Human Knight of Solamnia, Paragon Warlord or Cavalier Fighter


Name: Artanis Brightblade

Character Concept: A peasant horse farmer's son who grew up in awe of the Knights of Solamnia, dreaming of joining the order and becoming a knight in shining armour defending the weak. Now that he has finally set out on his own as a squire, how will his untested idealism  stand up against the grit of everyday life? Long past are Solamnia's days of majesty - do any truly follow the Oath post-cataclysm, or is the glorious Knight of Honour Artanis always dreamed of just that?

Race, Background, Subclass Class: (Variant) Human Knight of Solamnia Paragon Warlord  (https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LW4agTNJcbwe6kSv4H2)

Description: Artanis is tall and well-muscled, a reflection on both his hard work training horses when young, and his dedicated training to become a Squire of Solamnia. Dusty brown hair hangs behind a tanned face with square jaw, but gentle eyes. Callused hands carefully run an oiled rag along the plain-looking steel longsword across his lap. He is dressed in well worn but carefully maintained chainmail, and smells of leather, sweat, dust and horses. It is clear from his appearance he does not come from noble or wealthy stock, and his easy-going and quiet manner only confirms this - he move to let others pass as needed, and peaceably waits his turn to be served. A closer look reveals the majority of his equipment to be similar in state - well-worn, perhaps second-hand, but cared for with an honesty and    meticulousness that would fit items of much greater worth. Around his neck he wears a plain wooden symbol of Kiri-Jolith to proclaim his faith.

Striking up a conversation he is forthright and blunt, not as an excuse for rudeness but rather because his education (or lack thereof) has not lent him a silver tongue, and honesty needs none besides. He believes the truth speaks for itself. He is clearly friendly and not shy to offer aid to those who request it, in no way viewing simple manual work beneath him - he is as happy to help you move a stuck cart for kindness sake alone, as to undertake a grand quest. A merchant or more cynical character would quickly assess that it comes as no surprise he lacks for gold.

Beyond the tavern, he carefully tends to his mount before turning in, taking the time to brush it down, check it over for sores, and inspect the stable himself before tipping the stableboy generously despite doing most of the work himself. It's clear to anyone watching from the love in his eye and gentle touch of his hand, as well has the horse itself, that he cares greatly for the animal. Indeed he would find it hard to tolerate abuse of such creatures as much as that of his fellow man.

Your Character’s Plothook: 5 - Ispin spent a season with your family and taught you swordplay, sailing, a language, or another skill.

Past is Prologue: 

Artanis was born the son of a horse breeder and farrier in a small village, in one of the numerous duchies the now make up Somalnia. He grew up fascinated by stories of the old Kingdom and the Knights of Solamnia riding to glory, taking what little spare time he had to practice fighting with wooden swords and pretending himself one of them, though never to the detriment of his work. His father was a fair man  (perhaps too much) who did not shy from labour, and instilled in Artanis the same values of honesty and hard work. These have stood him in good stead and were perhaps what caused Ipsin Greenshield to take a liking to him when the adventurer passed through. His mother, unfortunately, died whilst he was young - as is all too common in these small communities she fell ill, and his father could not afford a cleric to heal her. Whilst the house was quieted with grief for a while, his father did not lose himself to it as some do, and remained a good father. His sisters and brothers worked hard to raise him too in her stead. He never neglected the horses for training, developing a deep love brought on through years of closeness.

When Ipsin stayed, the young Artanis lapped up the stories, and through dogged  persistence persuaded a laughing Ipsin to tutor him in swordplay. He spent the entire summer practicing every evening, even when he would normally be out riding the grasslands. Iain was only here for a season, Artanis would impress him enough to take Artanis with him! Obviously the old adventurer would lead a naive young boy away from his parents, and so when he left, he ruffled the despondent boys hair and gave him a letter to keep safe, and promised that should he still wish to seek adventure when he came of age, to give the letter to one Becklin, Knight of Solamnia, and Ipsin's boon companion. 

Time passed, but Artanis' dream did not fade. On his eighteenth birthday, he came before his father, and informed him nervously of his intentions. Whilst sad to see his son leave, his father had known this would come for a long time, for Artanis had always been one to wear his heart on his sleeve. He offered his blessing, and a small supplement of coin to Artanis' own savings. For his part, the young lad was bright eyed, and full of promises to visit, to send money home, and to defend their village from all sorts of predation! 

He sought Becklin, who sponsored his entry into the Order, and was taken as squire to an older Knight of the Crown, Ser Brightblade. The Brightblades had a long pedigree of supplying knights to the Order, and though gruff, he treated Artanis fairly. The boy trained hard, harder than many of the noble children who had been born to comfort and privilege. His muscles had been built over the forge, and his speed and balance trained by unruly stallions. More than that, his heart still burned with the same pure desire that had been ignited so many years ago, that drove him to get up each time he fell, no matter how hard. Over time, Ser Brightblade took a strong liking to the young peasant, refreshed by his honesty and unclouded belief in the Oath.  Being of a slightly removed branch of the family, and with no children of his own, he sought to offer Artanis to take the Brightblade name, Artanis bearing none of his own. Permission was granted, on the basis that no claim was extended with this hour of course, and so was knighted Artanis Brightblade, overwhelmed with emotion. With the honour, his mentor granted Artanis a steel longsword (knowing the lad would never be able to purchase such himself) and set him on his path to demonstrate his worthiness through deed before he returned proven.

It was on this journey that he heard of Ipsin's passing, and so made his way to the small town of Vogler...

Truths, Rumors, and Lies:

Include at least two of the following in your application:

Loyalties. Order of the Knights of Solamnia - following his coming of age, and with Ispin Greenshields letter of recommendation, he sought out Becklin for sponsorship into the order. She was happy to trust her long time comrades judgement of character, and with her blessing he was inducted as squire to Ser Brightblade. He now ventures to prove himself worthy of the Orders of the Crown, Sword and Rose.


Deity. Kiri-Jolith - both as one of the triad of deities that the Knights of Solamnia honour, and the embodiment of everything Artanis dreams to be, the honourable knight in shining armour riding out a hero to defend the weak. Also honours Habbakuk and Palatine, as patrons of the knightly order.

Is Might Right? No - the strong have a duty to defend the weak, and dispense justice wisely. Strength of arms or noble birth is not a god-given mandate to decide what is right, but is the power to ensure righteousness upheld. 


Music. Lament for the Rohirrim "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YTBgFmK_bs".

He Who Would Valiant Be "https://youtu.be/dBSPvatOtvo".

I won't Back Down - Johnny Cash "https://youtu.be/xggRxWXdTng"

Holding Out for a Hero "https://youtu.be/bWcASV2sey0"







Should be apparent from background & loyalty information above , but will make more explicit on request 



Artanis Brightblade, Human Knight of Solamnia, Paragon Warlord or Cavalier Fighter


Name: Artanis Brightblade

Character Concept: A peasant horse farmer's son who grew up in awe of the Knights of Solamnia, dreaming of joining the order and becoming a knight in shining armour defending the weak. Now that he has finally set out on his own as a squire, how will his untested idealism  stand up against the grit of everyday life? Long past are Solamnia's days of majesty - do any truly follow the Oath post-cataclysm, or is the glorious Knight of Honour Artanis always dreamed of just that?

Race, Background, Subclass Class: (Variant) Human Knight of Solamnia Paragon Warlord  (https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LW4agTNJcbwe6kSv4H2)

Description: Artanis is tall and well-muscled, a reflection on both his hard work training horses when young, and his dedicated training to become a Squire of Solamnia. Dusty brown hair hangs behind a tanned face with square jaw, but gentle eyes. Callused hands carefully run an oiled rag along the plain-looking steel longsword across his lap. He is dressed in well worn but carefully maintained chainmail, and smells of leather, sweat, dust and horses. It is clear from his appearance he does not come from noble or wealthy stock, and his easy-going and quiet manner only confirms this - he move to let others pass as needed, and peaceably waits his turn to be served. A closer look reveals the majority of his equipment to be similar in state - well-worn, perhaps second-hand, but cared for with an honesty and    meticulousness that would fit items of much greater worth. Around his neck he wears a plain wooden symbol of Kiri-Jolith to proclaim his faith.

Striking up a conversation he is forthright and blunt, not as an excuse for rudeness but rather because his education (or lack thereof) has not lent him a silver tongue, and honesty needs none besides. He believes the truth speaks for itself. He is clearly friendly and not shy to offer aid to those who request it, in no way viewing simple manual work beneath him - he is as happy to help you move a stuck cart for kindness sake alone, as to undertake a grand quest. A merchant or more cynical character would quickly assess that it comes as no surprise he lacks for gold.

Beyond the tavern, he carefully tends to his mount before turning in, taking the time to brush it down, check it over for sores, and inspect the stable himself before tipping the stableboy generously despite doing most of the work himself. It's clear to anyone watching from the love in his eye and gentle touch of his hand, as well has the horse itself, that he cares greatly for the animal. Indeed he would find it hard to tolerate abuse of such creatures as much as that of his fellow man.

Your Character’s Plothook: 5 - Ispin spent a season with your family and taught you swordplay, sailing, a language, or another skill.

Past is Prologue: 


Truths, Rumors, and Lies:

Include at least two of the following in your application:


Music. Lament for the Rohirrim "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YTBgFmK_bs".

He Who Would Valiant Be "https://youtu.be/dBSPvatOtvo".

I won't Back Down - Johnny Cash "https://youtu.be/xggRxWXdTng"

Holding Out for a Hero "https://youtu.be/bWcASV2sey0"







Should be apparent from background & loyalty information above , but will make more explicit on request 



Artanis Brightblade, Human Knight of Solamnia, Paragon Warlord or Cavalier Fighter


Name: Artanis Brightblade

Character Concept: A peasant horse farmer's son who grew up in awe of the Knights of Solamnia, dreaming of joining the order and becoming a knight in shining armour defending the weak. Now that he has finally set out on his own as a squire, how will his untested idealism  stand up against the grit of everyday life? Long past are Solamnia's days of majesty - do any truly follow the Oath post-cataclysm, or is the glorious Knight of Honour Artanis always dreamed of just that?

Race, Background, Subclass Class: (Variant) Human Knight of Solamnia Paragon Warlord  (https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LW4agTNJcbwe6kSv4H2)

Description: Artanis is tall and well-muscled, a reflection on both his hard work training horses when young, and his dedicated training to become a Squire of Solamnia. Dusty brown hair hangs behind a tanned face with square jaw, but gentle eyes. Callused hands carefully run an oiled rag along the plain-looking steel longsword across his lap. He is dressed in well worn but carefully maintained chainmail, and smells of leather, sweat, dust and horses. It is clear from his appearance he does not come from noble or wealthy stock, and his easy-going and quiet manner only confirms this - he move to let others pass as needed, and peaceably waits his turn to be served. A closer look reveals the majority of his equipment to be similar in state - well-worn, perhaps second-hand, but cared for with an honesty and    meticulousness that would fit items of much greater worth. Around his neck he wears a plain wooden symbol of Kiri-Jolith to proclaim his faith.

Striking up a conversation he is forthright and blunt, not as an excuse for rudeness but rather because his education (or lack thereof) has not lent him a silver tongue, and honesty needs none besides. He believes the truth speaks for itself. He is clearly friendly and not shy to offer aid to those who request it, in no way viewing simple manual work beneath him - he is as happy to help you move a stuck cart for kindness sake alone, as to undertake a grand quest. A merchant or more cynical character would quickly assess that it comes as no surprise he lacks for gold.

Beyond the tavern, he carefully tends to his mount before turning in, taking the time to brush it down, check it over for sores, and inspect the stable himself before tipping the stableboy generously despite doing most of the work himself. It's clear to anyone watching from the love in his eye and gentle touch of his hand, as well has the horse itself, that he cares greatly for the animal. Indeed he would find it hard to tolerate abuse of such creatures as much as that of his fellow man.

Your Character’s Plothook: 5 - Ispin spent a season with your family and taught you swordplay, sailing, a language, or another skill.

Past is Prologue: 


Truths, Rumors, and Lies:

Include at least two of the following in your application:


Music. Lament for the Rohirrim "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YTBgFmK_bs".

He Who Would Valiant Be


I won't Back Down - Johnny Cash "https://youtu.be/xggRxWXdTng"

Holding Out for a Hero "https://youtu.be/bWcASV2sey0"







Should be apparent from background & loyalty information above , but will make more explicit on request 



Artanis Brightblade, Human Knight of Solamnia, Paragon Warlord or Cavalier Fighter


Name: Artanis Brightblade

Character Concept: A peasant horse farmer's son who grew up in awe of the Knights of Solamnia, dreaming of joining the order and becoming a knight in shining armour defending the weak. Now that he has finally set out on his own as a squire, how will his untested idealism  stand up against the grit of everyday life? Long past are Solamnia's days of majesty - do any truly follow the Oath post-cataclysm, or is the glorious Knight of Honour Artanis always dreamed of just that?

Race, Background, Subclass Class: (Variant) Human Knight of Solamnia Cavalier Fighter or Paragon Warlord instead - undecided ! (https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LW4agTNJcbwe6kSv4H2)

Description: Artanis is tall and well-muscled, a reflection on both his hard work training horses when young, and his dedicated training to become a Squire of Solamnia. Dusty brown hair hangs behind a tanned face with square jaw, but gentle eyes. Callused hands carefully run an oiled rag along the plain-looking steel longsword across his lap. He is dressed in well worn but carefully maintained chainmail, and smells of leather, sweat, dust and horses. It is clear from his appearance he does not come from noble or wealthy stock, and his easy-going and quiet manner only confirms this - he move to let others pass as needed, and peaceably waits his turn to be served. A closer look reveals the majority of his equipment to be similar in state - well-worn, perhaps second-hand, but cared for with an honesty and    meticulousness that would fit items of much greater worth. Around his neck he wears a plain wooden symbol of Kiri-Jolith to proclaim his faith.

Striking up a conversation he is forthright and blunt, not as an excuse for rudeness but rather because his education (or lack thereof) has not lent him a silver tongue, and honesty needs none besides. He believes the truth speaks for itself. He is clearly friendly and not shy to offer aid to those who request it, in no way viewing simple manual work beneath him - he is as happy to help you move a stuck cart for kindness sake alone, as to undertake a grand quest. A merchant or more cynical character would quickly assess that it comes as no surprise he lacks for gold.

Beyond the tavern, he carefully tends to his mount before turning in, taking the time to brush it down, check it over for sores, and inspect the stable himself before tipping the stableboy generously despite doing most of the work himself. It's clear to anyone watching from the love in his eye and gentle touch of his hand, as well has the horse itself, that he cares greatly for the animal. Indeed he would find it hard to tolerate abuse of such creatures as much as that of his fellow man.

Your Character’s Plothook: 5 - Ispin spent a season with your family and taught you swordplay, sailing, a language, or another skill.

Past is Prologue: 


Truths, Rumors, and Lies:

Include at least two of the following in your application:


Music. Lament for the Rohirrim "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YTBgFmK_bs".

I won't Back Down - Johnny Cash "https://youtu.be/xggRxWXdTng"

Holding Out for a Hero "https://youtu.be/bWcASV2sey0"







Should be apparent from background & loyalty information above , but will make more explicit on request 



Artanis Brightblade, Human Knight of Solamnia, Paragon Warlord or Cavalier Fighter


Name: Artanis Brightblade

Character Concept: A peasant horse farmer's son who grew up in awe of the Knights of Solamnia, dreaming of joining the order and becoming a knight in shining armour defending the weak. Now that he has finally set out on his own as a squire, how will his untested idealism  stand up against the grit of everyday life? Long past are Solamnia's days of majesty - do any truly follow the Oath post-cataclysm, or is the glorious Knight of Honour Artanis always dreamed of just that?

Race, Background, Subclass Class: (Variant) Human Knight of Solamnia Cavalier Fighter or Paragon Warlord instead - undecided ! (https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LW4agTNJcbwe6kSv4H2)

Description: Artanis is tall and well-muscled, a reflection on both his hard work training horses when young, and his dedicated training to become a Squire of Solamnia. Dusty brown hair hangs behind a tanned face with square jaw, but gentle eyes. Callused hands carefully run an oiled rag along the plain-looking steel longsword across his lap. He is dressed in well worn but carefully maintained chainmail, and smells of leather, sweat, dust and horses. It is clear from his appearance he does not come from noble or wealthy stock, and his easy-going and quiet manner only confirms this - he move to let others pass as needed, and peaceably waits his turn to be served. A closer look reveals the majority of his equipment to be similar in state - well-worn, perhaps second-hand, but cared for with an honesty and    meticulousness that would fit items of much greater worth. Around his neck he wears a plain wooden symbol of Kiri-Jolith to proclaim his faith.

Striking up a conversation he is forthright and blunt, not as an excuse for rudeness but rather because his education (or lack thereof) has not lent him a silver tongue, and honesty needs none besides. He believes the truth speaks for itself. He is clearly friendly and not shy to offer aid to those who request it, in no way viewing simple manual work beneath him - he is as happy to help you move a stuck cart for kindness sake alone, as to undertake a grand quest. A merchant or more cynical character would quickly assess that it comes as no surprise he lacks for gold.

Beyond the tavern, he carefully tends to his mount before turning in, taking the time to brush it down, check it over for sores, and inspect the stable himself before tipping the stableboy generously despite doing most of the work himself. It's clear to anyone watching from the love in his eye and gentle touch of his hand, as well has the horse itself, that he cares greatly for the animal. Indeed he would find it hard to tolerate abuse of such creatures as much as that of his fellow man.

Your Character’s Plothook: 5 - Ispin spent a season with your family and taught you swordplay, sailing, a language, or another skill.

Past is Prologue: Artanis was born the son of a horse breeder and farrier in a small village, in one of the numerous duchies the now make up Somalnia. He grew up fascinated by stories of the old Kingdom and the Knights of Solamnia riding to glory, taking what little spare time he had to practice fighting with wooden swords and pretending himself one of them, though never to the detriment of his work. His father was a fair man  (perhaps too much) who did not shy from labour, and instilled in Artanis the same values of honesty and hard work. These have stood him in good stead and were perhaps what caused Ipsin Greenshield to take a liking to him when the adventurer passed through. His mother, unfortunately, died whilst he was young - as is all too common in these small communities she fell ill, and his father could not afford a cleric to heal her. Whilst the house was quieted with grief for a while, his father did not lose himself to it as some do, and remained a good father. His sisters and brothers worked hard to raise him too in her stead. He never neglected the horses for training, developing a deep love brought on through years of closeness.

When Ipsin stayed, the young Artanis lapped up the stories, and through dogged  persistence persuaded a laughing Ipsin to tutor him in swordplay. He spent the entire summer practicing every evening, even when he would normally be out riding the grasslands. Iain was only here for a season, Artanis would impress him enough to take Artanis with him! Obviously the old adventurer would lead a naive young boy away from his parents, and so when he left, he ruffled the despondent boys hair and gave him a letter to keep safe, and promised that should he still wish to seek adventure when he came of age, to give the letter to one Becklin, Knight of Solamnia, and Ipsin's boon companion. 

Time passed, but Artanis' dream did not fade. On his eighteenth birthday, he came before his father, and informed him nervously of his intentions. Whilst sad to see his son leave, his father had known this would come for a long time, for Artanis had always been one to wear his heart on his sleeve. He offered his blessing, and a small supplement of coin to Artanis' own savings. For his part, the young lad was bright eyed, and full of promises to visit, to send money home, and to defend their village from all sorts of predation! 

He sought Becklin, who sponsored his entry into the Order, and was taken as squire to an older Knight of the Crown, Ser Brightblade. The Brightblades had a long pedigree of supplying knights to the Order, and though gruff, he treated Artanis fairly. The boy trained hard, harder than many of the noble children who had been born to comfort and privilege. His muscles had been built over the forge, and his speed and balance trained by unruly stallions. More than that, his heart still burned with the same pure desire that had been ignited so many years ago, that drove him to get up each time he fell, no matter how hard. Over time, Ser Brightblade took a strong liking to the young peasant, refreshed by his honesty and unclouded belief in the Oath.  Being of a slightly removed branch of the family, and with no children of his own, he sought to offer Artanis to take the Brightblade name, Artanis bearing none of his own. Permission was granted, on the basis that no claim was extended with this hour of course, and so was knighted Artanis Brightblade, overwhelmed with emotion. With the honour, his mentor granted Artanis a steel longsword (knowing the lad would never be able to purchase such himself) and set him on his path to demonstrate his worthiness through deed before he returned proven.

It was on this journey that he heard of Ipsin's passing, and so made his way to the small town of Vogler...

Truths, Rumors, and Lies:

  1. TRUE - Artanis is a fantastic horseman and can calm even the most wild stallion - he once saved a panicked draught horse whose cart axle had snapped, and was dragging its master trapped by the reins through the town, saving his life and preventing further catastrophe.
  2. FALSE - Artanis is actually the barstard son of Lord Carrigan, which is the only reason he was allowed to join the Order of Solamnia... 
  3. TRUE - Artanis is actually of peasant stock and has no true claim to the Brightblade name (FALSE - taken it without their knowledge / TRUE - taken with their blessing / FALSE - and so he is on the run from them)

Include at least two of the following in your application:

Loyalties. Order of the Knights of Solamnia - following his coming of age, and with Ispin Greenshields letter of recommendation, he sought out Becklin for sponsorship into the order. She was happy to trust her long time comrades judgement of character, and with her blessing he was inducted as squire to Ser Brightblade. He now ventures to prove himself worthy of the Orders of the Crown, Sword and Rose.


Deity. Kiri-Jolith - both as one of the triad of deities that the Knights of Solamnia honour, and the embodiment of everything Artanis dreams to be, the honourable knight in shining armour riding out a hero to defend the weak. Also honours Habbakuk and Palatine, as patrons of the knightly order.

Is Might Right? No - the strong have a duty to defend the weak, and dispense justice wisely. Strength of arms or noble birth is not a god-given mandate to decide what is right, but is the power to ensure righteousness upheld. 


Music. Lament for the Rohirrim "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YTBgFmK_bs".

I won't Back Down - Johnny Cash "https://youtu.be/xggRxWXdTng"

Holding Out for a Hero "https://youtu.be/bWcASV2sey0"







Should be apparent from background & loyalty information above , but will make more explicit on request 



Artanis Brightblade, Human Knight of Solamnia, Paragon Warlord or Cavalier Fighter


Name: Artanis Brightblade

Character Concept: A peasant horse farmer's son who grew up in awe of the Knights of Solamnia, dreaming of joining the order and becoming a knight in shining armour defending the weak. Now that he has finally set out on his own as a squire, how will his untested idealism  stand up against the grit of everyday life? Long past are Solamnia's days of majesty - do any truly follow the Oath post-cataclysm, or is the glorious Knight of Honour Artanis always dreamed of just that?

Race, Background, Subclass Class: (Variant) Human Knight of Solamnia Cavalier Fighter or Paragon Warlord instead - undecided ! (https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LW4agTNJcbwe6kSv4H2)

Description: Artanis is tall and well-muscled, a reflection on both his hard work training horses when young, and his dedicated training to become a Squire of Solamnia. Dusty brown hair hangs behind a tanned face with square jaw, but gentle eyes. Callused hands carefully run an oiled rag along the plain-looking steel longsword across his lap. He is dressed in well worn but carefully maintained chainmail, and smells of leather, sweat, dust and horses. It is clear from his appearance he does not come from noble or wealthy stock, and his easy-going and quiet manner only confirms this - he move to let others pass as needed, and peaceably waits his turn to be served. A closer look reveals the majority of his equipment to be similar in state - well-worn, perhaps second-hand, but cared for with an honesty and    meticulousness that would fit items of much greater worth. Around his neck he wears a plain wooden symbol of Kiri-Jolith to proclaim his faith.

Striking up a conversation he is forthright and blunt, not as an excuse for rudeness but rather because his education (or lack thereof) has not lent him a silver tongue, and honesty needs none besides. He believes the truth speaks for itself. He is clearly friendly and not shy to offer aid to those who request it, in no way viewing simple manual work beneath him - he is as happy to help you move a stuck cart for kindness sake alone, as to undertake a grand quest. A merchant or more cynical character would quickly assess that it comes as no surprise he lacks for gold.

Beyond the tavern, he carefully tends to his mount before turning in, taking the time to brush it down, check it over for sores, and inspect the stable himself before tipping the stableboy generously despite doing most of the work himself. It's clear to anyone watching from the love in his eye and gentle touch of his hand, as well has the horse itself, that he cares greatly for the animal. Indeed he would find it hard to tolerate abuse of such creatures as much as that of his fellow man.

Your Character’s Plothook: 5 - Ispin spent a season with your family and taught you swordplay, sailing, a language, or another skill.

Past is Prologue: Artanis was born the son of a horse breeder and farrier in a small village, in one of the numerous duchies the now make up Somalnia. He grew up fascinated by stories of the old Kingdom and the Knights of Solamnia riding to glory, taking what little spare time he had to practice fighting with wooden swords and pretending himself one of them, though never to the detriment of his work. His father was a fair man  (perhaps too much) who did not shy from labour, and instilled in Artanis the same values of honesty and hard work. These have stood him in good stead and were perhaps what caused Ipsin Greenshield to take a liking to him when the adventurer passed through. His mother, unfortunately, died whilst he was young - as is all too common in these small communities she fell ill, and his father could not afford a cleric to heal her. Whilst the house was quieted with grief for a while, his father did not lose himself to it as some do, and remained a good father. His sisters and brothers worked hard to raise him too in her stead. He never neglected the horses for training, developing a deep love brought on through years of closeness.

When Ipsin stayed, the young Artanis lapped up the stories, and through dogged  persistence persuaded a laughing Ipsin to tutor him in swordplay. He spent the entire summer practicing every evening, even when he would normally be out riding the grasslands. Iain was only here for a season, Artanis would impress him enough to take Artanis with him! Obviously the old adventurer would lead a naive young boy away from his parents, and so when he left, he ruffled the despondent boys hair and gave him a letter to keep safe, and promised that should he still wish to seek adventure when he came of age, to give the letter to one Becklin, Knight of Solamnia, and Ipsin's boon companion. 

Time passed, but Artanis' dream did not fade. On his eighteenth birthday, he came before his father, and informed him nervously of his intentions. Whilst sad to see his son leave, his father had known this would come for a long time, for Artanis had always been one to wear his heart on his sleeve. He offered his blessing, and a small supplement of coin to Artanis' own savings. For his part, the young lad was bright eyed, and full of promises to visit, to send money home, and to defend their village from all sorts of predation! 

He sought Becklin, who sponsored his entry into the Order, and was taken as squire to an older Knight of the Crown, Ser Brightblade. The Brightblades had a long pedigree of supplying knights to the Order, and though gruff, he treated Artanis fairly. The boy trained hard, harder than many of the noble children who had been born to comfort and privilege. His muscles had been built over the forge, and his speed and balance trained by unruly stallions. More than that, his heart still burned with the same pure desire that had been ignited so many years ago, that drove him to get up each time he fell, no matter how hard. Over time, Ser Brightblade took a strong liking to the young peasant, refreshed by his honesty and unclouded belief in the Oath.  Being of a slightly removed branch of the family, and with no children of his own, he sought to offer Artanis to take the Brightblade name, Artanis bearing none of his own. Permission was granted, on the basis that no claim was extended with this hour of course, and so was knighted Artanis Brightblade, overwhelmed with emotion. With the honour, his mentor granted Artanis a steel longsword (knowing the lad would never be able to purchase such himself) and set him on his path to demonstrate his worthiness through deed before he returned proven.

It was on this journey that he heard of Ipsin's passing, and so made his way to the small town of Vogler...

Truths, Rumors, and Lies:

  1. TRUE - Artanis is a fantastic horseman and can calm even the most wild stallion - he once saved a panicked draught horse whose cart axle had snapped, and was dragging its master trapped by the reins through the town, saving his life and preventing further catastrophe.
  2. FALSE - Artanis is actually the barstard son of Lord Carrigan, which is the only reason he was allowed to join the Order of Solamnia... 
  3. TRUE - Artanis is actually of peasant stock and has no true claim to the Brightblade name (FALSE - taken it without their knowledge / TRUE - taken with their blessing / FALSE - and so he is on the run from them)

Include at least two of the following in your application:

Loyalties. Order of the Knights of Solamnia - following his coming of age, and with Ispin Greenshields letter of recommendation, he sought out Becklin for sponsorship into the order. She was happy to trust her long time comrades judgement of character, and with her blessing he was inducted as squire to Ser Brightblade. He now ventures to prove himself worthy of the Orders of the Crown, Sword and Rose.


Deity. Kiri-Jolith - both as one of the triad of deities that the Knights of Solamnia honour, and the embodiment of everything Artanis dreams to be, the honourable knight in shining armour riding out a hero to defend the weak. Also honours Habbakuk and Palatine, as patrons of the knightly order.

Is Might Right? No - the strong have a duty to defend the weak, and dispense justice wisely. Strength of arms or noble birth is not a god-given mandate to decide what is right, but is the power to ensure righteousness upheld. 


Music. Lament for the Rohirrim "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YTBgFmK_bs".

I won't Back Down - Johnny Cash "https://youtu.be/xggRxWXdTng"

Holding Out for a Hero "https://youtu.be/bWcASV2sey0"









Artanis Brightblade, Human Knight of Solamnia, Paragon Warlord or Cavalier Fighter


Name: Artanis Brightblade

Character Concept: A peasant horse farmer's son who grew up in awe of the Knights of Solamnia, dreaming of joining the order and becoming a knight in shining armour defending the weak. Now that he has finally set out on his own as a squire, how will his untested idealism  stand up against the grit of everyday life? Long past are Solamnia's days of majesty - do any truly follow the Oath post-cataclysm, or is the glorious Knight of Honour Artanis always dreamed of just that?

Race, Background, Subclass Class: (Variant) Human Knight of Solamnia Cavalier Fighter or Paragon Warlord instead - undecided ! (https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LW4agTNJcbwe6kSv4H2)

Description: Artanis is tall and well-muscled, a reflection on both his hard work training horses when young, and his dedicated training to become a Squire of Solamnia. Dusty brown hair hangs behind a tanned face with square jaw, but gentle eyes. Callused hands carefully run an oiled rag along the plain-looking steel longsword across his lap. He is dressed in well worn but carefully maintained chainmail, and smells of leather, sweat, dust and horses. It is clear from his appearance he does not come from noble or wealthy stock, and his easy-going and quiet manner only confirms this - he move to let others pass as needed, and peaceably waits his turn to be served. A closer look reveals the majority of his equipment to be similar in state - well-worn, perhaps second-hand, but cared for with an honesty and    meticulousness that would fit items of much greater worth. Around his neck he wears a plain wooden symbol of Kiri-Jolith to proclaim his faith.

Striking up a conversation he is forthright and blunt, not as an excuse for rudeness but rather because his education (or lack thereof) has not lent him a silver tongue, and honesty needs none besides. He believes the truth speaks for itself. He is clearly friendly and not shy to offer aid to those who request it, in no way viewing simple manual work beneath him - he is as happy to help you move a stuck cart for kindness sake alone, as to undertake a grand quest. A merchant or more cynical character would quickly assess that it comes as no surprise he lacks for gold.

Beyond the tavern, he carefully tends to his mount before turning in, taking the time to brush it down, check it over for sores, and inspect the stable himself before tipping the stableboy generously despite doing most of the work himself. It's clear to anyone watching from the love in his eye and gentle touch of his hand, as well has the horse itself, that he cares greatly for the animal. Indeed he would find it hard to tolerate abuse of such creatures as much as that of his fellow man.

Your Character’s Plothook: 5 - Ispin spent a season with your family and taught you swordplay, sailing, a language, or another skill.

Past is Prologue: Artanis was born the son of a horse breeder and farrier in a small village, in one of the numerous duchies the now make up Somalnia. He grew up fascinated by stories of the old Kingdom and the Knights of Solamnia riding to glory, taking what little spare time he had to practice fighting with wooden swords and pretending himself one of them, though never to the detriment of his work. His father was a fair man  (perhaps too much) who did not shy from labour, and instilled in Artanis the same values of honesty and hard work. These have stood him in good stead and were perhaps what caused Ipsin Greenshield to take a liking to him when the adventurer passed through. His mother, unfortunately, died whilst he was young - as is all too common in these small communities she fell ill, and his father could not afford a cleric to heal her. Whilst the house was quieted with grief for a while, his father did not lose himself to it as some do, and remained a good father. His sisters and brothers worked hard to raise him too in her stead. He never neglected the horses for training, developing a deep love brought on through years of closeness.

When Ipsin stayed, the young Artanis lapped up the stories, and through dogged  persistence persuaded a laughing Ipsin to tutor him in swordplay. He spent the entire summer practicing every evening, even when he would normally be out riding the grasslands. Iain was only here for a season, Artanis would impress him enough to take Artanis with him! Obviously the old adventurer would lead a naive young boy away from his parents, and so when he left, he ruffled the despondent boys hair and gave him a letter to keep safe, and promised that should he still wish to seek adventure when he came of age, to give the letter to one Becklin, Knight of Solamnia, and Ipsin's boon companion. 

Time passed, but Artanis' dream did not fade. On his eighteenth birthday, he came before his father, and informed him nervously of his intentions. Whilst sad to see his son leave, his father had known this would come for a long time, for Artanis had always been one to wear his heart on his sleeve. He offered his blessing, and a small supplement of coin to Artanis' own savings. For his part, the young lad was bright eyed, and full of promises to visit, to send money home, and to defend their village from all sorts of predation! 

He sought Becklin, who sponsored his entry into the Order, and was taken as squire to an older Knight of the Crown, Ser Brightblade. The Brightblades had a long pedigree of supplying knights to the Order, and though gruff, he treated Artanis fairly. The boy trained hard, harder than many of the noble children who had been born to comfort and privilege. His muscles had been built over the forge, and his speed and balance trained by unruly stallions. More than that, his heart still burned with the same pure desire that had been ignited so many years ago, that drove him to get up each time he fell, no matter how hard. Over time, Ser Brightblade took a strong liking to the young peasant, refreshed by his honesty and unclouded belief in the Oath.  Being of a slightly removed branch of the family, and with no children of his own, he sought to offer Artanis to take the Brightblade name, Artanis bearing none of his own. Permission was granted, on the basis that no claim was extended with this hour of course, and so was knighted Artanis Brightblade, overwhelmed with emotion. With the honour, his mentor granted Artanis a steel longsword (knowing the lad would never be able to purchase such himself) and set him on his path to demonstrate his worthiness through deed before he returned proven.

It was on this journey that he heard of Ipsin's passing, and so made his way to the small town of Vogler...

Truths, Rumors, and Lies:

  1. [True Rumor]
  2. FALSE - Artanis is actually the barstard son of Lord Carrigan, which is the only reason he was allowed to join the Order of Solamnia... 
  3. TRUE - Artanis is actually of peasant stock and has no true claim to the Brightblade name (FALSE - taken it without their knowledge / TRUE - taken with their blessing / FALSE - and so he is on the run from them)

Include at least two of the following in your application:

Loyalties. Order of the Knights of Solamnia - following his coming of age, and with Ispin Greenshields letter of recommendation, he sought out Becklin for sponsorship into the order. She was happy to trust her long time comrades judgement of character, and with her blessing he was inducted as squire to Ser Brightblade. He now ventures to prove himself worthy of the Orders of the Crown, Sword and Rose.


Deity. Kiri-Jolith - both as one of the triad of deities that the Knights of Solamnia honour, and the embodiment of everything Artanis dreams to be, the honourable knight in shining armour riding out a hero to defend the weak. Also honours Habbakuk and Palatine, as patrons of the knightly order.

Is Might Right? No - the strong have a duty to defend the weak, and dispense justice wisely. Strength of arms or noble birth is not a god-given mandate to decide what is right, but is the power to ensure righteousness upheld. 


Music. Lament for the Rohirrim "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YTBgFmK_bs".

I won't Back Down - Johnny Cash "https://youtu.be/xggRxWXdTng"

Holding Out for a Hero "https://youtu.be/bWcASV2sey0"









Artanis Brightblade, Human Knight of Solamnia, Paragon Warlord or Cavalier Fighter


Name: Artanis Brightblade

Character Concept: A peasant horse farmer's son who grew up in awe of the Knights of Solamnia, dreaming of joining the order and becoming a knight in shining armour defending the weak. Now that he has finally set out on his own as a squire, how will his untested idealism  stand up against the grit of everyday life? Long past are Solamnia's days of majesty - do any truly follow the Oath post-cataclysm, or is the glorious Knight of Honour Artanis always dreamed of just that?

Race, Background, Subclass Class: (Variant) Human Knight of Solamnia Cavalier Fighter or Paragon Warlord instead - undecided ! (https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LW4agTNJcbwe6kSv4H2)

Description: Artanis is tall and well-muscled, a reflection on both his hard work training horses when young, and his dedicated training to become a Squire of Solamnia. Dusty brown hair hangs behind a tanned face with square jaw, but gentle eyes. Callused hands carefully run an oiled rag along the plain-looking steel longsword across his lap. He is dressed in well worn but carefully maintained chainmail, and smells of leather, sweat, dust and horses. It is clear from his appearance he does not come from noble or wealthy stock, and his easy-going and quiet manner only confirms this - he move to let others pass as needed, and peaceably waits his turn to be served. A closer look reveals the majority of his equipment to be similar in state - well-worn, perhaps second-hand, but cared for with an honesty and    meticulousness that would fit items of much greater worth. Around his neck he wears a plain wooden symbol of Kiri-Jolith to proclaim his faith.

Striking up a conversation he is forthright and blunt, not as an excuse for rudeness but rather because his education (or lack thereof) has not lent him a silver tongue, and honesty needs none besides. He believes the truth speaks for itself. He is clearly friendly and not shy to offer aid to those who request it, in no way viewing simple manual work beneath him - he is as happy to help you move a stuck cart for kindness sake alone, as to undertake a grand quest. A merchant or more cynical character would quickly assess that it comes as no surprise he lacks for gold.

Beyond the tavern, he carefully tends to his mount before turning in, taking the time to brush it down, check it over for sores, and inspect the stable himself before tipping the stableboy generously despite doing most of the work himself. It's clear to anyone watching from the love in his eye and gentle touch of his hand, as well has the horse itself, that he cares greatly for the animal. Indeed he would find it hard to tolerate abuse of such creatures as much as that of his fellow man.

Your Character’s Plothook: 5 - Ispin spent a season with your family and taught you swordplay, sailing, a language, or another skill.

Past is Prologue: [Backstory]

Truths, Rumors, and Lies:

  1. [True Rumor]
  2. FALSE - Artanis is actually the barstard son of Lord Carrigan, which is the only reason he was allowed to join the Order of Solamnia... 
  3. TRUE - Artanis is actually of peasant stock and has no true claim to the Brightblade name (FALSE - he has taken it without their knowledge / TRUE - with their blessing / FALSE - and so he is on the run from them)

Include at least two of the following in your application:
Order of the Knights of Solamnia - following his coming of age, and with Ispin Greenshields letter of recommendation, he sought out Becklin for sponsorship into the order. She was happy to trust her long time comrades judgement of character, and with her blessing he was inducted as squire to Ser Brightblade. He now ventures to prove himself worthy of the Orders of the Crown, Sword and Rose.


Deity. Kiri-Jolith - both as one of the triad of deities that the Knights of Solamnia honour, and the embodiment of everything Artanis dreams to be, the honourable knight in shining armour riding out a hero to defend the weak. Also honours Habbakuk and Palatine, as patrons of the knightly order.

Is Might Right? No - the strong have a duty to defend the weak, and dispense justice wisely. Strength of arms or noble birth is not a god-given mandate to decide what is right, but is the power to ensure righteousness upheld. 

Music. Lament for the Rohirrim "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YTBgFmK_bs".

I won't Back Down - Johnny Cash "https://youtu.be/xggRxWXdTng"

Holding Out for a Hero "https://youtu.be/bWcASV2sey0"









Artanis Brightblade, Human Knight of Solamnia, Paragon Warlord or Cavalier Fighter


Name: Artanis Brightblade

Character Concept: A peasant horse farmer's son who grew up in awe of the Knights of Solamnia, dreaming of joining the order and becoming a knight in shining armour defending the weak. Now that he has finally set out on his own as a squire, how will his untested idealism  stand up against the grit of everyday life? Long past are Solamnia's days of majesty - do any truly follow the Oath post-cataclysm, or is the glorious Knight of Honour Artanis always dreamed of just that?

Race, Background, Subclass Class: (Variant) Human Knight of Solamnia Cavalier Fighter or Paragon Warlord instead - undecided ! (https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LW4agTNJcbwe6kSv4H2)

Description: Artanis is tall and well-muscled, a reflection on both his hard work training horses when young, and his dedicated training to become a Squire of Solamnia. Dusty brown hair hangs behind a tanned face with square jaw, but gentle eyes. Callused hands carefully run an oiled rag along the plain-looking steel longsword across his lap. He is dressed in well worn but carefully maintained chainmail, and smells of leather, sweat, dust and horses. It is clear from his appearance he does not come from noble or wealthy stock, and his easy-going and quiet manner only confirms this - he move to let others pass as needed, and peaceably waits his turn to be served. A closer look reveals the majority of his equipment to be similar in state - well-worn, perhaps second-hand, but cared for with an honesty and    meticulousness that would fit items of much greater worth. Around his neck he wears a plain wooden symbol of Kiri-Jolith to proclaim his faith.

Striking up a conversation he is forthright and blunt, not as an excuse for rudeness but rather because his education (or lack thereof) has not lent him a silver tongue, and honesty needs none besides. He believes the truth speaks for itself. He is clearly friendly and not shy to offer aid to those who request it, in no way viewing simple manual work beneath him - he is as happy to help you move a stuck cart for kindness sake alone, as to undertake a grand quest. A merchant or more cynical character would quickly assess that it comes as no surprise he lacks for gold.

Beyond the tavern, he carefully tends to his mount before turning in, taking the time to brush it down, check it over for sores, and inspect the stable himself before tipping the stableboy generously despite doing most of the work himself. It's clear to anyone watching from the love in his eye and gentle touch of his hand, as well has the horse itself, that he cares greatly for the animal. Indeed he would find it hard to tolerate abuse of such creatures as much as that of his fellow man.

Your Character’s Plothook: 5 - Ispin spent a season with your family and taught you swordplay, sailing, a language, or another skill.

Past is Prologue: [Backstory]

Truths, Rumors, and Lies:

  1. [True Rumor]
  2. Artanis is the barstard son of Lord Carrigan, which is the only reason he was allowed to join the Order of Solamnia, and the Lord hopes it will take him far from his lands.
  3. [True or False Rumor]

Include at least two of the following in your application:
Order of the Knights of Solamnia - following his coming of age, and with Ispin Greenshields letter of recommendation, he sought out Becklin for sponsorship into the order. She was happy to tryst her long time comrades judgement of character, and with her blessing he was inducted as squire to Ser Findlay of Jesail.

Deity: Kiri-Jolith - both as one of the triad of deities that the Knights of Solamnia honour, and the embodiment of everything Artanis dreams to be, the honourable knight in shining armour riding out a hero to defend the weak. Also honours Habbakuk and Palatine, as patrons of the knightly order.
Is Might Right? No - the strong have a duty to defend the weak, and dispense justice wisely. Strength of arms or noble birth is not a god-given mandate to decide what is right, but is the power to ensure righteousness upheld. 

Music. Lament for the Rohirrim "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YTBgFmK_bs".

I won't Back Down - Johnny Cash "https://youtu.be/xggRxWXdTng"

Holding Out for a Hero "https://youtu.be/bWcASV2sey0"









Artanis Brightblade, Human Knight of Solamnia, Paragon Warlord or Cavalier Fighter


Name: Artanis Brightblade

Character Concept: A peasant horse farmer's son who grew up in awe of the Knights of Solamnia, dreaming of joining the order and becoming a knight in shining armour defending the weak. Now that he has finally set out on his own as a squire, how will his untested idealism  stand up against the grit of everyday life? Long past are Solamnia's days of majesty - do any truly follow the Oath post-cataclysm, or is the glorious Knight of Honour Artanis always dreamed of just that?

Race, Background, Subclass Class: (Variant) Human Knight of Solamnia Cavalier Fighter or Paragon Warlord instead - undecided ! (https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LW4agTNJcbwe6kSv4H2)

Description: Artanis is tall and well-muscled, a reflection on both his hard work training horses when young, and his dedicated training to become a Squire of Solamnia. Dusty brown hair hangs behind a tanned face with square jaw, but gentle eyes. Callused hands carefully run an oiled rag along the plain-looking steel longsword across his lap. He is dressed in well worn but carefully maintained chainmail, and smells of leather, sweat, dust and horses. It is clear from his appearance he does not come from noble or wealthy stock, and his easy-going and quiet manner only confirms this - he move to let others pass as needed, and peaceably waits his turn to be served. A closer look reveals the majority of his equipment to be similar in state - well-worn, perhaps second-hand, but cared for with an honesty and    meticulousness that would fit items of much greater worth. Around his neck he wears a plain wooden symbol of Kiri-Jolith to proclaim his faith.

Striking up a conversation he is forthright and blunt, not as an excuse for rudeness but rather because his education (or lack thereof) has not lent him a silver tongue, and honesty needs none besides. He believes the truth speaks for itself. He is clearly friendly and not shy to offer aid to those who request it, in no way viewing simple manual work beneath him - he is as happy to help you move a stuck cart for kindness sake alone, as to undertake a grand quest. A merchant or more cynical character would quickly assess that it comes as no surprise he lacks for gold.

Beyond the tavern, he carefully tends to his mount before turning in, taking the time to brush it down, check it over for sores, and inspect the stable himself before tipping the stableboy generously despite doing most of the work himself. It's clear to anyone watching from the love in his eye and gentle touch of his hand, as well has the horse itself, that he cares greatly for the animal. Indeed he would find it hard to tolerate abuse of such creatures as much as that of his fellow man.

Your Character’s Plothook: 5 - Ispin spent a season with your family and taught you swordplay, sailing, a language, or another skill.

Past is Prologue: [Backstory]

Truths, Rumors, and Lies:

  1. [True Rumor]
  2. Artanis is the barstard son of Lord Carrigan, which is the only reason he was allowed to join the Order of Solamnia, and the Lord hopes it will take him far from his lands.
  3. [True or False Rumor]

Include at least two of the following in your application:
Order of the Knights of Solamnia - following his coming of age, and with Ispin Greenshields letter of recommendation, he sought out 

Deity: Kiri-Jolith - both as one of the triad of deities that the Knights of Solamnia honour, and the embodiment of everything Artanis dreams to be, the honourable knight in shining armour riding out a hero to defend the weak. Also honours Habbakuk and Palatine, as patrons of the knightly order.
Is Might Right? No - the strong have a duty to defend the weak, and dispense justice wisely. Strength of arms or noble birth is not a god-given mandate to decide what is right, but is the power to ensure righteousness upheld. 

Music. Lament for the Rohirrim "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YTBgFmK_bs".

I won't Back Down - Johnny Cash "https://youtu.be/xggRxWXdTng"

Holding Out for a Hero "https://youtu.be/bWcASV2sey0"







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