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Bellow the Roost 

Rodin moves forward, followed closely by Aeruiel and Kethra. Before Kethra can bring the light fully forward however, two small stones fly wide past Rodin to clack loudly against the cavern's stone wall. Glancing over in the light now shed by the torch in Kethra's hand, Rodin notices the tunnel he was moving to examine folds back around and away, but of greater concern is the small humanoid, about the size of Jesse, standing across the larger cavern, which Rodin now notes is scattered with the corpses of similar humanoids and rather large looking bees... The small humanoid has a scaly hide, a naked tail like that of a rat, and a doglike head with two small horns. He's wearing leathers that seem assembled from scraps, piecemeal remains of clothing and crudely made jewelry of natural materials, including a blue dyed armband. In its hand is sling. Upon seeing you, its eyes open, clearly a bit bothered by the torchlight.

You believe you've all heard of these types of creatures in tales of adventure told in alehouses, it seem to be a kobold. 



Note: Yellow is range of bright torchlight, dashed Orange is for those with low-light vision.

Round 1


Rodin [][]

Max [][]

Kethra [][]

Aeruiel [][]

Kobolds [][][][]

Jesse [][]



[For sake of clarity, any reference to cardinal directions in posts will assume that North is Top of Map as posted, unless a Compass Rose is visible.]




Bellow the Roost 

Rodin moves forward, followed closely by Aeruiel and Kethra. Before Kethra can bring the light fully forward however, two small stones fly wide past Rodin to clack loudly against the cavern's stone wall. Glancing over in the light now shed by the torch in Kethra's hand, Rodin notices the tunnel he was moving to examine folds back around and away, but of greater concern is the small humanoid, about the size of Jesse, standing across the larger cavern, which Rodin now notes is scattered with the corpses of similar humanoids and rather large looking bees... The small humanoid has a scaly hide, a naked tail like that of a rat, and a doglike head with two small horns. He's wearing leathers that seem assembled from scraps, piecemeal remains of clothing and crudely made jewelry of natural materials, including a blue dyed armband. In its hand is sling. Upon seeing you, its eyes open, clearly a bit bothered by the torchlight.

You believe you've all heard of these types of creatures in tales of adventure told in taverns, it seem to be a kobold. 



Note: Yellow is range of bright torchlight, dashed Orange is for those with low-light vision.

Round 1


Rodin [][]

Max [][]

Kethra [][]

Aeruiel [][]

Kobolds [][][][]

Jesse [][]



[For sake of clarity, any reference to cardinal directions in posts will assume that North is Top of Map as posted, unless a Compass Rose is visible.]




Bellow the Roost 

Rodin moves forward, followed closely by Aeruiel and Kethra. Before Kethra can bring the light fully forward however, two small stones fly wide past Rodin to clack loudly against the cavern's stone wall. Glancing over in the light now shed by the torch in Kethra's hand, Rodin notices the tunnel he was moving to examine folds back around and away, but of greater concern is the small humanoid, about the size of Jesse, standing across the larger cavern, which Rodin now notes is scattered with the corpses of similar humanoids and rather large looking bees... The small humanoid has a scaly hide, a naked tail like that of a rat, and a doglike head with two small horns. He's wearing leathers that seem assembled from scraps, piecemeal remains of clothing and crudely made jewelry of natural materials, including a blue dyed armband. In its hand is sling. Upon seeing you, its eyes open, clearly a bit bothered by the torchlight.

You believe you've all heard of these types of creatures in tales of adventure told in taverns, it seem to be a kobold. 



Note: Yellow is range of bright torchlight, dashed Orange is for those with low-light vision.


Rodin [][]

Max [][]

Kethra [][]

Aeruiel [][]

Kobolds [][][][]

Jesse [][]



[For sake of clarity, any reference to cardinal directions in posts will assume that North is Top of Map as posted, unless a Compass Rose is visible.]




Bellow the Roost 

Rodin moves forward, followed closely by Aeruiel and Kethra. Before Kethra can bring the light fully forward however, two small stones fly wide past Rodin to clack loudly against the cavern's stone wall. Glancing over in the light now shed by the torch in Kethra's hand, Rodin notices the tunnel he was moving to examine folds back around and away, but of greater concern is the small humanoid, about the size of Jesse, standing across the larger cavern, which Rodin now notes is scattered with the corpses of similar humanoids and rather large looking bees... The small humanoid has a scaly hide, a naked tail like that of a rat, and a doglike head with two small horns. He's wearing leathers that seem assembled from scraps, piecemeal remains of clothing and crudely made jewelry of natural materials, including a blue dyed armband. In its hand is sling. Upon seeing you, its eyes open, clearly a bit bothered by the torchlight.

You believe you've all heard of these types of creatures in tales of adventure told in taverns, it seem to be a kobold. 



Note: Yellow is range of bright torchlight, dashed Orange is for those with low-light vision.


Rodin [][]

Max [][]

Kethra [][]

Aeruiel [][]

Kobolds [][][][]

Jesse [][]



[For sake of clarity, any reference to cardinal directions in posts will assume that North is Top of Map as posted, unless a Compass Rose is visible.]



Bellow the Roost 

You manage to make it down the gentle slope into a cavern below with little fanfare, save Jesse who seems to treat the activity as more of a dance than a careful decent. The roughly twenty foot decent only takes you a few minutes before you find yourselves at the base of the funnel-shaped chimney to the surface.

The floor and ceilings of this cavern are mostly smooth stone, with a stalactite or stalagmite here and there.



Note: Yellow is range of bright torchlight, dashed Orange is for those with low-light vision.


[For sake of clarity, any reference to cardinal directions in posts will assume that North is Top of Map as posted, unless a Compass Rose is visible.]

Bellow the Roost 

You manage to make it down the gentle slope into a cavern below with little fanfare, save Jesse who seems to treat the activity as more of a dance than a careful decent. The roughly twenty foot decent only takes you a few minutes before you find yourselves at the base of the funnel-shaped chimney to the surface.

The floor and ceilings of this cavern are mostly smooth stone, with a stalactite or stalagmite here and there.



Note: Yellow is range of bright torchlight, dashed Orange is for those with low-light vision.


[For sake of clarity, any reference to cardinal directions in posts will assume that North is Top of Map as posted, unless a Compass Rose is visible.]

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