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Outlander Background

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set (Cards)
Languages: One of your choice (Elvish)
 A staff, a hunting trap, a trophy from an animal you killed, a set of traveler's clothes, and a pouch containing 10gp

Feature: Wanderer

   You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.

Suggested Characteristics

   Often considered rude and uncouth among civilized folk, outlanders have little respect for the niceties of life in the cities. The ties of tribe, clan, family, and the natural world of which they are a part are the most important bonds to most outlanders.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I'm driven by a wanderlust that led me away from home.

4 I have a lesson for every situation, drawn from observing nature.

d6 Ideal
2 Greater Good.
It is each person's responsibility to make the most happiness for the whole tribe. (Good)
6 Glory. I must earn glory in battle, for myself and my clan. (Any)

d6 Bond
I suffer awful visions of a coming disaster and will do anything to prevent it. 

d6 Flaw
There's no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.

Source: PHB, page 135. Available in the Basic Rules.





Noble Background

Skill Proficiencies: History, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a signet ring, a scroll of pedigree, and a purse containing 25 gp

Feature: Position of Privilege

   Thanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcome in high society, and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. The common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to.

Suggested Characteristics

   Nobles are born and raised to a very different lifestyle than most people ever experience, and their personalities reflect that upbringing. A noble title comes with a plethora of bonds—responsibilities to family, to other nobles (including the sovereign), to the people entrusted to the family’s care, or even to the title itself. But this responsibility is often a good way to undermine a noble.

d8 Personality Trait
3 No one could doubt by looking at my regal bearing that I am a cut above the unwashed masses.
7 My favor, once lost, is lost forever.

d6 Ideal
2 Responsibility. It is my duty to respect the authority of those above me, just as those below me must respect mine. (Lawful)
5 Family. Blood runs thicker than water. (Any)

d6 Bond
3 Nothing is more important than the other members of my family.

d6 Flaw
4 I have an insatiable desire for carnal pleasures.

Source: PHB, page 135. Available in the Basic Rules.

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