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10th & Last

Name: Decimus 

Character Concept: A member of the Order of the White Robes dual-wielding Bladesinger who is inertia incarnate.  A lover of poetry, soft lighting, and expensive wines, he moves through life at his own pace, extolling peace and love where he can, and doling out justice if he must.  

Lineage, Background, Planned Subclass: Decimus is a Human, with a Mage of High Sorcery background, who will one day become a dual-wielding Bladesinger Wizard.   

Description: When he can be caught standing tall (typically when in a formal setting where he has no choice), Decimus is is slightly above average height, around six feet on the nose, though he typically prefers to lean or stand in a leisurely pose.  With a sharp jawline, commonly roughed up with a purposefully lazy five o'clock shadow, he draws a rugged silhouette beneath his large sakkat.  His long hair is most often tied back in a neat ponytail which descends between his shoulder blades to the middle of his back, though he leaves a singular curl hanging on the front, which he can often be seen sweeping out of the way in a practiced motion if he needs to punctuate a point.  For a wizard, especially one as lazy as he is, he displays a considerable amount of athleticism, and though he can be considered a bit of a layabout, he does a considerable amount of travelling, and his training requires him to maintain a certain level of physicality in order to sustain his place in the Order of the White Robes given his particular choice of magicks.  Though he is not built like a martial artist, his use of weapons and agility in combat require him to have a physique that is something he is secretly proud of.  Most shockingly, under his Sakkat he wears a black eyepatch, a daily reminder that sometimes, evil wins, and that he must do everything in his power to prevent it.   

His clothing, much like his flowery personality, is breezy and comfortable.  His white robe is covered by a kimono that is dyed pink, and decorated with various sigils and runes, all of which are hidden in the flowers also on the material, though it is visible beneath.  The robe is open over a black haori, over which he sports a bright soft blue and white ombre obi that is tied neatly in a bow, with the two ends hanging down close to his feet.  His choice of footwear, if he must wear any at all, is a simple pair of bamboo sandals without socks.  Decimus usually carries with him a small pack with some emergency wine, cheese, and some nice homemade bread.  The wizard is not an expressive man, usually going through life with an easy smile and a quirked eyebrow, but it is because he often takes time to process what is going on before reacting, though the speed at which he moves through this process can frustrate people around him who are more reactionary.  When forced to act by a problem that has no self-solving solution, he can begin to get serious, but only as a last resort.  Quite often, he would much rather be baking, reading, or sleeping. 

Portents and omens and augeries are a subject Decimus can talk at length about, as he has been mired in the subject since birth.  Not one to see doom in every broken piece of crockery, he does believe that the gods have a hand in the fates of men, and that though there may be a predetermined path, that path is malleable, and oft changes of the whims of the gods.  This belief has revealed itself in him as rather remarkable laziness, knowing that no matter what happens, he will be where he needs to be when he is needed, as the gods intend.  It's not the only reason that he believes in making sure religious shrines are kept in good condition, and goes out of his way to make sure they are done so, but it is a factor.  After all, if his fate is controlled by the gods, there is no harm in staying on their good side.  

 Plothook: Once upon a time, Ispin happened across a body on the side of the road in a forest, and for a moment, he was unsure if the figure was alive or dead.  After poking him with his foot, he discovered Decimus had simply decided to take a nap on his way to the next village.  Finding this hilarious, the adventurer took the wizard up on a brief parlay of cheese and bread while the two swapped stories and poems.  Decimus discovered a kindred spirit in Ispin, and the two regularly exchanged messages over the years, critiquing poems and essays and generally musing about the world and their places in it.  

Past is Prologue: The rain did not stop for weeks after Decimus' birth.  This fact was referenced throughout his childhood by his mother, and often used as her reasoning for being abusive.  According to her, he was a child of the devil, and his father had tricked her, leaving her with a horrible monster.  One of his eyes was taken from him to prevent him from spying on her and reporting back to his master.  It is safe to say that the young lad left his home as soon as he thought he would be able to sustain himself.  Jumping into the back of a local traders caravan at age eleven, he never looked back.  He never was able to shake his mother's habit of seeing universal 'truths' in daily occurrences, even long after he left her home. 

Without a real path in life, he drifted, spending most of his time fishing and reading, teaching himself a wide range of things from books he would trade some of his better catches for.  On a whim, after picking up an introductory guide to magic, he decided if he was ever going to have to do anything, being able to do it with magic would make it easier, and with an irritatingly firm belief in the occult already, it just seemed like the right thing to do.  It did not take long for him to learn a few spells, which he would use to entertain in town squares, using various forms of presdigitation to busk for money.  This work of his did not last long, as he was soon picked up for being a nuisance by the Order of Mages, and without anything better to do, eventually attempted to join up.

While his lacksidasical attitude was frowned upon by many of the wizards in the college, no one could deny his innate talent for magic.  Voraciously he consumed tomes of information, reciting them on command when challenged.  One motivation that he had during this studious time of his life, was a beautiful fellow mage, a one he became very close with, who he could impress with his poetry and wit.  For a while, he chased her, but thanks to his own love of freedom, never caught her.  When another man swept her away, all he had left was unwanted poems and a broken heart.  Decimus never blamed her, he accepted his faults, and wished her the best.  While only an Initiate of High Sorcery, he became a ronin, travelling the world, spreading peace and love where he could, using the harsh lessons of his life to teach others to turn towards the light, preparing himself to take the Test of High Sorcery.  

Truth, Rumours & Lies

Include two of the following


To the Mages of High Sorcery, as a member of the Order of the White Robes, he strives to protect people from evil, and to spread the word of peace 

Is Might Right? 

Never.  Might is a means to an end, having only might may win in the short term, but it can never sustain.  


Pure Imagination

When a stranger comes to town


Solinari has the heart of Decimus, though whenever an opportunity to praise Branchala or Habbakuk comes up, he will often leave an offering to them, as they reign over domains he is quite fond of, Branchala in particular, as without them, poetry and music is meaningless, and those are two things he could never go without.  






10th & Last

Name: Decimus 

Character Concept: A member of the Order of the White Robes dual-wielding Bladesinger who is inertia incarnate.  A lover of poetry, soft lighting, and expensive wines, he moves through life at his own pace, extolling peace and love where he can, and doling out justice if he must.  

Lineage, Background, Planned Subclass: Decimus is a Human, with a Mage of High Sorcery background, who will one day become a dual-wielding Bladesinger Wizard.   

Description: When he can be caught standing tall (typically when in a formal setting where he has no choice), Decimus is is slightly above average height, around six feet on the nose, though he typically prefers to lean or stand in a leisurely pose.  With a sharp jawline, commonly roughed up with a purposefully lazy five o'clock shadow, he draws a rugged silhouette beneath his large sakkat.  His long hair is most often tied back in a neat ponytail which descends between his shoulder blades to the middle of his back, though he leaves a singular curl hanging on the front, which he can often be seen sweeping out of the way in a practiced motion if he needs to punctuate a point.  For a wizard, especially one as lazy as he is, he displays a considerable amount of athleticism, and though he can be considered a bit of a layabout, he does a considerable amount of travelling, and his training requires him to maintain a certain level of physicality in order to sustain his place in the Order of the White Robes given his particular choice of magicks.  Though he is not built like a martial artist, his use of weapons and agility in combat require him to have a physique that is something he is secretly proud of.  Most shockingly, under his Sakkat he wears a black eyepatch, a daily reminder that sometimes, evil wins, and that he must do everything in his power to prevent it.   

His clothing, much like his flowery personality, is breezy and comfortable.  His white robe is covered by a kimono that is dyed pink, and decorated with various sigils and runes, all of which are hidden in the flowers also on the material, though it is visible beneath.  The robe is open over a black haori, over which he sports a bright soft blue and white ombre obi that is tied neatly in a bow, with the two ends hanging down close to his feet.  His choice of footwear, if he must wear any at all, is a simple pair of bamboo sandals without socks.  Decimus usually carries with him a small pack with some emergency wine, cheese, and some nice homemade bread.  The wizard is not an expressive man, usually going through life with an easy smile and a quirked eyebrow, but it is because he often takes time to process what is going on before reacting, though the speed at which he moves through this process can frustrate people around him who are more reactionary.  When forced to act by a problem that has no self-solving solution, he can begin to get serious, but only as a last resort.  Quite often, he would much rather be baking, reading, or sleeping. 

Portents and omens and augeries are a subject Decimus can talk at length about, as he has been mired in the subject since birth.  Not one to see doom in every broken piece of crockery, he does believe that the gods have a hand in the fates of men, and that though there may be a predetermined path, that path is malleable, and oft changes of the whims of the gods.  This belief has revealed itself in him as rather remarkable laziness, knowing that no matter what happens, he will be where he needs to be when he is needed, as the gods intend.  It's not the only reason that he believes in making sure religious shrines are kept in good condition, and goes out of his way to make sure they are done so, but it is a factor.  After all, if his fate is controlled by the gods, there is no harm in staying on their good side.  

 Plothook: Once upon a time, Ispin happened across a body on the side of the road in a forest, and for a moment, he was unsure if the figure was alive or dead.  After poking him with his foot, he discovered Decimus had simply decided to take a nap on his way to the next village.  Finding this hilarious, the adventurer took the wizard up on a brief parlay of cheese and bread while the two swapped stories and poems.  Decimus discovered a kindred spirit in Ispin, and the two regularly exchanged messages over the years, critiquing poems and essays and generally musing about the world and their places in it.  

Past is Prologue: The rain did not stop for weeks after Decimus' birth.  This fact was referenced throughout his childhood by his mother, and often used as her reasoning for being abusive.  According to her, he was a child of the devil, and his father had tricked her, leaving her with a horrible monster.  One of his eyes was taken from him to prevent him from spying on her and reporting back to his master.  It is safe to say that the young lad left his home as soon as he thought he would be able to sustain himself.  Jumping into the back of a local traders caravan at age eleven, he never looked back.  He never was able to shake his mother's habit of seeing universal 'truths' in daily occurrences, even long after he left her home. 

Without a real path in life, he drifted, spending most of his time fishing and reading, teaching himself a wide range of things from books he would trade some of his better catches for.  On a whim, after picking up an introductory guide to magic, he decided if he was ever going to have to do anything, being able to do it with magic would make it easier, and with an irritatingly firm belief in the occult already, it just seemed like the right thing to do.  It did not take long for him to learn a few spells, which he would use to entertain in town squares, using various forms of presdigitation to busk for money.  This work of his did not last long, as he was soon picked up for being a nuisance by the Order of Mages, and without anything better to do, eventually attempted to join up.

While his lacksidasical attitude was frowned upon by many of the wizards in the college, no one could deny his innate talent for magic.  Voraciously he consumed tomes of information, reciting them on command when challenged.  One motivation that he had during this studious time of his life, was a beautiful fellow mage, a one he became very close with, who he could impress with his poetry and wit.  For a while, he chased her, but thanks to his own love of freedom, never caught her.  When another man swept her away, all he had left was unwanted poems and a broken heart.  Decimus never blamed her, he accepted his faults, and wished her the best.  While only an Initiate of High Sorcery, he became a ronin, travelling the world, spreading peace and love where he could, using the harsh lessons of his life to teach others to turn towards the light, preparing himself to take the Test of High Sorcery.  

Truth, Rumours & Lies

Include two of the following


To the Mages of High Sorcery, as a member of the Order of the White Robes, he strives to protect people from evil, and to spread the word of peace 

Is Might Right? 

Never.  Might is a means to an end, having only might may win in the short term, but it can never sustain.  


Pure Imagination

When a stranger comes to town


Solinari has the heart of Decimus, though whenever an opportunity to praise Branchala or Habbakuk comes up, he will often leave an offering to them, as they reign over domains he is quite fond of, Branchala in particular, as without them, poetry and music is meaningless, and those are two things he could never go without.  






10th & Last

Name: Decimus 

Character Concept: A member of the Order of the White Robes dual-wielding Bladesinger who is inertia incarnate.  A lover of poetry, soft lighting, and expensive wines, he moves through life at his own pace, extolling peace and love where he can, and doling out justice if he must.  

Lineage, Background, Planned Subclass: Decimus is a Human, with a Mage of High Sorcery background, who will one day become a dual-wielding Bladesinger Wizard.   

Description: When he can be caught standing tall (typically when in a formal setting where he has no choice), Decimus is is slightly above average height, around six feet on the nose, though he typically prefers to lean or stand in a leisurely pose.  With a sharp jawline, commonly roughed up with a purposefully lazy five o'clock shadow, he draws a rugged silhouette beneath his large sakkat.  His long hair is most often tied back in a neat ponytail which descends between his shoulder blades to the middle of his back, though he leaves a singular curl hanging on the front, which he can often be seen sweeping out of the way in a practiced motion if he needs to punctuate a point.  For a wizard, especially one as lazy as he is, he displays a considerable amount of athleticism, and though he can be considered a bit of a layabout, he does a considerable amount of travelling, and his training requires him to maintain a certain level of physicality in order to sustain his place in the Order of the White Robes given his particular choice of magicks.  Though he is not built like a martial artist, his use of weapons and agility in combat require him to have a physique that is something he is secretly proud of.  Most shockingly, under his Sakkat he wears a black eyepatch, a daily reminder that sometimes, evil wins, and that he must do everything in his power to prevent it.   

His clothing, much like his flowery personality, is breezy and comfortable.  His white robe is covered by a kimono that is dyed pink, and decorated with various sigils and runes, all of which are hidden in the flowers also on the material, though it is visible beneath.  The robe is open over a black haori, over which he sports a bright soft blue and white ombre obi that is tied neatly in a bow, with the two ends hanging down close to his feet.  His choice of footwear, if he must wear any at all, is a simple pair of bamboo sandals without socks.  Decimus usually carries with him a small pack with some emergency wine, cheese, and some nice homemade bread.  The wizard is not an expressive man, usually going through life with an easy smile and a quirked eyebrow, but it is because he often takes time to process what is going on before reacting, though the speed at which he moves through this process can frustrate people around him who are more reactionary.  When forced to act by a problem that has no self-solving solution, he can begin to get serious, but only as a last resort.  Quite often, he would much rather be baking, reading, or sleeping. 

Portents and omens and augeries are a subject Decimus can talk at length about, as he has been mired in the subject since birth.  Not one to see doom in every broken piece of crockery, he does believe that the gods have a hand in the fates of men, and that though there may be a predetermined path, that path is malleable, and oft changes of the whims of the gods.  This belief has revealed itself in him as rather remarkable laziness, knowing that no matter what happens, he will be where he needs to be when he is needed, as the gods intend.  It's not the only reason that he believes in making sure religious shrines are kept in good condition, and goes out of his way to make sure they are done so, but it is a factor.  After all, if his fate is controlled by the gods, there is no harm in staying on their good side.  

 Plothook: Once upon a time, Ispin happened across a body on the side of the road in a forest, and for a moment, he was unsure if the figure was alive or dead.  After poking him with his foot, he discovered Decimus had simply decided to take a nap on his way to the next village.  Finding this hilarious, the adventurer took the wizard up on a brief parlay of cheese and bread while the two swapped stories and poems.  Decimus discovered a kindred spirit in Ispin, and the two regularly exchanged messages over the years, critiquing poems and essays and generally musing about the world and their places in it.  

Past is Prologue: The rain did not stop for weeks after Decimus' birth.  This fact was referenced throughout his childhood by his mother, and often used as her reasoning for being abusive.  According to her, he was a child of the devil, and his father had tricked her, leaving her with a horrible monster.  It is safe to say that the young lad left his home as soon as he thought he would be able to sustain himself.  Jumping into the back of a local traders caravan at age eleven, he never looked back.  He never was able to shake his mother's habit of seeing universal 'truths' in daily occurrences, even long after he left her home. 

Without a real path in life, he drifted, spending most of his time fishing and reading, teaching himself a wide range of things from books he would trade some of his better catches for.  On a whim, after picking up an introductory guide to magic, he decided if he was ever going to have to do anything, being able to do it with magic would make it easier, and with an irritatingly firm belief in the occult already, it just seemed like the right thing to do.  It did not take long for him to learn a few spells, which he would use to entertain in town squares, using various forms of presdigitation to busk for money.  This work of his did not last long, as he was soon picked up for being a nuisance by the Order of Mages, and without anything better to do, eventually attempted to join up.

While his lacksidasical attitude was frowned upon by many of the wizards in the college, no one could deny his innate talent for magic.  Voraciously he consumed tomes of information, reciting them on command when challenged.  One motivation that he had during this studious time of his life, was a beautiful fellow mage, a one he became very close with, who he could impress with his poetry and wit.  For a while, he chased her, but thanks to his own love of freedom, never caught her.  When another man swept her away, all he had left was unwanted poems and a broken heart.  Decimus never blamed her, he accepted his faults, and wished her the best.  While only an Initiate of High Sorcery, he became a ronin, travelling the world, spreading peace and love where he could, using the harsh lessons of his life to teach others to turn towards the light, preparing himself to take the Test of High Sorcery.  

Truth, Rumours & Lies

Include two of the following


To the Mages of High Sorcery, as a member of the Order of the White Robes, he strives to protect people from evil, and to spread the word of peace 

Is Might Right? 

Never.  Might is a means to an end, having only might may win in the short term, but it can never sustain.  


Pure Imagination

When a stranger comes to town


Solinari has the heart of Decimus, though whenever an opportunity to praise Branchala or Habbakuk comes up, he will often leave an offering to them, as they reign over domains he is quite fond of, Branchala in particular, as without them, poetry and music is meaningless, and those are two things he could never go without.  






10th & Last

Name: Decimus 

Character Concept: A member of the Order of the White Robes dual-wielding Bladesinger who is inertia incarnate.  A lover of poetry, soft lighting, and expensive wines, he moves through life at his own pace, extolling peace and love where he can, and doling out justice if he must.  

Lineage, Background, Planned Subclass: Decimus is a Human, with a Mage of High Sorcery background, who will one day become a dual-wielding Bladesinger Wizard.   

Description: When he can be caught standing tall (typically when in a formal setting where he has no choice), Decimus is is slightly above average height, around six feet on the nose, though he typically prefers to lean or stand in a leisurely pose.  With a sharp jawline, commonly roughed up with a purposefully lazy five o'clock shadow, he draws a rugged silhouette beneath his large sakkat.  His long hair is most often tied back in a neat ponytail which descends between his shoulder blades to the middle of his back, though he leaves a singular curl hanging on the front, which he can often be seen sweeping out of the way in a practiced motion if he needs to punctuate a point.  For a wizard, especially one as lazy as he is, he displays a considerable amount of athleticism, and though he can be considered a bit of a layabout, he does a considerable amount of travelling, and his training requires him to maintain a certain level of physicality in order to sustain his place in the Order of the White Robes given his particular choice of magicks.  Though he is not built like a martial artist, his use of weapons and agility in combat require him to have a physique that is something he is secretly proud of.  Most shockingly, under his Sakkat he wears a black eyepatch, a daily reminder that sometimes, evil wins, and that he must do everything in his power to prevent it.   

His clothing, much like his flowery personality, is breezy and comfortable.  His white robe is covered by a kimono that is dyed pink, and decorated with various sigils and runes, all of which are hidden in the flowers also on the material, though it is visible beneath.  The robe is open over a black haori, over which he sports a bright soft blue and white ombre obi that is tied neatly in a bow, with the two ends hanging down close to his feet.  His choice of footwear, if he must wear any at all, is a simple pair of bamboo sandals without socks.  Decimus usually carries with him a small pack with some emergency wine, cheese, and some nice homemade bread.  The wizard is not an expressive man, usually going through life with an easy smile and a quirked eyebrow, but it is because he often takes time to process what is going on before reacting, though the speed at which he moves through this process can frustrate people around him who are more reactionary.  When forced to act by a problem that has no self-solving solution, he can begin to get serious, but only as a last resort.  Quite often, he would much rather be baking, reading, or sleeping. 

Portents and omens and augeries are a subject Decimus can talk at length about, as he has been mired in the subject since birth.  Not one to see doom in every broken piece of crockery, he does believe that the gods have a hand in the fates of men, and that though there may be a predetermined path, that path is malleable, and oft changes of the whims of the gods.  This belief has revealed itself in him as rather remarkable laziness, knowing that no matter what happens, he will be where he needs to be when he is needed, as the gods intend.  It's not the only reason that he believes in making sure religious shrines are kept in good condition, and goes out of his way to make sure they are done so, but it is a factor.  After all, if his fate is controlled by the gods, there is no harm in staying on their good side.  

 Plothook: Once upon a time, Ispin happened across a body on the side of the road in a forest, and for a moment, he was unsure if the figure was alive or dead.  After poking him with his foot, he discovered Decimus had simply decided to take a nap on his way to the next village.  Finding this hilarious, the adventurer took the wizard up on a brief parlay of cheese and bread while the two swapped stories and poems.  Decimus discovered a kindred spirit in Ispin, and the two regularly exchanged messages over the years, critiquing poems and essays and generally musing about the world and their places in it.  

Past is Prologue: The rain did not stop for weeks after Decimus' birth.  This fact was referenced throughout his childhood by his mother, and often used as her reasoning for being abusive.  According to her, he was a child of the devil, and his father had tricked her, leaving her with a horrible monster.  It is safe to say that the young lad left his home as soon as he thought he would be able to sustain himself.  Jumping into the back of a local traders caravan at age eleven, he never looked back.  He never was able to shake his mother's habit of seeing universal 'truths' in daily occurrences, even long after he left her home. 

Without a real path in life, he drifted, spending most of his time fishing and reading, teaching himself a wide range of things from books he would trade some of his better catches for.  On a whim, after picking up an introductory guide to magic, he decided if he was ever going to have to do anything, being able to do it with magic would make it easier, and with an irritatingly firm belief in the occult already, it just seemed like the right thing to do.  It did not take long for him to learn a few spells, which he would use to entertain in town squares, using various forms of presdigitation to busk for money.  This work of his did not last long, as he was soon picked up for being a nuisance by the Order of Mages, and without anything better to do, eventually attempted to join up.

While his lacksidasical attitude was frowned upon by many of the wizards in the college, no one could deny his innate talent for magic.  Voraciously he consumed tomes of information, reciting them on command when challenged.  One motivation that he had during this studious time of his life, was a beautiful fellow mage, a one he became very close with, who he could impress with his poetry and wit.  For a while, he chased her, but thanks to his own love of freedom, never caught her.  When another man swept her away, all he had left was unwanted poems and a broken heart.  Decimus never blamed her, he accepted his faults, and wished her the best.  While only an Initiate of High Sorcery, he became a ronin, travelling the world, spreading peace and love where he could, using the harsh lessons of his life to teach others to turn towards the light, preparing himself to take the Test of High Sorcery.  

Truth, Rumours & Lies

Include two of the following


To the Mages of High Sorcery, as a member of the Order of the White Robes, he strives to protect people from evil, and to spread the word of peace 

Is Might Right? 

Never.  Might is a means to an end, having only might may win in the short term, but it can never sustain.  


Pure Imagination


Solinari has the heart of Decimus, though whenever an opportunity to praise Branchala or Habbakuk comes up, he will often leave an offering to them, as they reign over domains he is quite fond of, Branchala in particular, as without them, poetry and music is meaningless, and those are two things he could never go without.  






10th & Last

Name: Decimus 

Character Concept: A member of the Order of the White Robes dual-wielding Bladesinger who is inertia incarnate.  A lover of poetry, soft lighting, and expensive wines, he moves through life at his own pace, extolling peace and love where he can, and doling out justice if he must.  

Lineage, Background, Planned Subclass: Decimus is a Human, with a Mage of High Sorcery background, who will one day become a dual-wielding Bladesinger Wizard.   

Description: When he can be caught standing tall (typically when in a formal setting where he has no choice), Decimus is is slightly above average height, around six feet on the nose, though he typically prefers to lean or stand in a leisurely pose.  With a sharp jawline, commonly roughed up with a purposefully lazy five o'clock shadow, he draws a rugged silhouette beneath his large sakkat.  His long hair is most often tied back in a neat ponytail which descends between his shoulder blades to the middle of his back, though he leaves a singular curl hanging on the front, which he can often be seen sweeping out of the way in a practiced motion if he needs to punctuate a point.  For a wizard, especially one as lazy as he is, he displays a considerable amount of athleticism, and though he can be considered a bit of a layabout, he does a considerable amount of travelling, and his training requires him to maintain a certain level of physicality in order to sustain his place in the Order of the White Robes given his particular choice of magicks.  Though he is not built like a martial artist, his use of weapons and agility in combat require him to have a physique that is something he is secretly proud of.  Most shockingly, under his Sakkat he wears a black eyepatch, a daily reminder that sometimes, evil wins, and that he must do everything in his power to prevent it.   

His clothing, much like his flowery personality, is breezy and comfortable.  His white robe is covered by a kimono that is dyed pink, and decorated with various sigils and runes, all of which are hidden in the flowers also on the material, though it is visible beneath.  The robe is open over a black haori, over which he sports a bright soft blue and white ombre obi that is tied neatly in a bow, with the two ends hanging down close to his feet.  His choice of footwear, if he must wear any at all, is a simple pair of bamboo sandals without socks.  Decimus usually carries with him a small pack with some emergency wine, cheese, and some nice homemade bread.  The wizard is not an expressive man, usually going through life with an easy smile and a quirked eyebrow, but it is because he often takes time to process what is going on before reacting, though the speed at which he moves through this process can frustrate people around him who are more reactionary.  When forced to act by a problem that has no self-solving solution, he can begin to get serious, but only as a last resort.  Quite often, he would much rather be baking, reading, or sleeping. 

Portents and omens and augeries are a subject Decimus can talk at length about, as he has been mired in the subject since birth.  Not one to see doom in every broken piece of crockery, he does believe that the gods have a hand in the fates of men, and that though there may be a predetermined path, that path is malleable, and oft changes of the whims of the gods.  This belief has revealed itself in him as rather remarkable laziness, knowing that no matter what happens, he will be where he needs to be when he is needed, as the gods intend.  It's not the only reason that he believes in making sure religious shrines are kept in good condition, and goes out of his way to make sure they are done so, but it is a factor.  After all, if his fate is controlled by the gods, there is no harm in staying on their good side.  

 Plothook: Once upon a time, Ispin happened across a body on the side of the road in a forest, and for a moment, he was unsure if the figure was alive or dead.  After poking him with his foot, he discovered Decimus had simply decided to take a nap on his way to the next village.  Finding this hilarious, the adventurer took the wizard up on a brief parlay of cheese and bread while the two swapped stories and poems.  Decimus discovered a kindred spirit in Ispin, and the two regularly exchanged messages over the years, critiquing poems and essays and generally musing about the world and their places in it.  

Past is Prologue: The rain did not stop for weeks after Decimus' birth.  This fact was referenced throughout his childhood by his mother, and often used as her reasoning for being abusive.  According to her, he was a child of the devil, and his father had tricked her, leaving her with a horrible monster.  It is safe to say that the young lad left his home as soon as he thought he would be able to sustain himself.  Jumping into the back of a local traders caravan at age eleven, he never looked back.  He never was able to shake his mother's habit of seeing universal 'truths' in daily occurrences, even long after he left her home. 

Without a real path in life, he drifted, spending most of his time fishing and reading, teaching himself a wide range of things from books he would trade some of his better catches for.  On a whim, after picking up an introductory guide to magic, he decided if he was ever going to have to do anything, being able to do it with magic would make it easier, and with an irritatingly firm belief in the occult already, it just seemed like the right thing to do.  It did not take long for him to learn a few spells, which he would use to entertain in town squares, using various forms of presdigitation to busk for money.  This work of his did not last long, as he was soon picked up for being a nuisance by the Order of Mages, and without anything better to do, eventually attempted to join up.

While his lacksidasical attitude was frowned upon by many of the wizards in the college, no one could deny his innate talent for magic.  Voraciously he consumed tomes of information, reciting them on command when challenged.  One motivation that he had during this studious time of his life, was a beautiful fellow mage, a one he became very close with, who he could impress with his poetry and wit.  For a while, he chased her, but thanks to his own love of freedom, never caught her.  When another man swept her away, all he had left was unwanted poems and a broken heart.  Decimus never blamed her, he accepted his faults, and wished her the best.  While only an Initiate of High Sorcery, he became a ronin, travelling the world, spreading peace and love where he could, using the harsh lessons of his life to teach others to turn towards the light, preparing himself to take the Test of High Sorcery.  

Truth, Rumours & Lies

Include two of the following


To the Mages of High Sorcery, as a member of the Order of the White Robes, he strives to protect people from evil, and to spread the word of peace 

Is Might Right? 

Never.  Might is a means to an end, having only might may win in the short term, but it can never sustain.  


Pure Imagination


Solinari has the heart of Decimus, though whenever an opportunity to praise Branchala or Habbakuk comes up, he will often leave an offering to them, as they reign over domains he is quite fond of, Branchala in particular, as without them, poetry and music is meaningless, and those are two things he could never go without.  






10th & Last

Name: Decimus 

Character Concept: A member of the Order of the White Robes dual-wielding Bladesinger who is inertia incarnate.  A lover of poetry, soft lighting, and expensive wines, he moves through life at his own pace, extolling peace and love where he can, and doling out justice if he must.  

Lineage, Background, Planned Subclass: Decimus is a Human, with a Mage of High Sorcery background, who will one day become a dual-wielding Bladesinger Wizard.   

Description: When he can be caught standing tall (typically when in a formal setting where he has no choice), Decimus is is slightly above average height, around six feet on the nose, though he typically prefers to lean or stand in a leisurely pose.  With a sharp jawline, commonly roughed up with a purposefully lazy five o'clock shadow, he draws a rugged silhouette beneath his large sakkat.  His long hair is most often tied back in a neat ponytail which descends between his shoulder blades to the middle of his back, though he leaves a singular curl hanging on the front, which he can often be seen sweeping out of the way in a practiced motion if he needs to punctuate a point.  For a wizard, especially one as lazy as he is, he displays a considerable amount of athleticism, and though he can be considered a bit of a layabout, he does a considerable amount of travelling, and his training requires him to maintain a certain level of physicality in order to sustain his place in the Order of the White Robes given his particular choice of magicks.  Though he is not built like a martial artist, his use of weapons and agility in combat require him to have a physique that is something he is secretly proud of.  Most shockingly, under his Sakkat he wears a black eyepatch, a daily reminder that sometimes, evil wins, and that he must do everything in his power to prevent it.   

His clothing, much like his flowery personality, is breezy and comfortable.  His white robe is covered by a kimono that is dyed pink, and decorated with various sigils and runes, all of which are hidden in the flowers also on the material, though it is visible beneath.  The robe is open over a black haori, over which he sports a bright soft blue and white ombre obi that is tied neatly in a bow, with the two ends hanging down close to his feet.  His choice of footwear, if he must wear any at all, is a simple pair of bamboo sandals without socks.  Decimus usually carries with him a small pack with some emergency wine, cheese, and some nice homemade bread.  The wizard is not an expressive man, usually going through life with an easy smile and a quirked eyebrow, but it is because he often takes time to process what is going on before reacting, though the speed at which he moves through this process can frustrate people around him who are more reactionary.  When forced to act by a problem that has no self-solving solution, he can begin to get serious, but only as a last resort.  Quite often, he would much rather be baking, reading, or sleeping. 

Portents and omens and augeries are a subject Decimus can talk at length about, as he has been mired in the subject since birth.  Not one to see doom in every broken piece of crockery, he does believe that the gods have a hand in the fates of men, and that though there may be a predetermined path, that path is malleable, and oft changes of the whims of the gods.  This belief has revealed itself in him as rather remarkable laziness, knowing that no matter what happens, he will be where he needs to be when he is needed, as the gods intend.  It's not the only reason that he believes in making sure religious shrines are kept in good condition, and goes out of his way to make sure they are done so, but it is a factor.  After all, if his fate is controlled by the gods, there is no harm in staying on their good side.  

 Plothook: Once upon a time, Ispin happened across a body on the side of the road in a forest, and for a moment, he was unsure if the figure was alive or dead.  After poking him with his foot, he discovered Decimus had simply decided to take a nap on his way to the next village.  Finding this hilarious, the adventurer took the wizard up on a brief parlay of cheese and bread while the two swapped stories and poems.  Decimus discovered a kindred spirit in Ispin, and the two regularly exchanged messages over the years, critiquing poems and essays and generally musing about the world and their places in it.  

Past is Prologue: The rain did not stop for weeks after Decimus' birth.  This fact was referenced throughout his childhood by his mother, and often used as her reasoning for being abusive.  According to her, he was a child of the devil, and his father had tricked her, leaving her with a horrible monster.  It is safe to say that the young lad left his home as soon as he thought he would be able to sustain himself.  Jumping into the back of a local traders caravan at age eleven, he never looked back.  He never was able to shake his mother's habit of seeing universal 'truths' in daily occurrences, even long after he left her home. 

Without a real path in life, he drifted, spending most of his time fishing and reading, teaching himself a wide range of things from books he would trade some of his better catches for.  On a whim, after picking up an introductory guide to magic, he decided if he was ever going to have to do anything, being able to do it with magic would make it easier, and with an irritatingly firm belief in the occult already, it just seemed like the right thing to do.  It did not take long for him to learn a few spells, which he would use to entertain in town squares, using various forms of presdigitation to busk for money.  This work of his did not last long, as he was soon picked up for being a nuisance by the Order of Mages, and without anything better to do, eventually attempted to join up.

While his lacksidasical attitude was frowned upon by many of the wizards in the college, no one could deny his innate talent for magic.  Voraciously he consumed tomes of information, reciting them on command when challenged.  One motivation that he had during this studious time of his life, was a beautiful fellow mage, a one he became very close with, who he could impress with his poetry and wit.  For a while, he chased her, but thanks to his own love of freedom, never caught her.  When another man swept her away, all he had left was unwanted poems and a broken heart.  Decimus never blamed her, he accepted his faults, and wished her the best.  Once again, after receiving his white cloak, he became a ronin, travelling the world, spreading peace and love where he could, using the harsh lessons of his life to teach others to turn towards the light.  

Truth, Rumours & Lies

Include two of the following


To the Mages of High Sorcery, as a member of the Order of the White Robes, he strives to protect people from evil, and to spread the word of peace 

Is Might Right? 

Never.  Might is a means to an end, having only might may win in the short term, but it can never sustain.  


Pure Imagination


Solinari has the heart of Decimus, though whenever an opportunity to praise Branchala or Habbakuk comes up, he will often leave an offering to them, as they reign over domains he is quite fond of, Branchala in particular, as without them, poetry and music is meaningless, and those are two things he could never go without.  






10th & Last

Name: Decimus 

Character Concept: A member of the Order of the White Robes dual-wielding Bladesinger who is inertia incarnate.  A lover of poetry, soft lighting, and expensive wines, he moves through life at his own pace, extolling peace and love where he can, and doling out justice if he must.  

Lineage, Background, Planned Subclass: Decimus is a Human, with a Mage of High Sorcery background, who will one day become a dual-wielding Bladesinger Wizard.   

Description: When he can be caught standing tall (typically when in a formal setting where he has no choice), Decimus is is slightly above average height, around six feet on the nose, though he typically prefers to lean or stand in a leisurely pose.  With a sharp jawline, commonly roughed up with a purposefully lazy five o'clock shadow, he draws a rugged silhouette beneath his large sakkat.  His long hair is most often tied back in a neat ponytail which descends between his shoulder blades to the middle of his back, though he leaves a singular curl hanging on the front, which he can often be seen sweeping out of the way in a practiced motion if he needs to punctuate a point.  For a wizard, especially one as lazy as he is, he displays a considerable amount of athleticism, and though he can be considered a bit of a layabout, he does a considerable amount of travelling, and his training requires him to maintain a certain level of physicality in order to sustain his place in the Order of the White Robes given his particular choice of magicks.  Though he is not built like a martial artist, his use of weapons and agility in combat require him to have a physique that is something he is secretly proud of.  Most shockingly, under his Sakkat he wears a black eyepatch, a daily reminder that sometimes, evil wins, and that he must do everything in his power to prevent it.   

His clothing, much like his flowery personality, is breezy and comfortable.  His white robe is covered by a kimono that is dyed pink, and decorated with various sigils and runes, all of which are hidden in the flowers also on the material, though it is visible beneath.  The robe is open over a black haori, over which he sports a bright soft blue and white ombre obi that is tied neatly in a bow, with the two ends hanging down close to his feet.  His choice of footwear, if he must wear any at all, is a simple pair of bamboo sandals without socks.  Decimus usually carries with him a small pack with some emergency wine, cheese, and some nice homemade bread.  The wizard is not an expressive man, usually going through life with an easy smile and a quirked eyebrow, but it is because he often takes time to process what is going on before reacting, though the speed at which he moves through this process can frustrate people around him who are more reactionary.  When forced to act by a problem that has no self-solving solution, he can begin to get serious, but only as a last resort.  Quite often, he would much rather be baking, reading, or sleeping. 

Portents and omens and augeries are a subject Decimus can talk at length about, as he has been mired in the subject since birth.  Not one to see doom in every broken piece of crockery, he does believe that the gods have a hand in the fates of men, and that though there may be a predetermined path, that path is malleable, and oft changes of the whims of the gods.  This belief has revealed itself in him as rather remarkable laziness, knowing that no matter what happens, he will be where he needs to be when he is needed, as the gods intend.  It's not the only reason that he believes in making sure religious shrines are kept in good condition, and goes out of his way to make sure they are done so, but it is a factor.  After all, if his fate is controlled by the gods, there is no harm in staying on their good side.  

 Plothook: Once upon a time, Ispin happened across a body on the side of the road in a forest, and for a moment, he was unsure if the figure was alive or dead.  After poking him with his foot, he discovered Decimus had simply decided to take a nap on his way to the next village.  Finding this hilarious, the adventurer took the wizard up on a brief parlay of cheese and bread while the two swapped stories and poems.  Decimus discovered a kindred spirit in Ispin, and the two regularly exchanged messages over the years, critiquing poems and essays and generally musing about the world and their places in it.  

Past is Prologue: The rain did not stop for weeks after Decimus' birth.  This fact was referenced throughout his childhood by his mother, and often used as her reasoning for being abusive.  According to her, he was a child of the devil, and his father had tricked her, leaving her with a horrible monster.  It is safe to say that the young lad left his home as soon as he thought he would be able to sustain himself.  Jumping into the back of a local traders caravan at age eleven, he never looked back.  He never was able to shake his mother's habit of seeing universal 'truths' in daily occurrences, even long after he left her home. 

Without a real path in life, he drifted, spending most of his time fishing and reading, teaching himself a wide range of things from books he would trade some of his better catches for.  On a whim, after picking up an introductory guide to magic, he decided if he was ever going to have to do anything, being able to do it with magic would make it easier, and with an irritatingly firm belief in the occult already, it just seemed like the right thing to do.  It did not take long for him to learn a few spells, which he would use to entertain in town squares, using various forms of presdigitation to busk for money.  This work of his did not last long, as he was soon picked up for being a nuisance by the Order of Mages, and without anything better to do, eventually attempted to join up.

While his lacksidasical attitude was frowned upon by many of the wizards in the college, no one could deny his innate talent for magic.  Voraciously he consumed tomes of information, reciting them on command when challenged.  One motivation that he had during this studious time of his life, was a beautiful fellow mage, a one he became very close with, who he could impress with his poetry and wit.  For a while, he chased her, but thanks to his own love of freedom, never caught her.  When another man swept her away, all he had left was unwanted poems and a broken heart.  Decimus never blamed her, he accepted his faults, and wished her the best.  Once again, after receiving his white cloak, he became a ronin, travelling the world, spreading peace and love where he could, using the harsh lessons of his life to teach others to turn towards the light.  

Truth, Rumours & Lies

Include two of the following


To the Mages of High Sorcery, as a member of the Order of the White Robes, he strives to protect people from evil, and to spread the word of peace 

Is Might Right? 

Never.  Might is a means to an end, having only might may win in the short term, but it can never sustain.  


Pure Imagination


Solinari has the heart of Decimus, though whenever an opportunity to praise Branchala or Habbakuk comes up, he will often leave an offering to them, as they reign over domains he is quite fond of, Branchala in particular, as without them, poetry and music is meaningless, and those are two things he could never go without.  






10th & Last

Name: Decimus 

Character Concept: A member of the Order of the White Robes dual-wielding Bladesinger who is inertia incarnate.  A lover of poetry, soft lighting, and expensive wines, he moves through life at his own pace, extolling peace and love where he can, and doling out justice if he must.  

Lineage, Background, Planned Subclass: Decimus is a Human, with a Mage of High Sorcery background, who will one day become a dual-wielding Bladesinger Wizard.   

Description: When he can be caught standing tall (typically when in a formal setting where he has no choice), Decimus is is slightly above average height, around six feet on the nose, though he typically prefers to lean or stand in a leisurely pose.  With a sharp jawline, commonly roughed up with a purposefully lazy five o'clock shadow, he draws a rugged silhouette beneath his large sakkat.  His long hair is most often tied back in a neat ponytail which descends between his shoulder blades to the middle of his back, though he leaves a singular curl hanging on the front, which he can often be seen sweeping out of the way in a practiced motion if he needs to punctuate a point.  For a wizard, especially one as lazy as he is, he displays a considerable amount of athleticism, and though he can be considered a bit of a layabout, he does a considerable amount of travelling, and his training requires him to maintain a certain level of physicality in order to sustain his place in the Order of the White Robes given his particular choice of magicks.  Though he is not built like a martial artist, his use of weapons and agility in combat require him to have a physique that is something he is secretly proud of.  Most shockingly, under his Sakkat he wears a black eyepatch, a daily reminder that sometimes, evil wins, and that he must do everything in his power to prevent it.   

His clothing, much like his flowery personality, is breezy and comfortable.  His white robe is covered by a kimono that is dyed pink, and decorated with various sigils and runes, all of which are hidden in the flowers also on the material, though it is visible beneath.  The robe is open over a black haori, over which he sports a bright soft blue and white ombre obi that is tied neatly in a bow, with the two ends hanging down close to his feet.  His choice of footwear, if he must wear any at all, is a simple pair of bamboo sandals without socks.  Decimus usually carries with him a small pack with some emergency wine, cheese, and some nice homemade bread.  The wizard is not an expressive man, usually going through life with an easy smile and a quirked eyebrow, but it is because he often takes time to process what is going on before reacting, though the speed at which he moves through this process can frustrate people around him who are more reactionary.  When forced to act by a problem that has no self-solving solution, he can begin to get serious, but only as a last resort.  Quite often, he would much rather be baking, reading, or sleeping. 

Portents and omens and augeries are a subject Decimus can talk at length about, as he has been mired in the subject since birth.  Not one to see doom in every broken piece of crockery, he does believe that the gods have a hand in the fates of men, and that though there may be a predetermined path, that path is malleable, and oft changes of the whims of the gods.  This belief has revealed itself in him as rather remarkable laziness, knowing that no matter what happens, he will be where he needs to be when he is needed, as the gods intend.  It's not the only reason that he believes in making sure religious shrines are kept in good condition, and goes out of his way to make sure they are done so, but it is a factor.  After all, if his fate is controlled by the gods, there is no harm in staying on their good side.  

 Plothook: Once upon a time, Ispin happened across a body on the side of the road in a forest, and for a moment, he was unsure if the figure was alive or dead.  After poking him with his foot, he discovered Decimus had simply decided to take a nap on his way to the next village.  Finding this hilarious, the adventurer took the wizard up on a brief parlay of cheese and bread while the two swapped stories and poems.  Decimus discovered a kindred spirit in Ispin, and the two regularly exchanged messages over the years, critiquing poems and essays and generally musing about the world and their places in it.  

Past is Prologue: The rain did not stop for weeks after Decimus' birth.  This fact was referenced throughout his childhood by his mother, and often used as her reasoning for being abusive.  According to her, he was a child of the devil, and his father had tricked her, leaving her with a horrible monster.  It is safe to say that the young lad left his home as soon as he thought he would be able to sustain himself.  Jumping into the back of a local traders caravan at age eleven, he never looked back.  He never was able to shake his mother's habit of seeing universal 'truths' in daily occurrences, even long after he left her home. 

Without a real path in life, he drifted, spending most of his time fishing and reading, teaching himself a wide range of things from books he would trade some of his better catches for.  On a whim, after picking up an introductory guide to magic, he decided if he was ever going to have to do anything, being able to do it with magic would make it easier, and with an irritatingly firm belief in the occult already, it just seemed like the right thing to do.  It did not take long for him to learn a few spells, which he would use to entertain in town squares, using various forms of presdigitation to busk for money.  This work of his did not last long, as he was soon picked up for being a nuisance by the Order of Mages, and without anything better to do, eventually attempted to join up.

While his lacksidasical attitude was frowned upon by many of the wizards in the college, no one could deny his innate talent for magic.  Voraciously he consumed tomes of information, reciting them on command when challenged.  

Truth, Rumours & Lies

Include two of the following


To the Mages of High Sorcery, as a member of the Order of the White Robes, he strives to protect people from evil, and to spread the word of peace 

Is Might Right? 

Never.  Might is a means to an end, having only might may win in the short term, but it can never sustain.  


Pure Imagination


Solinari has the heart of Decimus, though whenever an opportunity to praise Branchala or Habbakuk comes up, he will often leave an offering to them, as they reign over domains he is quite fond of, Branchala in particular, as without them, poetry and music is meaningless, and those are two things he could never go without.  






10th & Last

Name: Decimus 

Character Concept: A member of the Order of the White Robes dual-wielding Bladesinger who is inertia incarnate.  A lover of poetry, soft lighting, and expensive wines, he moves through life at his own pace, extolling peace and love where he can, and doling out justice if he must.  

Lineage, Background, Planned Subclass: Decimus is a Human, with a Mage of High Sorcery background, who will one day become a dual-wielding Bladesinger Wizard.   

Description: When he can be caught standing tall (typically when in a formal setting where he has no choice), Decimus is is slightly above average height, around six feet on the nose, though he typically prefers to lean or stand in a leisurely pose.  With a sharp jawline, commonly roughed up with a purposefully lazy five o'clock shadow, he draws a rugged silhouette beneath his large sakkat.  His long hair is most often tied back in a neat ponytail which descends between his shoulder blades to the middle of his back, though he leaves a singular curl hanging on the front, which he can often be seen sweeping out of the way in a practiced motion if he needs to punctuate a point.  For a wizard, especially one as lazy as he is, he displays a considerable amount of athleticism, and though he can be considered a bit of a layabout, he does a considerable amount of travelling, and his training requires him to maintain a certain level of physicality in order to sustain his place in the Order of the White Robes given his particular choice of magicks.  Though he is not built like a martial artist, his use of weapons and agility in combat require him to have a physique that is something he is secretly proud of.  Most shockingly, under his Sakkat he wears a black eyepatch, a daily reminder that sometimes, evil wins, and that he must do everything in his power to prevent it.   

His clothing, much like his flowery personality, is breezy and comfortable.  His white robe is covered by a kimono that is dyed pink, and decorated with various sigils and runes, all of which are hidden in the flowers also on the material, though it is visible beneath.  The robe is open over a black haori, over which he sports a bright soft blue and white ombre obi that is tied neatly in a bow, with the two ends hanging down close to his feet.  His choice of footwear, if he must wear any at all, is a simple pair of bamboo sandals without socks.  Decimus usually carries with him a small pack with some emergency wine, cheese, and some nice homemade bread.  The wizard is not an expressive man, usually going through life with an easy smile and a quirked eyebrow, but it is because he often takes time to process what is going on before reacting, though the speed at which he moves through this process can frustrate people around him who are more reactionary.  When forced to act by a problem that has no self-solving solution, he can begin to get serious, but only as a last resort.  Quite often, he would much rather be baking, reading, or sleeping. 

Portents and omens and augeries are a subject Decimus can talk at length about, as he has been mired in the subject since birth.  Not one to see doom in every broken piece of crockery, he does believe that the gods have a hand in the fates of men, and that though there may be a predetermined path, that path is malleable, and oft changes of the whims of the gods.  This belief has revealed itself in him as rather remarkable laziness, knowing that no matter what happens, he will be where he needs to be when he is needed, as the gods intend.  It's not the only reason that he believes in making sure religious shrines are kept in good condition, and goes out of his way to make sure they are done so, but it is a factor.  After all, if his fate is controlled by the gods, there is no harm in staying on their good side.  

 Plothook: Once upon a time, Ispin happened across a body on the side of the road in a forest, and for a moment, he was unsure if the figure was alive or dead.  After poking him with his foot, he discovered Decimus had simply decided to take a nap on his way to the next village.  Finding this hilarious, the adventurer took the wizard up on a brief parlay of cheese and bread while the two swapped stories and poems.  Decimus discovered a kindred spirit in Ispin, and the two regularly exchanged messages over the years, critiquing poems and essays and generally musing about the world and their places in it.  

Past is Prologue: The rain did not stop for weeks after Decimus' birth.  This fact was referenced throughout his childhood by his mother, and often used as her reasoning for being abusive.  According to her, he was a child of the devil, and his father had tricked her, leaving her with a horrible monster.  It is safe to say that the young lad left his home as soon as he thought he would be able to sustain himself.  Jumping into the back of a local traders caravan at age eleven, he never looked back.  He never was able to shake his mother's habit of seeing universal 'truths' in daily occurrences, even long after he left her home. 

Without a real path in life, he drifted, spending most of his time fishing and reading, teaching himself a wide range of things from books he would trade some of his better catches for.  On a whim, after picking up an introductory guide to magic, he decided if he was ever going to have to do anything, being able to do it with magic would make it easier, and with an irritatingly firm belief in the occult already, it just seemed like the right thing to do.  It did not take long for him to learn a few spells, which he would use to entertain in town squares, using various forms of presdigitation to busk for money.  This work of his did not last long, as he was soon picked up for being a nuisance by the Order of Mages, and without anything better to do, eventually attempted to join up.

While his lacksidasical attitude was frowned upon by many of the wizards in the college, no one could deny his innate talent for magic.  Voraciously he consumed tomes of information, reciting them on command when challenged.  

Truth, Rumours & Lies

  • True - Decimus loved a woman once, but he took too long showing his feelings, and she left him for another man
  • False - Decimus' real father is a demon
  • True- Decimus challenged and lost to a troll in a contest of riddles

Include two of the following


To the Mages of High Sorcery, as a member of the Order of the White Robes, he strives to protect people from evil, and to spread the word of peace 

Is Might Right? 

Never.  Might is a means to an end, having only might may win in the short term, but it can never sustain.  


Pure Imagination


Solinari has the heart of Decimus, though whenever an opportunity to praise Branchala or Habbakuk comes up, he will often leave an offering to them, as they reign over domains he is quite fond of, Branchala in particular, as without them, poetry and music is meaningless, and those are two things he could never go without.  






10th & Last

Name: Decimus 

Character Concept: A member of the Order of the White Robes dual-wielding Bladesinger who is inertia incarnate.  A lover of poetry, soft lighting, and expensive wines, he moves through life at his own pace, extolling peace and love where he can, and doling out justice if he must.  

Lineage, Background, Planned Subclass: Decimus is a Human, with a Mage of High Sorcery background, who will one day become a dual-wielding Bladesinger Wizard.   

Description: When he can be caught standing tall (typically when in a formal setting where he has no choice), Decimus is is slightly above average height, around six feet on the nose, though he typically prefers to lean or stand in a leisurely pose.  With a sharp jawline, commonly roughed up with a purposefully lazy five o'clock shadow, he draws a rugged silhouette beneath his large sakkat.  His long hair is most often tied back in a neat ponytail which descends between his shoulder blades to the middle of his back, though he leaves a singular curl hanging on the front, which he can often be seen sweeping out of the way in a practiced motion if he needs to punctuate a point.  For a wizard, especially one as lazy as he is, he displays a considerable amount of athleticism, and though he can be considered a bit of a layabout, he does a considerable amount of travelling, and his training requires him to maintain a certain level of physicality in order to sustain his place in the Order of the White Robes given his particular choice of magicks.  Though he is not built like a martial artist, his use of weapons and agility in combat require him to have a physique that is something he is secretly proud of.  Most shockingly, under his Sakkat he wears a black eyepatch, a daily reminder that sometimes, evil wins, and that he must do everything in his power to prevent it.   

His clothing, much like his flowery personality, is breezy and comfortable.  His white robe is covered by a kimono that is dyed pink, and decorated with various sigils and runes, all of which are hidden in the flowers also on the material, though it is visible beneath.  The robe is open over a black haori, over which he sports a bright soft blue and white ombre obi that is tied neatly in a bow, with the two ends hanging down close to his feet.  His choice of footwear, if he must wear any at all, is a simple pair of bamboo sandals without socks.  Decimus usually carries with him a small pack with some emergency wine, cheese, and some nice homemade bread.  The wizard is not an expressive man, usually going through life with an easy smile and a quirked eyebrow, but it is because he often takes time to process what is going on before reacting, though the speed at which he moves through this process can frustrate people around him who are more reactionary.  When forced to act by a problem that has no self-solving solution, he can begin to get serious, but only as a last resort.  Quite often, he would much rather be baking, reading, or sleeping. 

Portents and omens and augeries are a subject Decimus can talk at length about, as he has been mired in the subject since birth.  Not one to see doom in every broken piece of crockery, he does believe that the gods have a hand in the fates of men, and that though there may be a predetermined path, that path is malleable, and oft changes of the whims of the gods.  This belief has revealed itself in him as rather remarkable laziness, knowing that no matter what happens, he will be where he needs to be when he is needed, as the gods intend.  It's not the only reason that he believes in making sure religious shrines are kept in good condition, and goes out of his way to make sure they are done so, but it is a factor.  After all, if his fate is controlled by the gods, there is no harm in staying on their good side.  

 Plothook: Once upon a time, Ispin happened across a body on the side of the road in a forest, and for a moment, he was unsure if the figure was alive or dead.  After poking him with his foot, he discovered Decimus had simply decided to take a nap on his way to the next village.  Finding this hilarious, the adventurer took the wizard up on a brief parlay of cheese and bread while the two swapped stories and poems.  Decimus discovered a kindred spirit in Ispin, and the two regularly exchanged messages over the years, critiquing poems and essays and generally musing about the world and their places in it.  

Past is Prologue: The rain did not stop for weeks after Decimus' birth.  This fact was referenced throughout his childhood by his mother, and often used as her reasoning for being abusive.  According to her, he was a child of the devil, and his father had tricked her, leaving her with a horrible monster.  It is safe to say that the young lad left his home as soon as he thought he would be able to sustain himself.  Jumping into the back of a local traders caravan at age eleven, he never looked back.  He never was able to shake his mother's habit of seeing universal 'truths' in daily occurrences, even long after he left her home. 

Without a real path in life, he drifted, spending most of his time fishing and reading, teaching himself a wide range of things from books he would trade some of his better catches for.  On a whim, after picking up an introductory guide to magic, he decided if he was ever going to have to do anything, being able to do it with magic would make it easier, and with an irritatingly firm belief in the occult already, it just seemed like the right thing to do.  It did not take long for him to learn a few spells, which he would use to entertain in town squares, using various forms of presdigitation to busk for money.   

Truth, Rumours & Lies

Include two of the following


To the Mages of High Sorcery, as a member of the Order of the White Robes, he strives to protect people from evil, and to spread the word of peace 

Is Might Right? 

Never.  Might is a means to an end, having only might may win in the short term, but it can never sustain.  


Pure Imagination


Solinari has the heart of Decimus, though whenever an opportunity to praise Branchala or Habbakuk comes up, he will often leave an offering to them, as they reign over domains he is quite fond of, Branchala in particular, as without them, poetry and music is meaningless, and those are two things he could never go without.  


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