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NPC Actions

Round Eight


The Peoples of Myrkran

[As a close friend of the Myrkran People - insofar as they have a singular identity - Tete-kāno is approached by a group of Rayjo Operators who inform them that they've received a message from the Heralds of Nightfall, and have been instructed to allow them to attempt to operate the Rayjo in order to answer. Until the Heralds' interest wanes, Tete-kāno may spend a special industry action to attempt to understand the complex workings of the Rayjo well enough to decipher the message, and communicate with those who remain in the West. This is an Industry Roll against TN 14.]

Pending Requests and Offers

[Diplomacy] Beg to Let Sleeping Crabs Lie in Brenn Tyr - The unknown presence in the land of the empty-shelled crabs along with cryptic Rayjo communications put the leaders of Shadestone Hold and other Myrkran communities instantly on edge. Requests and demands go out to go no further - what lies south is a dire peril, dangerous even to speak of, and no good can come of waking it. (Demand: Do not explore south of Region 013 or Region 415. Reward: None. Penalty: -1 Reputation per exploration attempt in this direction and these exploration attempts do not fulfill the Promote Exploration request. The Myrkran will refuse any favors spent to explore in this direction. Duration: Rounds 6-10)

[Industry] Offer to Share Farming Secrets to Altarin, for a Price - Life had been hard for the Myrkran in Altarin - ethnic struggles between those hailing from Kaldyr and the other great fallen lands was only one more terrible pain to add to their pile of miseries. The most enterprising, though, had a new offer - the kingdoms of Altarin had unexpectedly little agricultural development compared to their homelands, and they figured it wouldn't hurt to share a little bit of what they'd passed down - for the public good. After all, if there were more food in Altarin, that benefits everyone. Right? (Offer: The Peoples of Myrkran will grant the Irrigation technology to a realm upon non-action acceptance of their offer. Reward: 2 Favors owed to MYR. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Diplomacy] Request a Refugee Processing Center be built in The Vaires - It wasn't a proposition without risk, but these continents seemed largely depopulated by years of violence and sparse resources. And there was space. Some braves opted to push for a new effort to expand. (Request: Build one Myrkran Refugee Processing Center (3-action Diplomacy/Industry project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized MYR base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected MYR bases will still become MYR bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-11)


[Industry] Request Repayment of Debts - Overextension takes its toll on Myrkran communities, as their recent trade efforts strain them to the breaking point. (Demand: Any realm with outstanding debts to the Myrkran is asked to spend an Industry Action performing direct aid to Myrkran settlement efforts. Reward: Cancel 1 Favor Debt. Penalty: -1 MYR Reputation if refused. Duration: Round 8)

[Intrigue] Gather Intelligence on the Pirate Threat - Though the interest in establishing colonies in the Vaires remains, greater knowledge of the Pirate Threat terrifies many of the Myrkran in Taer Mojr! Some forward-thinking leaders gather up resources to use as a carrot to encourage the spread of such information. (Request: Investigate aspects of VVV, such as its yet-unknown rulers, resources, beliefs, technologies, and strength. Reward: +1 favor for any such successful investigation. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 8-10)

[Diplomacy] Contribute to Y'licis Continental Translation in Brenn Tyr [X/5] - Another interesting land with resources to gather and perhaps safe places to live. They've already moved so far east, what's a little further?



The Disciples of Silicon


Pending Requests and Offers

[Intrigue] Analyze Anomalous Materials in Brenn Tyr - Tales abound in Brenn Tyr of Moonfall fragments refusing to be collected, morphing instead into desired mundane things. Though their presence in these lands is limited, it's worth investigating regardless; best to get on top of whatever this is. Lacking suitable field agents, the Disciples turn instead to the parties they've already managed to make rudimentary contact with, offering recompense for deliveries. (Request: Brenn Tyr Realms may contribute Treasure to the DOS. Reward: 2+ Treasures contributed: +1 Rep for all donors, 5+ Treasures contributed: +1 Favor for all donors, 10+ Treasures contributed: +2 Favors for all donors. Reward(s) will be paid out at the end of the duration. Donations can be made at any point during the duration as a non-action but the Treasure must have been created prior to being donated. If a kingdom wishes their donations to be counted as donations from another kingdom they may choose to do so in their non-action. Note that this will exclude the actual Treasure sender from being counted among the donors if all their Treasure is donated in another name. Each reward tier includes the rewards listed on the previous tiers. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 5-8)

[Intrigue] Hunt a Loose End in Brenn Tyr - The Disciples continue their wild hunt in spite of unexpected resistance, though now more focused on the Southwestern forests. Establishing perimeters, cutting down and burning trees, creating firebreaks. (Demand: Allow the Disciples free reign of the southwestern forests. Do not interfere. Reward: None. Penalty: Any action taken to interfere with the Disciples' hunt in your realm or that of another will result in -2 Reputation. Any non-action taken to interfere will result in -1 Reputation. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Military] Assist in Suppression of the Grounded Sky Tower - The results of Lance's failed expedition are unexpected and dire; with their Vault in Taer Mojr little more than a skeleton crew due to the lack of prior support and the secrecy of the base's construction, they lack the numbers to effectively combat this threat and resort to harrying it instead, wounding command units and enemy control nodes to leave easier prey, but leaving the grunt work and cost in blood of cleaning up the headless snakes to the locals.

[Military] Deploy the Skylance! - The Disciples ready their weapons in preparation for the Beast's next flight. When it next returns to the mountains, it will have a surprise in store.

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Military] Epic Quest! Eilonwy of Velentin seeks to Unmask the Truth of the White Leviathan! - After becoming separated from Te-Raupea, Eilonwy put out another call for aid. She'd learned more this time, and discovered the flooded tunnels between Altarin's great lake and the sea. She was so close to knowing the truth of how this creature was connected to the Sunken. So very close. [Eilonwy of Velentin will assist anyone who takes on this quest!]

[Military] Olivier of Velentin Errant Quests in Region 416! - Though broadly unaware of the tense political situation with Sypressa, Olivier of Velentin sets out, dagger in hand, to reduce the region's reputation for banditry, one slit throat at a time. People like this were motivated by greed, power, and fear. Create a vacuum, and their greed would turn them against each other.

[Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [4/5] - This time, a group of Seekers dares return to the summit where their observatory once stood in Taer Mojr, now an inert pillar of glass. They took the ground glass and added it to their collection. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as a Faith action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one SPH favor. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with unnatural shapes underneath, Captain Dreadlove was assumed to be a folk legend in the Vaires until recently. Now a petty king with his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove, he menaces the surrounding lands. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5

1. [Military] Captain Meathook leads 1 unit and 1 navy to invade Region 218! - Without the Tempest-Runner, a power struggle among the Mist Eaters has two lesser captains competing for power and prestige, and treasure to bring to Dreadlove in the hope his favor and backing will legitimize their command. The less imaginative of them, a wretched brute by the name of Captain Meathook, sails again on the same place as before, demanding wealth lest he finish the job! [Captain Meathook will call off this attack if offered 1 treasure as tribute!]


Captain Meathook (Subcommander 5) leads battle, does not challenge but will not refuse a duel. Uses Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine.

Spark-Fire Wands (+1 to Battle), Steering Oars (+3 Maneuvering) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Subcommander Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Military] Captain Albatross takes 1 unit and 2 navy to invade Mjornduth (Region 217)! -

2. [Diplomacy] Captain Albatross bargains with Mjornduth, accepting 1 treasure! - Without the Tempest-Runner, a power struggle among the Mist Eaters has two lesser captains competing for power and prestige, and treasure to bring to Dreadlove in the hope his favor and backing will legitimize their command. The more sly and imaginative of them, known simply as Albatross, takes her fleet further south to Mjornduth, where she presents her fleet as mercenaries - an offer of protection, for the right pay. Left implied, of course, is what happens next if her offer is refused. [Captain Albatross has called off this attack and agrees to intervene to protect Mjornduth in the future if paid 1 treasure on each even-numbered round!]


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads battle, does not challenge but will not refuse a duel. Uses Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine.

Spark-Fire Wands (+1 to Battle), Steering Oars (+3 Maneuvering) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Subcommander Mil Score, +3 Tech)

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip6/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai8; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval.
3. [Faith] Convert Region 220 to Widow Ancestry! - Distracted by petty conquests, Dreadlove is a fool who thinks only of violence. He will not see his realm creep out from under him in more subtle ways.
4. [Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [5/5] - The handful of loam presented to the Seekers tingles in their hands. "Take care what secrets you unearth," she says. "For knowledge can only be gathered, not forsaken, and knowledge is the most dangerous thing of all."

Rizzo "the Rat" - Known only in whispers, Rizzo's rumors are mixed - some say they're the closest thing to an honest merchant among these thieves, while others say their influence touches every raid. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int9/Fai5
5. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.
6. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.



NPC Actions

Round Eight


The Peoples of Myrkran

[As a close friend of the Myrkran People - insofar as they have a singular identity - Tete-kāno is approached by a group of Rayjo Operators who inform them that they've received a message from the Heralds of Nightfall, and have been instructed to allow them to attempt to operate the Rayjo in order to answer. Until the Heralds' interest wanes, Tete-kāno may spend a special industry action to attempt to understand the complex workings of the Rayjo well enough to decipher the message, and communicate with those who remain in the West. This is an Industry Roll against TN 14.]

Pending Requests and Offers

[Diplomacy] Beg to Let Sleeping Crabs Lie in Brenn Tyr - The unknown presence in the land of the empty-shelled crabs along with cryptic Rayjo communications put the leaders of Shadestone Hold and other Myrkran communities instantly on edge. Requests and demands go out to go no further - what lies south is a dire peril, dangerous even to speak of, and no good can come of waking it. (Demand: Do not explore south of Region 013 or Region 415. Reward: None. Penalty: -1 Reputation per exploration attempt in this direction and these exploration attempts do not fulfill the Promote Exploration request. The Myrkran will refuse any favors spent to explore in this direction. Duration: Rounds 6-10)

[Industry] Offer to Share Farming Secrets to Altarin, for a Price - Life had been hard for the Myrkran in Altarin - ethnic struggles between those hailing from Kaldyr and the other great fallen lands was only one more terrible pain to add to their pile of miseries. The most enterprising, though, had a new offer - the kingdoms of Altarin had unexpectedly little agricultural development compared to their homelands, and they figured it wouldn't hurt to share a little bit of what they'd passed down - for the public good. After all, if there were more food in Altarin, that benefits everyone. Right? (Offer: The Peoples of Myrkran will grant the Irrigation technology to a realm upon non-action acceptance of their offer. Reward: 2 Favors owed to MYR. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Diplomacy] Request a Refugee Processing Center be built in The Vaires - It wasn't a proposition without risk, but these continents seemed largely depopulated by years of violence and sparse resources. And there was space. Some braves opted to push for a new effort to expand. (Request: Build one Myrkran Refugee Processing Center (3-action Diplomacy/Industry project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized MYR base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected MYR bases will still become MYR bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-11)


[Industry] Request Repayment of Debts - Overextension takes its toll on Myrkran communities, as their recent trade efforts strain them to the breaking point. (Demand: Any realm with outstanding debts to the Myrkran is asked to spend an Industry Action performing direct aid to Myrkran settlement efforts. Reward: Cancel 1 Favor Debt. Penalty: -1 MYR Reputation if refused. Duration: Round 8)

[Intrigue] Gather Intelligence on the Pirate Threat - Though the interest in establishing colonies in the Vaires remains, greater knowledge of the Pirate Threat terrifies many of the Myrkran in Taer Mojr! Some forward-thinking leaders gather up resources to use as a carrot to encourage the spread of such information. (Request: Investigate aspects of VVV, such as its yet-unknown rulers, resources, beliefs, technologies, and strength. Reward: +1 favor for any such successful investigation. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 8-10)

[Diplomacy] Contribute to Y'licis Continental Translation in Brenn Tyr [X/5] - Another interesting land with resources to gather and perhaps safe places to live. They've already moved so far east, what's a little further?



The Disciples of Silicon


Pending Requests and Offers

[Intrigue] Analyze Anomalous Materials in Brenn Tyr - Tales abound in Brenn Tyr of Moonfall fragments refusing to be collected, morphing instead into desired mundane things. Though their presence in these lands is limited, it's worth investigating regardless; best to get on top of whatever this is. Lacking suitable field agents, the Disciples turn instead to the parties they've already managed to make rudimentary contact with, offering recompense for deliveries. (Request: Brenn Tyr Realms may contribute Treasure to the DOS. Reward: 2+ Treasures contributed: +1 Rep for all donors, 5+ Treasures contributed: +1 Favor for all donors, 10+ Treasures contributed: +2 Favors for all donors. Reward(s) will be paid out at the end of the duration. Donations can be made at any point during the duration as a non-action but the Treasure must have been created prior to being donated. If a kingdom wishes their donations to be counted as donations from another kingdom they may choose to do so in their non-action. Note that this will exclude the actual Treasure sender from being counted among the donors if all their Treasure is donated in another name. Each reward tier includes the rewards listed on the previous tiers. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 5-8)

[Intrigue] Hunt a Loose End in Brenn Tyr - The Disciples continue their wild hunt in spite of unexpected resistance, though now more focused on the Southwestern forests. Establishing perimeters, cutting down and burning trees, creating firebreaks. (Demand: Allow the Disciples free reign of the southwestern forests. Do not interfere. Reward: None. Penalty: Any action taken to interfere with the Disciples' hunt in your realm or that of another will result in -2 Reputation. Any non-action taken to interfere will result in -1 Reputation. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Military] Assist in Suppression of the Grounded Sky Tower - The results of Lance's failed expedition are unexpected and dire; with their Vault in Taer Mojr little more than a skeleton crew due to the lack of prior support and the secrecy of the base's construction, they lack the numbers to effectively combat this threat and resort to harrying it instead, wounding command units and enemy control nodes to leave easier prey, but leaving the grunt work and cost in blood of cleaning up the headless snakes to the locals.

[Military] Deploy the Skylance! - The Disciples ready their weapons in preparation for the Beast's next flight. When it next returns to the mountains, it will have a surprise in store.

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Military] Epic Quest! Eilonwy of Velentin seeks to Unmask the Truth of the White Leviathan! - After becoming separated from Te-Raupea, Eilonwy put out another call for aid. She'd learned more this time, and discovered the flooded tunnels between Altarin's great lake and the sea. She was so close to knowing the truth of how this creature was connected to the Sunken. So very close. [Eilonwy of Velentin will assist anyone who takes on this quest!]

[Military] Olivier of Velentin Errant Quests in Region 416! - Though broadly unaware of the tense political situation with Sypressa, Olivier of Velentin sets out, dagger in hand, to reduce the region's reputation for banditry, one slit throat at a time. People like this were motivated by greed, power, and fear. Create a vacuum, and their greed would turn them against each other.

[Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [4/5] - This time, a group of Seekers dares return to the summit where their observatory once stood in Taer Mojr, now an inert pillar of glass. They took the ground glass and added it to their collection. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as a Faith action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one SPH favor. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with unnatural shapes underneath, Captain Dreadlove was assumed to be a folk legend in the Vaires until recently. Now a petty king with his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove, he menaces the surrounding lands. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5

1. [Military] Captain Meathook leads 1 unit and 1 navy to invade Region 218! - Without the Tempest-Runner, a power struggle among the Mist Eaters has two lesser captains competing for power and prestige, and treasure to bring to Dreadlove in the hope his favor and backing will legitimize their command. The less imaginative of them, a wretched brute by the name of Captain Meathook, sails again on the same place as before, demanding wealth lest he finish the job! [Captain Meathook will call off this attack if offered 1 treasure as tribute!]


Captain Meathook (Subcommander 5) leads battle, does not challenge but will not refuse a duel. Uses Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine.

Spark-Fire Wands (+1 to Battle), Steering Oars (+3 Maneuvering) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Subcommander Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Military] Captain Albatross takes 1 unit and 2 navy to invade Mjornduth (Region 217)! - Without the Tempest-Runner, a power struggle among the Mist Eaters has two lesser captains competing for power and prestige, and treasure to bring to Dreadlove in the hope his favor and backing will legitimize their command. The more sly and imaginative of them, known simply as Albatross, takes her fleet further south to Mjornduth, where she presents her fleet as mercenaries - an offer of protection, for the right pay. Left implied, of course, is what happens next if her offer is refused. [Captain Albatross will call off this attack and intervene to protect Mjornduth in the future if paid 1 treasure on each even-numbered round!]


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads battle, does not challenge but will not refuse a duel. Uses Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine.

Spark-Fire Wands (+1 to Battle), Steering Oars (+3 Maneuvering) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Subcommander Mil Score, +3 Tech)

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip6/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai8; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval.
3. [Faith] Convert Region 220 to Widow Ancestry! - Distracted by petty conquests, Dreadlove is a fool who thinks only of violence. He will not see his realm creep out from under him in more subtle ways.
4. [Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [5/5] - The handful of loam presented to the Seekers tingles in their hands. "Take care what secrets you unearth," she says. "For knowledge can only be gathered, not forsaken, and knowledge is the most dangerous thing of all."

Rizzo "the Rat" - Known only in whispers, Rizzo's rumors are mixed - some say they're the closest thing to an honest merchant among these thieves, while others say their influence touches every raid. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int9/Fai5
5. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.
6. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.



NPC Actions

Round Eight


The Peoples of Myrkran

[As a close friend of the Myrkran People - insofar as they have a singular identity - Tete-kāno is approached by a group of Rayjo Operators who inform them that they've received a message from the Heralds of Nightfall, and have been instructed to allow them to attempt to operate the Rayjo in order to answer. Until the Heralds' interest wanes, Tete-kāno may spend a special industry action to attempt to understand the complex workings of the Rayjo well enough to decipher the message, and communicate with those who remain in the West. This is an Industry Roll against TN 14.]

Pending Requests and Offers

[Diplomacy] Beg to Let Sleeping Crabs Lie in Brenn Tyr - The unknown presence in the land of the empty-shelled crabs along with cryptic Rayjo communications put the leaders of Shadestone Hold and other Myrkran communities instantly on edge. Requests and demands go out to go no further - what lies south is a dire peril, dangerous even to speak of, and no good can come of waking it. (Demand: Do not explore south of Region 013 or Region 415. Reward: None. Penalty: -1 Reputation per exploration attempt in this direction and these exploration attempts do not fulfill the Promote Exploration request. The Myrkran will refuse any favors spent to explore in this direction. Duration: Rounds 6-10)

[Industry] Offer to Share Farming Secrets to Altarin, for a Price - Life had been hard for the Myrkran in Altarin - ethnic struggles between those hailing from Kaldyr and the other great fallen lands was only one more terrible pain to add to their pile of miseries. The most enterprising, though, had a new offer - the kingdoms of Altarin had unexpectedly little agricultural development compared to their homelands, and they figured it wouldn't hurt to share a little bit of what they'd passed down - for the public good. After all, if there were more food in Altarin, that benefits everyone. Right? (Offer: The Peoples of Myrkran will grant the Irrigation technology to a realm upon non-action acceptance of their offer. Reward: 2 Favors owed to MYR. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Diplomacy] Request a Refugee Processing Center be built in The Vaires - It wasn't a proposition without risk, but these continents seemed largely depopulated by years of violence and sparse resources. And there was space. Some braves opted to push for a new effort to expand. (Request: Build one Myrkran Refugee Processing Center (3-action Diplomacy/Industry project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized MYR base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected MYR bases will still become MYR bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-11)


[Industry] Request Repayment of Debts - Overextension takes its toll on Myrkran communities, as their recent trade efforts strain them to the breaking point. (Demand: Any realm with outstanding debts to the Myrkran is asked to spend an Industry Action performing direct aid to Myrkran settlement efforts. Reward: Cancel 1 Favor Debt. Penalty: -1 MYR Reputation if refused. Duration: Round 8)

[Intrigue] Gather Intelligence on the Pirate Threat - Though the interest in establishing colonies in the Vaires remains, greater knowledge of the Pirate Threat terrifies many of the Myrkran in Taer Mojr! Some forward-thinking leaders gather up resources to use as a carrot to encourage the spread of such information. (Request: Investigate aspects of VVV, such as its yet-unknown rulers, resources, beliefs, technologies, and strength. Reward: +1 favor for any such successful investigation. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 8-10)

[Diplomacy] Contribute to Y'licis Continental Translation in Brenn Tyr [X/5] - Another interesting land with resources to gather and perhaps safe places to live. They've already moved so far east, what's a little further?



The Disciples of Silicon


Pending Requests and Offers

[Intrigue] Analyze Anomalous Materials in Brenn Tyr - Tales abound in Brenn Tyr of Moonfall fragments refusing to be collected, morphing instead into desired mundane things. Though their presence in these lands is limited, it's worth investigating regardless; best to get on top of whatever this is. Lacking suitable field agents, the Disciples turn instead to the parties they've already managed to make rudimentary contact with, offering recompense for deliveries. (Request: Brenn Tyr Realms may contribute Treasure to the DOS. Reward: 2+ Treasures contributed: +1 Rep for all donors, 5+ Treasures contributed: +1 Favor for all donors, 10+ Treasures contributed: +2 Favors for all donors. Reward(s) will be paid out at the end of the duration. Donations can be made at any point during the duration as a non-action but the Treasure must have been created prior to being donated. If a kingdom wishes their donations to be counted as donations from another kingdom they may choose to do so in their non-action. Note that this will exclude the actual Treasure sender from being counted among the donors if all their Treasure is donated in another name. Each reward tier includes the rewards listed on the previous tiers. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 5-8)

[Intrigue] Hunt a Loose End in Brenn Tyr - The Disciples continue their wild hunt in spite of unexpected resistance, though now more focused on the Southwestern forests. Establishing perimeters, cutting down and burning trees, creating firebreaks. (Demand: Allow the Disciples free reign of the southwestern forests. Do not interfere. Reward: None. Penalty: Any action taken to interfere with the Disciples' hunt in your realm or that of another will result in -2 Reputation. Any non-action taken to interfere will result in -1 Reputation. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Military] Assist in Suppression of the Grounded Sky Tower - The results of Lance's failed expedition are unexpected and dire; with their Vault in Taer Mojr little more than a skeleton crew due to the lack of prior support and the secrecy of the base's construction, they lack the numbers to effectively combat this threat and resort to harrying it instead, wounding command units and enemy control nodes to leave easier prey, but leaving the grunt work and cost in blood of cleaning up the headless snakes to the locals.

[Military] Deploy the Skylance! - The Disciples ready their weapons in preparation for the Beast's next flight. When it next returns to the mountains, it will have a surprise in store.

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Military] Epic Quest! Eilonwy of Velentin seeks to Unmask the Truth of the White Leviathan! - After becoming separated from Te-Raupea, Eilonwy put out another call for aid. She'd learned more this time, and discovered the flooded tunnels between Altarin's great lake and the sea. She was so close to knowing the truth of how this creature was connected to the Sunken. So very close. [Eilonwy of Velentin will assist anyone who takes on this quest!]

[Military] Olivier of Velentin Errant Quests in Region 416! - Though broadly unaware of the tense political situation with Sypressa, Olivier of Velentin sets out, dagger in hand, to reduce the region's reputation for banditry, one slit throat at a time. People like this were motivated by greed, power, and fear. Create a vacuum, and their greed would turn them against each other.

[Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [4/5] - This time, a group of Seekers dares return to the summit where their observatory once stood in Taer Mojr, now an inert pillar of glass. They took the ground glass and added it to their collection. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as a Faith action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one SPH favor. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with unnatural shapes underneath, Captain Dreadlove was assumed to be a folk legend in the Vaires until recently. Now a petty king with his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove, he menaces the surrounding lands. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5

1. [Military] Captain Meathook leads 1 unit and 1 navy to invade Region 218! - Without the Tempest-Runner, a power struggle among the Mist Eaters has two lesser captains competing for power and prestige, and treasure to bring to Dreadlove in the hope his favor and backing will legitimize their command. The less imaginative of them, a wretched brute by the name of Captain Meathook, sails again on the same place as before, demanding wealth lest he finish the job! [Captain Meathook will call off this attack if offered 1 treasure as tribute!]


Captain Meathook (Subcommander 5) leads battle, does not challenge but will not refuse a duel. Uses Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine.

Spark-Fire Wands (+1 to Battle), Steering Oars (+3 Maneuvering) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Subcommander Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Military] Captain Albatross takes 1 unit and 2 navy to invade Mjornduth (Region 217)! - Without the Tempest-Runner, a power struggle among the Mist Eaters has two lesser captains competing for power and prestige, and treasure to bring to Dreadlove in the hope his favor and backing will legitimize their command. The more sly and imaginative of them, known simply as Albatross, takes her fleet further south to Mjornduth, where she presents her fleet as mercenaries - an offer of protection, for the right pay. Left implied, of course, is what happens next if her offer is refused. [Captain Albatross will call off this attack and intervene to protect Mjornduth in the future if paid 1 treasure on each even-numbered round!]


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads battle, does not challenge but will not refuse a duel. Uses Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine.

Spark-Fire Wands (+1 to Battle), Steering Oars (+3 Maneuvering) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Subcommander Mil Score, +3 Tech)

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip6/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai8; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval.
3. [Faith] Convert Region 220 to Widow Ancestry! - Distracted by petty conquests, Dreadlove is a fool who thinks only of violence. He will not see his realm creep out from under him in more subtle ways.
4. [Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [5/5] - The handful of loam presented to the Seekers tingles in their hands. "Take care what secrets you unearth," she says. "For knowledge can only be gathered, not forsaken, and knowledge is the most dangerous thing of all."

Rizzo "the Rat" - Known only in whispers, Rizzo's rumors are mixed - some say they're the closest thing to an honest merchant among these thieves, while others say their influence touches every raid. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int9/Fai5
5. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.
6. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.



NPC Actions

Round Eight


The Peoples of Myrkran

[As a close friend of the Myrkran People - insofar as they have a singular identity - Tete-kāno is approached by a group of Rayjo Operators who inform them that they've received a message from the Heralds of Nightfall, and have been instructed to allow them to attempt to operate the Rayjo in order to answer. Until the Heralds' interest wanes, Tete-kāno may spend a special industry action to attempt to understand the complex workings of the Rayjo well enough to decipher the message, and communicate with those who remain in the West. This is an Industry Roll against TN 14.]

Pending Requests and Offers

[Diplomacy] Beg to Let Sleeping Crabs Lie in Brenn Tyr - The unknown presence in the land of the empty-shelled crabs along with cryptic Rayjo communications put the leaders of Shadestone Hold and other Myrkran communities instantly on edge. Requests and demands go out to go no further - what lies south is a dire peril, dangerous even to speak of, and no good can come of waking it. (Demand: Do not explore south of Region 013 or Region 415. Reward: None. Penalty: -1 Reputation per exploration attempt in this direction and these exploration attempts do not fulfill the Promote Exploration request. The Myrkran will refuse any favors spent to explore in this direction. Duration: Rounds 6-10)

[Industry] Offer to Share Farming Secrets to Altarin, for a Price - Life had been hard for the Myrkran in Altarin - ethnic struggles between those hailing from Kaldyr and the other great fallen lands was only one more terrible pain to add to their pile of miseries. The most enterprising, though, had a new offer - the kingdoms of Altarin had unexpectedly little agricultural development compared to their homelands, and they figured it wouldn't hurt to share a little bit of what they'd passed down - for the public good. After all, if there were more food in Altarin, that benefits everyone. Right? (Offer: The Peoples of Myrkran will grant the Irrigation technology to a realm upon non-action acceptance of their offer. Reward: 2 Favors owed to MYR. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Diplomacy] Request a Refugee Processing Center be built in The Vaires - It wasn't a proposition without risk, but these continents seemed largely depopulated by years of violence and sparse resources. And there was space. Some braves opted to push for a new effort to expand. (Request: Build one Myrkran Refugee Processing Center (3-action Diplomacy/Industry project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized MYR base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected MYR bases will still become MYR bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-11)


[Industry] Request Repayment of Debts - Overextension takes its toll on Myrkran communities, as their recent trade efforts strain them to the breaking point. (Demand: Any realm with outstanding debts to the Myrkran is asked to spend an Industry Action performing direct aid to Myrkran settlement efforts. Reward: Cancel 1 Favor Debt. Penalty: -1 MYR Reputation if refused. Duration: Round 8)

[Intrigue] Gather Intelligence on the Pirate Threat - Though the interest in establishing colonies in the Vaires remains, greater knowledge of the Pirate Threat terrifies many of the Myrkran in Taer Mojr! Some forward-thinking leaders gather up resources to use as a carrot to encourage the spread of such information. (Request: Investigate aspects of VVV, such as its yet-unknown rulers, resources, beliefs, technologies, and strength. Reward: +1 favor for any such successful investigation. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 8-10)

[Diplomacy] Contribute to Y'licis Continental Translation in Brenn Tyr [X/5] - Another interesting land with resources to gather and perhaps safe places to live. They've already moved so far east, what's a little further?



The Disciples of Silicon


Pending Requests and Offers

[Intrigue] Analyze Anomalous Materials in Brenn Tyr - Tales abound in Brenn Tyr of Moonfall fragments refusing to be collected, morphing instead into desired mundane things. Though their presence in these lands is limited, it's worth investigating regardless; best to get on top of whatever this is. Lacking suitable field agents, the Disciples turn instead to the parties they've already managed to make rudimentary contact with, offering recompense for deliveries. (Request: Brenn Tyr Realms may contribute Treasure to the DOS. Reward: 2+ Treasures contributed: +1 Rep for all donors, 5+ Treasures contributed: +1 Favor for all donors, 10+ Treasures contributed: +2 Favors for all donors. Reward(s) will be paid out at the end of the duration. Donations can be made at any point during the duration as a non-action but the Treasure must have been created prior to being donated. If a kingdom wishes their donations to be counted as donations from another kingdom they may choose to do so in their non-action. Note that this will exclude the actual Treasure sender from being counted among the donors if all their Treasure is donated in another name. Each reward tier includes the rewards listed on the previous tiers. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 5-8)

[Intrigue] Hunt a Loose End in Brenn Tyr - The Disciples continue their wild hunt in spite of unexpected resistance, though now more focused on the Southwestern forests. Establishing perimeters, cutting down and burning trees, creating firebreaks. (Demand: Allow the Disciples free reign of the southwestern forests. Do not interfere. Reward: None. Penalty: Any action taken to interfere with the Disciples' hunt in your realm or that of another will result in -2 Reputation. Any non-action taken to interfere will result in -1 Reputation. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Military] Assist in Suppression of the Grounded Sky Tower - The results of Lance's failed expedition are unexpected and dire; with their Vault in Taer Mojr little more than a skeleton crew due to the lack of prior support and the secrecy of the base's construction, they lack the numbers to effectively combat this threat and resort to harrying it instead, wounding command units and enemy control nodes to leave easier prey, but leaving the grunt work and cost in blood of cleaning up the headless snakes to the locals.

[Military] Deploy the Skylance! - The Disciples ready their weapons in preparation for the Beast's next flight. When it next returns to the mountains, it will have a surprise in store.

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Military] Epic Quest! Eilonwy of Velentin seeks to Unmask the Truth of the White Leviathan! - After becoming separated from Te-Raupea, Eilonwy put out another call for aid. She'd learned more this time, and discovered the flooded tunnels between Altarin's great lake and the sea. She was so close to knowing the truth of how this creature was connected to the Sunken. So very close. [Eilonwy of Velentin will assist anyone who takes on this quest!]

[Military] Olivier of Velentin Errant Quests in Region 416! - Though broadly unaware of the tense political situation with Sypressa, Olivier of Velentin sets out, dagger in hand, to reduce the region's reputation for banditry, one slit throat at a time. People like this were motivated by greed, power, and fear. Create a vacuum, and their greed would turn them against each other.

[Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [4/5] - This time, a group of Seekers dares return to the summit where their observatory once stood in Taer Mojr, now an inert pillar of glass. They took the ground glass and added it to their collection. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as a Faith action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one SPH favor. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with unnatural shapes underneath, Captain Dreadlove was assumed to be a folk legend in the Vaires until recently. Now a petty king with his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove, he menaces the surrounding lands. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5

1. [Military] Captain Meathook leads 1 unit and 1 navy to invade Region 218! - Without the Tempest-Runner, a power struggle among the Mist Eaters has two lesser captains competing for power and prestige, and treasure to bring to Dreadlove in the hope his favor and backing will legitimize their command. The less imaginative of them, a wretched brute by the name of Captain Meathook, sails again on the same place as before, demanding wealth lest he finish the job! [Captain Meathook will call off this attack if offered 1 treasure as tribute!]


Captain Meathook (Subcommander 5) leads battle, does not challenge but will not refuse a duel. Uses Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine.

Spark-Fire Wands (+1 to Battle), Steering Oars (+3 Maneuvering) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Subcommander Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Military] Captain Albatross takes 1 unit and 2 navy to invade Mjornduth (Region 217)! - Without the Tempest-Runner, a power struggle among the Mist Eaters has two lesser captains competing for power and prestige, and treasure to bring to Dreadlove in the hope his favor and backing will legitimize their command. The more sly and imaginative of them, known simply as Albatross, takes her fleet further south to Mjornduth, where she presents her fleet as mercenaries - an offer of protection, for the right pay. Left implied, of course, is what happens next if her offer is refused. [Captain Albatross will call off this attack and intervene to protect Mjornduth in the future if paid 1 treasure on each even-numbered round!]


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads battle, does not challenge but will not refuse a duel. Uses Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine.

Spark-Fire Wands (+1 to Battle), Steering Oars (+3 Maneuvering) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Subcommander Mil Score, +3 Tech)

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip6/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai8; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval.
3. [Faith] Convert Region 220 to Widow Ancestry! - Distracted by petty conquests, Dreadlove is a fool who thinks only of violence. He will not see his realm creep out from under him in more subtle ways.
4. [Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [5/5] - The handful of loam presented to the Seekers tingles in their hands. "Take care what secrets you unearth," she says. "For knowledge can only be gathered, not forsaken, and knowledge is the most dangerous thing of all."

Rizzo "the Rat" - Known only in whispers, Rizzo's rumors are mixed - some say they're the closest thing to an honest merchant among these thieves, while others say their influence touches every raid. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int9/Fai5
5. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.
6. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.



NPC Actions

Round Eight


The Peoples of Myrkran

[As a close friend of the Myrkran People - insofar as they have a singular identity - Tete-kāno is approached by a group of Rayjo Operators who inform them that they've received a message from the Heralds of Nightfall, and have been instructed to allow them to attempt to operate the Rayjo in order to answer. Until the Heralds' interest wanes, Tete-kāno may spend a special industry action to attempt to understand the complex workings of the Rayjo well enough to decipher the message, and communicate with those who remain in the West. This is an Industry Roll against TN 14.]

Pending Requests and Offers

[Diplomacy] Beg to Let Sleeping Crabs Lie in Brenn Tyr - The unknown presence in the land of the empty-shelled crabs along with cryptic Rayjo communications put the leaders of Shadestone Hold and other Myrkran communities instantly on edge. Requests and demands go out to go no further - what lies south is a dire peril, dangerous even to speak of, and no good can come of waking it. (Demand: Do not explore south of Region 013 or Region 415. Reward: None. Penalty: -1 Reputation per exploration attempt in this direction and these exploration attempts do not fulfill the Promote Exploration request. The Myrkran will refuse any favors spent to explore in this direction. Duration: Rounds 6-10)

[Industry] Offer to Share Farming Secrets to Altarin, for a Price - Life had been hard for the Myrkran in Altarin - ethnic struggles between those hailing from Kaldyr and the other great fallen lands was only one more terrible pain to add to their pile of miseries. The most enterprising, though, had a new offer - the kingdoms of Altarin had unexpectedly little agricultural development compared to their homelands, and they figured it wouldn't hurt to share a little bit of what they'd passed down - for the public good. After all, if there were more food in Altarin, that benefits everyone. Right? (Offer: The Peoples of Myrkran will grant the Irrigation technology to a realm upon non-action acceptance of their offer. Reward: 2 Favors owed to MYR. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Diplomacy] Request a Refugee Processing Center be built in The Vaires - It wasn't a proposition without risk, but these continents seemed largely depopulated by years of violence and sparse resources. And there was space. Some braves opted to push for a new effort to expand. (Request: Build one Myrkran Refugee Processing Center (3-action Diplomacy/Industry project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized MYR base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected MYR bases will still become MYR bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-11)


[Industry] Request Repayment of Debts - Overextension takes its toll on Myrkran communities, as their recent trade efforts strain them to the breaking point. (Demand: Any realm with outstanding debts to the Myrkran is asked to spend an Industry Action performing direct aid to Myrkran settlement efforts. Reward: Cancel 1 Favor Debt. Penalty: -1 MYR Reputation if refused. Duration: Round 8)

[Intrigue] Gather Intelligence on the Pirate Threat - Though the interest in establishing colonies in the Vaires remains, greater knowledge of the Pirate Threat terrifies many of the Myrkran in Taer Mojr! Some forward-thinking leaders gather up resources to use as a carrot to encourage the spread of such information. (Request: Investigate aspects of VVV, such as its yet-unknown rulers, resources, beliefs, technologies, and strength. Reward: +1 favor for any such successful investigation. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 8-10)

[Diplomacy] Contribute to Y'licis Continental Translation in Brenn Tyr [X/5] - Another interesting land with resources to gather and perhaps safe places to live. They've already moved so far east, what's a little further?



The Disciples of Silicon


Pending Requests and Offers

[Intrigue] Analyze Anomalous Materials in Brenn Tyr - Tales abound in Brenn Tyr of Moonfall fragments refusing to be collected, morphing instead into desired mundane things. Though their presence in these lands is limited, it's worth investigating regardless; best to get on top of whatever this is. Lacking suitable field agents, the Disciples turn instead to the parties they've already managed to make rudimentary contact with, offering recompense for deliveries. (Request: Brenn Tyr Realms may contribute Treasure to the DOS. Reward: 2+ Treasures contributed: +1 Rep for all donors, 5+ Treasures contributed: +1 Favor for all donors, 10+ Treasures contributed: +2 Favors for all donors. Reward(s) will be paid out at the end of the duration. Donations can be made at any point during the duration as a non-action but the Treasure must have been created prior to being donated. If a kingdom wishes their donations to be counted as donations from another kingdom they may choose to do so in their non-action. Note that this will exclude the actual Treasure sender from being counted among the donors if all their Treasure is donated in another name. Each reward tier includes the rewards listed on the previous tiers. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 5-8)

[Intrigue] Hunt a Loose End in Brenn Tyr - The Disciples continue their wild hunt in spite of unexpected resistance, though now more focused on the Southwestern forests. Establishing perimeters, cutting down and burning trees, creating firebreaks. (Demand: Allow the Disciples free reign of the southwestern forests. Do not interfere. Reward: None. Penalty: Any action taken to interfere with the Disciples' hunt in your realm or that of another will result in -2 Reputation. Any non-action taken to interfere will result in -1 Reputation. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Military] Assist in Suppression of the Grounded Sky Tower - The results of Lance's failed expedition are unexpected and dire; with their Vault in Taer Mojr little more than a skeleton crew due to the lack of prior support and the secrecy of the base's construction, they lack the numbers to effectively combat this threat and resort to harrying it instead, wounding command units and enemy control nodes to leave easier prey, but leaving the grunt work and cost in blood of cleaning up the headless snakes to the locals.

[Military] Deploy the Skylance! - The Disciples ready their weapons in preparation for the Beast's next flight. When it next returns to the mountains, it will have a surprise in store.

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Military] Epic Quest! Eilonwy of Velentin seeks to Unmask the Truth of the White Leviathan! - After becoming separated from Te-Raupea, Eilonwy put out another call for aid. She'd learned more this time, and discovered the flooded tunnels between Altarin's great lake and the sea. She was so close to knowing the truth of how this creature was connected to the Sunken. So very close. [Eilonwy of Velentin will assist anyone who takes on this quest!]

[Military] Olivier of Velentin Errant Quests in Region 416! - Though broadly unaware of the tense political situation with Sypressa, Olivier of Velentin sets out, dagger in hand, to reduce the region's reputation for banditry, one slit throat at a time. People like this were motivated by greed, power, and fear. Create a vacuum, and their greed would turn them against each other.

[Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [4/5] - This time, a group of Seekers dares return to the summit where their observatory once stood in Taer Mojr, now an inert pillar of glass. They took the ground glass and added it to their collection. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as a Faith action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one SPH favor. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with unnatural shapes underneath, Captain Dreadlove was assumed to be a folk legend in the Vaires until recently. Now a petty king with his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove, he menaces the surrounding lands. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5

1. [Military] Captain Meathook leads 1 unit and 1 navy to invade Region 218! - Without the Tempest-Runner, a power struggle among the Mist Eaters has two lesser captains competing for power and prestige, and treasure to bring to Dreadlove in the hope his favor and backing will legitimize their command. The less imaginative of them, a wretched brute by the name of Captain Meathook, sails again on the same place as before, demanding wealth lest he finish the job! [Captain Meathook will call off this attack if offered 1 treasure as tribute!]


Captain Meathook (Subcommander 5) leads battle, does not challenge but will not refuse a duel. Uses Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine.

Spark-Fire Wands (+1 to Battle), Steering Oars (+3 Maneuvering) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Subcommander Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Military] Captain Albatross takes 1 unit and 2 navy to invade Mjornduth (Region 217)! - Without the Tempest-Runner, a power struggle among the Mist Eaters has two lesser captains competing for power and prestige, and treasure to bring to Dreadlove in the hope his favor and backing will legitimize their command. The more sly and imaginative of them, known simply as Albatross, takes her fleet further south to Mjornduth, where she presents her fleet as mercenaries - an offer of protection, for the right pay. Left implied, of course, is what happens next if her offer is refused. [Captain Albatross will call off this attack and intervene to protect Mjornduth in the future if paid 1 treasure on each even-numbered round!]


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads battle, does not challenge but will not refuse a duel. Uses Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine.

Spark-Fire Wands (+1 to Battle), Steering Oars (+3 Maneuvering) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Subcommander Mil Score, +3 Tech)

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip6/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai8; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval.
3. [Faith] Convert Region 220 to Widow Ancestry! - Distracted by petty conquests, Dreadlove is a fool who thinks only of violence. He will not see his realm creep out from under him in more subtle ways.
4. [Military] ? - placeholder

Rizzo "the Rat" - Known only in whispers, Rizzo's rumors are mixed - some say they're the closest thing to an honest merchant among these thieves, while others say their influence touches every raid. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int9/Fai5
5. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.
6. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.



NPC Actions

Round Eight


The Peoples of Myrkran

[As a close friend of the Myrkran People - insofar as they have a singular identity - Tete-kāno is approached by a group of Rayjo Operators who inform them that they've received a message from the Heralds of Nightfall, and have been instructed to allow them to attempt to operate the Rayjo in order to answer. Until the Heralds' interest wanes, Tete-kāno may spend a special industry action to attempt to understand the complex workings of the Rayjo well enough to decipher the message, and communicate with those who remain in the West. This is an Industry Roll against TN 14.]

Pending Requests and Offers

[Diplomacy] Beg to Let Sleeping Crabs Lie in Brenn Tyr - The unknown presence in the land of the empty-shelled crabs along with cryptic Rayjo communications put the leaders of Shadestone Hold and other Myrkran communities instantly on edge. Requests and demands go out to go no further - what lies south is a dire peril, dangerous even to speak of, and no good can come of waking it. (Demand: Do not explore south of Region 013 or Region 415. Reward: None. Penalty: -1 Reputation per exploration attempt in this direction and these exploration attempts do not fulfill the Promote Exploration request. The Myrkran will refuse any favors spent to explore in this direction. Duration: Rounds 6-10)

[Industry] Offer to Share Farming Secrets to Altarin, for a Price - Life had been hard for the Myrkran in Altarin - ethnic struggles between those hailing from Kaldyr and the other great fallen lands was only one more terrible pain to add to their pile of miseries. The most enterprising, though, had a new offer - the kingdoms of Altarin had unexpectedly little agricultural development compared to their homelands, and they figured it wouldn't hurt to share a little bit of what they'd passed down - for the public good. After all, if there were more food in Altarin, that benefits everyone. Right? (Offer: The Peoples of Myrkran will grant the Irrigation technology to a realm upon non-action acceptance of their offer. Reward: 2 Favors owed to MYR. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Diplomacy] Request a Refugee Processing Center be built in The Vaires - It wasn't a proposition without risk, but these continents seemed largely depopulated by years of violence and sparse resources. And there was space. Some braves opted to push for a new effort to expand. (Request: Build one Myrkran Refugee Processing Center (3-action Diplomacy/Industry project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized MYR base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected MYR bases will still become MYR bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-11)


[Industry] Request Repayment of Debts - Overextension takes its toll on Myrkran communities, as their recent trade efforts strain them to the breaking point. (Demand: Any realm with outstanding debts to the Myrkran is asked to spend an Industry Action performing direct aid to Myrkran settlement efforts. Reward: Cancel 1 Favor Debt. Penalty: -1 MYR Reputation if refused. Duration: Round 8)

[Intrigue] Gather Intelligence on the Pirate Threat - Though the interest in establishing colonies in the Vaires remains, greater knowledge of the Pirate Threat terrifies many of the Myrkran in Taer Mojr! Some forward-thinking leaders gather up resources to use as a carrot to encourage the spread of such information. (Request: Investigate aspects of VVV, such as its yet-unknown rulers, resources, beliefs, technologies, and strength. Reward: +1 favor for any such successful investigation. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 8-10)

[Diplomacy] Contribute to Y'licis Continental Translation in Brenn Tyr [X/5] - Another interesting land with resources to gather and perhaps safe places to live. They've already moved so far east, what's a little further?



The Disciples of Silicon


Pending Requests and Offers

[Intrigue] Analyze Anomalous Materials in Brenn Tyr - Tales abound in Brenn Tyr of Moonfall fragments refusing to be collected, morphing instead into desired mundane things. Though their presence in these lands is limited, it's worth investigating regardless; best to get on top of whatever this is. Lacking suitable field agents, the Disciples turn instead to the parties they've already managed to make rudimentary contact with, offering recompense for deliveries. (Request: Brenn Tyr Realms may contribute Treasure to the DOS. Reward: 2+ Treasures contributed: +1 Rep for all donors, 5+ Treasures contributed: +1 Favor for all donors, 10+ Treasures contributed: +2 Favors for all donors. Reward(s) will be paid out at the end of the duration. Donations can be made at any point during the duration as a non-action but the Treasure must have been created prior to being donated. If a kingdom wishes their donations to be counted as donations from another kingdom they may choose to do so in their non-action. Note that this will exclude the actual Treasure sender from being counted among the donors if all their Treasure is donated in another name. Each reward tier includes the rewards listed on the previous tiers. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 5-8)

[Intrigue] Hunt a Loose End in Brenn Tyr - The Disciples continue their wild hunt in spite of unexpected resistance, though now more focused on the Southwestern forests. Establishing perimeters, cutting down and burning trees, creating firebreaks. (Demand: Allow the Disciples free reign of the southwestern forests. Do not interfere. Reward: None. Penalty: Any action taken to interfere with the Disciples' hunt in your realm or that of another will result in -2 Reputation. Any non-action taken to interfere will result in -1 Reputation. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Military] Assist in Suppression of the Grounded Sky Tower - The results of Lance's failed expedition are unexpected and dire; with their Vault in Taer Mojr little more than a skeleton crew due to the lack of prior support and the secrecy of the base's construction, they lack the numbers to effectively combat this threat and resort to harrying it instead, wounding command units and enemy control nodes to leave easier prey, but leaving the grunt work and cost in blood of cleaning up the headless snakes to the locals.

[Military] Deploy the Skylance! - The Disciples ready their weapons in preparation for the Beast's next flight. When it next returns to the mountains, it will have a surprise in store.

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Military] Epic Quest! Eilonwy of Velentin seeks to Unmask the Truth of the White Leviathan! - After becoming separated from Te-Raupea, Eilonwy put out another call for aid. She'd learned more this time, and discovered the flooded tunnels between Altarin's great lake and the sea. She was so close to knowing the truth of how this creature was connected to the Sunken. So very close. [Eilonwy of Velentin will assist anyone who takes on this quest!]

[Military] Olivier of Velentin Errant Quests in Region 416! - Though broadly unaware of the tense political situation with Sypressa, Olivier of Velentin sets out, dagger in hand, to reduce the region's reputation for banditry, one slit throat at a time. People like this were motivated by greed, power, and fear. Create a vacuum, and their greed would turn them against each other.

[Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [4/5] - This time, a group of Seekers dares return to the summit where their observatory once stood in Taer Mojr, now an inert pillar of glass. They took the ground glass and added it to their collection. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as a Faith action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one SPH favor. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with unnatural shapes underneath, Captain Dreadlove was assumed to be a folk legend in the Vaires until recently. Now a petty king with his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove, he menaces the surrounding lands. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5

1. [Military] Attack? Defend?
2. [Military] Raise 1 Land Unit

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip6/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai8; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval.
3. [Faith] Placeholder
4. Placeholder

Rizzo "the Rat" - Known only in whispers, Rizzo's rumors are mixed - some say they're the closest thing to an honest merchant among these thieves, while others say their influence touches every raid. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int9/Fai5
5. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.
6. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.



NPC Actions

Round Eight


The Peoples of Myrkran

[As a close friend of the Myrkran People - insofar as they have a singular identity - Tete-kāno is approached by a group of Rayjo Operators who inform them that they've received a message from the Heralds of Nightfall, and have been instructed to allow them to attempt to operate the Rayjo in order to answer. Until the Heralds' interest wanes, Tete-kāno may spend a special industry action to attempt to understand the complex workings of the Rayjo well enough to decipher the message, and communicate with those who remain in the West. This is an Industry Roll against TN 14.]

Pending Requests and Offers

[Diplomacy] Beg to Let Sleeping Crabs Lie in Brenn Tyr - The unknown presence in the land of the empty-shelled crabs along with cryptic Rayjo communications put the leaders of Shadestone Hold and other Myrkran communities instantly on edge. Requests and demands go out to go no further - what lies south is a dire peril, dangerous even to speak of, and no good can come of waking it. (Demand: Do not explore south of Region 013 or Region 415. Reward: None. Penalty: -1 Reputation per exploration attempt in this direction and these exploration attempts do not fulfill the Promote Exploration request. The Myrkran will refuse any favors spent to explore in this direction. Duration: Rounds 6-10)

[Industry] Offer to Share Farming Secrets to Altarin, for a Price - Life had been hard for the Myrkran in Altarin - ethnic struggles between those hailing from Kaldyr and the other great fallen lands was only one more terrible pain to add to their pile of miseries. The most enterprising, though, had a new offer - the kingdoms of Altarin had unexpectedly little agricultural development compared to their homelands, and they figured it wouldn't hurt to share a little bit of what they'd passed down - for the public good. After all, if there were more food in Altarin, that benefits everyone. Right? (Offer: The Peoples of Myrkran will grant the Irrigation technology to a realm upon non-action acceptance of their offer. Reward: 2 Favors owed to MYR. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Diplomacy] Request a Refugee Processing Center be built in The Vaires - It wasn't a proposition without risk, but these continents seemed largely depopulated by years of violence and sparse resources. And there was space. Some braves opted to push for a new effort to expand. (Request: Build one Myrkran Refugee Processing Center (3-action Diplomacy/Industry project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized MYR base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected MYR bases will still become MYR bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-11)


[Industry] Request Repayment of Debts - Overextension takes its toll on Myrkran communities, as their recent trade efforts strain them to the breaking point. (Demand: Any realm with outstanding debts to the Myrkran is asked to spend an Industry Action performing direct aid to Myrkran settlement efforts. Reward: Cancel 1 Favor Debt. Penalty: -1 MYR Reputation if refused. Duration: Round 8)

[Intrigue] Gather Intelligence on the Pirate Threat - Though the interest in establishing colonies in the Vaires remains, greater knowledge of the Pirate Threat terrifies many of the Myrkran in Taer Mojr! Some forward-thinking leaders gather up resources to use as a carrot to encourage the spread of such information. (Request: Investigate aspects of VVV, such as its yet-unknown rulers, resources, beliefs, technologies, and strength. Reward: +1 favor for any such successful investigation. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 8-10)

[Diplomacy] Contribute to Y'licis Continental Translation in Brenn Tyr [X/5] - Another interesting land with resources to gather and perhaps safe places to live. They've already moved so far east, what's a little further?



The Disciples of Silicon


Pending Requests and Offers

[Intrigue] Analyze Anomalous Materials in Brenn Tyr - Tales abound in Brenn Tyr of Moonfall fragments refusing to be collected, morphing instead into desired mundane things. Though their presence in these lands is limited, it's worth investigating regardless; best to get on top of whatever this is. Lacking suitable field agents, the Disciples turn instead to the parties they've already managed to make rudimentary contact with, offering recompense for deliveries. (Request: Brenn Tyr Realms may contribute Treasure to the DOS. Reward: 2+ Treasures contributed: +1 Rep for all donors, 5+ Treasures contributed: +1 Favor for all donors, 10+ Treasures contributed: +2 Favors for all donors. Reward(s) will be paid out at the end of the duration. Donations can be made at any point during the duration as a non-action but the Treasure must have been created prior to being donated. If a kingdom wishes their donations to be counted as donations from another kingdom they may choose to do so in their non-action. Note that this will exclude the actual Treasure sender from being counted among the donors if all their Treasure is donated in another name. Each reward tier includes the rewards listed on the previous tiers. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 5-8)

[Intrigue] Hunt a Loose End in Brenn Tyr - The Disciples continue their wild hunt in spite of unexpected resistance, though now more focused on the Southwestern forests. Establishing perimeters, cutting down and burning trees, creating firebreaks. (Demand: Allow the Disciples free reign of the southwestern forests. Do not interfere. Reward: None. Penalty: Any action taken to interfere with the Disciples' hunt in your realm or that of another will result in -2 Reputation. Any non-action taken to interfere will result in -1 Reputation. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Military] Assist in Suppression of the Grounded Sky Tower - The results of Lance's failed expedition are unexpected and dire; with their Vault in Taer Mojr little more than a skeleton crew due to the lack of prior support and the secrecy of the base's construction, they lack the numbers to effectively combat this threat and resort to harrying it instead, wounding command units and enemy control nodes to leave easier prey, but leaving the grunt work and cost in blood of cleaning up the headless snakes to the locals.

[Military] Deploy the Skylance! - The Disciples ready their weapons in preparation for the Beast's next flight. When it next returns to the mountains, it will have a surprise in store.

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Military] Epic Quest! Eilonwy of Velentin seeks to Unmask the Truth of the White Leviathan! - After becoming separated from Te-Raupea, Eilonwy put out another call for aid. She'd learned more this time, and discovered the flooded tunnels between Altarin's great lake and the sea. She was so close to knowing the truth of how this creature was connected to the Sunken. So very close. [Eilonwy of Velentin will assist anyone who takes on this quest!]

[Military] Olivier of Velentin Errant Quests in Region 416! - Though broadly unaware of the tense political situation with Sypressa, Olivier of Velentin sets out, dagger in hand, to reduce the region's reputation for banditry, one slit throat at a time. People like this were motivated by greed, power, and fear. Create a vacuum, and their greed would turn them against each other.

[Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [4/5] - This time, a group of Seekers dares return to the summit where their observatory once stood in Taer Mojr, now an inert pillar of glass. They took the ground glass and added it to their collection. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as a Faith action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one SPH favor. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with unnatural shapes underneath, Captain Dreadlove was assumed to be a folk legend in the Vaires until recently. Now a petty king with his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove, he menaces the surrounding lands. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5

1. [Military] Placeholder
2. [Military] Placeholder

The Widow Queen - Known only in whispers, the Widow Queen is said to be an ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross. Dip6/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai8; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval.
3. [Faith] Placeholder
4. Placeholder

Rizzo "the Rat" - Known only in whispers, Rizzo's rumors are mixed - some say they're the closest thing to an honest merchant among these thieves, while others say their influence touches every raid. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int9/Fai5
5. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.
6. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.



NPC Actions

Round Eight


The Peoples of Myrkran

[As a close friend of the Myrkran People - insofar as they have a singular identity - Tete-kāno is approached by a group of Rayjo Operators who inform them that they've received a message from the Heralds of Nightfall, and have been instructed to allow them to attempt to operate the Rayjo in order to answer. Until the Heralds' interest wanes, Tete-kāno may spend a special industry action to attempt to understand the complex workings of the Rayjo well enough to decipher the message, and communicate with those who remain in the West. This is an Industry Roll against TN 14.]

Pending Requests and Offers

[Diplomacy] Beg to Let Sleeping Crabs Lie in Brenn Tyr - The unknown presence in the land of the empty-shelled crabs along with cryptic Rayjo communications put the leaders of Shadestone Hold and other Myrkran communities instantly on edge. Requests and demands go out to go no further - what lies south is a dire peril, dangerous even to speak of, and no good can come of waking it. (Demand: Do not explore south of Region 013 or Region 415. Reward: None. Penalty: -1 Reputation per exploration attempt in this direction and these exploration attempts do not fulfill the Promote Exploration request. The Myrkran will refuse any favors spent to explore in this direction. Duration: Rounds 6-10)

[Industry] Offer to Share Farming Secrets to Altarin, for a Price - Life had been hard for the Myrkran in Altarin - ethnic struggles between those hailing from Kaldyr and the other great fallen lands was only one more terrible pain to add to their pile of miseries. The most enterprising, though, had a new offer - the kingdoms of Altarin had unexpectedly little agricultural development compared to their homelands, and they figured it wouldn't hurt to share a little bit of what they'd passed down - for the public good. After all, if there were more food in Altarin, that benefits everyone. Right? (Offer: The Peoples of Myrkran will grant the Irrigation technology to a realm upon non-action acceptance of their offer. Reward: 2 Favors owed to MYR. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Diplomacy] Request a Refugee Processing Center be built in The Vaires - It wasn't a proposition without risk, but these continents seemed largely depopulated by years of violence and sparse resources. And there was space. Some braves opted to push for a new effort to expand. (Request: Build one Myrkran Refugee Processing Center (3-action Diplomacy/Industry project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized MYR base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected MYR bases will still become MYR bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-11)


[Industry] Request Repayment of Debts - Overextension takes its toll on Myrkran communities, as their recent trade efforts strain them to the breaking point. (Demand: Any realm with outstanding debts to the Myrkran is asked to spend an Industry Action performing direct aid to Myrkran settlement efforts. Reward: Cancel 1 Favor Debt. Penalty: -1 MYR Reputation if refused. Duration: Round 8)

[Industry] placeholder

[Industry] placeholder



The Disciples of Silicon


Pending Requests and Offers

[Intrigue] Analyze Anomalous Materials in Brenn Tyr - Tales abound in Brenn Tyr of Moonfall fragments refusing to be collected, morphing instead into desired mundane things. Though their presence in these lands is limited, it's worth investigating regardless; best to get on top of whatever this is. Lacking suitable field agents, the Disciples turn instead to the parties they've already managed to make rudimentary contact with, offering recompense for deliveries. (Request: Brenn Tyr Realms may contribute Treasure to the DOS. Reward: 2+ Treasures contributed: +1 Rep for all donors, 5+ Treasures contributed: +1 Favor for all donors, 10+ Treasures contributed: +2 Favors for all donors. Reward(s) will be paid out at the end of the duration. Donations can be made at any point during the duration as a non-action but the Treasure must have been created prior to being donated. If a kingdom wishes their donations to be counted as donations from another kingdom they may choose to do so in their non-action. Note that this will exclude the actual Treasure sender from being counted among the donors if all their Treasure is donated in another name. Each reward tier includes the rewards listed on the previous tiers. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 5-8)

[Intrigue] Hunt a Loose End in Brenn Tyr - The Disciples continue their wild hunt in spite of unexpected resistance, though now more focused on the Southwestern forests. Establishing perimeters, cutting down and burning trees, creating firebreaks. (Demand: Allow the Disciples free reign of the southwestern forests. Do not interfere. Reward: None. Penalty: Any action taken to interfere with the Disciples' hunt in your realm or that of another will result in -2 Reputation. Any non-action taken to interfere will result in -1 Reputation. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Military] Assist in Suppression of the Grounded Sky Tower - The results of Lance's failed expedition are unexpected and dire; with their Vault in Taer Mojr little more than a skeleton crew due to the lack of prior support and the secrecy of the base's construction, they lack the numbers to effectively combat this threat and resort to harrying it instead, wounding command units and enemy control nodes to leave easier prey, but leaving the grunt work and cost in blood of cleaning up the headless snakes to the locals.

[Military] Deploy the Skylance! - The Disciples ready their weapons in preparation for the Beast's next flight. When it next returns to the mountains, it will have a surprise in store.

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Military] Epic Quest! Eilonwy of Velentin seeks to Unmask the Truth of the White Leviathan! - After becoming separated from Te-Raupea, Eilonwy put out another call for aid. She'd learned more this time, and discovered the flooded tunnels between Altarin's great lake and the sea. She was so close to knowing the truth of how this creature was connected to the Sunken. So very close. [Eilonwy of Velentin will assist anyone who takes on this quest!]

[Military] Olivier of Velentin Errant Quests in Region 416! - Though broadly unaware of the tense political situation with Sypressa, Olivier of Velentin sets out, dagger in hand, to reduce the region's reputation for banditry, one slit throat at a time. People like this were motivated by greed, power, and fear. Create a vacuum, and their greed would turn them against each other.

[Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [4/5] - This time, a group of Seekers dares return to the summit where their observatory once stood in Taer Mojr, now an inert pillar of glass. They took the ground glass and added it to their collection. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as a Faith action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one SPH favor. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with unnatural shapes underneath, Captain Dreadlove was assumed to be a folk legend in the Vaires until recently. Now a petty king with his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove, he menaces the surrounding lands. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5

1. [Military] Placeholder
2. [Military] Placeholder

The Widow Queen - Known only in whispers, the Widow Queen is said to be an ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross. Dip6/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai8; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval.
3. [Faith] Placeholder
4. Placeholder

Rizzo "the Rat" - Known only in whispers, Rizzo's rumors are mixed - some say they're the closest thing to an honest merchant among these thieves, while others say their influence touches every raid. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int9/Fai5
5. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.
6. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.



NPC Actions

Round Eight


The Peoples of Myrkran

[As a close friend of the Myrkran People - insofar as they have a singular identity - Tete-kāno is approached by a group of Rayjo Operators who inform them that they've received a message from the Heralds of Nightfall, and have been instructed to allow them to attempt to operate the Rayjo in order to answer. Until the Heralds' interest wanes, Tete-kāno may spend a special industry action to attempt to understand the complex workings of the Rayjo well enough to decipher the message, and communicate with those who remain in the West. This is an Industry Roll against TN 14.]

Pending Requests and Offers

[Diplomacy] Beg to Let Sleeping Crabs Lie in Brenn Tyr - The unknown presence in the land of the empty-shelled crabs along with cryptic Rayjo communications put the leaders of Shadestone Hold and other Myrkran communities instantly on edge. Requests and demands go out to go no further - what lies south is a dire peril, dangerous even to speak of, and no good can come of waking it. (Demand: Do not explore south of Region 013 or Region 415. Reward: None. Penalty: -1 Reputation per exploration attempt in this direction and these exploration attempts do not fulfill the Promote Exploration request. The Myrkran will refuse any favors spent to explore in this direction. Duration: Rounds 6-10)

[Industry] Offer to Share Farming Secrets to Altarin, for a Price - Life had been hard for the Myrkran in Altarin - ethnic struggles between those hailing from Kaldyr and the other great fallen lands was only one more terrible pain to add to their pile of miseries. The most enterprising, though, had a new offer - the kingdoms of Altarin had unexpectedly little agricultural development compared to their homelands, and they figured it wouldn't hurt to share a little bit of what they'd passed down - for the public good. After all, if there were more food in Altarin, that benefits everyone. Right? (Offer: The Peoples of Myrkran will grant the Irrigation technology to a realm upon non-action acceptance of their offer. Reward: 2 Favors owed to MYR. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Diplomacy] Request a Refugee Processing Center be built in The Vaires - It wasn't a proposition without risk, but these continents seemed largely depopulated by years of violence and sparse resources. And there was space. Some braves opted to push for a new effort to expand. (Request: Build one Myrkran Refugee Processing Center (3-action Diplomacy/Industry project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized MYR base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected MYR bases will still become MYR bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-11)


[Industry] Request Repayment of Debts - Overextension takes its toll on Myrkran communities, as their recent trade efforts strain them to the breaking point. (Demand: Any realm with outstanding debts to the Myrkran is asked to spend an Industry Action performing direct aid to Myrkran settlement efforts. Reward: Cancel 1 Favor Debt. Penalty: -1 MYR Reputation if refused. Duration: Round 8)

[Industry] placeholder

[Industry] placeholder



The Disciples of Silicon


Pending Requests and Offers

[Intrigue] Analyze Anomalous Materials in Brenn Tyr - Tales abound in Brenn Tyr of Moonfall fragments refusing to be collected, morphing instead into desired mundane things. Though their presence in these lands is limited, it's worth investigating regardless; best to get on top of whatever this is. Lacking suitable field agents, the Disciples turn instead to the parties they've already managed to make rudimentary contact with, offering recompense for deliveries. (Request: Brenn Tyr Realms may contribute Treasure to the DOS. Reward: 2+ Treasures contributed: +1 Rep for all donors, 5+ Treasures contributed: +1 Favor for all donors, 10+ Treasures contributed: +2 Favors for all donors. Reward(s) will be paid out at the end of the duration. Donations can be made at any point during the duration as a non-action but the Treasure must have been created prior to being donated. If a kingdom wishes their donations to be counted as donations from another kingdom they may choose to do so in their non-action. Note that this will exclude the actual Treasure sender from being counted among the donors if all their Treasure is donated in another name. Each reward tier includes the rewards listed on the previous tiers. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 5-8)

[Intrigue] Hunt a Loose End in Brenn Tyr - The Disciples continue their wild hunt in spite of unexpected resistance, though now more focused on the Southwestern forests. Establishing perimeters, cutting down and burning trees, creating firebreaks. (Demand: Allow the Disciples free reign of the southwestern forests. Do not interfere. Reward: None. Penalty: Any action taken to interfere with the Disciples' hunt in your realm or that of another will result in -2 Reputation. Any non-action taken to interfere will result in -1 Reputation. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Military] Assist in Suppression of the Grounded Sky Tower - The results of Lance's failed expedition are unexpected and dire; with their Vault in Taer Mojr little more than a skeleton crew due to the lack of prior support and the secrecy of the base's construction, they lack the numbers to effectively combat this threat and resort to harrying it instead, wounding command units and enemy control nodes to leave easier prey, but leaving the grunt work and cost in blood of cleaning up the headless snakes to the locals.

[Military] Deploy the Skylance! - The Disciples ready their weapons in preparation for the Beast's next flight. When it next returns to the mountains, it will have a surprise in store.

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Military] Epic Quest! Eilonwy of Velentin seeks to Unmask the Truth of the White Leviathan! - After becoming separated from Te-Raupea, Eilonwy put out another call for aid. She'd learned more this time, and discovered the flooded tunnels between Altarin's great lake and the sea. She was so close to knowing the truth of how this creature was connected to the Sunken. So very close. [Eilonwy of Velentin will assist anyone who takes on this quest!]

[Military] Olivier of Velentin Errant Quests in Region 416! - Though broadly unaware of the tense political situation with Sypressa, Olivier of Velentin sets out, dagger in hand, to reduce the region's reputation for banditry, one slit throat at a time. People like this were motivated by greed, power, and fear. Create a vacuum, and their greed would turn them against each other.

[Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [4/5] - This time, a group of Seekers dares return to the summit where their observatory once stood in Taer Mojr, now an inert pillar of glass. They took the ground glass and added it to their collection. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as a Faith action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one SPH favor. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with unnatural shapes underneath, Captain Dreadlove was assumed to be a folk legend in the Vaires until recently. Now a petty king with his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove, he menaces the surrounding lands. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5

1. [Military] Placeholder
2. [Military] Placeholder

The Widow Queen - Known only in whispers, the Widow Queen is said to be an ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross. Dip6/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai8; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval.
3. [Faith] Placeholder
4. Placeholder

Rizzo "the Rat" - Known only in whispers, Rizzo's rumors are mixed - some say they're the closest thing to an honest merchant among these thieves, while others say their influence touches every raid. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int9/Fai5
5. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.
6. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.



NPC Actions

Round Eight


The Peoples of Myrkran

[As a close friend of the Myrkran People - insofar as they have a singular identity - Tete-kāno is approached by a group of Rayjo Operators who inform them that they've received a message from the Heralds of Nightfall, and have been instructed to allow them to attempt to operate the Rayjo in order to answer. Until the Heralds' interest wanes, Tete-kāno may spend a special industry action to attempt to understand the complex workings of the Rayjo well enough to decipher the message, and communicate with those who remain in the West. This is an Industry Roll against TN 14.]

Pending Requests and Offers

[Diplomacy] Beg to Let Sleeping Crabs Lie in Brenn Tyr - The unknown presence in the land of the empty-shelled crabs along with cryptic Rayjo communications put the leaders of Shadestone Hold and other Myrkran communities instantly on edge. Requests and demands go out to go no further - what lies south is a dire peril, dangerous even to speak of, and no good can come of waking it. (Demand: Do not explore south of Region 013 or Region 415. Reward: None. Penalty: -1 Reputation per exploration attempt in this direction and these exploration attempts do not fulfill the Promote Exploration request. The Myrkran will refuse any favors spent to explore in this direction. Duration: Rounds 6-10)

[Industry] Offer to Share Farming Secrets to Altarin, for a Price - Life had been hard for the Myrkran in Altarin - ethnic struggles between those hailing from Kaldyr and the other great fallen lands was only one more terrible pain to add to their pile of miseries. The most enterprising, though, had a new offer - the kingdoms of Altarin had unexpectedly little agricultural development compared to their homelands, and they figured it wouldn't hurt to share a little bit of what they'd passed down - for the public good. After all, if there were more food in Altarin, that benefits everyone. Right? (Offer: The Peoples of Myrkran will grant the Irrigation technology to a realm upon non-action acceptance of their offer. Reward: 2 Favors owed to MYR. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Diplomacy] Request a Refugee Processing Center be built in The Vaires - It wasn't a proposition without risk, but these continents seemed largely depopulated by years of violence and sparse resources. And there was space. Some braves opted to push for a new effort to expand. (Request: Build one Myrkran Refugee Processing Center (3-action Diplomacy/Industry project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized MYR base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected MYR bases will still become MYR bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 7-11)


[Industry] Request Repayment of Debts - Overextension takes its toll on Myrkran communities, as their recent trade efforts strain them to the breaking point. (Demand: Any realm with outstanding debts to the Myrkran is asked to spend an Industry Action performing direct aid to Myrkran settlement efforts. Reward: Cancel 1 Favor Debt. Penalty: -1 MYR Reputation if refused. Duration: Round 8)

[Industry] placeholder

[Industry] placeholder



The Disciples of Silicon


Pending Requests and Offers

[Intrigue] Analyze Anomalous Materials in Brenn Tyr - Tales abound in Brenn Tyr of Moonfall fragments refusing to be collected, morphing instead into desired mundane things. Though their presence in these lands is limited, it's worth investigating regardless; best to get on top of whatever this is. Lacking suitable field agents, the Disciples turn instead to the parties they've already managed to make rudimentary contact with, offering recompense for deliveries. (Request: Brenn Tyr Realms may contribute Treasure to the DOS. Reward: 2+ Treasures contributed: +1 Rep for all donors, 5+ Treasures contributed: +1 Favor for all donors, 10+ Treasures contributed: +2 Favors for all donors. Reward(s) will be paid out at the end of the duration. Donations can be made at any point during the duration as a non-action but the Treasure must have been created prior to being donated. If a kingdom wishes their donations to be counted as donations from another kingdom they may choose to do so in their non-action. Note that this will exclude the actual Treasure sender from being counted among the donors if all their Treasure is donated in another name. Each reward tier includes the rewards listed on the previous tiers. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 5-8)

[Intrigue] Hunt a Loose End in Brenn Tyr - The Disciples continue their wild hunt in spite of unexpected resistance, though now more focused on the Southwestern forests. Establishing perimeters, cutting down and burning trees, creating firebreaks. (Demand: Allow the Disciples free reign of the southwestern forests. Do not interfere. Reward: None. Penalty: Any action taken to interfere with the Disciples' hunt in your realm or that of another will result in -2 Reputation. Any non-action taken to interfere will result in -1 Reputation. Duration: Rounds 7-8)

[Military] Assist in Suppression of the Grounded Sky Tower - The results of Lance's failed expedition are unexpected and dire; with their Vault in Taer Mojr little more than a skeleton crew due to the lack of prior support and the secrecy of the base's construction, they lack the numbers to effectively combat this threat and resort to harrying it instead, wounding command units and enemy control nodes to leave easier prey, but leaving the grunt work and cost in blood of cleaning up the headless snakes to the locals.

[Military] Deploy the Skylance! - The Disciples ready their weapons in preparation for the Beast's next flight. When it next returns to the mountains, it will have a surprise in store.

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers

[Faith] Augur the Soils of Ayr [3/5] - Groups of Seekers travel Altarin, Taer Mojr, and Brenn Tyr alike with an unusual request: They're seeking a wide variety of soil samples from exotic locales. The cost of meeting the demand itself is literally dirt cheap, but the ritual and pilgrimage requirements of their request are rather more onerous, between the special cylinders they provide for the samples and the sutras that must be spoken upon opening and closing them. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as a Faith action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one SPH favor. Duration: Until Completed)


[Military] placeholder

[Military] placeholder

[Military] placeholder




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with unnatural shapes underneath, Captain Dreadlove was assumed to be a folk legend in the Vaires until recently. Now a petty king with his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove, he menaces the surrounding lands. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5

1. [Military] Placeholder
2. [Military] Placeholder

The Widow Queen - Known only in whispers, the Widow Queen is said to be an ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross. Dip6/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai8; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval.
3. [Faith] Placeholder
4. Placeholder

Rizzo "the Rat" - Known only in whispers, Rizzo's rumors are mixed - some say they're the closest thing to an honest merchant among these thieves, while others say their influence touches every raid. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int9/Fai5
5. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.
6. Unknown, as The Rat is only a rumor.

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