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NPC Actions

Round 11


The Peoples of Myrkran

[There is a whispering, a welcoming presence from the blazing sun in the sky to the crushing depths, that intrudes upon the mind of the one known as Evelyn Muckrake. Come, it says. Dig deeper. Dispense of the Flotsam. There is no physical presence, no clear source, but still it seems to answer thoughts in reply. There are answers to be found here, but getting them from such a cryptic and distant mind will be a struggle: To attempt to do so, Evelyn Muckrake may attempt a Diplomacy action rolled against TN14 so long as they remain at -3 Reputation with the Peoples of Myrkran.]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Industry] Rayjo Network Expansion [3/5] - As the specter of doom from the West approaches, the Rayjo network will become increasingly critical, and efforts are redoubled to finish it quickly. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as an Industry action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one MYR favor. Duration: Rounds 9-11)

[Diplomacy] Tell of Faraway Lands - Though the worst of the Refugee Crisis has long since come to an end, still many of the people of Myrkran travel as continued misfortunes daunt them. Cultural Chameleons as ever, they bring tales of places they have lived to those interested, especially to the Vaires where the ingress is most dramatic. (Offer: Any realm with nonnegative MYR reputation may spend 1 favor as a non-action in return for one action toward a Translation Great Project on their behalf. This is not limited to continents that a party could normally begin a translation project for, but does only apply to continents containing an active Myrkran Refugee Processing Center, and unseen continents cannot have their translation project completion progressed beyond 3/5. Realms with a capital in the Vaires may benefit from this one time without any need to spend a favor. Duration: Round 11)

[Intrigue] Look Inward (Secret) - So much pain. So much misery. Why? What crime had their people committed to suffer this way? Something had to give. Something had to change.


The Disciples of Silicon

[High Witch Bryn is kept up at night by faint flickerings, a laughing collection of points of light that seem to project from the environment around her. They are difficult to understand, but from time to time she gets glimpses of a strange ghostly woman just long enough to make out a few words - that her name is Sibyl, and she is no friend of the Metal Men. Unfortunately, communication is highly limited, and only a challenging ritual can stabilize this link! To attempt such a seance, High Witch Bryn may attempt a Faith action rolled against TN14 so long as she remains at -3 Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon.]

Pending Requests and Offers


[Diplomacy] Declassify and Dispose - Several recent acquisitions from Altarin, Taer Mojr, and Brenn Tyr have been analyzed and deemed not necessary to keep in indefinite isolation. With limitations on vault space, the process of slowly disposing of such things - whether by destruction or random dissemination - begins. Those in the loop of the Disciples’ activities are presented with a rare opportunity to take something off the disciples’ hands, with the right grease - and as the project continues, more vaults are deemed unnecessary to keep. (Offer: Kingdoms with DOS rep 1 or greater may request the contents of a vault be delivered to them for external storage/disposal rather than liquified as a non-action. The contents of a vault will be determined by a GM roll. This is no longer limited to one per realm. Reward: 2 Favors owed to DOS, contents of Vault. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-11)

Contents of Vaults

Determined by 1d6 roll.

1: Mundane junk. Vault contains exclusively mundane items of little industrial, academic, scientific, or occult interest.

2-3: Minor Find. Vault contains one or more items of expendable value, such as treasure or an artifact that is usable exactly once.

4-5: Major Find. Vault contains a technological or even (misfiled) anomalous artifact.

6: Oops. Vault contains a mystery, which may be greater in value than an artifact and/or dangerous.

[Intrigue] Intervene in Altarin - At the request of an unnamed party and seeing that the plague problem they had previously dismissed as a mundane concern has become clearly anomalous in nature, the Disciples begin to mobilize a response - at the heart of the contagion, where the beasts had coalesced into a true infestation, they waited at the edges to watch the Toteharu do battle with them. Their contact had convinced them that the Toteharu had this well in hand, and they should engage in a different tactic to control the situation. Rather than participating in the main battle, they would conceal their presence, and eliminate the stragglers and the routed - prevent them from going to ground after the main mass was broken.

[Military] The Limitations of Steel - As spring turns to summer one year, the realms find a surprising request for assistance from the normally independent and indiscernible Disciples of Silicon. The Metal Men arrive in person in courts where they are welcome, and doubly so in courts already indebted to them: They come with an unexpected request for physically capable, wartrained foreign legions to undertake a task for which they need far more manpower than they have and deploying the machines they usually do as force multipliers carries more risk than reward. Though they understand that Kings and Lords are loath to send their people on such adventures, the need is dire and they assure all involved that the mission is critical to the health of the Ayr. Further, they have considerable stores of emergency resources and due consideration for other services. Still, one must wonder what kind of task must be so challenging and so important that even these haughty figures would come down from their perch to ask the primitives for assistance? (Request: The Disciples of Silicon are interested in recruits from realms of Rep 0 or higher for a dangerous yet vitally important task for which their machines are unsuitable; any number of land units not otherwise deployed may be assigned to the Disciples' mission as a non-action. Surviving units will return home at the end of round 13. Reward: Short-term compensation of 1 treasure per unit. Any realm that transfers 2 units or more will also gain 2 favors, and a realm that transfers four or more units will gain an additional favor and 1 reputation. Penalty: Unknown, should the mission fail. Duration: Round 11)

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers

Request an Observatory be built in The Vaires - Desiring an additional point from which to observe the Dark Moon’s approach, the Seekers send missives through the new Kingdoms of the Vaires - in search of a patron who might champion their quest for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-14)

Suppress the Carmine - Though knowledge is limited and early, Seeker Representatives like Olivier, Aporie, and Waxil are clear that in its current form, the Carmine Blight is inimical and incompatible with Ayr’s existing life. The East of Brenn Tyr was sparsely populated to begin with and no organized resistance formed before it overran the wilderness. Little is known but the Easterlings reported that fire was effective in the short term, and most of all time was needed now. (Request: Sack Trading Posts overtaken by the Carmine Blight to slow its progress. Reward: +1 favor for any successful sack. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-12)


[Diplomacy] Urgently Request an Observatory be built in Brenn Tyr - The Seekers in Brenn Tyr begin to probe gently, though urgently, about the prospect of establishing a more secure place in the West for their sensitive personnel and writings. Though this seems abrupt and the initial reasoning seems unclear, a little talking about the prospect forces the Seekers to admit that their extant observatory in Brenn Tyr is under immediate threat by the Carmine's progress, and they wish to evacuate noncombatants and irreplaceable knowledge while they can. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in a portion of Brenn Tyr West of the Mountains. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 11-13)

[Military] Eilonwy returns to the Grounded Sky Tower! - Hungry for more secrets now that her adventure in Altarin had come to a close, Eilonwy of Velentin returns to Taer Mojr by Seeker-ways, intending to continue her life's work with the Sunken. To accomplish this end, she charts an expedition to a familiar place, in the hopes of finding yet more answers. (Eilonwy of Velentin will assist the quest of any hero that makes an attempt to explore the Abyssal Night! If no hero does, she will independently quest to explore the Veiled Dark.)

[Intrigue] Seek a Cure for the Root Rot! - The Sages among Altarin's seekers have studied the poison that caused the original root rot at its source, and believe they have a potential antidote. The catch is...they need more of the active ingredient to formulate it in any quantity. The original herbalist's notes specified that it was based on Chorda Kelp. That's where they'd start. (Request: Obtain a Trading Post of Chorda Kelp on behalf of the Seekers; this can be done by any normal means one can acquire a trade post and an additional sub-action to specify that it is for the Seekers of the Spheres. Reward: 1 favor and a potential Cure for Root Rot. Penalty: None. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with a patchwork of sewn-on pieces of others to augment his personal might, Captain Dreadlove acts the part of a petty king from his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5; 6 Land Units, 3 Naval
1. [Military] Albatross moves to defend Mjornduth with 2 units and 2 navy! - Her rising star has stalled. News from the north suggests Captain Meathook has achieved an audacious victory, while she returns empty-handed. Worst of all, she cannot punish him - something burns behind her eyes, and the pain only mounts until she gives the order to sail for Mjornduth. Damn them. Damn it all.


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads defense unless someone else demands to, does not challenge any opponent and refuses any duels. Uses Cautious Advance Tactical Doctrine if leading.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +10 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +2 navy, +1 tech), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 using half Dreadlove's Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Intrigue] Question The Situation - In a Room carved into and beneath a stalagmite, Captain Dreadlove awoke from a long, dreamless slumber. Something, somewhere, had gone wrong. It was time to discover what.

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip7/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai10; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval. Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine, Embassy with Rikathi
3. [Faith] Convert Region 222 to Widow Ancestry - The over-ambitious buzzard had proven amusing. She saw no future in him or the land he claimed, but she would act anyway. She would have order; perhaps it might bloom again, one day.
4. [Diplomacy] Raise Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon - "I know what it is you come to my Court to ask for, Leaden Ones. You respect my secrets, and I shall respect yours. I have those who will fight and die for your mission. It is as you say - for the good of the Ayr."

  • The Limitations of Steel - the Widow Queen commits two land units of Geas-Bound Servants to the mission.

Rizzo "the Rat" - Though very mysterious, Rizzo "The Rat" is both fabulously wealthy and deeply clever, a petty plotter among the merchants of Porto Vapor who plays an extensive role in financing Privateers in the Vaires. They're also a wretched toad who thinks they're much smarter than you. Most of the best loot from raids on surrounding lands finds its way into Rizzo's Webbed Hands sooner or later. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int10/Fai5; 4 Land Units, 2 Naval. Pirate Code Cultural Identity
5. [Industry] Buyout Region 219 Colored Sandstone TP1 - Albatross failed them. Perhaps Meathook would impress more with his betterment than hers - He would need stone to build something lasting, and Rizzo was ever curious what would be done with such an investment.
6. [Intrigue] Secret Action - Even known, Rizzo remains mysterious.

Captain Meathook - A brute of ambition, who has found a way to perhaps escape his seemingly inevitable demise - where once there were three, there must be four. His competence as a warlord is understood - his competence as a leader has yet to be tested. For now his "realm" is a nameless mass of raiders and slaves. Dip3/Mil5/Ind5/Int3/Fai2
7. [Military] Meathook attacks Region 221 with 1 unit and 1 navy! - Meathook doesn't know what to do with himself in peacetime - he's a raider at heart, not an architect. It was advice from one of Rizzo's messengers that gave him a push he needed - stone and wood, to build his own port. Rizzo would be procuring the stone, as an act of "generosity" he would no doubt pay for in the coming days. Meathook would have to acquire the wood - and to the west, there it was. The way forward was pleasingly simple.


Captain Meathook (Commander 5) leads Battle, does not challenge. Uses Fog-Shrouded Sails Tactical Doctrine, spends 1 treasure.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +9 battle (+5 leader, +1 unit, +1 navy, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Mil Score, +3 Tech)

8. [Military] Raise 1 Unit - Captain Meathook's recruits no longer came from Crying Cove, but groups of bandits and slavers that flocked to the promise of a new beacon of power in Yon Vaire.



NPC Actions

Round 11


The Peoples of Myrkran

[There is a whispering, a welcoming presence from the blazing sun in the sky to the crushing depths, that intrudes upon the mind of the one known as Evelyn Muckrake. Come, it says. Dig deeper. Dispense of the Flotsam. There is no physical presence, no clear source, but still it seems to answer thoughts in reply. There are answers to be found here, but getting them from such a cryptic and distant mind will be a struggle: To attempt to do so, Evelyn Muckrake may attempt a Diplomacy action rolled against TN14 so long as they remain at -3 Reputation with the Peoples of Myrkran.]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Industry] Rayjo Network Expansion [3/5] - As the specter of doom from the West approaches, the Rayjo network will become increasingly critical, and efforts are redoubled to finish it quickly. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as an Industry action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one MYR favor. Duration: Rounds 9-11)

[Diplomacy] Tell of Faraway Lands - Though the worst of the Refugee Crisis has long since come to an end, still many of the people of Myrkran travel as continued misfortunes daunt them. Cultural Chameleons as ever, they bring tales of places they have lived to those interested, especially to the Vaires where the ingress is most dramatic. (Offer: Any realm with nonnegative MYR reputation may spend 1 favor as a non-action in return for one action toward a Translation Great Project on their behalf. This is not limited to continents that a party could normally begin a translation project for, but does only apply to continents containing an active Myrkran Refugee Processing Center, and unseen continents cannot have their translation project completion progressed beyond 3/5. Realms with a capital in the Vaires may benefit from this one time without any need to spend a favor. Duration: Round 11)

[Intrigue] Look Inward (Secret) - So much pain. So much misery. Why? What crime had their people committed to suffer this way? Something had to give. Something had to change.


The Disciples of Silicon

[High Witch Bryn is kept up at night by faint flickerings, a laughing collection of points of light that seem to project from the environment around her. They are difficult to understand, but from time to time she gets glimpses of a strange ghostly woman just long enough to make out a few words - that her name is Sibyl, and she is no friend of the Metal Men. Unfortunately, communication is highly limited, and only a challenging ritual can stabilize this link! To attempt such a seance, High Witch Bryn may attempt a Faith action rolled against TN14 so long as she remains at -3 Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon.]

Pending Requests and Offers


[Diplomacy] Declassify and Dispose - Several recent acquisitions from Altarin, Taer Mojr, and Brenn Tyr have been analyzed and deemed not necessary to keep in indefinite isolation. With limitations on vault space, the process of slowly disposing of such things - whether by destruction or random dissemination - begins. Those in the loop of the Disciples’ activities are presented with a rare opportunity to take something off the disciples’ hands, with the right grease - and as the project continues, more vaults are deemed unnecessary to keep. (Offer: Kingdoms with DOS rep 1 or greater may request the contents of a vault be delivered to them for external storage/disposal rather than liquified as a non-action. The contents of a vault will be determined by a GM roll. This is no longer limited to one per realm. Reward: 2 Favors owed to DOS, contents of Vault. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-11)

Contents of Vaults

Determined by 1d6 roll.

1: Mundane junk. Vault contains exclusively mundane items of little industrial, academic, scientific, or occult interest.

2-3: Minor Find. Vault contains one or more items of expendable value, such as treasure or an artifact that is usable exactly once.

4-5: Major Find. Vault contains a technological or even (misfiled) anomalous artifact.

6: Oops. Vault contains a mystery, which may be greater in value than an artifact and/or dangerous.

[Intrigue] Intervene in Altarin - At the request of an unnamed party and seeing that the plague problem they had previously dismissed as a mundane concern has become clearly anomalous in nature, the Disciples begin to mobilize a response - at the heart of the contagion, where the beasts had coalesced into a true infestation, they waited at the edges to watch the Toteharu do battle with them. Their contact had convinced them that the Toteharu had this well in hand, and they should engage in a different tactic to control the situation. Rather than participating in the main battle, they would conceal their presence, and eliminate the stragglers and the routed - prevent them from going to ground after the main mass was broken.

[Military] The Limitations of Steel - As spring turns to summer one year, the realms find a surprising request for assistance from the normally independent and indiscernible Disciples of Silicon. The Metal Men arrive in person in courts where they are welcome, and doubly so in courts already indebted to them: They come with an unexpected request for physically capable, wartrained foreign legions to undertake a task for which they need far more manpower than they have and deploying the machines they usually do as force multipliers carries more risk than reward. Though they understand that Kings and Lords are loath to send their people on such adventures, the need is dire and they assure all involved that the mission is critical to the health of the Ayr. Further, they have considerable stores of emergency resources and due consideration for other services. Still, one must wonder what kind of task must be so challenging and so important that even these haughty figures would come down from their perch to ask the primitives for assistance? (Request: The Disciples of Silicon are interested in recruits from realms of Rep 0 or higher for a dangerous yet vitally important task for which their machines are unsuitable; any number of land units not otherwise deployed may be assigned to the Disciples' mission as a non-action. Surviving units will return home at the end of round 13. Reward: Short-term compensation of 1 treasure per unit. Any realm that transfers 2 units or more will also gain 2 favors, and a realm that transfers four or more units will gain an additional favor and 1 reputation. Penalty: Unknown, should the mission fail. Duration: Round 11)

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers

Request an Observatory be built in The Vaires - Desiring an additional point from which to observe the Dark Moon’s approach, the Seekers send missives through the new Kingdoms of the Vaires - in search of a patron who might champion their quest for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-14)

Suppress the Carmine - Though knowledge is limited and early, Seeker Representatives like Olivier, Aporie, and Waxil are clear that in its current form, the Carmine Blight is inimical and incompatible with Ayr’s existing life. The East of Brenn Tyr was sparsely populated to begin with and no organized resistance formed before it overran the wilderness. Little is known but the Easterlings reported that fire was effective in the short term, and most of all time was needed now. (Request: Sack Trading Posts overtaken by the Carmine Blight to slow its progress. Reward: +1 favor for any successful sack. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-12)


[Diplomacy] Urgently Request an Observatory be built in Brenn Tyr - The Seekers in Brenn Tyr begin to probe gently, though urgently, about the prospect of establishing a more secure place in the West for their sensitive personnel and writings. Though this seems abrupt and the initial reasoning seems unclear, a little talking about the prospect forces the Seekers to admit that their extant observatory in Brenn Tyr is under immediate threat by the Carmine's progress, and they wish to evacuate noncombatants and irreplaceable knowledge while they can. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in a portion of Brenn Tyr West of the Mountains. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 11-13)

[Military] Eilonwy returns to the Grounded Sky Tower! - Hungry for more secrets now that her adventure in Altarin had come to a close, Eilonwy of Velentin returns to Taer Mojr by Seeker-ways, intending to continue her life's work with the Sunken. To accomplish this end, she charts an expedition to a familiar place, in the hopes of finding yet more answers. (Eilonwy of Velentin will assist the quest of any hero that makes an attempt to explore the Abyssal Night! If no hero does, she will independently quest to explore the Veiled Dark.)

[Intrigue] Seek a Cure for the Root Rot! - The Sages among Altarin's seekers have studied the poison that caused the original root rot at its source, and believe they have a potential antidote. The catch is...they need more of the active ingredient to formulate it in any quantity. The original herbalist's notes specified that it was based on Chorda Kelp. That's where they'd start. (Request: Obtain a Trading Post of Chorda Kelp on behalf of the Seekers; this can be done by any normal means one can acquire a trade post and an additional sub-action to specify that it is for the Seekers of the Spheres. Reward: 1 favor and a potential Cure for Root Rot. Penalty: None. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with a patchwork of sewn-on pieces of others to augment his personal might, Captain Dreadlove acts the part of a petty king from his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5; 6 Land Units, 3 Naval
1. [Military] Albatross moves to defend Mjornduth with 2 units and 2 navy! - Her rising star has stalled. News from the north suggests Captain Meathook has achieved an audacious victory, while she returns empty-handed. Worst of all, she cannot punish him - something burns behind her eyes, and the pain only mounts until she gives the order to sail for Mjornduth. Damn them. Damn it all.


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads defense unless someone else demands to, does not challenge any opponent and refuses any duels. Uses Cautious Advance Tactical Doctrine if leading.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +10 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +2 navy, +1 tech), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 using half Dreadlove's Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Intrigue] ? - ?

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip7/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai10; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval. Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine, Embassy with Rikathi
3. [Faith] Convert Region 222 to Widow Ancestry - The over-ambitious buzzard had proven amusing. She saw no future in him or the land he claimed, but she would act anyway. She would have order; perhaps it might bloom again, one day.
4. [Diplomacy] Raise Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon - "I know what it is you come to my Court to ask for, Leaden Ones. You respect my secrets, and I shall respect yours. I have those who will fight and die for your mission. It is as you say - for the good of the Ayr."

  • The Limitations of Steel - the Widow Queen commits two land units of Geas-Bound Servants to the mission.

Rizzo "the Rat" - Though very mysterious, Rizzo "The Rat" is both fabulously wealthy and deeply clever, a petty plotter among the merchants of Porto Vapor who plays an extensive role in financing Privateers in the Vaires. They're also a wretched toad who thinks they're much smarter than you. Most of the best loot from raids on surrounding lands finds its way into Rizzo's Webbed Hands sooner or later. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int10/Fai5; 4 Land Units, 2 Naval. Pirate Code Cultural Identity
5. [Industry] Buyout Region 219 Colored Sandstone TP1 - Albatross failed them. Perhaps Meathook would impress more with his betterment than hers - He would need stone to build something lasting, and Rizzo was ever curious what would be done with such an investment.
6. [Intrigue] Secret Action - Even known, Rizzo remains mysterious.

Captain Meathook - A brute of ambition, who has found a way to perhaps escape his seemingly inevitable demise - where once there were three, there must be four. His competence as a warlord is understood - his competence as a leader has yet to be tested. For now his "realm" is a nameless mass of raiders and slaves. Dip3/Mil5/Ind5/Int3/Fai2
7. [Military] Meathook attacks Region 221 with 1 unit and 1 navy! - Meathook doesn't know what to do with himself in peacetime - he's a raider at heart, not an architect. It was advice from one of Rizzo's messengers that gave him a push he needed - stone and wood, to build his own port. Rizzo would be procuring the stone, as an act of "generosity" he would no doubt pay for in the coming days. Meathook would have to acquire the wood - and to the west, there it was. The way forward was pleasingly simple.


Captain Meathook (Commander 5) leads Battle, does not challenge. Uses Fog-Shrouded Sails Tactical Doctrine, spends 1 treasure.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +9 battle (+5 leader, +1 unit, +1 navy, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Mil Score, +3 Tech)

8. [Military] Raise 1 Unit - Captain Meathook's recruits no longer came from Crying Cove, but groups of bandits and slavers that flocked to the promise of a new beacon of power in Yon Vaire.



NPC Actions

Round 11


The Peoples of Myrkran

[There is a whispering, a welcoming presence from the blazing sun in the sky to the crushing depths, that intrudes upon the mind of the one known as Evelyn Muckrake. Come, it says. Dig deeper. Dispense of the Flotsam. There is no physical presence, no clear source, but still it seems to answer thoughts in reply. There are answers to be found here, but getting them from such a cryptic and distant mind will be a struggle: To attempt to do so, Evelyn Muckrake may attempt a Diplomacy action rolled against TN14 so long as they remain at -3 Reputation with the Peoples of Myrkran.]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Industry] Rayjo Network Expansion [3/5] - As the specter of doom from the West approaches, the Rayjo network will become increasingly critical, and efforts are redoubled to finish it quickly. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as an Industry action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one MYR favor. Duration: Rounds 9-11)

[Diplomacy] Tell of Faraway Lands - Though the worst of the Refugee Crisis has long since come to an end, still many of the people of Myrkran travel as continued misfortunes daunt them. Cultural Chameleons as ever, they bring tales of places they have lived to those interested, especially to the Vaires where the ingress is most dramatic. (Offer: Any realm with nonnegative MYR reputation may spend 1 favor as a non-action in return for one action toward a Translation Great Project on their behalf. This is not limited to continents that a party could normally begin a translation project for, but does only apply to continents containing an active Myrkran Refugee Processing Center, and unseen continents cannot have their translation project completion progressed beyond 3/5. Realms with a capital in the Vaires may benefit from this one time without any need to spend a favor. Duration: Round 11)

[Intrigue] Look Inward (Secret) - So much pain. So much misery. Why? What crime had their people committed to suffer this way? Something had to give. Something had to change.


The Disciples of Silicon

[High Witch Bryn is kept up at night by faint flickerings, a laughing collection of points of light that seem to project from the environment around her. They are difficult to understand, but from time to time she gets glimpses of a strange ghostly woman just long enough to make out a few words - that her name is Sibyl, and she is no friend of the Metal Men. Unfortunately, communication is highly limited, and only a challenging ritual can stabilize this link! To attempt such a seance, High Witch Bryn may attempt a Faith action rolled against TN14 so long as she remains at -3 Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon.]

Pending Requests and Offers


[Diplomacy] Declassify and Dispose - Several recent acquisitions from Altarin, Taer Mojr, and Brenn Tyr have been analyzed and deemed not necessary to keep in indefinite isolation. With limitations on vault space, the process of slowly disposing of such things - whether by destruction or random dissemination - begins. Those in the loop of the Disciples’ activities are presented with a rare opportunity to take something off the disciples’ hands, with the right grease - and as the project continues, more vaults are deemed unnecessary to keep. (Offer: Kingdoms with DOS rep 1 or greater may request the contents of a vault be delivered to them for external storage/disposal rather than liquified as a non-action. The contents of a vault will be determined by a GM roll. This is no longer limited to one per realm. Reward: 2 Favors owed to DOS, contents of Vault. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-11)

Contents of Vaults

Determined by 1d6 roll.

1: Mundane junk. Vault contains exclusively mundane items of little industrial, academic, scientific, or occult interest.

2-3: Minor Find. Vault contains one or more items of expendable value, such as treasure or an artifact that is usable exactly once.

4-5: Major Find. Vault contains a technological or even (misfiled) anomalous artifact.

6: Oops. Vault contains a mystery, which may be greater in value than an artifact and/or dangerous.

[Intrigue] Intervene in Altarin - At the request of an unnamed party and seeing that the plague problem they had previously dismissed as a mundane concern has become clearly anomalous in nature, the Disciples begin to mobilize a response - at the heart of the contagion, where the beasts had coalesced into a true infestation, they waited at the edges to watch the Toteharu do battle with them. Their contact had convinced them that the Toteharu had this well in hand, and they should engage in a different tactic to control the situation. Rather than participating in the main battle, they would conceal their presence, and eliminate the stragglers and the routed - prevent them from going to ground after the main mass was broken.

[Military] The Limitations of Steel - As spring turns to summer one year, the realms find a surprising request for assistance from the normally independent and indiscernible Disciples of Silicon. The Metal Men arrive in person in courts where they are welcome, and doubly so in courts already indebted to them: They come with an unexpected request for physically capable, wartrained foreign legions to undertake a task for which they need far more manpower than they have and deploying the machines they usually do as force multipliers carries more risk than reward. Though they understand that Kings and Lords are loath to send their people on such adventures, the need is dire and they assure all involved that the mission is critical to the health of the Ayr. Further, they have considerable stores of emergency resources and due consideration for other services. Still, one must wonder what kind of task must be so challenging and so important that even these haughty figures would come down from their perch to ask the primitives for assistance? (Request: The Disciples of Silicon are interested in recruits from realms of Rep 0 or higher for a dangerous yet vitally important task for which their machines are unsuitable; any number of land units not otherwise deployed may be assigned to the Disciples' mission as a non-action. Surviving units will return home at the end of round 13. Reward: Short-term compensation of 1 treasure per unit. Any realm that transfers 2 units or more will also gain 2 favors, and a realm that transfers four or more units will gain an additional favor and 1 reputation. Penalty: Unknown, should the mission fail. Duration: Round 11)

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers

Request an Observatory be built in The Vaires - Desiring an additional point from which to observe the Dark Moon’s approach, the Seekers send missives through the new Kingdoms of the Vaires - in search of a patron who might champion their quest for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-14)

Suppress the Carmine - Though knowledge is limited and early, Seeker Representatives like Olivier, Aporie, and Waxil are clear that in its current form, the Carmine Blight is inimical and incompatible with Ayr’s existing life. The East of Brenn Tyr was sparsely populated to begin with and no organized resistance formed before it overran the wilderness. Little is known but the Easterlings reported that fire was effective in the short term, and most of all time was needed now. (Request: Sack Trading Posts overtaken by the Carmine Blight to slow its progress. Reward: +1 favor for any successful sack. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-12)


[Diplomacy] Urgently Request an Observatory be built in Brenn Tyr - The Seekers in Brenn Tyr begin to probe gently, though urgently, about the prospect of establishing a more secure place in the West for their sensitive personnel and writings. Though this seems abrupt and the initial reasoning seems unclear, a little talking about the prospect forces the Seekers to admit that their extant observatory in Brenn Tyr is under immediate threat by the Carmine's progress, and they wish to evacuate noncombatants and irreplaceable knowledge while they can. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in a portion of Brenn Tyr West of the Mountains. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 11-13)

[Military] Eilonwy returns to the Grounded Sky Tower! - Hungry for more secrets now that her adventure in Altarin had come to a close, Eilonwy of Velentin returns to Taer Mojr by Seeker-ways, intending to continue her life's work with the Sunken. To accomplish this end, she charts an expedition to a familiar place, in the hopes of finding yet more answers. (Eilonwy of Velentin will assist the quest of any hero that makes an attempt to explore the Abyssal Night! If no hero does, she will independently quest to explore the Veiled Dark.)

[Intrigue] Seek a Cure for the Root Rot! - The Sages among Altarin's seekers have studied the poison that caused the original root rot at its source, and believe they have a potential antidote. The catch is...they need more of the active ingredient to formulate it in any quantity. The original herbalist's notes specified that it was based on Chorda Kelp. That's where they'd start. (Request: Obtain a Trading Post of Chorda Kelp on behalf of the Seekers; this can be done by any normal means one can acquire a trade post and an additional sub-action to specify that it is for the Seekers of the Spheres. Reward: 1 favor and a potential Cure for Root Rot. Penalty: None. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with a patchwork of sewn-on pieces of others to augment his personal might, Captain Dreadlove acts the part of a petty king from his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5; 6 Land Units, 3 Naval
1. [Military] Albatross moves to defend Mjornduth with 2 units and 2 navy! - Her rising star has stalled. News from the north suggests Captain Meathook has achieved an audacious victory, while she returns empty-handed. Worst of all, she cannot punish him - something burns behind her eyes, and the pain only mounts until she gives the order to sail for Mjornduth. Damn them. Damn it all.


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads defense unless someone else demands to, does not challenge any opponent and refuses any duels. Uses Cautious Advance Tactical Doctrine if leading.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +2 navy, +1 tech), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 using half Dreadlove's Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Intrigue] ? - ?

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip7/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai10; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval. Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine, Embassy with Rikathi
3. [Faith] Convert Region 222 to Widow Ancestry - The over-ambitious buzzard had proven amusing. She saw no future in him or the land he claimed, but she would act anyway. She would have order; perhaps it might bloom again, one day.
4. [Diplomacy] Raise Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon - "I know what it is you come to my Court to ask for, Leaden Ones. You respect my secrets, and I shall respect yours. I have those who will fight and die for your mission. It is as you say - for the good of the Ayr."

  • The Limitations of Steel - the Widow Queen commits two land units of Geas-Bound Servants to the mission.

Rizzo "the Rat" - Though very mysterious, Rizzo "The Rat" is both fabulously wealthy and deeply clever, a petty plotter among the merchants of Porto Vapor who plays an extensive role in financing Privateers in the Vaires. They're also a wretched toad who thinks they're much smarter than you. Most of the best loot from raids on surrounding lands finds its way into Rizzo's Webbed Hands sooner or later. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int10/Fai5; 4 Land Units, 2 Naval. Pirate Code Cultural Identity
5. [Industry] Buyout Region 219 Colored Sandstone TP1 - Albatross failed them. Perhaps Meathook would impress more with his betterment than hers - He would need stone to build something lasting, and Rizzo was ever curious what would be done with such an investment.
6. [Intrigue] Secret Action - Even known, Rizzo remains mysterious.

Captain Meathook - A brute of ambition, who has found a way to perhaps escape his seemingly inevitable demise - where once there were three, there must be four. His competence as a warlord is understood - his competence as a leader has yet to be tested. For now his "realm" is a nameless mass of raiders and slaves. Dip3/Mil5/Ind5/Int3/Fai2
7. [Military] Meathook attacks Region 221 with 1 unit and 1 navy! - Meathook doesn't know what to do with himself in peacetime - he's a raider at heart, not an architect. It was advice from one of Rizzo's messengers that gave him a push he needed - stone and wood, to build his own port. Rizzo would be procuring the stone, as an act of "generosity" he would no doubt pay for in the coming days. Meathook would have to acquire the wood - and to the west, there it was. The way forward was pleasingly simple.


Captain Meathook (Commander 5) leads Battle, does not challenge. Uses Fog-Shrouded Sails Tactical Doctrine, spends 1 treasure.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +10 Battle (+5 leader, +1 unit, +1 navy, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Mil Score, +3 Tech)

8. [Military] Raise 1 Unit - Captain Meathook's recruits no longer came from Crying Cove, but groups of bandits and slavers that flocked to the promise of a new beacon of power in Yon Vaire.



NPC Actions

Round 11


The Peoples of Myrkran

[There is a whispering, a welcoming presence from the blazing sun in the sky to the crushing depths, that intrudes upon the mind of the one known as Evelyn Muckrake. Come, it says. Dig deeper. Dispense of the Flotsam. There is no physical presence, no clear source, but still it seems to answer thoughts in reply. There are answers to be found here, but getting them from such a cryptic and distant mind will be a struggle: To attempt to do so, Evelyn Muckrake may attempt a Diplomacy action rolled against TN14 so long as they remain at -3 Reputation with the Peoples of Myrkran.]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Industry] Rayjo Network Expansion [3/5] - As the specter of doom from the West approaches, the Rayjo network will become increasingly critical, and efforts are redoubled to finish it quickly. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as an Industry action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one MYR favor. Duration: Rounds 9-11)

[Diplomacy] Tell of Faraway Lands - Though the worst of the Refugee Crisis has long since come to an end, still many of the people of Myrkran travel as continued misfortunes daunt them. Cultural Chameleons as ever, they bring tales of places they have lived to those interested, especially to the Vaires where the ingress is most dramatic. (Offer: Any realm with nonnegative MYR reputation may spend 1 favor as a non-action in return for one action toward a Translation Great Project on their behalf. This is not limited to continents that a party could normally begin a translation project for, but does only apply to continents containing an active Myrkran Refugee Processing Center, and unseen continents cannot have their translation project completion progressed beyond 3/5. Realms with a capital in the Vaires may benefit from this one time without any need to spend a favor. Duration: Round 11)

[Intrigue] Look Inward (Secret) - So much pain. So much misery. Why? What crime had their people committed to suffer this way? Something had to give. Something had to change.


The Disciples of Silicon

[High Witch Bryn is kept up at night by faint flickerings, a laughing collection of points of light that seem to project from the environment around her. They are difficult to understand, but from time to time she gets glimpses of a strange ghostly woman just long enough to make out a few words - that her name is Sibyl, and she is no friend of the Metal Men. Unfortunately, communication is highly limited, and only a challenging ritual can stabilize this link! To attempt such a seance, High Witch Bryn may attempt a Faith action rolled against TN14 so long as she remains at -3 Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon.]

Pending Requests and Offers


[Diplomacy] Declassify and Dispose - Several recent acquisitions from Altarin, Taer Mojr, and Brenn Tyr have been analyzed and deemed not necessary to keep in indefinite isolation. With limitations on vault space, the process of slowly disposing of such things - whether by destruction or random dissemination - begins. Those in the loop of the Disciples’ activities are presented with a rare opportunity to take something off the disciples’ hands, with the right grease - and as the project continues, more vaults are deemed unnecessary to keep. (Offer: Kingdoms with DOS rep 1 or greater may request the contents of a vault be delivered to them for external storage/disposal rather than liquified as a non-action. The contents of a vault will be determined by a GM roll. This is no longer limited to one per realm. Reward: 2 Favors owed to DOS, contents of Vault. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-11)

Contents of Vaults

Determined by 1d6 roll.

1: Mundane junk. Vault contains exclusively mundane items of little industrial, academic, scientific, or occult interest.

2-3: Minor Find. Vault contains one or more items of expendable value, such as treasure or an artifact that is usable exactly once.

4-5: Major Find. Vault contains a technological or even (misfiled) anomalous artifact.

6: Oops. Vault contains a mystery, which may be greater in value than an artifact and/or dangerous.

[Intrigue] Intervene in Altarin - At the request of an unnamed party and seeing that the plague problem they had previously dismissed as a mundane concern has become clearly anomalous in nature, the Disciples begin to mobilize a response - at the heart of the contagion, where the beasts had coalesced into a true infestation, they waited at the edges to watch the Toteharu do battle with them. Their contact had convinced them that the Toteharu had this well in hand, and they should engage in a different tactic to control the situation. Rather than participating in the main battle, they would conceal their presence, and eliminate the stragglers and the routed - prevent them from going to ground after the main mass was broken.

[Military] The Limitations of Steel - As spring turns to summer one year, the realms find a surprising request for assistance from the normally independent and indiscernible Disciples of Silicon. The Metal Men arrive in person in courts where they are welcome, and doubly so in courts already indebted to them: They come with an unexpected request for physically capable, wartrained foreign legions to undertake a task for which they need far more manpower than they have and deploying the machines they usually do as force multipliers carries more risk than reward. Though they understand that Kings and Lords are loath to send their people on such adventures, the need is dire and they assure all involved that the mission is critical to the health of the Ayr. Further, they have considerable stores of emergency resources and due consideration for other services. Still, one must wonder what kind of task must be so challenging and so important that even these haughty figures would come down from their perch to ask the primitives for assistance? (Request: The Disciples of Silicon are interested in recruits from realms of Rep 0 or higher for a dangerous yet vitally important task for which their machines are unsuitable; any number of land units not otherwise deployed may be assigned to the Disciples' mission as a non-action. Surviving units will return home at the end of round 13. Reward: Short-term compensation of 1 treasure per unit. Any realm that transfers 2 units or more will also gain 2 favors, and a realm that transfers four or more units will gain an additional favor and 1 reputation. Penalty: Unknown, should the mission fail. Duration: Round 11)

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers

Request an Observatory be built in The Vaires - Desiring an additional point from which to observe the Dark Moon’s approach, the Seekers send missives through the new Kingdoms of the Vaires - in search of a patron who might champion their quest for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-14)

Suppress the Carmine - Though knowledge is limited and early, Seeker Representatives like Olivier, Aporie, and Waxil are clear that in its current form, the Carmine Blight is inimical and incompatible with Ayr’s existing life. The East of Brenn Tyr was sparsely populated to begin with and no organized resistance formed before it overran the wilderness. Little is known but the Easterlings reported that fire was effective in the short term, and most of all time was needed now. (Request: Sack Trading Posts overtaken by the Carmine Blight to slow its progress. Reward: +1 favor for any successful sack. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-12)


[Diplomacy] Urgently Request an Observatory be built in Brenn Tyr - The Seekers in Brenn Tyr begin to probe gently, though urgently, about the prospect of establishing a more secure place in the West for their sensitive personnel and writings. Though this seems abrupt and the initial reasoning seems unclear, a little talking about the prospect forces the Seekers to admit that their extant observatory in Brenn Tyr is under immediate threat by the Carmine's progress, and they wish to evacuate noncombatants and irreplaceable knowledge while they can. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in a portion of Brenn Tyr West of the Mountains. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 11-13)

[Military] Eilonwy returns to the Grounded Sky Tower! - Hungry for more secrets now that her adventure in Altarin had come to a close, Eilonwy of Velentin returns to Taer Mojr by Seeker-ways, intending to continue her life's work with the Sunken. To accomplish this end, she charts an expedition to a familiar place, in the hopes of finding yet more answers. (Eilonwy of Velentin will assist the quest of any hero that makes an attempt to explore the Abyssal Night! If no hero does, she will independently quest to explore the Veiled Dark.)

[Intrigue] Seek a Cure for the Root Rot! - The Sages among Altarin's seekers have studied the poison that caused the original root rot at its source, and believe they have a potential antidote. The catch is...they need more of the active ingredient to formulate it in any quantity. The original herbalist's notes specified that it was based on Chorda Kelp. That's where they'd start. (Request: Obtain a Trading Post of Chorda Kelp on behalf of the Seekers; this can be done by any normal means one can acquire a trade post and an additional sub-action to specify that it is for the Seekers of the Spheres. Reward: 1 favor and a potential Cure for Root Rot. Penalty: None. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with a patchwork of sewn-on pieces of others to augment his personal might, Captain Dreadlove acts the part of a petty king from his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5; 6 Land Units, 3 Naval
1. [Military] Albatross moves to defend Mjornduth with 2 units and 2 navy! - Her rising star has stalled. News from the north suggests Captain Meathook has achieved an audacious victory, while she returns empty-handed. Worst of all, she cannot punish him - something burns behind her eyes, and the pain only mounts until she gives the order to sail for Mjornduth. Damn them. Damn it all.


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads defense unless someone else demands to, does not challenge any opponent. Uses Cautious Advance Tactical Doctrine if leading.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +2 navy, +1 tech), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 using half Dreadlove's Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Intrigue] ? - ?

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip7/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai10; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval. Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine, Embassy with Rikathi
3. [Faith] Convert Region 222 to Widow Ancestry - The over-ambitious buzzard had proven amusing. She saw no future in him or the land he claimed, but she would act anyway. She would have order; perhaps it might bloom again, one day.
4. [Diplomacy] Raise Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon - "I know what it is you come to my Court to ask for, Leaden Ones. You respect my secrets, and I shall respect yours. I have those who will fight and die for your mission. It is as you say - for the good of the Ayr."

  • The Limitations of Steel - the Widow Queen commits two land units of Geas-Bound Servants to the mission.

Rizzo "the Rat" - Though very mysterious, Rizzo "The Rat" is both fabulously wealthy and deeply clever, a petty plotter among the merchants of Porto Vapor who plays an extensive role in financing Privateers in the Vaires. They're also a wretched toad who thinks they're much smarter than you. Most of the best loot from raids on surrounding lands finds its way into Rizzo's Webbed Hands sooner or later. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int10/Fai5; 4 Land Units, 2 Naval. Pirate Code Cultural Identity
5. [Industry] Buyout Region 219 Colored Sandstone TP1 - Albatross failed them. Perhaps Meathook would impress more with his betterment than hers - He would need stone to build something lasting, and Rizzo was ever curious what would be done with such an investment.
6. [Intrigue] Secret Action - Even known, Rizzo remains mysterious.

Captain Meathook - A brute of ambition, who has found a way to perhaps escape his seemingly inevitable demise - where once there were three, there must be four. His competence as a warlord is understood - his competence as a leader has yet to be tested. For now his "realm" is a nameless mass of raiders and slaves. Dip3/Mil5/Ind5/Int3/Fai2
7. [Military] Meathook attacks Region 221 with 1 unit and 1 navy! - Meathook doesn't know what to do with himself in peacetime - he's a raider at heart, not an architect. It was advice from one of Rizzo's messengers that gave him a push he needed - stone and wood, to build his own port. Rizzo would be procuring the stone, as an act of "generosity" he would no doubt pay for in the coming days. Meathook would have to acquire the wood - and to the west, there it was. The way forward was pleasingly simple.


Captain Meathook (Commander 5) leads Battle, does not challenge. Uses Fog-Shrouded Sails Tactical Doctrine, spends 1 treasure.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +10 Battle (+5 leader, +1 unit, +1 navy, +1 tech, +1 treasure), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Mil Score, +3 Tech)

8. [Military] Raise 1 Unit - Captain Meathook's recruits no longer came from Crying Cove, but groups of bandits and slavers that flocked to the promise of a new beacon of power in Yon Vaire.



NPC Actions

Round 11


The Peoples of Myrkran

[There is a whispering, a welcoming presence from the blazing sun in the sky to the crushing depths, that intrudes upon the mind of the one known as Evelyn Muckrake. Come, it says. Dig deeper. Dispense of the Flotsam. There is no physical presence, no clear source, but still it seems to answer thoughts in reply. There are answers to be found here, but getting them from such a cryptic and distant mind will be a struggle: To attempt to do so, Evelyn Muckrake may attempt a Diplomacy action rolled against TN14 so long as they remain at -3 Reputation with the Peoples of Myrkran.]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Industry] Rayjo Network Expansion [3/5] - As the specter of doom from the West approaches, the Rayjo network will become increasingly critical, and efforts are redoubled to finish it quickly. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as an Industry action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one MYR favor. Duration: Rounds 9-11)

[Diplomacy] Tell of Faraway Lands - Though the worst of the Refugee Crisis has long since come to an end, still many of the people of Myrkran travel as continued misfortunes daunt them. Cultural Chameleons as ever, they bring tales of places they have lived to those interested, especially to the Vaires where the ingress is most dramatic. (Offer: Any realm with nonnegative MYR reputation may spend 1 favor as a non-action in return for one action toward a Translation Great Project on their behalf. This is not limited to continents that a party could normally begin a translation project for, but does only apply to continents containing an active Myrkran Refugee Processing Center, and unseen continents cannot have their translation project completion progressed beyond 3/5. Realms with a capital in the Vaires may benefit from this one time without any need to spend a favor. Duration: Round 11)

[Intrigue] Look Inward (Secret) - So much pain. So much misery. Why? What crime had their people committed to suffer this way? Something had to give. Something had to change.


The Disciples of Silicon

[High Witch Bryn is kept up at night by faint flickerings, a laughing collection of points of light that seem to project from the environment around her. They are difficult to understand, but from time to time she gets glimpses of a strange ghostly woman just long enough to make out a few words - that her name is Sibyl, and she is no friend of the Metal Men. Unfortunately, communication is highly limited, and only a challenging ritual can stabilize this link! To attempt such a seance, High Witch Bryn may attempt a Faith action rolled against TN14 so long as she remains at -3 Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon.]

Pending Requests and Offers


[Diplomacy] Declassify and Dispose - Several recent acquisitions from Altarin, Taer Mojr, and Brenn Tyr have been analyzed and deemed not necessary to keep in indefinite isolation. With limitations on vault space, the process of slowly disposing of such things - whether by destruction or random dissemination - begins. Those in the loop of the Disciples’ activities are presented with a rare opportunity to take something off the disciples’ hands, with the right grease - and as the project continues, more vaults are deemed unnecessary to keep. (Offer: Kingdoms with DOS rep 1 or greater may request the contents of a vault be delivered to them for external storage/disposal rather than liquified as a non-action. The contents of a vault will be determined by a GM roll. This is no longer limited to one per realm. Reward: 2 Favors owed to DOS, contents of Vault. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-11)

Contents of Vaults

Determined by 1d6 roll.

1: Mundane junk. Vault contains exclusively mundane items of little industrial, academic, scientific, or occult interest.

2-3: Minor Find. Vault contains one or more items of expendable value, such as treasure or an artifact that is usable exactly once.

4-5: Major Find. Vault contains a technological or even (misfiled) anomalous artifact.

6: Oops. Vault contains a mystery, which may be greater in value than an artifact and/or dangerous.

[Intrigue] Intervene in Altarin - At the request of an unnamed party and seeing that the plague problem they had previously dismissed as a mundane concern has become clearly anomalous in nature, the Disciples begin to mobilize a response - at the heart of the contagion, where the beasts had coalesced into a true infestation, they waited at the edges to watch the Toteharu do battle with them. Their contact had convinced them that the Toteharu had this well in hand, and they should engage in a different tactic to control the situation. Rather than participating in the main battle, they would conceal their presence, and eliminate the stragglers and the routed - prevent them from going to ground after the main mass was broken.

[Military] The Limitations of Steel - As spring turns to summer one year, the realms find a surprising request for assistance from the normally independent and indiscernible Disciples of Silicon. The Metal Men arrive in person in courts where they are welcome, and doubly so in courts already indebted to them: They come with an unexpected request for physically capable, wartrained foreign legions to undertake a task for which they need far more manpower than they have and deploying the machines they usually do as force multipliers carries more risk than reward. Though they understand that Kings and Lords are loath to send their people on such adventures, the need is dire and they assure all involved that the mission is critical to the health of the Ayr. Further, they have considerable stores of emergency resources and due consideration for other services. Still, one must wonder what kind of task must be so challenging and so important that even these haughty figures would come down from their perch to ask the primitives for assistance? (Request: The Disciples of Silicon are interested in recruits from realms of Rep 0 or higher for a dangerous yet vitally important task for which their machines are unsuitable; any number of land units not otherwise deployed may be assigned to the Disciples' mission as a non-action. Surviving units will return home at the end of round 13. Reward: Short-term compensation of 1 treasure per unit. Any realm that transfers 2 units or more will also gain 2 favors, and a realm that transfers four or more units will gain an additional favor and 1 reputation. Penalty: Unknown, should the mission fail. Duration: Round 11)

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers

Request an Observatory be built in The Vaires - Desiring an additional point from which to observe the Dark Moon’s approach, the Seekers send missives through the new Kingdoms of the Vaires - in search of a patron who might champion their quest for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-14)

Suppress the Carmine - Though knowledge is limited and early, Seeker Representatives like Olivier, Aporie, and Waxil are clear that in its current form, the Carmine Blight is inimical and incompatible with Ayr’s existing life. The East of Brenn Tyr was sparsely populated to begin with and no organized resistance formed before it overran the wilderness. Little is known but the Easterlings reported that fire was effective in the short term, and most of all time was needed now. (Request: Sack Trading Posts overtaken by the Carmine Blight to slow its progress. Reward: +1 favor for any successful sack. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-12)


[Diplomacy] Urgently Request an Observatory be built in Brenn Tyr - The Seekers in Brenn Tyr begin to probe gently, though urgently, about the prospect of establishing a more secure place in the West for their sensitive personnel and writings. Though this seems abrupt and the initial reasoning seems unclear, a little talking about the prospect forces the Seekers to admit that their extant observatory in Brenn Tyr is under immediate threat by the Carmine's progress, and they wish to evacuate noncombatants and irreplaceable knowledge while they can. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in a portion of Brenn Tyr West of the Mountains. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 11-13)

[Military] Eilonwy returns to the Grounded Sky Tower! - Hungry for more secrets now that her adventure in Altarin had come to a close, Eilonwy of Velentin returns to Taer Mojr by Seeker-ways, intending to continue her life's work with the Sunken. To accomplish this end, she charts an expedition to a familiar place, in the hopes of finding yet more answers. (Eilonwy of Velentin will assist the quest of any hero that makes an attempt to explore the Abyssal Night! If no hero does, she will independently quest to explore the Veiled Dark.)

[Intrigue] Seek a Cure for the Root Rot! - The Sages among Altarin's seekers have studied the poison that caused the original root rot at its source, and believe they have a potential antidote. The catch is...they need more of the active ingredient to formulate it in any quantity. The original herbalist's notes specified that it was based on Chorda Kelp. That's where they'd start. (Request: Obtain a Trading Post of Chorda Kelp on behalf of the Seekers; this can be done by any normal means one can acquire a trade post and an additional sub-action to specify that it is for the Seekers of the Spheres. Reward: 1 favor and a potential Cure for Root Rot. Penalty: None. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with a patchwork of sewn-on pieces of others to augment his personal might, Captain Dreadlove acts the part of a petty king from his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5; 6 Land Units, 3 Naval
1. [Military] Albatross moves to defend Mjornduth with 2 units and 2 navy! - Her rising star has stalled. News from the north suggests Captain Meathook has achieved an audacious victory, while she returns empty-handed. Worst of all, she cannot punish him - something burns behind her eyes, and the pain only mounts until she gives the order to sail for Mjornduth. Damn them. Damn it all.


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads defense unless someone else demands to, does not challenge any opponent. Uses Cautious Advance Tactical Doctrine if leading.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +2 navy, +1 tech), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 using half Dreadlove's Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Intrigue] ? - ?

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip7/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai10; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval. Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine, Embassy with Rikathi
3. [Faith] Convert Region 222 to Widow Ancestry - The over-ambitious buzzard had proven amusing. She saw no future in him or the land he claimed, but she would act anyway. She would have order; perhaps it might bloom again, one day.
4. [Diplomacy] Raise Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon - "I know what it is you come to my Court to ask for, Leaden Ones. You respect my secrets, and I shall respect yours. I have those who will fight and die for your mission. It is as you say - for the good of the Ayr."

  • The Limitations of Steel - the Widow Queen commits two land units of Geas-Bound Servants to the mission.

Rizzo "the Rat" - Though very mysterious, Rizzo "The Rat" is both fabulously wealthy and deeply clever, a petty plotter among the merchants of Porto Vapor who plays an extensive role in financing Privateers in the Vaires. They're also a wretched toad who thinks they're much smarter than you. Most of the best loot from raids on surrounding lands finds its way into Rizzo's Webbed Hands sooner or later. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int10/Fai5; 4 Land Units, 2 Naval. Pirate Code Cultural Identity
5. [Industry] Buyout Region 219 Colored Sandstone TP1 - Albatross failed them. Perhaps Meathook would impress more with his betterment than hers - He would need stone to build something lasting, and Rizzo was ever curious what would be done with such an investment.
6. [Intrigue] Secret Action - Even known, Rizzo remains mysterious.

Captain Meathook - A brute of ambition, who has found a way to perhaps escape his seemingly inevitable demise - where once there were three, there must be four. His competence as a warlord is understood - his competence as a leader has yet to be tested. For now his "realm" is a nameless mass of raiders and slaves. Dip3/Mil5/Ind5/Int3/Fai2
7. [Military] Meathook attacks Region 221 with 1 unit and 1 navy! - Meathook doesn't know what to do with himself in peacetime - he's a raider at heart, not an architect. It was advice from one of Rizzo's messengers that gave him a push he needed - stone and wood, to build his own port. Rizzo would be procuring the stone, as an act of "generosity" he would no doubt pay for in the coming days. Meathook would have to acquire the wood - and to the west, there it was. The way forward was pleasingly simple.


Captain Meathook (Commander 5) leads Battle, does not challenge. Uses Fog-Shrouded Sails Tactical Doctrine.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +1 unit, +1 navy, +1 tech), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 Mil Score, +3 Tech)

8. [Military] Raise 1 Unit - Captain Meathook's recruits no longer came from Crying Cove, but groups of bandits and slavers that flocked to the promise of a new beacon of power in Yon Vaire.



NPC Actions

Round 11


The Peoples of Myrkran

[There is a whispering, a welcoming presence from the blazing sun in the sky to the crushing depths, that intrudes upon the mind of the one known as Evelyn Muckrake. Come, it says. Dig deeper. Dispense of the Flotsam. There is no physical presence, no clear source, but still it seems to answer thoughts in reply. There are answers to be found here, but getting them from such a cryptic and distant mind will be a struggle: To attempt to do so, Evelyn Muckrake may attempt a Diplomacy action rolled against TN14 so long as they remain at -3 Reputation with the Peoples of Myrkran.]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Industry] Rayjo Network Expansion [3/5] - As the specter of doom from the West approaches, the Rayjo network will become increasingly critical, and efforts are redoubled to finish it quickly. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as an Industry action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one MYR favor. Duration: Rounds 9-11)

[Diplomacy] Tell of Faraway Lands - Though the worst of the Refugee Crisis has long since come to an end, still many of the people of Myrkran travel as continued misfortunes daunt them. Cultural Chameleons as ever, they bring tales of places they have lived to those interested, especially to the Vaires where the ingress is most dramatic. (Offer: Any realm with nonnegative MYR reputation may spend 1 favor as a non-action in return for one action toward a Translation Great Project on their behalf. This is not limited to continents that a party could normally begin a translation project for, but does only apply to continents containing an active Myrkran Refugee Processing Center, and unseen continents cannot have their translation project completion progressed beyond 3/5. Realms with a capital in the Vaires may benefit from this one time without any need to spend a favor. Duration: Round 11)

[Intrigue] Look Inward (Secret) - So much pain. So much misery. Why? What crime had their people committed to suffer this way? Something had to give. Something had to change.


The Disciples of Silicon

[High Witch Bryn is kept up at night by faint flickerings, a laughing collection of points of light that seem to project from the environment around her. They are difficult to understand, but from time to time she gets glimpses of a strange ghostly woman just long enough to make out a few words - that her name is Sibyl, and she is no friend of the Metal Men. Unfortunately, communication is highly limited, and only a challenging ritual can stabilize this link! To attempt such a seance, High Witch Bryn may attempt a Faith action rolled against TN14 so long as she remains at -3 Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon.]

Pending Requests and Offers


[Diplomacy] Declassify and Dispose - Several recent acquisitions from Altarin, Taer Mojr, and Brenn Tyr have been analyzed and deemed not necessary to keep in indefinite isolation. With limitations on vault space, the process of slowly disposing of such things - whether by destruction or random dissemination - begins. Those in the loop of the Disciples’ activities are presented with a rare opportunity to take something off the disciples’ hands, with the right grease - and as the project continues, more vaults are deemed unnecessary to keep. (Offer: Kingdoms with DOS rep 1 or greater may request the contents of a vault be delivered to them for external storage/disposal rather than liquified as a non-action. The contents of a vault will be determined by a GM roll. This is no longer limited to one per realm. Reward: 2 Favors owed to DOS, contents of Vault. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-11)

Contents of Vaults

Determined by 1d6 roll.

1: Mundane junk. Vault contains exclusively mundane items of little industrial, academic, scientific, or occult interest.

2-3: Minor Find. Vault contains one or more items of expendable value, such as treasure or an artifact that is usable exactly once.

4-5: Major Find. Vault contains a technological or even (misfiled) anomalous artifact.

6: Oops. Vault contains a mystery, which may be greater in value than an artifact and/or dangerous.

[Intrigue] Intervene in Altarin - At the request of an unnamed party and seeing that the plague problem they had previously dismissed as a mundane concern has become clearly anomalous in nature, the Disciples begin to mobilize a response - at the heart of the contagion, where the beasts had coalesced into a true infestation, they waited at the edges to watch the Toteharu do battle with them. Their contact had convinced them that the Toteharu had this well in hand, and they should engage in a different tactic to control the situation. Rather than participating in the main battle, they would conceal their presence, and eliminate the stragglers and the routed - prevent them from going to ground after the main mass was broken.

[Military] The Limitations of Steel - As spring turns to summer one year, the realms find a surprising request for assistance from the normally independent and indiscernible Disciples of Silicon. The Metal Men arrive in person in courts where they are welcome, and doubly so in courts already indebted to them: They come with an unexpected request for physically capable, wartrained foreign legions to undertake a task for which they need far more manpower than they have and deploying the machines they usually do as force multipliers carries more risk than reward. Though they understand that Kings and Lords are loath to send their people on such adventures, the need is dire and they assure all involved that the mission is critical to the health of the Ayr. Further, they have considerable stores of emergency resources and due consideration for other services. Still, one must wonder what kind of task must be so challenging and so important that even these haughty figures would come down from their perch to ask the primitives for assistance? (Request: The Disciples of Silicon are interested in recruits from realms of Rep 0 or higher for a dangerous yet vitally important task for which their machines are unsuitable; any number of land units not otherwise deployed may be assigned to the Disciples' mission as a non-action. Surviving units will return home at the end of round 13. Reward: Short-term compensation of 1 treasure per unit. Any realm that transfers 2 units or more will also gain 2 favors, and a realm that transfers four or more units will gain an additional favor and 1 reputation. Penalty: Unknown, should the mission fail. Duration: Round 11)

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers

Request an Observatory be built in The Vaires - Desiring an additional point from which to observe the Dark Moon’s approach, the Seekers send missives through the new Kingdoms of the Vaires - in search of a patron who might champion their quest for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-14)

Suppress the Carmine - Though knowledge is limited and early, Seeker Representatives like Olivier, Aporie, and Waxil are clear that in its current form, the Carmine Blight is inimical and incompatible with Ayr’s existing life. The East of Brenn Tyr was sparsely populated to begin with and no organized resistance formed before it overran the wilderness. Little is known but the Easterlings reported that fire was effective in the short term, and most of all time was needed now. (Request: Sack Trading Posts overtaken by the Carmine Blight to slow its progress. Reward: +1 favor for any successful sack. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-12)


[Diplomacy] Urgently Request an Observatory be built in Brenn Tyr - The Seekers in Brenn Tyr begin to probe gently, though urgently, about the prospect of establishing a more secure place in the West for their sensitive personnel and writings. Though this seems abrupt and the initial reasoning seems unclear, a little talking about the prospect forces the Seekers to admit that their extant observatory in Brenn Tyr is under immediate threat by the Carmine's progress, and they wish to evacuate noncombatants and irreplaceable knowledge while they can. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in a portion of Brenn Tyr West of the Mountains. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 11-13)

[Military] Eilonwy returns to the Grounded Sky Tower! - Hungry for more secrets now that her adventure in Altarin had come to a close, Eilonwy of Velentin returns to Taer Mojr by Seeker-ways, intending to continue her life's work with the Sunken. To accomplish this end, she charts an expedition to a familiar place, in the hopes of finding yet more answers. (Eilonwy of Velentin will assist the quest of any hero that makes an attempt to explore the Abyssal Night! If no hero does, she will independently quest to explore the Veiled Dark.)

[Intrigue] Seek a Cure for the Root Rot! - The Sages among Altarin's seekers have studied the poison that caused the original root rot at its source, and believe they have a potential antidote. The catch is...they need more of the active ingredient to formulate it in any quantity. The original herbalist's notes specified that it was based on Chorda Kelp. That's where they'd start. (Request: Obtain a Trading Post of Chorda Kelp on behalf of the Seekers; this can be done by any normal means one can acquire a trade post and an additional sub-action to specify that it is for the Seekers of the Spheres. Reward: 1 favor and a potential Cure for Root Rot. Penalty: None. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with a patchwork of sewn-on pieces of others to augment his personal might, Captain Dreadlove acts the part of a petty king from his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5; 6 Land Units, 3 Naval
1. [Military] Albatross moves to defend Mjornduth with 2 units and 2 navy! - Her rising star has stalled. News from the north suggests Captain Meathook has achieved an audacious victory, while she returns empty-handed. Worst of all, she cannot punish him - something burns behind her eyes, and the pain only mounts until she gives the order to sail for Mjornduth. Damn them. Damn it all.


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads defense unless someone else demands to, does not challenge any opponent. Uses Cautious Advance Tactical Doctrine if leading.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +2 navy, +1 tech), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 using half Dreadlove's Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Intrigue] ? - ?

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip7/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai10; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval. Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine, Embassy with Rikathi
3. [Faith] ? - ?.
4. [Faith] ? - ?.

Rizzo "the Rat" - Though very mysterious, Rizzo "The Rat" is both fabulously wealthy and deeply clever, a petty plotter among the merchants of Porto Vapor who plays an extensive role in financing Privateers in the Vaires. They're also a wretched toad who thinks they're much smarter than you. Most of the best loot from raids on surrounding lands finds its way into Rizzo's Webbed Hands sooner or later. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int10/Fai5; 4 Land Units, 2 Naval. Pirate Code Cultural Identity
5. Placeholder.
6. Placeholder.

Captain Meathook - A brute of ambition, who has found a way to perhaps escape his seemingly inevitable demise - where once there were three, there must be four. His competence as a warlord is understood - his competence as a leader has yet to be tested. For now his "realm" is a nameless mass of raiders and slaves. Dip3/Mil5/Ind5/Int3/Fai2
7. Placeholder
8. Probably raising a unit.



NPC Actions

Round 11


The Peoples of Myrkran

[There is a whispering, a welcoming presence from the blazing sun in the sky to the crushing depths, that intrudes upon the mind of the one known as Evelyn Muckrake. Come, it says. Dig deeper. Dispense of the Flotsam. There is no physical presence, no clear source, but still it seems to answer thoughts in reply. There are answers to be found here, but getting them from such a cryptic and distant mind will be a struggle: To attempt to do so, Evelyn Muckrake may attempt a Diplomacy action rolled against TN14 so long as they remain at -3 Reputation with the Peoples of Myrkran.]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Industry] Rayjo Network Expansion [3/5] - As the specter of doom from the West approaches, the Rayjo network will become increasingly critical, and efforts are redoubled to finish it quickly. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as an Industry action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one MYR favor. Duration: Rounds 9-11)

[Diplomacy] Tell of Faraway Lands - Though the worst of the Refugee Crisis has long since come to an end, still many of the people of Myrkran travel as continued misfortunes daunt them. Cultural Chameleons as ever, they bring tales of places they have lived to those interested, especially to the Vaires where the ingress is most dramatic. (Offer: Any realm with nonnegative MYR reputation may spend 1 favor as a non-action in return for one action toward a Translation Great Project on their behalf. This is not limited to continents that a party could normally begin a translation project for, but does only apply to continents containing an active Myrkran Refugee Processing Center, and unseen continents cannot have their translation project completion progressed beyond 3/5. Realms with a capital in the Vaires may benefit from this one time without any need to spend a favor. Duration: Round 11)

[Intrigue] ? - ?.


The Disciples of Silicon

[High Witch Bryn is kept up at night by faint flickerings, a laughing collection of points of light that seem to project from the environment around her. They are difficult to understand, but from time to time she gets glimpses of a strange ghostly woman just long enough to make out a few words - that her name is Sibyl, and she is no friend of the Metal Men. Unfortunately, communication is highly limited, and only a challenging ritual can stabilize this link! To attempt such a seance, High Witch Bryn may attempt a Faith action rolled against TN14 so long as she remains at -3 Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon.]

Pending Requests and Offers


[Diplomacy] Declassify and Dispose - Several recent acquisitions from Altarin, Taer Mojr, and Brenn Tyr have been analyzed and deemed not necessary to keep in indefinite isolation. With limitations on vault space, the process of slowly disposing of such things - whether by destruction or random dissemination - begins. Those in the loop of the Disciples’ activities are presented with a rare opportunity to take something off the disciples’ hands, with the right grease - and as the project continues, more vaults are deemed unnecessary to keep. (Offer: Kingdoms with DOS rep 1 or greater may request the contents of a vault be delivered to them for external storage/disposal rather than liquified as a non-action. The contents of a vault will be determined by a GM roll. This is no longer limited to one per realm. Reward: 2 Favors owed to DOS, contents of Vault. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-11)

Contents of Vaults

Determined by 1d6 roll.

1: Mundane junk. Vault contains exclusively mundane items of little industrial, academic, scientific, or occult interest.

2-3: Minor Find. Vault contains one or more items of expendable value, such as treasure or an artifact that is usable exactly once.

4-5: Major Find. Vault contains a technological or even (misfiled) anomalous artifact.

6: Oops. Vault contains a mystery, which may be greater in value than an artifact and/or dangerous.

[Intrigue] Intervene in Altarin - At the request of an unnamed party and seeing that the plague problem they had previously dismissed as a mundane concern has become clearly anomalous in nature, the Disciples begin to mobilize a response - at the heart of the contagion, where the beasts had coalesced into a true infestation, they waited at the edges to watch the Toteharu do battle with them. Their contact had convinced them that the Toteharu had this well in hand, and they should engage in a different tactic to control the situation. Rather than participating in the main battle, they would conceal their presence, and eliminate the stragglers and the routed - prevent them from going to ground after the main mass was broken.

[Military] The Limitations of Steel - As spring turns to summer one year, the realms find a surprising request for assistance from the normally independent and indiscernible Disciples of Silicon. The Metal Men arrive in person in courts where they are welcome, and doubly so in courts already indebted to them: They come with an unexpected request for physically capable, wartrained foreign legions to undertake a task for which they need far more manpower than they have and deploying the machines they usually do as force multipliers carries more risk than reward. Though they understand that Kings and Lords are loath to send their people on such adventures, the need is dire and they assure all involved that the mission is critical to the health of the Ayr. Further, they have considerable stores of emergency resources and due consideration for other services. Still, one must wonder what kind of task must be so challenging and so important that even these haughty figures would come down from their perch to ask the primitives for assistance? (Request: The Disciples of Silicon are interested in recruits from realms of Rep 0 or higher for a dangerous yet vitally important task for which their machines are unsuitable; any number of land units not otherwise deployed may be assigned to the Disciples' mission as a non-action. Surviving units will return home at the end of round 13. Reward: Short-term compensation of 1 treasure per unit. Any realm that transfers 2 units or more will also gain 2 favors, and a realm that transfers four or more units will gain an additional favor and 1 reputation. Penalty: Unknown, should the mission fail. Duration: Round 11)

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers

Request an Observatory be built in The Vaires - Desiring an additional point from which to observe the Dark Moon’s approach, the Seekers send missives through the new Kingdoms of the Vaires - in search of a patron who might champion their quest for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-14)

Suppress the Carmine - Though knowledge is limited and early, Seeker Representatives like Olivier, Aporie, and Waxil are clear that in its current form, the Carmine Blight is inimical and incompatible with Ayr’s existing life. The East of Brenn Tyr was sparsely populated to begin with and no organized resistance formed before it overran the wilderness. Little is known but the Easterlings reported that fire was effective in the short term, and most of all time was needed now. (Request: Sack Trading Posts overtaken by the Carmine Blight to slow its progress. Reward: +1 favor for any successful sack. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-12)


[Diplomacy] Urgently Request an Observatory be built in Brenn Tyr - The Seekers in Brenn Tyr begin to probe gently, though urgently, about the prospect of establishing a more secure place in the West for their sensitive personnel and writings. Though this seems abrupt and the initial reasoning seems unclear, a little talking about the prospect forces the Seekers to admit that their extant observatory in Brenn Tyr is under immediate threat by the Carmine's progress, and they wish to evacuate noncombatants and irreplaceable knowledge while they can. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in a portion of Brenn Tyr West of the Mountains. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 11-13)

[Military] Eilonwy returns to the Grounded Sky Tower! - Hungry for more secrets now that her adventure in Altarin had come to a close, Eilonwy of Velentin returns to Taer Mojr by Seeker-ways, intending to continue her life's work with the Sunken. To accomplish this end, she charts an expedition to a familiar place, in the hopes of finding yet more answers. (Eilonwy of Velentin will assist the quest of any hero that makes an attempt to explore the Abyssal Night! If no hero does, she will independently quest to explore the Veiled Dark.)

[Intrigue] Seek a Cure for the Root Rot! - The Sages among Altarin's seekers have studied the poison that caused the original root rot at its source, and believe they have a potential antidote. The catch is...they need more of the active ingredient to formulate it in any quantity. The original herbalist's notes specified that it was based on Chorda Kelp. That's where they'd start. (Request: Obtain a Trading Post of Chorda Kelp on behalf of the Seekers; this can be done by any normal means one can acquire a trade post and an additional sub-action to specify that it is for the Seekers of the Spheres. Reward: 1 favor and a potential Cure for Root Rot. Penalty: None. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with a patchwork of sewn-on pieces of others to augment his personal might, Captain Dreadlove acts the part of a petty king from his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5; 6 Land Units, 3 Naval
1. [Military] Albatross moves to defend Mjornduth with 2 units and 2 navy! - Her rising star has stalled. News from the north suggests Captain Meathook has achieved an audacious victory, while she returns empty-handed. Worst of all, she cannot punish him - something burns behind her eyes, and the pain only mounts until she gives the order to sail for Mjornduth. Damn them. Damn it all.


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads defense unless someone else demands to, does not challenge any opponent. Uses Cautious Advance Tactical Doctrine if leading.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +2 navy, +1 tech), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 using half Dreadlove's Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Intrigue] ? - ?

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip7/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai10; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval. Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine, Embassy with Rikathi
3. [Faith] ? - ?.
4. [Faith] ? - ?.

Rizzo "the Rat" - Though very mysterious, Rizzo "The Rat" is both fabulously wealthy and deeply clever, a petty plotter among the merchants of Porto Vapor who plays an extensive role in financing Privateers in the Vaires. They're also a wretched toad who thinks they're much smarter than you. Most of the best loot from raids on surrounding lands finds its way into Rizzo's Webbed Hands sooner or later. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int10/Fai5; 4 Land Units, 2 Naval. Pirate Code Cultural Identity
5. Placeholder.
6. Placeholder.

Captain Meathook - A brute of ambition, who has found a way to perhaps escape his seemingly inevitable demise - where once there were three, there must be four. His competence as a warlord is understood - his competence as a leader has yet to be tested. For now his "realm" is a nameless mass of raiders and slaves. Dip3/Mil5/Ind5/Int3/Fai2
7. Placeholder
8. Probably raising a unit.



NPC Actions

Round 11


The Peoples of Myrkran

[There is a whispering, a welcoming presence from the blazing sun in the sky to the crushing depths, that intrudes upon the mind of the one known as Evelyn Muckrake. Come, it says. Dig deeper. Dispense of the Flotsam. There is no physical presence, no clear source, but still it seems to answer thoughts in reply. There are answers to be found here, but getting them from such a cryptic and distant mind will be a struggle: To attempt to do so, Evelyn Muckrake may attempt a Diplomacy action rolled against TN14 so long as they remain at -3 Reputation with the Peoples of Myrkran.]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Industry] Rayjo Network Expansion [3/5] - As the specter of doom from the West approaches, the Rayjo network will become increasingly critical, and efforts are redoubled to finish it quickly. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as an Industry action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one MYR favor. Duration: Rounds 9-11)

[Diplomacy] Tell of Faraway Lands - Though the worst of the Refugee Crisis has long since come to an end, still many of the people of Myrkran travel as continued misfortunes daunt them. Cultural Chameleons as ever, they bring tales of places they have lived to those interested, especially to the Vaires where the ingress is most dramatic. (Offer: Any realm with nonnegative MYR reputation may spend 1 favor as a non-action in return for one action toward a Translation Great Project on their behalf. This is not limited to continents that a party could normally begin a translation project for, but does only apply to continents containing an active Myrkran Refugee Processing Center, and unseen continents cannot have their translation project completion progressed beyond 3/5. Realms with a capital in the Vaires may benefit from this one time without any need to spend a favor. Duration: Round 11)

[Intrigue] ? - ?.


The Disciples of Silicon

[High Witch Bryn is kept up at night by faint flickerings, a laughing collection of points of light that seem to project from the environment around her. They are difficult to understand, but from time to time she gets glimpses of a strange ghostly woman just long enough to make out a few words - that her name is Sibyl, and she is no friend of the Metal Men. Unfortunately, communication is highly limited, and only a challenging ritual can stabilize this link! To attempt such a seance, High Witch Bryn may attempt a Faith action rolled against TN14 so long as she remains at -3 Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon.]

Pending Requests and Offers


[Diplomacy] Declassify and Dispose - Several recent acquisitions from Altarin, Taer Mojr, and Brenn Tyr have been analyzed and deemed not necessary to keep in indefinite isolation. With limitations on vault space, the process of slowly disposing of such things - whether by destruction or random dissemination - begins. Those in the loop of the Disciples’ activities are presented with a rare opportunity to take something off the disciples’ hands, with the right grease - and as the project continues, more vaults are deemed unnecessary to keep. (Offer: Kingdoms with DOS rep 1 or greater may request the contents of a vault be delivered to them for external storage/disposal rather than liquified as a non-action. The contents of a vault will be determined by a GM roll. This is no longer limited to one per realm. Reward: 2 Favors owed to DOS, contents of Vault. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-11)

Contents of Vaults

Determined by 1d6 roll.

1: Mundane junk. Vault contains exclusively mundane items of little industrial, academic, scientific, or occult interest.

2-3: Minor Find. Vault contains one or more items of expendable value, such as treasure or an artifact that is usable exactly once.

4-5: Major Find. Vault contains a technological or even (misfiled) anomalous artifact.

6: Oops. Vault contains a mystery, which may be greater in value than an artifact and/or dangerous.

[Military] Intervene in Altarin - At the request of an unnamed party and seeing that the plague problem they had previously dismissed as a mundane concern has become clearly anomalous in nature, the Disciples begin to mobilize a response. (exact details pending)

[Military] The Limitations of Steel - As spring turns to summer one year, the realms find a surprising request for assistance from the normally independent and indiscernible Disciples of Silicon. The Metal Men arrive in person in courts where they are welcome, and doubly so in courts already indebted to them: They come with an unexpected request for physically capable, wartrained foreign legions to undertake a task for which they need far more manpower than they have and deploying the machines they usually do as force multipliers carries more risk than reward. Though they understand that Kings and Lords are loath to send their people on such adventures, the need is dire and they assure all involved that the mission is critical to the health of the Ayr. Further, they have considerable stores of emergency resources and due consideration for other services. Still, one must wonder what kind of task must be so challenging and so important that even these haughty figures would come down from their perch to ask the primitives for assistance? (Request: The Disciples of Silicon are interested in recruits from realms of Rep 0 or higher for a dangerous yet vitally important task for which their machines are unsuitable; any number of land units not otherwise deployed may be assigned to the Disciples' mission as a non-action. Surviving units will return home at the end of round 13. Reward: Short-term compensation of 1 treasure per unit. Any realm that transfers 2 units or more will also gain 2 favors, and a realm that transfers four or more units will gain an additional favor and 1 reputation. Penalty: Unknown, should the mission fail. Duration: Round 11)

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers

Request an Observatory be built in The Vaires - Desiring an additional point from which to observe the Dark Moon’s approach, the Seekers send missives through the new Kingdoms of the Vaires - in search of a patron who might champion their quest for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-14)

Suppress the Carmine - Though knowledge is limited and early, Seeker Representatives like Olivier, Aporie, and Waxil are clear that in its current form, the Carmine Blight is inimical and incompatible with Ayr’s existing life. The East of Brenn Tyr was sparsely populated to begin with and no organized resistance formed before it overran the wilderness. Little is known but the Easterlings reported that fire was effective in the short term, and most of all time was needed now. (Request: Sack Trading Posts overtaken by the Carmine Blight to slow its progress. Reward: +1 favor for any successful sack. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-12)


[Diplomacy] Urgently Request an Observatory be built in Brenn Tyr - The Seekers in Brenn Tyr begin to probe gently, though urgently, about the prospect of establishing a more secure place in the West for their sensitive personnel and writings. Though this seems abrupt and the initial reasoning seems unclear, a little talking about the prospect forces the Seekers to admit that their extant observatory in Brenn Tyr is under immediate threat by the Carmine's progress, and they wish to evacuate noncombatants and irreplaceable knowledge while they can. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in a portion of Brenn Tyr West of the Mountains. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 11-13)

[Military] Eilonwy returns to the Grounded Sky Tower! - Hungry for more secrets now that her adventure in Altarin had come to a close, Eilonwy of Velentin returns to Taer Mojr by Seeker-ways, intending to continue her life's work with the Sunken. To accomplish this end, she charts an expedition to a familiar place, in the hopes of finding yet more answers. (Eilonwy of Velentin will assist the quest of any hero that makes an attempt to explore the Abyssal Night! If no hero does, she will independently quest to explore the Veiled Dark.)

[Intrigue] Seek a Cure for the Root Rot! - The Sages among Altarin's seekers have studied the poison that caused the original root rot at its source, and believe they have a potential antidote. The catch is...they need more of the active ingredient to formulate it in any quantity. The original herbalist's notes specified that it was based on Chorda Kelp. That's where they'd start. (Request: Obtain a Trading Post of Chorda Kelp on behalf of the Seekers; this can be done by any normal means one can acquire a trade post and an additional sub-action to specify that it is for the Seekers of the Spheres. Reward: 1 favor and a potential Cure for Root Rot. Penalty: None. Duration: Until Completed)




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with a patchwork of sewn-on pieces of others to augment his personal might, Captain Dreadlove acts the part of a petty king from his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5; 6 Land Units, 3 Naval
1. [Military] Albatross moves to defend Mjornduth with 2 units and 2 navy! - Her rising star has stalled. News from the north suggests Captain Meathook has achieved an audacious victory, while she returns empty-handed. Worst of all, she cannot punish him - something burns behind her eyes, and the pain only mounts until she gives the order to sail for Mjornduth. Damn them. Damn it all.


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads defense unless someone else demands to, does not challenge any opponent. Uses Cautious Advance Tactical Doctrine if leading.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +2 navy, +1 tech), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 using half Dreadlove's Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Intrigue] ? - ?

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip7/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai10; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval. Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine, Embassy with Rikathi
3. [Faith] ? - ?.
4. [Faith] ? - ?.

Rizzo "the Rat" - Though very mysterious, Rizzo "The Rat" is both fabulously wealthy and deeply clever, a petty plotter among the merchants of Porto Vapor who plays an extensive role in financing Privateers in the Vaires. They're also a wretched toad who thinks they're much smarter than you. Most of the best loot from raids on surrounding lands finds its way into Rizzo's Webbed Hands sooner or later. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int10/Fai5; 4 Land Units, 2 Naval. Pirate Code Cultural Identity
5. Placeholder.
6. Placeholder.

Captain Meathook - A brute of ambition, who has found a way to perhaps escape his seemingly inevitable demise - where once there were three, there must be four. His competence as a warlord is understood - his competence as a leader has yet to be tested. For now his "realm" is a nameless mass of raiders and slaves. Dip3/Mil5/Ind5/Int3/Fai2
7. Placeholder
8. Probably raising a unit.



NPC Actions

Round 11


The Peoples of Myrkran

[There is a whispering, a welcoming presence from the blazing sun in the sky to the crushing depths, that intrudes upon the mind of the one known as Evelyn Muckrake. Come, it says. Dig deeper. Dispense of the Flotsam. There is no physical presence, no clear source, but still it seems to answer thoughts in reply. There are answers to be found here, but getting them from such a cryptic and distant mind will be a struggle: To attempt to do so, Evelyn Muckrake may attempt a Diplomacy action rolled against TN14 so long as they remain at -3 Reputation with the Peoples of Myrkran.]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Industry] Rayjo Network Expansion [3/5] - As the specter of doom from the West approaches, the Rayjo network will become increasingly critical, and efforts are redoubled to finish it quickly. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as an Industry action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one MYR favor. Duration: Rounds 9-11)

[Diplomacy] Tell of Faraway Lands - Though the worst of the Refugee Crisis has long since come to an end, still many of the people of Myrkran travel as continued misfortunes daunt them. Cultural Chameleons as ever, they bring tales of places they have lived to those interested, especially to the Vaires where the ingress is most dramatic. (Offer: Any realm with nonnegative MYR reputation may spend 1 favor as a non-action in return for one action toward a Translation Great Project on their behalf. This is not limited to continents that a party could normally begin a translation project for, but does only apply to continents containing an active Myrkran Refugee Processing Center, and unseen continents cannot have their translation project completion progressed beyond 3/5. Realms with a capital in the Vaires may benefit from this one time without any need to spend a favor. Duration: Round 11)

[Intrigue] ? - ?.


The Disciples of Silicon

[High Witch Bryn is kept up at night by faint flickerings, a laughing collection of points of light that seem to project from the environment around her. They are difficult to understand, but from time to time she gets glimpses of a strange ghostly woman just long enough to make out a few words - that her name is Sibyl, and she is no friend of the Metal Men. Unfortunately, communication is highly limited, and only a challenging ritual can stabilize this link! To attempt such a seance, High Witch Bryn may attempt a Faith action rolled against TN14 so long as she remains at -3 Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon.]

Pending Requests and Offers


[Diplomacy] Declassify and Dispose - Several recent acquisitions from Altarin, Taer Mojr, and Brenn Tyr have been analyzed and deemed not necessary to keep in indefinite isolation. With limitations on vault space, the process of slowly disposing of such things - whether by destruction or random dissemination - begins. Those in the loop of the Disciples’ activities are presented with a rare opportunity to take something off the disciples’ hands, with the right grease - and as the project continues, more vaults are deemed unnecessary to keep. (Offer: Kingdoms with DOS rep 1 or greater may request the contents of a vault be delivered to them for external storage/disposal rather than liquified as a non-action. The contents of a vault will be determined by a GM roll. This is no longer limited to one per realm. Reward: 2 Favors owed to DOS, contents of Vault. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-11)

Contents of Vaults

Determined by 1d6 roll.

1: Mundane junk. Vault contains exclusively mundane items of little industrial, academic, scientific, or occult interest.

2-3: Minor Find. Vault contains one or more items of expendable value, such as treasure or an artifact that is usable exactly once.

4-5: Major Find. Vault contains a technological or even (misfiled) anomalous artifact.

6: Oops. Vault contains a mystery, which may be greater in value than an artifact and/or dangerous.

[Military] Intervene in Altarin - At the request of an unnamed party and seeing that the plague problem they had previously dismissed as a mundane concern has become clearly anomalous in nature, the Disciples begin to mobilize a response. (exact details pending)

[Military] The Limitations of Steel - As spring turns to summer one year, the realms find a surprising request for assistance from the normally independent and indiscernible Disciples of Silicon. The Metal Men arrive in person in courts where they are welcome, and doubly so in courts already indebted to them: They come with an unexpected request for physically capable, wartrained foreign legions to undertake a task for which they need far more manpower than they have and deploying the machines they usually do as force multipliers carries more risk than reward. Though they understand that Kings and Lords are loath to send their people on such adventures, the need is dire and they assure all involved that the mission is critical to the health of the Ayr. Further, they have considerable stores of emergency resources and due consideration for other services. Still, one must wonder what kind of task must be so challenging and so important that even these haughty figures would come down from their perch to ask the primitives for assistance? (Request: The Disciples of Silicon are interested in recruits from realms of Rep 0 or higher for a dangerous yet vitally important task for which their machines are unsuitable; any number of land units not otherwise deployed may be assigned to the Disciples' mission as a non-action. Surviving units will return home at the end of round 13. Reward: Short-term compensation of 1 treasure per unit. Any realm that transfers 2 units or more will also gain 2 favors, and a realm that transfers four or more units will gain an additional favor and 1 reputation. Penalty: Unknown, should the mission fail. Duration: Round 11)

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers

Request an Observatory be built in The Vaires - Desiring an additional point from which to observe the Dark Moon’s approach, the Seekers send missives through the new Kingdoms of the Vaires - in search of a patron who might champion their quest for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-14)

Suppress the Carmine - Though knowledge is limited and early, Seeker Representatives like Olivier, Aporie, and Waxil are clear that in its current form, the Carmine Blight is inimical and incompatible with Ayr’s existing life. The East of Brenn Tyr was sparsely populated to begin with and no organized resistance formed before it overran the wilderness. Little is known but the Easterlings reported that fire was effective in the short term, and most of all time was needed now. (Request: Sack Trading Posts overtaken by the Carmine Blight to slow its progress. Reward: +1 favor for any successful sack. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-12)


[Diplomacy] Urgently Request an Observatory be built in Brenn Tyr - The Seekers in Brenn Tyr begin to probe gently, though urgently, about the prospect of establishing a more secure place in the West for their sensitive personnel and writings. Though this seems abrupt and the initial reasoning seems unclear, a little talking about the prospect forces the Seekers to admit that their extant observatory in Brenn Tyr is under immediate threat by the Carmine's progress, and they wish to evacuate noncombatants and irreplaceable knowledge while they can. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in a portion of Brenn Tyr West of the Mountains. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 11-13)

[Military] ? - ?

[Intrigue] ? - ?




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with a patchwork of sewn-on pieces of others to augment his personal might, Captain Dreadlove acts the part of a petty king from his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5; 6 Land Units, 3 Naval
1. [Military] Albatross moves to defend Mjornduth with 2 units and 2 navy! - Her rising star has stalled. News from the north suggests Captain Meathook has achieved an audacious victory, while she returns empty-handed. Worst of all, she cannot punish him - something burns behind her eyes, and the pain only mounts until she gives the order to sail for Mjornduth. Damn them. Damn it all.


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads defense unless someone else demands to, does not challenge any opponent. Uses Cautious Advance Tactical Doctrine if leading.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +2 navy, +1 tech), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 using half Dreadlove's Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Intrigue] ? - ?

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip7/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai10; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval. Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine, Embassy with Rikathi
3. [Faith] ? - ?.
4. [Faith] ? - ?.

Rizzo "the Rat" - Though very mysterious, Rizzo "The Rat" is both fabulously wealthy and deeply clever, a petty plotter among the merchants of Porto Vapor who plays an extensive role in financing Privateers in the Vaires. They're also a wretched toad who thinks they're much smarter than you. Most of the best loot from raids on surrounding lands finds its way into Rizzo's Webbed Hands sooner or later. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int10/Fai5; 4 Land Units, 2 Naval. Pirate Code Cultural Identity
5. Placeholder.
6. Placeholder.

Captain Meathook - A brute of ambition, who has found a way to perhaps escape his seemingly inevitable demise - where once there were three, there must be four. His competence as a warlord is understood - his competence as a leader has yet to be tested. For now his "realm" is a nameless mass of raiders and slaves. Dip3/Mil5/Ind5/Int3/Fai2
7. Placeholder
8. Probably raising a unit.



NPC Actions

Round 11


The Peoples of Myrkran

[There is a whispering, a welcoming presence from the blazing sun in the sky to the crushing depths, that intrudes upon the mind of the one known as Evelyn Muckrake. Come, it says. Dig deeper. Dispense of the Flotsam. There is no physical presence, no clear source, but still it seems to answer thoughts in reply. There are answers to be found here, but getting them from such a cryptic and distant mind will be a struggle: To attempt to do so, Evelyn Muckrake may attempt a Diplomacy action rolled against TN14 so long as they remain at -3 Reputation with the Peoples of Myrkran.]

Pending Requests and Offers



[Industry] Rayjo Network Expansion [3/5] - As the specter of doom from the West approaches, the Rayjo network will become increasingly critical, and efforts are redoubled to finish it quickly. (Request: Any kingdom may contribute to this great project as an Industry action - the first action contributed by a realm grants that realm one MYR favor. Duration: Rounds 9-11)

[Diplomacy] Tell of Faraway Lands - Though the worst of the Refugee Crisis has long since come to an end, still many of the people of Myrkran travel as continued misfortunes daunt them. Cultural Chameleons as ever, they bring tales of places they have lived to those interested, especially to the Vaires where the ingress is most dramatic. (Offer: Any realm with nonnegative MYR reputation may spend 1 favor as a non-action in return for one action toward a Translation Great Project on their behalf. This is not limited to continents that a party could normally begin a translation project for, but does only apply to continents containing an active Myrkran Refugee Processing Center, and unseen continents cannot have their translation project completion progressed beyond 3/5. Realms with a capital in the Vaires may benefit from this one time without any need to spend a favor. Duration: Round 11)

[Intrigue] ? - ?.


The Disciples of Silicon

[High Witch Bryn is kept up at night by faint flickerings, a laughing collection of points of light that seem to project from the environment around her. They are difficult to understand, but from time to time she gets glimpses of a strange ghostly woman just long enough to make out a few words - that her name is Sibyl, and she is no friend of the Metal Men. Unfortunately, communication is highly limited, and only a challenging ritual can stabilize this link! To attempt such a seance, High Witch Bryn may attempt a Faith action rolled against TN14 so long as she remains at -3 Reputation with the Disciples of Silicon.]

Pending Requests and Offers


[Diplomacy] Declassify and Dispose - Several recent acquisitions from Altarin, Taer Mojr, and Brenn Tyr have been analyzed and deemed not necessary to keep in indefinite isolation. With limitations on vault space, the process of slowly disposing of such things - whether by destruction or random dissemination - begins. Those in the loop of the Disciples’ activities are presented with a rare opportunity to take something off the disciples’ hands, with the right grease - and as the project continues, more vaults are deemed unnecessary to keep. (Offer: Kingdoms with DOS rep 1 or greater may request the contents of a vault be delivered to them for external storage/disposal rather than liquified as a non-action. The contents of a vault will be determined by a GM roll. This is no longer limited to one per realm. Reward: 2 Favors owed to DOS, contents of Vault. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-11)

Contents of Vaults

Determined by 1d6 roll.

1: Mundane junk. Vault contains exclusively mundane items of little industrial, academic, scientific, or occult interest.

2-3: Minor Find. Vault contains one or more items of expendable value, such as treasure or an artifact that is usable exactly once.

4-5: Major Find. Vault contains a technological or even (misfiled) anomalous artifact.

6: Oops. Vault contains a mystery, which may be greater in value than an artifact and/or dangerous.

[Military] Intervene in Altarin - At the request of an unnamed party and seeing that the plague problem they had previously dismissed as a mundane concern has become clearly anomalous in nature, the Disciples begin to mobilize a response. (exact details pending)

[Military] The Limitations of Steel - As spring turns to summer one year, the realms find a surprising request for assistance from the normally independent and indiscernible Disciples of Silicon. The Metal Men arrive in person in courts where they are welcome, and doubly so in courts already indebted to them: They come with an unexpected request for physically capable, wartrained foreign legions to undertake a task for which they need far more manpower than they have and deploying the machines they usually do as force multipliers carries more risk than reward. Though they understand that Kings and Lords are loath to send their people on such adventures, the need is dire and they assure all involved that the mission is critical to the health of the Ayr. Further, they have considerable stores of emergency resources and due consideration for other services. Still, one must wonder what kind of task must be so challenging and so important that even these haughty figures would come down from their perch to ask the primitives for assistance? (Request: The Disciples of Silicon are interested in recruits from realms of Rep 0 or higher for a dangerous yet vitally important task for which their machines are unsuitable; any number of land units not otherwise deployed may be assigned to the Disciples' mission as a non-action. Surviving units will return home at the end of round 13. Reward: Short-term compensation of 1 treasure per unit. Any realm that transfers 2 units or more will also gain 2 favors, and a realm that transfers four or more units will gain an additional favor and 1 reputation. Penalty: None. Duration: Round 11)

The Seekers of the Spheres

[As the Illuminated and foremost among those with the Seekers' attention, the Ota Beyr Brejna Honorlund of the Rikathi receives a visit from the Council of Velentin's Elders, five of whom arrive by sail! While this coven remains in their court, Brejna Honorlund may spend a special intrigue action to investigate their cryptic words through dialogue and research of the texts they brought with them. While undergoing this training, the Ota Beyr may roll Intrigue against TN 14 to impress the Seekers, and earn the right to be inducted to the greatest secrets of the Seekers of the Spheres!]

Pending Requests and Offers

Request an Observatory be built in The Vaires - Desiring an additional point from which to observe the Dark Moon’s approach, the Seekers send missives through the new Kingdoms of the Vaires - in search of a patron who might champion their quest for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in Yon Vaire or Vaire Ven. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-14)

Suppress the Carmine - Though knowledge is limited and early, Seeker Representatives like Olivier, Aporie, and Waxil are clear that in its current form, the Carmine Blight is inimical and incompatible with Ayr’s existing life. The East of Brenn Tyr was sparsely populated to begin with and no organized resistance formed before it overran the wilderness. Little is known but the Easterlings reported that fire was effective in the short term, and most of all time was needed now. (Request: Sack Trading Posts overtaken by the Carmine Blight to slow its progress. Reward: +1 favor for any successful sack. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 10-12)


[Diplomacy] Urgently Request an Observatory be built in Brenn Tyr - The Seekers in Brenn Tyr begin to probe gently, though urgently, about the prospect of establishing a more secure place in the West for their sensitive personnel and writings. Though this seems abrupt and the initial reasoning seems unclear, a little talking about the prospect forces the Seekers to admit that their extant observatory in Brenn Tyr is under immediate threat by the Carmine's progress, and they wish to evacuate noncombatants and irreplaceable knowledge while they can. (Request: Build one Seeker Observatory (3-action Diplomacy/Faith project) in a portion of Brenn Tyr West of the Mountains. If realms cooperate they decide amongst themselves how to divide the reward. If multiple bases are completed one will be randomly selected to become the recognized SPH base and contributor(s) will receive the full reward. Any unselected bases will still become SPH bases but receive no additional reward. Reward: +1 Rep, +1 Favor. Penalty: None. Duration: Rounds 11-13)

[Military] ? - ?

[Intrigue] ? - ?




Vandals and Villains of the Vaires

Captain Dreadlove - A hulking horror of a man in a long, ragged coat that writhes with a patchwork of sewn-on pieces of others to augment his personal might, Captain Dreadlove acts the part of a petty king from his palace-ship speared on a stalagmite in the city of Crying Cove. Dip4/Mil10/Ind5/Int6/Fai5; 6 Land Units, 3 Naval
1. [Military] Albatross moves to defend Mjornduth with 2 units and 2 navy! - Her rising star has stalled. News from the north suggests Captain Meathook has achieved an audacious victory, while she returns empty-handed. Worst of all, she cannot punish him - something burns behind her eyes, and the pain only mounts until she gives the order to sail for Mjornduth. Damn them. Damn it all.


Captain Albatross (Subcommander 5) leads defense unless someone else demands to, does not challenge any opponent. Uses Cautious Advance Tactical Doctrine if leading.

Spark-Fire Wands (Ranged Weapons, +1 to Battle), Steering Oars (Cavalry, +3 Maneuvering in Coastal Battles) in effect.

Total: +9 Battle (+5 leader, +2 unit, +2 navy, +1 tech), +8 Tactical Maneuvering (+5 using half Dreadlove's Mil Score, +3 Tech)

2. [Intrigue] ? - ?

The Widow Queen - An ancient sea-witch whom even these cutthroats dare not cross, the Widow Queen appears on paper to be the weakest of them and yet maintains the careful balance of power that keeps these people from killing one another. Both her social puissance and the fear she inspires keep others in line, and she wields secret dread arts. Dip7/Mil5/Ind5/Int7/Fai10; 2 Land Units, 1 Naval. Fog-Wreathed Sails Tactical Doctrine, Embassy with Rikathi
3. [Faith] ? - ?.
4. [Faith] ? - ?.

Rizzo "the Rat" - Though very mysterious, Rizzo "The Rat" is both fabulously wealthy and deeply clever, a petty plotter among the merchants of Porto Vapor who plays an extensive role in financing Privateers in the Vaires. They're also a wretched toad who thinks they're much smarter than you. Most of the best loot from raids on surrounding lands finds its way into Rizzo's Webbed Hands sooner or later. Dip3/Mil6/Ind8/Int10/Fai5; 4 Land Units, 2 Naval. Pirate Code Cultural Identity
5. Placeholder.
6. Placeholder.

Captain Meathook - A brute of ambition, who has found a way to perhaps escape his seemingly inevitable demise - where once there were three, there must be four. His competence as a warlord is understood - his competence as a leader has yet to be tested. For now his "realm" is a nameless mass of raiders and slaves. Dip3/Mil5/Ind5/Int3/Fai2
7. Placeholder
8. Probably raising a unit.

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