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The Foiler

The Foiler

Glad someone brought this up, I'm used to the houserule that we auto-gather loot and then divvy it up OOC (like here!)

I'd love a clip of the semi-auto bullets (or more, I think I fired 6 rounds with my pistol and one or two with the rifle). I'm a Firebrand and can use Bombs, so anything that might help me take better advantage of them is cool, although I don't know what that might be offhand aside from one of those jai alai things

The Foiler

The Foiler

Glad someone brought this up, I'm used to the houserule that we auto-gather loot and then divvy it up OOC (like here!)

I'd love a clip of the semi-auto bullets (or more, I think I fired 6 rounds with my pistol and one or two with the rifle). I'm a Firerand and can use Bombs, so anything that might help me take better advantage of them is cool, although I don't know what that might be offhand aside from one of those jai alai things

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