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Rune Knight

Rune Knight

Count me in as well, @MinjaMan. I have plenty of ideas for settings and campaign premises that I could offer; I'd probably suggest some of my more basic ones that can be easily expanded upon by others.

What type of system would we use? Personally, I'm partial to Fate, but I'd be fine with something else like Ironsworn. Just as long as it can facilitate an original setting.

Rune Knight

Rune Knight

Count me in as well, @MinjaMan. I have plenty of ideas for settings and campaign premises that I could offer; I'd probably suggest some of my more basic ones that can be easily expanded upon by others.

What type of system would we use? Personally, I'm partial to Fate, but I'd be fine with something else like Ironsworn.

Rune Knight

Rune Knight

Count me in as well, @MinjaMan. I have plenty of ideas for settings and campaign premises that I could offer; I'd probably suggest some of my more basic ones that can be easily expanded upon by others.


What type of system would we use? Personally, I'm partial to Fate, but I'd be fine with something else like Ironsworn.

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