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T- Cecil Brandybuck -T

Cecil stayed his bow, for in the melee, mud became their cloaks and faces and blood their blades.

That was, until Barin clarified an orc and its limb. The remaining orcs tucked back from their hosts with wild eyes. He had seen this before - like deers after a wide shot. Instinct took his hands and he lengthened his bow. He had to put one down before it signaled others or - worse - lashed at Dahl-Ol.


T- Cecil Brandybuck -T

Cecil stayed his bow, for in the melee, mud became their cloaks and faces and blood their blades.

That was, until Barin clarified an orc from its limb. The remaining orcs tucked back from their hosts with wild eyes. He had seen this before - like deers after a wide shot. Instinct took his hands and he lengthened his bow. He had to put one down before it signaled others or - worse - lashed at Dahl-Ol.


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