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Idea: 'Doc', using a combination of scrounged bits of tech, herbal remedies, and 'hoodoo', Doc keeps the team healthy and ready for battle.  Handy to have around in a fight, as he can use his concoctions to cause just as many problems for the enemy as he makes benefits for the team.


Takes the Hippocratic Oath dead seriously (Oath against Harm?)


Scholar - Doctor?

Blacksmith - Barista and/or Iron Chef?



Idea: 'Doc', using a combination of scrounged bits of tech, herbal remedies, and 'hoodoo', Doc keeps the team healthy and ready for battle.  Handy to have around in a fight, as he can use his concoctions to cause just as many problems for the enemy as he makes benefits for the team.


Takes the Hippocratic Oath dead seriously (Oath against Harm?)


Scholar - Doctor?

Blacksmith - Barista?

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