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Tavia "Princess" Wright, Sentinel

Inquisitor D

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Tavia 'Princess' Wright

Yorukan (Twi'lek) Sentinel: Path of Aggression, Spacer('s kid)49kSAzS2.png.79482b24e8a49cba679a921f68f7f1ce.png

Strength 11 1
Dexterity 18 7
Constitution 13 2
Wisdom 13 2
Intelligence 16 4
Charisma 18 7

Athletics +1

Acrobatics +5
Sleight of Hand +5
Stealth +5

Investigation +6
Lore + 4
Nature +4

Piloting *+9
Technology +6

Animal Handling +2
Insight +4
Medicine +2
Perception +2
Survival +2

Deception +7
Intimidation +5
Performance +7
Persuasion +7


HP: 33, FP 19 (+2)

Force DC: 15 | Force Attack Mod: +7 

Tools: Mechanic's Kit, Artificer's Tools
Languages: Yoruki, Soran, Basic
Feature: Well Travelled (Sorta)As a spacer('s kid), you’ve been (told about your mother's travels) from one end of the galaxy to the other. You’ve traveled along many of the trade routes (in your mind), and know the safest routes (because she taught you). You have expert knowledge of the various hyperlanes. In addition to this, you know a large number of the models and designs of common space ships that are found in the galaxy.
Force Powers

At Will; Shock, Saber Ward, Force Push/Pull, Saber Reflect, Battle Insight (Lightning Charge), Force Disarm

Level 1; Sustained Lightning, Saber Assault, Force Reflect

Level 2; Dark Sheer, Phasewalk, Seek Shatterpoint, Animate Weapon, Force Camouflage, Saber Strike


1st: Ace Pilot

4th: Class Improvement: Sentinel


Darkvision. Your vision can easily cut through darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Natural Antitoxins. You have advantage on saving throws against poison and disease, and you have resistance against poison damage

Unarmed Combatant. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 kinetic damage and have the finesse property.


Ideals: Ideal of the Fighter (Dual Wielding Style), Ideal of the Tranquil

Voltiac Slash. You learn the lightning charge force power, which does not count against your total powers known. Additionally, you can use Wisdom or Charisma as your forcecasting ability for it, and when you deal lightning damage with the lightning charge force power, you deal additional lightning damage equal to half your Wisdom or Charisma modifier (your choice, minimum of one) if it doesn’t already include that modifier.

Thunderous Momentum: Your stride becomes nigh unbreakable. You are immune to the shocked condition, and each slowed level only reduces your speed by 5 feet, unless it would reduce your speed to 0.


The Blue Moon Weaver gave up her name a long time ago. Once upon a time, she led a bloody revolt against Carcosa Mining: seizing control of the port of Kama-Eisen and renaming it Novac. It was there Captain Trask found her, and there she joined the crew of the galaxy's most infamous pirate. She's been a familiar sight on the Vortex, seemingly always stepping out of the shadows at just the wrong moment for any would be mutineers.

But she never forgot her home, and once Trask disappeared, Weaver was free to step forward into the spotlight. She was never content with loot and plunder. She wanted a legacy, and she spent years working on it. Today, Novac has become wealthy and prosperous planetoid: a true civilization with media, amenities and government. It's the Pirate Moon, flying through the galaxy and a never ending headache for the Regency. Weaver's criminal group, the Typhon Association, run the whole thing: divided between a half-dozen heirs Weaver had genetically crated for her by Dr. Lillin Tyroshi and her team. The Heirs of Weaver are a fractious bunch, prone to downright explosive quarrelling and feuds of all sorts, but they're a family and stick together well against outside threats.

Blue Moon Weaver however ultimately left her world behind. She wanted a retirement: one where would be heirs wouldn't try assassinating her for a bigger piece of the pie. Weaver ventured to a small Class Three planetoid, trying to lose himself somewhere the Regency would never seek her out. She even took a name, something she once forswore as a matter of faith. And thus was born Amelia Wright: Meli to her friends. Printer, artist, library manager; eventually loving wife and mother. That was the woman her daughter, Tavia Wright, knew and adored. The dorky lady who sung off key with her husband Apollo every anniversary of their wedding. The lady who cheered for Tavi at the ball game, who learned how to cook a cake for her birthday, who sat with her by the lake after her first breakup. Normal, down to earth, always with some wise words and an easy smile. The most grounded woman she'd ever met

But... no. Tavi knew her mom was more than that.

The Wrights never learned everything about Meli's past. She wanted to keep it buried. But when Tavia started having lightning crackle around her fingers, it was her mom who gave her an explanation about Ether. She even showed Tavia pictures of her half-siblings. It seemed unreal, fantastical, but Weaver did teach her what little she could about the galaxy and Tavi's potential place in it.

When the Starlancers came for them, Amelia Wright didn't fight back, not wanting to endanger the people around them. Until she saw that they were here for Tavia too. The resulting battle blew half their neighbourhood to hell, and for the first time, Octavia Wright saw the destructive fury of the woman her mother used to be. But it wasn't enough.

Starlancer Academy hasn't been fun for Tavia. She's not sold on the Regency, and the Typhon Association are still an active foe of the Lancers. There's a fair amount of suspicion on her as a potential traitor. But Tavia's recruitment officer, Ven'rell, isn't worried. They offered the kid the one thing that's even better than money or the freedom to return to Earth.

Parole for her mother.



On Earth, Tavia Wright was a nice kid, if a bit quiet. She was a bit of a theatre nerd: even now she hums showtunes when she's stressing out. She was a bit on the private side, but she had some good friends and stuck by them. The one time she was ever in serious trouble at school, it was for brawling with a bunch of preppy bullies. Amelia gave her the sullen disapproving glare in the principal's office... Then took her out for ice cream.

She's changed since coming to Starlancer Academy. She was pretty hostile and sullen early on: listening in silence and obviously not wanting to learn anything. Over time though, the lessons of veteran Lancers have gotten through to Tavi somewhat. She's not forgotten that these people locked up her mom, but it's easy to feel herself slipping into the group mindset. The Starlancers serve the galaxy and people who've been failed by their own leaders. That's an attitude Octavia Wright can relate to, even take pride in. She started doing this just as a way to free her mother, but now she feels... oddly conflicted.

The end result is... overcorrection. In every direction. Tavi has an extremely low patience level for proud Regency officials, and the letter of the law. But she does feel some vague duty to act the part of a noble hero: the stereotypical Starlancer, here to beat criminals and do the right thing. She'll do her best to try and honour their mission objectives faithfully, but her temptation to throwing rules out the window is pretty strong.



Artificer's implements  300    5

Mechanics Kit 650 -


Fiber Armor 450 13

Clothes, fine 150

Clothes, travellers 20


Shotosaber 450 1

Blue Moon Weaver's Saber Gauntlet 475 2.5

Construct: Blue Moon Weaver, 1000 -

Commlink, hands-free    200    1

Holocomm    300    2


Edited by Inquisitor D (see edit history)
Array 1
16; 13; 16; 11; 13; 15
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repeat(keep(4d6,highest,3),6) 4,2,2,2,6,5,1,1,6,3,1,1,5,4,3,2,5,4,1,1,5,5,4,1
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The Typhon Association

Corpse-born Herald of Desolation
Corpse was said to have wanted her development team killed out of sheer embarrassment at her name. The stern faced enforcer took command of the association when Blue Moon Weaver retired to Earth. She's taciturn on a good day - perpetually focused on her objective and getting things done as efficiently as possible. That said her self seriousness is a handicap - anything that does get under her skin will be met with cold, unblinking fury. Corpse usually fights smart, but hijinx are a pretty good way to throw her off her game.

Penumbra Red 
The most physically abnormal of the family, Red was mutated by Tyroshi's cultivation process - she's short, with sickly wrinkled green skin hanging in gnarled bags beneath her eyes. She's the worker bee of the family - always on the job, always annoyed at any kind of distraction, always with some new plan or task she's very busy with. Red's one of the more subtle members of the Typhon Association - she takes things slowly and meticulously, putting everything together before finally springing her plans into action.

Ten Thousand Laments 
A legend in the void, Ten Thousand Laments is an ace pilot that's commanded everything from capital ships to his own fighter wing. His tactical knowledge is second to none, as are his dedication and professionalism but the man's skill outside the battlefield leaves something to be desired. Knowing this, Laments places a great deal of trust in his advisors, a strategy that has mixed effectiveness given his unfortunate talent for attracting less than capable yes men.

Maeve Galaxia 
Members of the public probably wouldn't be able to identify Galaxia as a pirate at all. She spent a fair amount of time off Novac, travelling Regency space and building her connections there. She's a fashion icon, a wealthy businesswoman and a big figure in the entertainment sphere. Maeve's got her own criminal enterprises, sure, but she's far subtler about breaking the law than her siblings; helping them 'clean' illegal funds through her mostly-legal business empire. Whatever Galaxia wants, she can take - and Galaxia wants everything.

Final Whisper 
While known for bombastic actions like livestreamed heists and elaborate prank videos, Final Whisper is much more withdrawn when found in private. He's got a social media presence that can rival Galaxia's; people know him as a laughing jokester and lovable pirate playboy who streams his raids across the galaxy, but it's all a persona he uses as a coping mechanism. When 'on the job' Whisper has a far easier time feeling in control of the situation. Off duty, he's a bundle of nerves that drive him between anger and fear. He prefers to spend time alone and just leave his lieutenants free reign to run his portion of the association.

Golden Nova! 
Nova's kinda the person Whisper pretends to be, but her tendency towards causing collateral damage has ensured she never ended up as popular as her brother. She's the only one of Blue Moon Weaver's heirs not to receive any of her Ether powers, but Nova makes up for it with a strong command of explosive Technomancy. She's very much the family meddler; often curious about what her siblings are up to and dropping in to 'help'. Her presence can be annoying, but if Corpse needs to stop a fight between two members of the clan, she turns to Nova.


Yoru is an example to the Regency, even centuries later, of why early interference in a pre-spaceflight world is a very risky idea.

The Yorukans were a relatively peaceful civilization. They hadn't developed any kind of unified world government, but they were content with their many clans and cities. Yorukans were known for their diversity of looks, adapting to their environment with a wide array of bright skin tones and minor feature changes. You could tell the Mikadon with their bright plumage and golden skin apart from the Sorani, with their mottled green hide and wide grey eyes apart just at a glance, yet they were ultimately one; intermingling and ever welcome to travellers. Wars had been rare for centuries.

If anything, peace and prosperity were the main things stopping them expanding towards the stars. Their technology base was fine for a stage 3 civilization, they even had a rich tradition of Ether channellers, but they didn't have anything motivating them to reach beyond their world. When your world is a place of peace and plenty... how much is there left to strive for?

That led to CEO Kama Maklerin bringing a proposal to Empress Astralin for an exemption to the Emperical Law. Yoru was a rich world, with much to offer the empire. It was politically stable, so there was little risk of a sudden uplift leading to a declaration of war. It only made sense that their arrival to space be expedited.

Kama Corp never committed outright crimes in their treatment of the Yorukans. At least, none that the people could prove. But a few carefully placed deals with key authority figures can do a lot. Before too long, most of the world was their property, along with a massive number of historic buildings and relics. Today Yoru is a paradisiacal tourist destination, with only a handful of its original inhabitants left. Most of them were taken from the planet under Kama Corp indenture contracts; shipped across the galaxy as a source of cheap labor. The Regency outlawed indenture eventually, but by that point, displaced Yorukan communities could be found across the galaxy. They've quite the diaspora, and many have never seen their homeworld at this point.

Opinions on Faculty

Dean Monsar: Tavia is slightly embarrassed and pretty guilty at how scary she finds the Dean. On a rational level, she knows he's a perfectly nice guy. But the sheer level of his powers and his weird form freak her out a bit.

Vice Dean Sandra Kelper: Kelper is someone Tavia really looks up to. She's the picture of an epic, cool Starlancer: and she's an Earthling too! Meeting her was a big part of selling Tavia on the Starlancers as an organization, and it's Sandra's example Octavia will probably try to emulate, or even surpass if she can.

Weaponmaster Oswit: Can be fun, can be grating. Oswit's the sort of guy who encourages students going all out, driving them to be the best. Tavia likes the subject matter, but she's not fond of that level of competition. She'll attend Oswit's classes, but tends to ghost his extracurricular tournaments unless someone twists her arm. She's always the last to volunteer, lurking in the back

Infiltration Instructor Talm'ov: The biggest reminder of how weird this place is. Tavia can't help but find Talm'ov relatable. Trying to find a way to fit in, to make your own path. The instructor's approach to challenging students is sorta overbearing, but Tavia does try her best in Talm'ov's classes, even if she's not the best student when it comes to infiltration

Piloting Instructor Crasgave: Do not pet, do not pet, do not pet....

History Instructor Kilbert Halber: Tavia's favorite classes, if one she finds kinda overwhelming. There's a lot to learn and she's starting from nothing. Halber being so unassuming's actually kinda helpful. He's not intimidating so he's extremely easy to talk to. He's a professor she's asked a lot of questions of after class.

Science Department: Tavia's head spins every time she gets in here. There's just so much crazy stuff to do, and having three very different but extremely enthusiastic professors just exacerbates the issue. She usually takes a lengthy break after science class.

Travel Instructor Galan: Galan's tales can be hard for Tavia to keep up with, but there's a real sense of awe to all her trophies. She tries to play it cool, but it's easy for the travel instructor to have her just sitting back star struck whenever she gets into another lecture. Like with Vic Dean Kepler, Galan was one of those who helped convince Tavia that becoming a Starlancer was her right path.

Ether Instructors Ji'Jiji'Jijo: Tavia's a Ji-girl, and this is the class where she does get a bit competitive. She's not the best in her class, but she enjoys Ether manipulation and is pretty comfortable here. This is one of the places at the academy where she feels like she knows what she's doing.

Engineering Instructor Zamson: Great class to chill out in. Tech is more logical than science. There's a sense from Zamson that she can take things at her own pace, which Tavia appreciates. That said, she's a bit too 'form over function' when it comes to her work, something Zamson keeps picking up on and berating her for.

Doctor Haltick Kilbrren: For some reason, Tavia gets along extremely well with Kilbrren, to the point she's helped defend him against at least one overzealous Starlander attack. Medicine's never been her forte, but she enjoys his lectures. Pushing against other students isn't really Tavia's style, that just leads to hurt feelings and being down on yourself, but trying to hold your own against an instructor that really wants to push you? That she gets, and that helps her push herself.


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Summon @Rumblejumble!

Hi there! Sorry to bother you. I know from the other thread that you're working on general lore about the Regency. I've got a question about our parents though. The pitch for this game noted that we're all the children of pirates. Were our alien parents some kind of united group? Is it just a coincidence? Or would any alien who hung out on Earth and had kids be a pirate cos they did that?

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Yeah, no problem. They were all members of the Vortex, flagship of Captain Tarsk. While staying on Earth without Regency approval is against the law, it's still a popular hideout due to Earth's large amounts of orbital debris that shields inhabitants from scanning devices, relatively civilized populace, and the public's general disbelief of aliens.

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3 hours ago, Rumblejumble said:

Yeah, no problem. They were all members of the Vortex, flagship of Captain Tarsk. While staying on Earth without Regency approval is against the law, it's still a popular hideout due to Earth's large amounts of orbital debris that shields inhabitants from scanning devices, relatively civilized populace, and the public's general disbelief of aliens.

KO! *hums* How big a deal is Tarsk? Like, I liked the idea of Tavia's mom, Blue Moon Weaver, being a pretty cool pirate in her own right: having her own criminal organization and so on. Is that shooting too high for this? Or is Tarsk such a big name in piracy that other powerful pirates take up positions in his crew?

(Oooh, I can use a One Piece analogy! Is Tarsk more of a Rocks D. Xebec, or general Yonko-type: a massive name Pirate Admiral with a ton of resources and powerful commanders? Or is he more of a Crocodile: still a powerful individual, and with his share of strong subordinates, but comparatively limited?)

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He is the most wanted man in the entire galaxy with an entire armada of ships that followed him. Well, was. Disappearing for over two decades definitely weakened that position. There are absolutely all kinds of bad dudes that followed him, from generals of failed coups, serial killers with body counts in the thousands, and in one case the galactic equivalent a living locust swarm mixed with an HOA. As for how influence or powerful his main crew is, leader of a crime syndicate would fit right in.

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On 6/23/2023 at 5:55 AM, Rumblejumble said:

He is the most wanted man in the entire galaxy with an entire armada of ships that followed him. Well, was. Disappearing for over two decades definitely weakened that position. There are absolutely all kinds of bad dudes that followed him, from generals of failed coups, serial killers with body counts in the thousands, and in one case the galactic equivalent a living locust swarm mixed with an HOA. As for how influence or powerful his main crew is, leader of a crime syndicate would fit right in.

KO! I think I've made a fair amount of progress. Got to write a bit about the Yoru, and their faith, maybe a little more on Blue Moon Weaver herself and specifics of the syndicate..

(Oh yeah, and gotta tidy up all my mechanical info for ease of use)

First though, big question. Would Tavia be allowed to keep some of her mom's old gear? I'm thinking an ether based data storage device (*coughHolocron*) and a spare Sabergauntlet. ^^ I like the idea of having some momentos, it'd be cool to put some of my starting gear towards that, but IDK if the Academy would be okay with that.

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18 hours ago, Inquisitor D said:

KO! I think I've made a fair amount of progress. Got to write a bit about the Yoru, and their faith, maybe a little more on Blue Moon Weaver herself and specifics of the syndicate..

(Oh yeah, and gotta tidy up all my mechanical info for ease of use)

First though, big question. Would Tavia be allowed to keep some of her mom's old gear? I'm thinking an ether based data storage device (*coughHolocron*) and a spare Sabergauntlet. ^^ I like the idea of having some momentos, it'd be cool to put some of my starting gear towards that, but IDK if the Academy would be okay with that.

Oh yeah, but I like to keep it fair and fun, so go ahead and give me a d20 roll.

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On 6/25/2023 at 4:07 AM, Rumblejumble said:

Oh yeah, but I like to keep it fair and fun, so go ahead and give me a d20 roll.

So... Did that roll work?

(Also bar my gear and listing some common rolls for easy use, Tavia should be ready for review)

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Yeah, absolutely.

Unlike the modern sabergauntlets Weaponmaster Oswit was showing off the other day, with it's thin grooves and retractable blade, your mother's is a beast. Made with interlocking ionized steel, it was clearly a heavy gauntlet and absolutely stunning work of art. Problem is, you seem to have trouble getting it to work! The large blade emerges from the grip with ease, but the heavy energy flow required keeps burning out crystals!

(On an attack roll of a 1, the Sabergauntlet burns out its crystal that must the be replaced. This takes about a minute of work and I'll let you start with a spare crystal. ) Alongside this is a Construct, a specialized Ether crystal that can hold a facsimile of an individual. Larger crystals can hold more data, but the one your mother disguised as a simple pendant when you were a kid was small. No real interaction, just an introduction and a few exchange phrases.

It's your mom, but younger and dressed in armor that looked like what a deathmetal version of Daft Punk would wear. "Hey there kiddo. Really hope you never see this , but the galaxy's a dangerous place. Yeah, I said galaxy. Yes, you're an alien. I'm recording this now because I don't know what the future brings and a may not be around to give you the talk. Actually speaking of the talk-

Your mother then proceeds to talk at length about both your alien nature and about an hour's worth of incredibly embarrassing birds and the bees. With a sinking feeling you realize that due to how the Construct was made you were going to listen to your mother talk about alien stds every single time you wanted to activate it.

- and nothing says "no means no" quite like a serrated dagger," your mother finished, seemingly proud of what she just accomplished. Wiping her hand on her face, you see the blood smeared there for the first time. "Anyways, I really wanted to tell ya that I love you kid. No matter what you hear about me or who you want to become, nothing in this whole damned galaxy will ever change that." Then Amelia Wight smiled, the toothy grin accentuated by a smear of blood, and you got to see a bit of Blue Moon Weaver. "Swing for the fences kid. It's where the skull is."

You can converse a bit with the Construct and while you're sure there are some responses you haven't listened to, you don't know how to access them. Weaver set it up in a simple way, listening for a series of words spoken in succession by one of her offspring. So far you've gotten her list of favorite daytime gameshows, all the different things she wanted to name you before being talked out of it by Apollo, all the things she loved about Apollo, and a series of incredibly dangerous coordinates supposedly leading to incredible treasure. Since your mother explained this while winking half the time, you're not quite sure how reliable that really is.


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I think our characters would get along well. Similar but not identical backstories and personalities. Tavia has a little more purpose while Kam is enjoying this adventure a little more. Have you found a picture you like for her yet? I have some ideas, but ignore them if you want.


Possible photos

From more to less punk



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3 hours ago, BobtheWizard said:

I think our characters would get along well. Similar but not identical backstories and personalities. Tavia has a little more purpose while Kam is enjoying this adventure a little more. Have you found a picture you like for her yet? I have some ideas, but ignore them if you want.

Hehe. ^^ Appreciate the vote of confidence, but I'm actually a little unsure about that? They have a similar outlook, I can see them enjoying each other's company, (with Tavi who was sorta nobody on Earth even being awed of the already badass Kam) but Tavia tends to fall a bit more into the dutiful obeyer of rules (even if they annoy her). Seeing someone else in a similar situation to hers just... not care about Starlancer regulations could get infuriating. ^^ And I'm not sure how much Kam falls into that? She's got a roguish past and a disregard for authority, but has been at the Academy longer to perfect her powers. And Starlancers kinda fall outside the normal rules of society anyway, at least to a point

So yeah... I could see this pivoting in a few different ways. Tavi could easily be an awed junior trying to keep pace with the badass Kamekazi, but I could see her and a more roguish Kam being more on the rivals side, prone to taking opposite sides in discussion. Even a little bit of both is possible: Tavia's regard for Kam making operative's more 'creative' ideas rankle even worse. (But god help our enemies if we ever agree on something?)

As to pictures... ehehehe. ^^ Thanks for the suggestions, but I'm working on something for that. ^^



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4 hours ago, Inquisitor D said:

Hehe. ^^ Appreciate the vote of confidence, but I'm actually a little unsure about that? They have a similar outlook, I can see them enjoying each other's company, (with Tavi who was sorta nobody on Earth even being awed of the already badass Kam) but Tavia tends to fall a bit more into the dutiful obeyer of rules (even if they annoy her). Seeing someone else in a similar situation to hers just... not care about Starlancer regulations could get infuriating. ^^ And I'm not sure how much Kam falls into that? She's got a roguish past and a disregard for authority, but has been at the Academy longer to perfect her powers. And Starlancers kinda fall outside the normal rules of society anyway, at least to a point

So yeah... I could see this pivoting in a few different ways. Tavi could easily be an awed junior trying to keep pace with the badass Kamekazi, but I could see her and a more roguish Kam being more on the rivals side, prone to taking opposite sides in discussion. Even a little bit of both is possible: Tavia's regard for Kam making operative's more 'creative' ideas rankle even worse. (But god help our enemies if we ever agree on something?)

As to pictures... ehehehe. ^^ Thanks for the suggestions, but I'm working on something for that. ^^



Nice drawing! I love it.

Kam isn't quite the rule breaker you are making her out to be. She's all-in on the Starlancers. She just doesn't trust the larger Regency. Her smuggling and breaking and entering are all done on the orders of the Starlancers. Otherwise, she'll push the line just to the point where her superiors can still defend her if she gets caught. So far she hasn't had to decide between following the rules and doing what she thinks is right, but when that time comes, she might disagree with Tavia. In the meantime, she'd be happy to have someone following the rules, especially if she gets to help explain those rules 😁

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