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Character Generation


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Standard Pathfinder 2e character generation rules are in use. Do your A, B, Cs. Ancestry, Background, and Class to build a character.

Rules are available on the Archives of Nethys and I can recommend Pathbuilder 2. Free Archetype rules at level 2 allow you to take one of the undead dedications for free, Ghost, Ghoul, Mummy, Vampire, or Zombie. The Gradual Ability Score Increases are also in play so you get one of these at level 2. All Ancestries may be selected.

Create a new topic for your character in this topic.

Start at level 2 with 0 xp.

Wealth by level is either 30gp or one permanent level 1 item and 20gp.

Feel free to create your own format or use this one:


Ancestry (Heritage) • Background • Class 1
Size • Alignment • Traits

Strength 10 (+0) • Dexterity 10 (+0) • Constitution 10 (+0) • Intelligence 10 (+0) • Wisdom 10 (+0) • Charisma 10 (+0)

• Ancestry:
• Background:
• Class:
• Free:

Adventuring & Combat
HP 0/0
Perception +0 • Untrained 0 • Wis 0 • Item 0 • Senses
Speed 0
Class DC 10 • Untrained 0 • Base 10 • Str 0 • Item 0

Armor and Shields
AC 10 • Untrained 0 • Base 10 • Dex 0 • Item 0
• Trained:
Shield • Bulk 0 • +0 AC, Hard 0, HP 0 (0)

Saving Throws 
 Fortitude +0 • Untrained 0 • Con 0 • Item 0
 Reflex +0 • Untrained 0 • Dex 0 • Item 0
 Will +0 • Untrained 0 • Wis 0 • Item 0

Weapon Proficiencies
• Trained:

Weapon +0 • Untrained 0 • Str 0 • Item 0 • Damage 1d0 • Notes

Acrobatics +0 • Untrained 0 • Dex 0 • Item 0
Arcana +0 • Untrained 0 • Int 0 • Item 0
Athletics +0 • Untrained 0 • Str 0 • Item 0 • Armor -0
Crafting +0 • Untrained 0 • Int 0 • Item 0
Deception +0 • Untrained 0 • Cha 0 • Item 0
Diplomacy +0 • Untrained 0 • Cha 0 • Item 0
Intimidation +0 • Untrained 0 • Cha 0 • Item 0
Lore: Guild +0 • Untrained 0 • Int 0 • Item 0
Medicine +0 • Untrained 0 • Wis 0 • Item 0
Nature +0 • Untrained 0 • Wis 0 • Item 0
Occultism +0 • Untrained 0 • Int 0 • Item 0
Performance +0 • Untrained 0 • Cha 0 • Item 0
Religion +0 • Untrained 0 • Wis 0 • Item 0
Society +0 • Untrained 0 • Int 0 • Item 0
Stealth +0 • Untrained 0 • Dex 0 • Item 0 • Armor -0
Survival +0 • Untrained 0 • Wis 0 • Item 0
Thievery +0 • Untrained 0 • Dex 0 • Item 0

Languages: Common

Ability • Type 0 • Notes

Feat • Type 0 • Notes

Spells & Powers
Spell Attack +0 • Untrained 0 • Abi 0
Spell DC 15 • Untrained 0 • Base 10 • Abi 0
Focus Points 0/0
Spells/Day: 0: 5 • 1st: 1


Prepared Spells
Spell 0 
• Spell

Focus Spells
• Spell

Money: 15 GP
Bulk 0/0 • Enc 0 (5 + Str 0) • Max 10 (10 + Str 0)

Adventurer's Pack • Bulk 2 • Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch (2), chalk (10), flint and steel, rope (50 ft.), rations (14), soap, torches (5), waterskin
Item • Bulk 0 • Notes

Arms and Armor
Item • Bulk 0 • Notes




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