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Yoshi Hoshigakispacer.png

Age: 18
Clan: Hoshigaki
Height: 6' 3
Weight: 295 lbs
Background: Student
Class: Tactical Scout-Nin 5
Concept: Water tai-nin with a bit of medical capabilities

Description: Yoshi is a blue-skinned Hoshigaki, with gills on his neck and thickly built. His hair is black, long and curly, just like the beginnings of his beard. He tends to tie his hair back so most of it is out of his face, and is not afraid to use a ribbon to do so. He has dyed most of his hair black to cover up his blonde locks, but left some of his sunny yellow hair undyed in honour of his Fathers memory and his Blonde locks than anything else. He has an extended Jaw and some really sharp nashers, with two fairly pronounced that juts from his lower jaw.

He is seen in Kimonos, and all sorts of different colours and patterns. From an all black one that he uses when he expect night-time missions to occur, to his casual wave-designed based one, he is usually in various types of Kimonos, treated to dry quickly when submerged. He even has a dedicated Kimono for his Medical duties. He doesn't explain why he dresses solely in them, but it was a well known thing that his mother adored Kimonos and loved it when he was all dressed up. Most people can put two and two together. Underclothing is usually a simple white or red fundoshi, and his footwear is usually sandals, usually without socks or tabi. The only other thing he wears is a Haori-coat, but that it usually kept wrapped over his shoulders as a mini-cape.

He wears his Headband around his neck, but sometimes keeps it on his forehead when working medical or on his arm during away missions (it's less of a chocking hazard then).




Yoshi is the definition of "gentle giant". Despite his fearsome appearence he's remarkably soft to friends and acquantices. However, this does conceal a deeply protective rage he has deep within. Having lost his parents, one who died defending the family and the other from a festering injury, Yoshi has focussed his skills into making sure those two scenarios never happen again. He's trained to be hard to beat, and he's studied medicine so preventable losses like his parent can never happen again.

He loves seafood and Ramen, although most meats are deeply appreciated.
He does however, dislikes Sea-Urchins. And may have a slightly protective streak to close friends. And a temper that is buried deep, deep down, inside.
He enjoys swimming, training and helping out in the Medical Center.
He dreams of a world where his friends are still alive in the future. And maybe having his own children and NOT dying on them. He may have some issues...



Yoshi is an imigrant to the village. He doesn't know much about his history, but he remembers his parents and himself fleeing to his new home. How as a young child, watched his father waste away from illness. He remembers arriving in the village, how his mother and himself were interrogated but how his father's illness had done too much damage over too long a time to his organs that he was going to die. A few weeks before, he would have been fine, but it ravaged his body and he pushed himself too far to be able to keep going.

As newcomers to the village, it was strange to experience. His Mother, Yakura, was descended from the Hoshigaki's, so she joined that sect of the village with him and operated as a Kunoichi of the Village. During this time, Yoshi took up Medical Jutsu, adamant that illnesses like the one that took his Father would never happen again. His mother rapidly rose in the ranks, her uncanny mastery over Water Jutsu made her quiet the power house as well as just general use all round. She did have one particular weakness though, she found an adorable pair of matching Kimonos that was designed for a mother and son. Pretty soon, both of their wardrobes were half filled with Kimono's that she's collected, and did her best in attending any and all festivals in them. It reached the point that she only work Kimono's, and foudn great glee in hiding needles and knives within the flowing robes.

Her death was due to an encroaching enemy ninja. She managed to take the guy down at the same time, but had thrown herself at her teammate who was stunned and vulnerable to attacks. She saved her friend, but lost her arm in the process. She lost too much blood that by the time the injury was wrapped, she was in shock and died on the journey back. Yoshi was now an Orphan. He amped up his own training when not studying and started to wear Kimono's for everything, like his Mother did. He vowed to never let another comrade die if he could help it. His own Mastery over Water was similar to his mothers, but his addition of various Healing Jutsu that works with Water made him quite the beast, as well as his own natural advantages and prowess.





Yoshi Hoshigakispacer.png

Age: 18
Clan: Hoshigaki
Height: 6' 3
Weight: 295 lbs
Background: Student
Class: Elemental Scout-Nin
Concept: Water tai-nin with a bit of Medical Jutsu (due to the various Medical Jutsu's available).

Description: Yoshi is a blue-skinned Hoshigaki, with gills on his neck and thickly built. His hair is black, long and curly, just like the beginnings of his beard. He tends to tie his hair back so most of it is out of his face, and is not afraid to use a ribbon to do so. He has dyed most of his hair black to cover up his blonde locks, but left some of his sunny yellow hair undyed in honour of his Fathers memory and his Blonde locks than anything else. He has an extended Jaw and some really sharp nashers, with two fairly pronounced that juts from his lower jaw.

He is seen in Kimonos, and all sorts of different colours and patterns. From an all black one that he uses when he expect night-time missions to occur, to his casual wave-designed based one, he is usually in various types of Kimonos, treated to dry quickly when submerged. He even has a dedicated Kimono for his Medical duties. He doesn't explain why he dresses solely in them, but it was a well known thing that his mother adored Kimonos and loved it when he was all dressed up. Most people can put two and two together. Underclothing is usually a simple white or red fundoshi, and his footwear is usually sandals, usually without socks or tabi. The only other thing he wears is a Haori-coat, but that it usually kept wrapped over his shoulders as a mini-cape.

He wears his Headband around his neck, but sometimes keeps it on his forehead when working medical or on his arm during away missions (it's less of a chocking hazard then).




Yoshi is the definition of "gentle giant". Despite his fearsome appearence he's remarkably soft to friends and acquantices. However, this does conceal a deeply protective rage he has deep within. Having lost his parents, one who died defending the family and the other from a festering injury, Yoshi has focussed his skills into making sure those two scenarios never happen again. He's trained to be hard to beat, and he's studied medicine so preventable losses like his parent can never happen again.

He loves seafood and Ramen, although most meats are deeply appreciated.
He does however, dislikes Sea-Urchins. And may have a slightly protective streak to close friends. And a temper that is buried deep, deep down, inside.
He enjoys swimming, training and helping out in the Medical Center.
He dreams of a world where his friends are still alive in the future. And maybe having his own children and NOT dying on them. He may have some issues...



Yoshi is an imigrant to the village. He doesn't know much about his history, but he remembers his parents and himself fleeing to his new home. How as a young child, watched his father waste away from illness. He remembers arriving in the village, how his mother and himself were interrogated but how his father's illness had done too much damage over too long a time to his organs that he was going to die. A few weeks before, he would have been fine, but it ravaged his body and he pushed himself too far to be able to keep going.

As newcomers to the village, it was strange to experience. His Mother, Yakura, was descended from the Hoshigaki's, so she joined that sect of the village with him and operated as a Kunoichi of the Village. During this time, Yoshi took up Medical Jutsu, adamant that illnesses like the one that took his Father would never happen again. His mother rapidly rose in the ranks, her uncanny mastery over Water Jutsu made her quiet the power house as well as just general use all round. She did have one particular weakness though, she found an adorable pair of matching Kimonos that was designed for a mother and son. Pretty soon, both of their wardrobes were half filled with Kimono's that she's collected, and did her best in attending any and all festivals in them. It reached the point that she only work Kimono's, and foudn great glee in hiding needles and knives within the flowing robes.

Her death was due to an encroaching enemy ninja. She managed to take the guy down at the same time, but had thrown herself at her teammate who was stunned and vulnerable to attacks. She saved her friend, but lost her arm in the process. She lost too much blood that by the time the injury was wrapped, she was in shock and died on the journey back. Yoshi was now an Orphan. He amped up his own training when not studying and started to wear Kimono's for everything, like his Mother did. He vowed to never let another comrade die if he could help it. His own Mastery over Water was similar to his mothers, but his addition of various Healing Jutsu that works with Water made him quite the beast, as well as his own natural advantages and prowess.



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