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Moving my class stuff down into it's own post for easier updating. So shifting everything down.

NB: All Chakra Costs account for Good Defense and Water Specialization. Original cost is in brackets


Yoshi's Jutsu Scroll

Jutsus known 12; Base: 9, Session 0 Downtime: +3
GOOD DEFENSE: Whenever you cast a Jutsu that deals damage, you may increase the cost of that Jutsu by its rank to increase the damage by one step (D=1, C=2, B=3, A=4, S=5). Additionally, once per turn, when you deal damage with a Jutsu enhanced in this way, the damaged creature has disadvantage on checks to maintain concentration.
But Jutsu that don’t deal damage that you cast cost 1 additional chakra, and you suffer disadvantage on concentration checks to maintain them

Ninjutsu save DC 15 = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier (3)
Ninjutsu attack modifier +7 = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier (3)
SHINOBI’S EDGE (Ninjutsu): You have trained for countless hours, to become a more skilled shinobi. Select one between Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu or Bukijutsu. The chosen jutsu type reduces the cost to maintain concentration on their jutsu by -1. (Min 1.)


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: Self
Duration: 1 round
Components: HS, M
Cost: 4 (3) Chakra
Keywords: Ninjutsu
Description: You gain a mastery of movement, allowing you to cover much greater distance in a shorter amount of time. Until the end of your next turn, double your movement speed

Water Release:

  • You may ignore Hand Seal (HS) requirement for Ninjutsu of C-Rank of lower with your chosen nature release.
  • You deal additional damage with Ninjutsu with your chosen Nature Release Keyword, equal to its rank. (D-Rank: 1, C-Rank: 2, B-Rank: 3, A-Rank: 4, S-Rank: 5)
  • You reduce the chakra cost of Ninjutsu with your chosen Nature Release keyword by an amount equal to its rank. (Min 1.) (D-Rank: 1, C-Rank: 2, B-Rank: 3, A-Rank: 4, S-Rank: 5). If a jutsu has multiple selected keywords, this cost reduction is only applied once


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 3 (3) Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu
Description: You generate a Large Puddle of water from your stomach and expel it onto the ground in front of you. This puddle holds no more than 10 gallons of water. You can use this puddle as a source of drinking water, lay a trap, or use it as a source for more complex Water Ninjutsu. You may use the water this Jutsu produces as a Source of Water for no more than 2 water release ninjutsu of C-Rank or Lower, after which, the puddle is no longer usable.


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 5 (5) Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu
Description: A willing creature you touch becomes invisible for the duration, water bends the light around the target hiding their presence. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on their person. The jutsu ends for a target that attacks, casts a jutsu or physically interacts with another creature.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and you can target one additional creature.


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: C-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 Feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes (Disadvantage)
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 7 / 2 Concentration (8 / 3 Concentration) Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu
Description: You conjure a clone made of water similar to the Shadow clone technique but with far less inherent danger to a space it can occupy within 5 feet of you. This clone is made of water, and weights half as much as the caster. You can create up to two clones, each costing 8 chakra to conjure. You can command the clone as a bonus action. The clone can only take a Standard and Move action.

The clones have 5 hit points and no chakra, an AC equal to your Ninjutsu save DC, can cast a maximum of 2 Ninjutsu of C-Rank or lower (except Jutsu with “Clone” in its name, Fuinjutsu or Jutsu with the Combination keyword) with the Water Release keyword that you know, before this jutsu ends. These clones can only concentrate on a single jutsu and only for a number of rounds equal to your Ninjutsu ability modifier. These clones cannot use any Clan or Class features or Feats that you have. This clone can move across water without chakra but cannot move vertically along any surface. It does not benefit from any bonuses to its attacks or AC grants by other sources (Such as jutsu that increases either of them.).

When this clone makes a Ninjutsu or Melee attack, the clone uses your Ninjutsu attack bonus for both attacks. If the clone forces a target to make a saving throw, the DC for these jutsu is equal to your ninjutsu save DC. If it uses a melee attack, regardless of the weapon the clone uses, it deals 1d8 cold damage.

Learnt from Mari-Sensei


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: C-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute (Disadvantage)
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 7 / 2 Concentration (8 / 3 Concentration) Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu
Description: You manipulate the Water Release Chakra with a creature you touch within range. If used on yourself, you do not need to spend chakra to maintain concentration on this jutsu. For the duration, when the creature cast a Jutsu with the Water Release keyword that deals damage or inflicts a condition of any type, the affected creature becomes Wet. A wet creature remains wet for this jutsu’s duration, unless otherwise stated. A wet creature who takes damage from the following damage types triggers the following effects.

Fire Damage: Once per turn, they take additional fire damage equal to 2dX, where X is the triggering jutsu’s damage die. The steam remains until the end of the target creatures next turn. The area the steam occupies is heavily obscured. The target creature is no longer wet.

Lightning Damage: Once per turn, the creature has the water react to the lightning as the lightnings conductivity is multiplied and all adjacent creatures become targets for this super conduction. They take additional Lightning Damage equal to 2dX, where X is the triggering jutsu’s damage die. All creatures who are adjacent to the wet creature makes a Dexterity saving throw taking half of the lightning damage dealt on a failed save or none on a successful save.

Wind Damage: Once per turn, the creature has the wet condition spread around affecting creatures near them as the water is picked up and thrown around. They take additional cold damage equal to 2dX, where X is the triggering jutsu’s damage die. All creatures who are within 10 feet of the wet creature becomes wet as well.

Water Source Bonus jutsus


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you would take damage or make a saving throw.
Range: Self Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 4 (4) Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu, Clash
Description: You create a floating wall of spiralling water, capable of pushing back creatures and blocking attacks. Increase your AC by +2 against the triggering attack until the beginning of your next turn and reduce the next instance of damage you take by 1d4. If this jutsu would reduce fire damage from another jutsu, you instead initiate a Clash, and add 1d6 to your clash check.
If you have a sufficient water source nearby, reduce the chakra cost of this jutsu by 2 or you can choose to also select another willing creature to gain this benefit for the duration of your bonus to AC.

At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3.
If this jutsu is Cast at C-Rank or higher, reduce the next instance of damage by an additional 1d6.
If this jutsu is cast at B-Rank or higher, increase the AC bonus by +1.
If this jutsu is cast at A-Rank or higher, reduce the next instance of damage by an additional 1d8.
If this jutsu is cast at S-Rank, increase the AC bonus by +2 and reduce the next instance of damage by an additional +1d10.


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action.
Range: 60 Feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.
Components: HS, CM, CS
Cost: 4 / 1 Concentration (5 / 1 Concentration) Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu
Description: You manifest a medium sized bubble of water that you then summon a swarm of Water Construct piranhas within. When you cast this jutsu, you can make a melee ninjutsu attack against a creature within 5 feet of the swarm. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 cold damage + 2d6 piercing damage.
As a bonus action on subsequent, you can command the swarm to move up to 30 feet and repeat the attack against a creature within 5 feet of it.
If you cast this jutsu while submerged underwater, the piranha’s can instead be commanded to move up to 60feet instead of 30.
A creature who takes more cold damage than piercing damage makes a Constitution saving throw gaining 1 rank of Chilled on a failed save.
A creature who takes more piercing damage than cold damage makes a constitution saving throw gaining 1 rank of Bleeding on a failed save.
If used near a sufficient source of water, reduce the chakra cost of this jutsu by 2 or you can choose to summon a second swarm of water construct piranhas, that act as a part of the same bonus action used to command the original swarm


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 5 (5) Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu
Description: You collect a mass of water and impart chakra into it and begin to heal a creature you can touch with it. This dissolves the water from being used in the healed creatures healing process. Roll 2d8, healing the target creature by the total.

If used near a sufficient source of water, reduce the chakra cost of this jutsu by 2 or you can choose to instead remove one of the following conditions in addition to restoring hit points; Bleeding, burned, poisoned or shocked conditions.

At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the healing by 1d8.


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 10 feet
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 3 (4) Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu
Description: You manifest a construct of water release chakra in the shape of a large mallet, of your design and description. This mallet is then immediately used to make a Single Melee Ninjutsu attack against a target creature within range. On a successful hit, you deal cold damage equal to 2d6 + Your Ninjutsu Ability modifier. The target creature must also succeed a Constitution Saving throw, being Chilled on a failed save.

If the target of this jutsu already has 1~3 ranks of chilled, they make the saving throw at disadvantage and this Jutsu's damage die becomes d8’s. If the target already has 4~5 ranks of chilled, they automatically fail the saving throw and this jutsu’s damage die becomes d10’s

If used near a sufficient source of water, reduce the chakra cost of this jutsu by 2 or you can choose to increase the damage die of this jutsu by 1 step.

At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3. When you cast this jutsu at B-Rank the amount of attacks you make becomes 2. When you cast this Jutsu at S-Rank the number of attacks you make becomes 3.

Genjutsu save DC 12 = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier (0)
Genjutsu attack modifier +4 = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier (0)


Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: E-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 2 (3) Chakra
Keywords: Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu
Description: This technique allows the user to isolate and forcefully remove the effect of a single Genjutsu effect, so long as it can be dispelled. You must first be aware that you or your target is under the effect of a Genjutsu. As part of the activation of this jutsu, make an Illusion Check at advantage vs the Save DC of the Genjutsu. On a success you free yourself or your target from the Genjutsu

Learnt from Mari-Sensei


Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: E-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Duration: 10 Minutes
Components: HS
Cost: 2 (1) Chakra
Keywords: Genjutsu, Visual
Description: This technique is taught to every student of the academy. Using this technique, the user assumes the form of a creature of the same size category as they are 139or smaller. They may freely designate the specifics of their new form (such as height, weight, hair texture and color, skin tone, etc.). You do not lose any of your personal abilities, features, or jutsu as this transformation is purely cosmetic and an illusion. When you make a Charisma (performance) or Charisma (Deception) check while in this form, you add an additional 1d10 to the check.

At Higher Levels: This Jutsu’s skill reinforcement increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), 17th level (4d10)

Learnt from Mari-Sensei

Taijutsu save DC 15 = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier (3)
Taijutsu attack modifier +7 = your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier (3)
Taijutsu, you cast taijutsu without the bukijutsu keyword that deals unarmed damage increases their range by 10 feet.




Classification: Taijutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: (5) 15 Feet
Duration: Instant
Components: M
Cost: 3 Chakra
Keywords: Taijutsu
Description: Description: You punch with enough force to tear through any defense your enemy might have. The target creature cannot take reactions against this jutsu or its damage. Make a taijutsu attack. On a hit, they take your unarmed damage + 3d6.

At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the damage by 1d6.





Moving stuff down

Moving my class stuff down into it's own post for easier updating. So shifting everything down.



Yoshi's Jutsu Scroll

Jutsus known 12; Base: 9, Session 0 Downtime: +3
GOOD DEFENSE: Whenever you cast a Jutsu that deals damage, you may increase the cost of that Jutsu by its rank to increase the damage by one step (D=1, C=2, B=3, A=4, S=5). Additionally, once per turn, when you deal damage with a Jutsu enhanced in this way, the damaged creature has disadvantage on checks to maintain concentration.
But Jutsu that don’t deal damage that you cast cost 1 additional chakra, and you suffer disadvantage on concentration checks to maintain them

Ninjutsu save DC 15 = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier (3)
Ninjutsu attack modifier +7 = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier (3)
SHINOBI’S EDGE (Ninjutsu): You have trained for countless hours, to become a more skilled shinobi. Select one between Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu or Bukijutsu. The chosen jutsu type reduces the cost to maintain concentration on their jutsu by -1. (Min 1.)


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: Self
Duration: 1 round
Components: HS, M
Cost: 4 Chakra
Keywords: Ninjutsu
Description: You gain a mastery of movement, allowing you to cover much greater distance in a shorter amount of time. Until the end of your next turn, double your movement speed

Water Release:

  • You may ignore Hand Seal (HS) requirement for Ninjutsu of C-Rank of lower with your chosen nature release.
  • You deal additional damage with Ninjutsu with your chosen Nature Release Keyword, equal to its rank. (D-Rank: 1, C-Rank: 2, B-Rank: 3, A-Rank: 4, S-Rank: 5)
  • You reduce the chakra cost of Ninjutsu with your chosen Nature Release keyword by an amount equal to its rank. (Min 1.) (D-Rank: 1, C-Rank: 2, B-Rank: 3, A-Rank: 4, S-Rank: 5). If a jutsu has multiple selected keywords, this cost reduction is only applied once


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 3 Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu
Description: You generate a Large Puddle of water from your stomach and expel it onto the ground in front of you. This puddle holds no more than 10 gallons of water. You can use this puddle as a source of drinking water, lay a trap, or use it as a source for more complex Water Ninjutsu. You may use the water this Jutsu produces as a Source of Water for no more than 2 water release ninjutsu of C-Rank or Lower, after which, the puddle is no longer usable.


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 5 Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu
Description: A willing creature you touch becomes invisible for the duration, water bends the light around the target hiding their presence. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on their person. The jutsu ends for a target that attacks, casts a jutsu or physically interacts with another creature.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and you can target one additional creature.


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: C-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 Feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Components: HS, CM
Cost: (8) 7 Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu
Description: You conjure a clone made of water similar to the Shadow clone technique but with far less inherent danger to a space it can occupy within 5 feet of you. This clone is made of water, and weights half as much as the caster. You can create up to two clones, each costing 8 chakra to conjure. You can command the clone as a bonus action. The clone can only take a Standard and Move action.

The clones have 5 hit points and no chakra, an AC equal to your Ninjutsu save DC, can cast a maximum of 2 Ninjutsu of C-Rank or lower (except Jutsu with “Clone” in its name, Fuinjutsu or Jutsu with the Combination keyword) with the Water Release keyword that you know, before this jutsu ends. These clones can only concentrate on a single jutsu and only for a number of rounds equal to your Ninjutsu ability modifier. These clones cannot use any Clan or Class features or Feats that you have. This clone can move across water without chakra but cannot move vertically along any surface. It does not benefit from any bonuses to its attacks or AC grants by other sources (Such as jutsu that increases either of them.).

When this clone makes a Ninjutsu or Melee attack, the clone uses your Ninjutsu attack bonus for both attacks. If the clone forces a target to make a saving throw, the DC for these jutsu is equal to your ninjutsu save DC. If it uses a melee attack, regardless of the weapon the clone uses, it deals 1d8 cold damage.

Learnt from Mari-Sensei


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: C-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Components: HS, CM
Cost: (8) 7 Chakra (2 Concentration)
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu
Description: You manipulate the Water Release Chakra with a creature you touch within range. If used on yourself, you do not need to spend chakra to maintain concentration on this jutsu. For the duration, when the creature cast a Jutsu with the Water Release keyword that deals damage or inflicts a condition of any type, the affected creature becomes Wet. A wet creature remains wet for this jutsu’s duration, unless otherwise stated. A wet creature who takes damage from the following damage types triggers the following effects.

Fire Damage: Once per turn, they take additional fire damage equal to 2dX, where X is the triggering jutsu’s damage die. The steam remains until the end of the target creatures next turn. The area the steam occupies is heavily obscured. The target creature is no longer wet.

Lightning Damage: Once per turn, the creature has the water react to the lightning as the lightnings conductivity is multiplied and all adjacent creatures become targets for this super conduction. They take additional Lightning Damage equal to 2dX, where X is the triggering jutsu’s damage die. All creatures who are adjacent to the wet creature makes a Dexterity saving throw taking half of the lightning damage dealt on a failed save or none on a successful save.

Wind Damage: Once per turn, the creature has the wet condition spread around affecting creatures near them as the water is picked up and thrown around. They take additional cold damage equal to 2dX, where X is the triggering jutsu’s damage die. All creatures who are within 10 feet of the wet creature becomes wet as well.

Water Source Bonus jutsus


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you would take damage or make a saving throw.
Range: Self Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 4 Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu, Clash
Description: You create a floating wall of spiralling water, capable of pushing back creatures and blocking attacks. Increase your AC by +2 against the triggering attack until the beginning of your next turn and reduce the next instance of damage you take by 1d4. If this jutsu would reduce fire damage from another jutsu, you instead initiate a Clash, and add 1d6 to your clash check.

If you have a sufficient water source nearby, reduce the chakra cost of this jutsu by 2 or you can choose to also select another willing creature to gain this benefit for the duration of your bonus to AC.

At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3.
If this jutsu is Cast at C-Rank or higher, reduce the next instance of damage by an additional 1d6.
If this jutsu is cast at B-Rank or higher, increase the AC bonus by +1.
If this jutsu is cast at A-Rank or higher, reduce the next instance of damage by an additional 1d8.
If this jutsu is cast at S-Rank, increase the AC bonus by +2 and reduce the next instance of damage by an additional +1d10.


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action.
Range: 60 Feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.
Components: HS, CM, CS
Cost: (5) 4 Chakra (1 Concentration)
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu
Description: You manifest a medium sized bubble of water that you then summon a swarm of Water Construct piranhas within. When you cast this jutsu, you can make a melee ninjutsu attack against a creature within 5 feet of the swarm. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 cold damage + 2d6 piercing damage.
As a bonus action on subsequent, you can command the swarm to move up to 30 feet and repeat the attack against a creature within 5 feet of it.
If you cast this jutsu while submerged underwater, the piranha’s can instead be commanded to move up to 60feet instead of 30.
A creature who takes more cold damage than piercing damage makes a Constitution saving throw gaining 1 rank of Chilled on a failed save.
A creature who takes more piercing damage than cold damage makes a constitution saving throw gaining 1 rank of Bleeding on a failed save.
If used near a sufficient source of water, reduce the chakra cost of this jutsu by 2 or you can choose to summon a second swarm of water construct piranhas, that act as a part of the same bonus action used to command the original swarm


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 5 Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu
Description: You collect a mass of water and impart chakra into it and begin to heal a creature you can touch with it. This dissolves the water from being used in the healed creatures healing process. Roll 2d8, healing the target creature by the total.

If used near a sufficient source of water, reduce the chakra cost of this jutsu by 2 or you can choose to instead remove one of the following conditions in addition to restoring hit points; Bleeding, burned, poisoned or shocked conditions.

At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the healing by 1d8.


Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 10 feet
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: (4) 3 Chakra
Keywords: Water Release, Ninjutsu
Description: You manifest a construct of water release chakra in the shape of a large mallet, of your design and description. This mallet is then immediately used to make a Single Melee Ninjutsu attack against a target creature within range. On a successful hit, you deal cold damage equal to 2d6 + Your Ninjutsu Ability modifier. The target creature must also succeed a Constitution Saving throw, being Chilled on a failed save.

If the target of this jutsu already has 1~3 ranks of chilled, they make the saving throw at disadvantage and this Jutsu's damage die becomes d8’s. If the target already has 4~5 ranks of chilled, they automatically fail the saving throw and this jutsu’s damage die becomes d10’s

If used near a sufficient source of water, reduce the chakra cost of this jutsu by 2 or you can choose to increase the damage die of this jutsu by 1 step.

At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3. When you cast this jutsu at B-Rank the amount of attacks you make becomes 2. When you cast this Jutsu at S-Rank the number of attacks you make becomes 3.

Genjutsu save DC 12 = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier (0)
Genjutsu attack modifier +4 = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier (0)


Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: E-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: (2) 3 Chakra
Keywords: Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu
Description: This technique allows the user to isolate and forcefully remove the effect of a single Genjutsu effect, so long as it can be dispelled. You must first be aware that you or your target is under the effect of a Genjutsu. As part of the activation of this jutsu, make an Illusion Check at advantage vs the Save DC of the Genjutsu. On a success you free yourself or your target from the Genjutsu

Learnt from Mari-Sensei


Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: E-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Duration: 10 Minutes
Components: HS
Cost: (1) 2 Chakra
Keywords: Genjutsu, Visual
Description: This technique is taught to every student of the academy. Using this technique, the user assumes the form of a creature of the same size category as they are 139or smaller. They may freely designate the specifics of their new form (such as height, weight, hair texture and color, skin tone, etc.). You do not lose any of your personal abilities, features, or jutsu as this transformation is purely cosmetic and an illusion. When you make a Charisma (performance) or Charisma (Deception) check while in this form, you add an additional 1d10 to the check.

At Higher Levels: This Jutsu’s skill reinforcement increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), 17th level (4d10)

Learnt from Mari-Sensei

Taijutsu save DC 15 = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier (3)
Taijutsu attack modifier +7 = your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier (3)
Taijutsu, you cast taijutsu without the bukijutsu keyword that deals unarmed damage increases their range by 10 feet.



Classification: Taijutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: (5) 15 Feet
Duration: Instant
Components: M
Cost: 3 Chakra
Keywords: Taijutsu
Description: Description: You punch with enough force to tear through any defense your enemy might have. The target creature cannot take reactions against this jutsu or its damage. Make a taijutsu attack. On a hit, they take your unarmed damage + 3d6.

At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the damage by 1d6.






Max Bulk: 26+10: Base
+06: Strength
+10: Shinobi Backpack

Ryo: 325


Starting Wealth: 100 ryo (100 from Background)
+500 from selling Flak Jacket

75 Ry for Camping Kit
50 Ryo to make Camping Kit a Sealed item
150 for buying Studded Leather


Current Bulk: 13

00 - Common Clothes
00 - Book of Medical texts from your master
00 - Blank Jutsu Scroll
00 - Letter received from your master
00 - Wallet containing Ryo
01 - Explorer's Pack - Sealed Item


1 bedroll, 5 glow rods, 5 heating pads, 1 Radio Link, Commoner’s clothes, 7 days of field rations, a Shinobi Backpack, and 50 feet of rope sealed inside a scroll

00 - Flak Jacket (Sold 1/2 price: +500 Ryo)
03 - Studded Leather (150 ryo)
02 - Kunai Stack
02 - Tanto (Shrotsword)
00 - Paper Bomb
00 - Tracking Kit
05 - Camping Kit - Sealed Item (125 ryo)


Two-Person Tent, Bedroll and a Blanket sealed inside a scroll.





Max Bulk: 26+10: Base
+06: Strength
+10: Shinobi Backpack

Ryo: 325


Starting Wealth: 100 ryo (100 from Background)
+500 from selling Flak Jacket

75 Ry for Camping Kit
50 Ryo to make Camping Kit a Sealed item
150 for buying Studded Leather



Current Bulk: 13

00 - Common Clothes
00 - Book of Medical texts from your master
00 - Blank Jutsu Scroll
00 - Letter received from your master
00 - Wallet containing Ryo
01 - Explorer's Pack - Sealed Item


1 bedroll, 5 glow rods, 5 heating pads, 1 Radio Link, Commoner’s clothes, 7 days of field rations, a Shinobi Backpack, and 50 feet of rope sealed inside a scroll

00 - Flak Jacket (Sold 1/2 price: +500 Ryo)
03 - Studded Leather (150 ryo)
02 - Kunai Stack
02 - Tanto (Shrotsword)
00 - Paper Bomb
00 - Tracking Kit
05 - Camping Kit - Sealed Item (125 ryo)


Two-Person Tent, Bedroll and a Blanket sealed inside a scroll.

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