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Moving stuff down

Moving my class stuff down into it's own post for easier updating. So shifting everything down.






Max Bulk: 26+10: Base
+06: Strength
+10: Shinobi Backpack

Ryo: 325


Starting Wealth: 100 ryo (100 from Background)
+500 from selling Flak Jacket

75 Ry for Camping Kit
50 Ryo to make Camping Kit a Sealed item
150 for buying Studded Leather


Current Bulk: 13

00 - Common Clothes
00 - Book of Medical texts from your master
00 - Blank Jutsu Scroll
00 - Letter received from your master
00 - Wallet containing Ryo
01 - Explorer's Pack - Sealed Item


1 bedroll, 5 glow rods, 5 heating pads, 1 Radio Link, Commoner’s clothes, 7 days of field rations, a Shinobi Backpack, and 50 feet of rope sealed inside a scroll

00 - Flak Jacket (Sold 1/2 price: +500 Ryo)
03 - Studded Leather (150 ryo)
02 - Kunai Stack
02 - Tanto (Shrotsword)
00 - Paper Bomb
00 - Tracking Kit
05 - Camping Kit - Sealed Item (125 ryo)


Two-Person Tent, Bedroll and a Blanket sealed inside a scroll.



Moving my class stuff down into it's own post for easier updating. So shifting everything down.




5 Weeks Downtime - Mari-Sensei's Gateway Training 5/15

Show Downtime

Week 1: Gateway Training (1/15).
Learn from Mari-Sensei.
Learn Water Clone Ninjutsu (Water Release Simplicity. 1/2.5 weeks).

Week 2: Gateway Training (2/15).
Learn from Mari-Sensei.
Learn Water Clone Ninjutsu (Water Release Simplicity. 2/2.5 weeks)

Week 3: Learn from Mari-Sensei. Gateway Training (3/15).
Learn from Mari-Sensei.
Learn Water Clone Ninjutsu (Water Release Simplicity. 2.5/2.5 weeks)
Lost 1/2 Week to recover

Week 4: Learn from Mari-Sensei. Gateway Training (4/15).
Learn from Mari-Sensei.
Learn Release Genjutsu (1/1 weeks)

Week 5: Learn from Mari-Sensei. Gateway Training (5/15).
Learn from Mari-Sensei.
Learn Transform Genjutsu (1/1 weeks)


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