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Name: Juliette 'Jules' Sage


Age: 18

Height: 5'9

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: American

Species: Enhanced Human



Attributes (24)

















6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0


Saves (14)


Dodge Parry Fortitude Toughness Will
Agi (00) + Mod + 4 Fgt (00) + Mod + 4 Sta (6) + Mod + Rank Sta (6) + Mod + 2 Awe (00) + Mod + 4
4 4 6 8 4



Skills (16) & Advantages (20)


Skill Name Total Ability Rank Mods
Acrobatics 4 Agi 4  
Athletics 6 Str    
Close Combat   Fgt    
Deception 4 Pre 4  
Expertise (Cooking) 4 Int 4  
Insight 4 Awe 4  
Intimidation   Pre    
Investigation 4 Int 4  
Perception 4 Awe 4  
Persuasion 4 Pre 4  
Ranged Combat   Dex    
Sleight of Hand   Dex    
Stealth 4 Agi 4  
Technology   Int    
Treatment   Int    
Vehicles   Dex    
Advantage Name & Rank

Close Attack 6
Ranged Attack 6
Accurate Attack
Equipment 1Boomerang [2]; Flashlight [1]; Gas Mask [1]; Rebreather [1]
Fast Grab
Improved Disarm
Improved Grab
Improved Hold
Move-by Action
Power Attack




Powers (26)

Regeneration 5 (Persistent [+1/rank]) [10]

Immunity (Ageing; Poison; Telepathy) [7]

Immortality 2 [4]

Protection 2 [2]

Speed 2 [2]

Affliction (VS Fortitude; Dazed/Stunned/Paralyzed) [1] {Alternate Attack}



Juliette Sage has led a relatively normal life. Well, as normal as can be managed in the wake of an interdimensional war. She grew up with plenty of money, raised by beloved parents. Jules' mother was a constant, caring presence in her life. Her dad was a good provider, but frequently absent. He had lots of important business to handle. When he was around, though, Jules relished his presence. He taught her how to defend herself, and see clues that others missed. She eagerly absorbed his lessons. All in all, it was a good childhood.

Then the foundation collapsed. One day, Jules' mother came home in a panic. She'd just witnessed father commit an atrocity. Some random thugs had tried to rob him. Father didn't know that she was watching; So he allowed his true self to run wild. He slaughtered those men like animals. Any wounds he took in return healed instantly. Then he calmly stepped over their bodies, straightened his clothes, and resumed his daily business. He was a monster in human flesh. Mother and daughter had to get away from him.

Jules couldn't believe it. She knew that her mother wasn't lying. But surely there must be some misunderstanding? Nonetheless, she did as instructed. The pair packed up their things, gathered what funds they could, and fled. With heavy hearts, they built a new life elsewhere. But Jules couldn't escape her bloodline. As adulthood approached, something awakened in her. She became frighteningly strong and fast. Whenever she hurt herself, the damage vanished in seconds. Had her father known that this would happen? Was that why he'd trained her? Would she become a danger to others? Jules was at a loss.

That's when the Wayne Foundation reached out. Jules still doesn't know how they discovered her secret. But they offered the only lifeline available. In desperation, she accepted a place at their new school. Perhaps they can teach her how to handle this new power. In time, maybe she'll even find the truth about her father.

Complications // Motivations

Motivation (Mutual Protection): Jules is no longer safe alone. Hiding from her problems will only delay the inevitable. She needs to hone her strength. She also wants to find reliable friends, who'll be there for her when it counts. Naturally, she'll be there for them in return.

Enemy: Jules lives in fear of her father's return. She's convinced that he'll eventually track her down. Part of her even wants that to happen. It'd allow her to finally get some answers.

Rebel: Jules has developed an (understandable) distrust of authority figures. She's reluctant to follow any instruction that isn't backed up by clear reasons. The teachers and staff of her new school will have to earn her respect.



A-Day B-Day
Class 1 Class 1
Class 2 Class 2
~Lunch~ ~Lunch~
Class 3 Class 3





Name: Juliette 'Jules' Sage


Age: 18

Height: 5'9

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: American

Species: Enhanced Human



Attributes (24)

















6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0


Saves (14)


Dodge Parry Fortitude Toughness Will
Agi (00) + Mod + 4 Fgt (00) + Mod + 4 Sta (6) + Mod + Rank Sta (6) + Mod + 2 Awe (00) + Mod + 4
4 4 6 8 4



Skills (16) & Advantages (20)


Skill Name Total Ability Rank Mods
Acrobatics 4 Agi 4  
Athletics 6 Str    
Close Combat   Fgt    
Deception 4 Pre 4  
Expertise (Cooking) 4 Int 4  
Insight 4 Awe 4  
Intimidation   Pre    
Investigation 4 Int 4  
Perception 4 Awe 4  
Persuasion 4 Pre 4  
Ranged Combat   Dex    
Sleight of Hand   Dex    
Stealth 4 Agi 4  
Technology   Int    
Treatment   Int    
Vehicles   Dex    
Advantage Name & Rank

Close Attack 6
Ranged Attack 6
Accurate Attack
Equipment 1Boomerang [2]; Flashlight [1]; Gas Mask [1]; Rebreather [1]
Fast Grab
Improved Disarm
Improved Grab
Improved Hold
Move-by Action
Power Attack




Powers (26)

Regeneration 5 (Persistent [+1/rank]) [10]

Immunity (Ageing; Poison; Telepathy) [7]

Immortality 2 [4]

Protection 2 [2]

Speed 2 [2]

Affliction (VS Fortitude; Dazed/Stunned/Paralyzed) [1] {Alternate Attack}



Juliette Sage is the daughter of an infamous supervillain. That would normally have put her in the spotlight since birth. But since her father is Vandal Savage, things are more complicated. Vandal has been around since the dawn of humanity. He's had a lot of children. His descendants have spread across the Earth. So being related to him hasn't actually affected Jules that much. She's not his heir or protege. They barely ever even meet. Jules has been allowed to live a normal life, raised by her loving mother.

That all changed last year. Jules accidentally cut herself while slicing some onions. To her shock, the wound instantly healed. A latent power had awakened. Vandal Savage's children are usually normal humans. Jules is one of the rare few to inherit his immortality. Both she and her mother realised the implications. She'd just been upgraded from 'spare contingency child' to 'valuable pawn'. Once Vandal discovered this, Jules would be doomed.

Mother and daughter debated their options. Should they try to flee? Or continue their mundane lives, in the hopes of remaining unnoticed? Before they could decide, a third option unexpectedly appeared. Jules received a letter from (of all places) Wayne Enterprises! They'd somehow discovered her secret; And wanted to help. Jules realised that this really was her best choice. If a corporation already knew the truth, then Vandal wouldn't be far behind. Jules needed protection and training. So she accepted the offer. She'd be sheltered by experienced heroes, while she trained to become one herself. Hopefully all of that would be enough...

Complications // Motivations

Motivation (Mutual Protection): Jules is no longer safe alone. Hiding from her problems will only delay the inevitable. She needs to hone her strength. She also wants to find reliable friends, who'll be there for her when it counts. Naturally, she'll be there for them in return.

Enemy: Jules is a low priority for her father. He has many more important schemes. But sooner or later, he's bound to strike. That fear alone will sometimes cloud Jules' judgement.

Prejudice: Some people suspect Jules of being a plant. Maybe the school was manipulated into recruiting her. Since she's immune to telepathy, they can't know for sure. Jules should expect no leeway from the more paranoid heroes.



A-Day B-Day
Class 1 Class 1
Class 2 Class 2
~Lunch~ ~Lunch~
Class 3 Class 3





Name: Juliette 'Jules' Sage


Age: 18

Height: 5'9

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: American

Species: Enhanced Human



Attributes (24)

















6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0


Saves (14)


Dodge Parry Fortitude Toughness Will
Agi (00) + Mod + 4 Fgt (00) + Mod + 4 Sta (6) + Mod + Rank Sta (6) + Mod + 2 Awe (00) + Mod + 4
4 4 6 8 4



Skills (16) & Advantages (20)


Skill Name Total Ability Rank Mods
Acrobatics 4 Agi 4  
Athletics 6 Str    
Close Combat   Fgt    
Deception 4 Pre 4  
Expertise (Cooking) 4 Int 4  
Insight 4 Awe 4  
Intimidation   Pre    
Investigation 4 Int 4  
Perception 4 Awe 4  
Persuasion 4 Pre 4  
Ranged Combat   Dex    
Sleight of Hand   Dex    
Stealth 4 Agi 4  
Technology   Int    
Treatment   Int    
Vehicles   Dex    
Advantage Name & Rank

Close Attack 6
Ranged Attack 6
Accurate Attack
Equipment 1Boomerang [2]; Flashlight [1]; Gas Mask [1]; Rebreather [1]
Fast Grab
Improved Disarm
Improved Grab
Improved Hold
Move-by Action
Power Attack




Powers (26)

Regeneration 5 (Persistent [+1/rank]) [10]

Immunity (Ageing; Poison; Telepathy) [7]

Immortality 2 [4]

Protection 2 [2]

Speed 2 [2]

Affliction (VS Fortitude; Dazed/Stunned/Paralyzed) [1] {Alternate Attack}



Juliette Sage is the daughter of an infamous supervillain. That would normally have put her in the spotlight since birth. But since her father is Vandal Savage, things are more complicated. Vandal has been around since the dawn of humanity. He's had a lot of children. His descendants have spread across the Earth. So being related to him hasn't actually affected Jules that much. She's not his heir or protege. They barely ever even meet. Jules has been allowed to live a normal life, raised by her loving mother.

That all changed last year. Jules accidentally cut herself while slicing some onions. To her shock, the wound instantly healed. A latent power had awakened. Vandal Savage's children are usually normal humans. Jules is one of the rare few to inherit his immortality. Both she and her mother realised the implications of this. She'd just been upgraded from 'spare contingency child' to 'valuable pawn'. Once Vandal discovered this, Jules would be doomed.

Mother and daughter debated their options. Should they try to flee? Or continue their mundane lives, in the hopes of remaining unnoticed? Before they could decide, a third option unexpectedly appeared. Jules received a letter from (of all places) Wayne Enterprises! They'd somehow discovered her secret; And wanted to help. Jules realised that this really was her best choice. If a corporation already knew the truth, then Vandal wouldn't be far behind. Jules needed protection and training. So she accepted the offer. She'd be sheltered by experienced heroes, while she trained to become one herself. Hopefully all of that would be enough...

Complications // Motivations

Motivation (Mutual Protection): Jules is no longer safe alone. Hiding from her problems will only delay the inevitable. She needs to hone her strength. She also wants to find reliable friends, who'll be there for her when it counts. Naturally, she'll be there for them in return.

Enemy: Jules is a low priority for her father. He has many more important schemes. But sooner or later, he's bound to strike. That fear alone will sometimes cloud Jules' judgement.

Prejudice: Some people suspect Jules of being a plant. Maybe the school was manipulated into recruiting her. Since she's immune to telepathy, they can't know for sure. Jules should expect no leeway from the more paranoid heroes.



A-Day B-Day
Class 1 Class 1
Class 2 Class 2
~Lunch~ ~Lunch~
Class 3 Class 3





Name: Juliette 'Jules' Sage


Age: 18

Height: 5'9

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: American

Species: Enhanced Human



Attributes (24)

















6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0


Saves (14)


Dodge Parry Fortitude Toughness Will
Agi (00) + Mod + 4 Fgt (00) + Mod + 4 Sta (6) + Mod + Rank Sta (6) + Mod + 2 Awe (00) + Mod + 4
4 4 6 8 4



Skills (16) & Advantages (20)


Skill Name Total Ability Rank Mods
Acrobatics 4 Agi 4  
Athletics 6 Str    
Close Combat   Fgt    
Deception 4 Pre 4  
Expertise (Cooking) 4 Int 4  
Insight 4 Awe 4  
Intimidation   Pre    
Investigation 4 Int 4  
Perception 4 Awe 4  
Persuasion 4 Pre 4  
Ranged Combat   Dex    
Sleight of Hand   Dex    
Stealth 4 Agi 4  
Technology   Int    
Treatment   Int    
Vehicles   Dex    
Spare Skill Section        
Spare Skill Section        
Spare Skill Section        
Spare Skill Section        
Advantage Name & Rank

Close Attack 6
Ranged Attack 6
Accurate Attack
Equipment 1Boomerang [2]; Flashlight [1]; Gas Mask [1]; Rebreather [1]
Fast Grab
Improved Disarm
Improved Grab
Improved Hold
Move-by Action
Power Attack




Powers (26)

Regeneration 5 (Persistent [+1/rank]) [10]

Immunity (Ageing; Poison; Telepathy) [7]

Immortality 2 [4]

Protection 2 [2]

Speed 2 [2]

Affliction (VS Fortitude; Dazed/Stunned/Paralyzed) [1] {Alternate Attack}



Juliette Sage is the daughter of an infamous supervillain. That would normally have put her in the spotlight since birth. But since her father is Vandal Savage, things are more complicated. Vandal has been around since the dawn of humanity. He's had a lot of children. His descendants have spread across the Earth. So being related to him hasn't actually affected Jules that much. She's not his heir or protege. They barely ever even meet. Jules has been allowed to live a normal life, raised by her loving mother.

That all changed last year. Jules accidentally cut herself while slicing some onions. To her shock, the wound instantly healed. A latent power had awakened. Vandal Savage's children are usually normal humans. Jules is one of the rare few to inherit his immortality. Both she and her mother realised the implications of this. She'd just been upgraded from 'spare contingency child' to 'valuable pawn'. Once Vandal discovered this, Jules would be doomed.

Mother and daughter debated their options. Should they try to flee? Or continue their mundane lives, in the hopes of remaining unnoticed? Before they could decide, a third option unexpectedly appeared. Jules received a letter from (of all places) Wayne Enterprises! They'd somehow discovered her secret; And wanted to help. Jules realised that this really was her best choice. If a corporation already knew the truth, then Vandal wouldn't be far behind. Jules needed protection and training. So she accepted the offer. She'd be sheltered by experienced heroes, while she trained to become one herself. Hopefully all of that would be enough...

Complications // Motivations

Motivation (Mutual Protection): Jules is no longer safe alone. Hiding from her problems will only delay the inevitable. She needs to hone her strength. She also wants to find reliable friends, who'll be there for her when it counts. Naturally, she'll be there for them in return.

Enemy: Jules is a low priority for her father. He has many more important schemes. But sooner or later, he's bound to strike. That fear alone will sometimes cloud Jules' judgement.

Prejudice: Some people suspect Jules of being a plant. Maybe the school was manipulated into recruiting her. Since she's immune to telepathy, they can't know for sure. Jules should expect no leeway from the more paranoid heroes.



A-Day B-Day
Class 1 Class 1
Class 2 Class 2
~Lunch~ ~Lunch~
Class 3 Class 3





Name: Juliette 'Jules' Sage


Age: 18

Height: 5'9

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: American

Species: Enhanced Human



Attributes (24)

















6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0


Saves (14)


Dodge Parry Fortitude Toughness Will
Agi (00) + Mod + 4 Fgt (00) + Mod + 4 Sta (6) + Mod + Rank Sta (6) + Mod + 2 Awe (00) + Mod + 4
4 4 6 8 4



Skills (16) & Advantages (20)


Skill Name Total Ability Rank Mods
Acrobatics 4 Agi 4  
Athletics 6 Str    
Close Combat   Fgt    
Deception 4 Pre 4  
Expertise 4 Int 4  
Insight 4 Awe 4  
Intimidation   Pre    
Investigation 4 Int 4  
Perception 4 Awe 4  
Persuasion 4 Pre 4  
Ranged Combat   Dex    
Sleight of Hand   Dex    
Stealth 4 Agi 4  
Technology   Int    
Treatment   Int    
Vehicles   Dex    
Spare Skill Section        
Spare Skill Section        
Spare Skill Section        
Spare Skill Section        
Advantage Name & Rank

Close Attack 6
Ranged Attack 6
Accurate Attack
Equipment 1Boomerang [2]; Flashlight [1]; Gas Mask [1]; Rebreather [1]
Fast Grab
Improved Disarm
Improved Grab
Improved Hold
Move-by Action
Power Attack




Powers (26)

Regeneration 5 (Persistent [+1/rank]) [10]

Immunity (Ageing; Poison; Telepathy) [7]

Immortality 2 [4]

Protection 2 [2]

Speed 2 [2]

Affliction (VS Fortitude; Dazed/Stunned/Paralyzed) [1] {Alternate Attack}



Juliette Sage is the daughter of an infamous supervillain. That would normally have put her in the spotlight since birth. But since her father is Vandal Savage, things are more complicated. Vandal has been around since the dawn of humanity. He's had a lot of children. His descendants have spread across the Earth. So being related to him hasn't actually affected Jules that much. She's not his heir or protege. They barely ever even meet. Jules has been allowed to live a normal life, raised by her loving mother.

That all changed last year. Jules accidentally cut herself while slicing some onions. To her shock, the wound instantly healed. A latent power had awakened. Vandal Savage's children are usually normal humans. Jules is one of the rare few to inherit his immortality. Both she and her mother realised the implications of this. She'd just been upgraded from 'spare contingency child' to 'valuable pawn'. Once Vandal discovered this, Jules would be doomed.

Mother and daughter debated their options. Should they try to flee? Or continue their mundane lives, in the hopes of remaining unnoticed? Before they could decide, a third option unexpectedly appeared. Jules received a letter from (of all places) Wayne Enterprises! They'd somehow discovered her secret; And wanted to help. Jules realised that this really was her best choice. If a corporation already knew the truth, then Vandal wouldn't be far behind. Jules needed protection and training. So she accepted the offer. She'd be sheltered by experienced heroes, while she trained to become one herself. Hopefully all of that would be enough...

Complications // Motivations

Motivation (Mutual Protection): Jules is no longer safe alone. Hiding from her problems will only delay the inevitable. She needs to hone her strength. She also wants to find reliable friends, who'll be there for her when it counts. Naturally, she'll be there for them in return.

Enemy: Jules is a low priority for her father. He has many more important schemes. But sooner or later, he's bound to strike. That fear alone will sometimes cloud Jules' judgement.

Prejudice: Some people suspect Jules of being a plant. Maybe the school was manipulated into recruiting her. Since she's immune to telepathy, they can't know for sure. Jules should expect no leeway from the more paranoid heroes.



A-Day B-Day
Class 1 Class 1
Class 2 Class 2
~Lunch~ ~Lunch~
Class 3 Class 3


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