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Quick question as I'm making the final tweaks to my sheet... I don't suppose this counts as a "High Psionics game" for the purposes of Unlocked Talent? If so, you can take that instead of Wild Talent (though, weirdly, that rule on d20pfsrd is on the Access Psionic Talent page 🤷‍♂️). Or, would you allow Unlocked Talent to be taken by characters who are already Psionic (rather than having to have Wild Talent too)? Particularly since psionic races get Wild Talent for free but trade it for Psionic Talent if they take a psionic class.

(Yeah, DSP psionics is a bit of a mess... 🙂)

I'm basically just asking if I can take Unlocked Talent without needing Wild Talent (also, the wording is a bit ambiguous, but my interpretation is that you can still manifest the power without a Cha of 11 if you have a manifesting class, since you use its stat instead, so correct me if that's a no-go anyway).




Quick question... I don't suppose this counts as a "High Psionics game" for the purposes of Unlocked Talent? If so, you can take that instead of Wild Talent (thoguh, weirdly, that rule on d20pfsrd is on the Access Psionic Talent page 🤷‍♂️). Or, would you allow Unlocked Talent to be taken by characters who are already Psionic (rather than having to have Wild Talent too)? Particularly since psionic races get Wild Talent for free but trade it for Psionic Talent if they take a psionic class.

(Yeah, DSP psionics is a bit of a mess... 🙂)

I'm basically just asking if I can take Unlocked Talent without needing Wild Talent (also, the wording is a bit ambiguous, but my interpretation is that you can still manifest the power without a Cha of 11 if you have a manifesting class, since you use its stat instead, so correct me if that's a no-go anyway).


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