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DaniRosznar-fotor-bg-remover-20230825202249.png.6294998c35692bd5d40a73e0d27b5fa2.pngDaniella "Dani" Violette Claribel Rosznar II

Human Graviturgy Wizard (4)


checked-shield.svgAC: 12 | health-normal.svg HP: 22/22 | awareness.svg PP: 15 | WS: 0/2 | Spell Slots | Insp | Languages: Common, Chondothan, Elvish, Draconic, Infernal

Greenest Envy

Upon returning to Greenest, Daniella held her usual air of disinterest with the fawning locals, yet would never downplay her and her allies' accomplishments; she merely wrote off their gratitude with a nod. At times, she would even decline her head further into a half bow, like an actor finishing their finest work upon a stage.

As Wendy approached her about the claimed jewelry, Daniella had been admiring the ring with twinkling eyes, and for the first time in perhaps ever, she was smiling with genuine excitement. The Goblin's words caused that smile to curl into an expression of incredulity and disgust. "You fools and your cursed need to do 'good'. Have we not done enough good already? These people live because of us -- at least three times over, in fact. Now that we finally have the chance to gain something from our deeds, you would turn around and cast it to the nearest beggar? Tch..." She exhaled a sharp breath of annoyance and did not respond for a long minute. The reflection of the gemstones in Daniella's emerald gaze glittered enticingly. Those emerald orbs slid over to the goblin girl and narrowed once more, and for a moment Wendy would see pure hatred in her eyes. Finally, after calculating the pros and cons in her mind, she relented with a sigh and slapped the ring down in Wendy's palm. "So be it. I would go with you to meet their owners."

So, she did. Upon finding the owner of the pearl necklace Dani crossed her arms and appraised the person, "You are quite aware of the lengths and dangers we have gone through to not only save your hides but to retrieve your blasted jewelry, yes? I, a wizard of some renown, require components to cast my spells so that I can continue to save people like you. To do more 'good' in this world." Though she did not perform the action, one could hear the air quotes around the word good. "So, instead of keeping this necklace which -- arguably -- was no longer yours to begin with, I offer you a deal. Allow me to purchase the largest pearl from the collection at fifty gold pieces." With a quick flourish and a clear indication of premeditation she produced a small bag with the exact count of gold dragons. "I require it for my magic. I would hope the 'good' we have done will be enough to convince you that even now I am doing what many would consider the 'right thing' by offering you gold instead of just saying that I deserve it for free -- which I do." She continued to extend the bag of gold as an offer, her expression one of warranting.

The Road to Elturel

Upon their travels, Daniella kept mostly to herself, as was most likely expected. She was not fond of opening up to others, and even if she were, this group would have not earned it yet from her perspective. She spent a predominant amount of her time scribbling away in her spellbook-cum-journal, casting gazes towards Leosin, whom she had yet to establish any trust for. At times, she would look to the chest where the eggs were hidden to ensure their security, and in the evenings she would check on their status and catalogue any changes in their behavior or appearance in a separate notebook that had quickly become chock full of charts, notations, and calculations.

The first morning she awoke from her private tent, she stepped out to find hot tea awaiting her. She eyed it suspiciously at first and looked to their travel troop for its source. She caught Aralim's coy gaze and the boy quickly looked away, earning an amused half-smirk from Daniella. 'Ah, of course. Bright Boy wishes to get on my good side so that he might earn my favor. But for what purpose? Does he wish to steal a look at my arcane discoveries? Mayhaps earn a prominent name in the legends written about me? Pathetic.' Even as she thought it, she didn't actually believe those were his intentions. But admitting that Aralim might just be overly kind and thoughtful was too much for her at that juncture. Even still, her eyes lingered on him a moment longer while he attempted to look otherwise occupied and avoid her gaze. A word came to her mind; one that she dared not even allow her thoughts to linger on for more than one eighth of a second. Such a thought was juvenile and preposterous; not to mention a massive distraction from her goals. She physically reacted to her thoughts with a shake of her head while plucking the tea from the ground and sipping it softly. It was...mediocre, of course, at least to her tastes. She preferred the herb steeped a bit longer to enrich the flavor. And though she had never mentioned it, a drop of honey and a single leaf of lemon verbena. But all things considered, he had done quite well. She took another sip and found herself gazing at the boy once more with a return of the amused smile. She couldn't banish that damnable word from entering her mind again, but she allowed herself to think it this time, if only so that it would go away and never return: 'Cute.'


The remainder of their journey consisted of an intolerable amount of walking. She was almost thankful for the chance to fight off the vile spider-pests that had troubled a fellow caravan. Not for the chance to do good, mind you. Rather it was a welcomed break from the monotony of placing one foot in front of the other. Wendy's approach to the combat had been a unique one that earned an eye roll from the wizard. But it had been fairly effective and she found little need to complain beyond a few initial comments of annoyance. The ettercaps were dispersed easily enough, as they had proven themselves far beyond competent.

As a bonus, Daniella had even recalled a couple of new spells from her studies that she had practiced and performed during the combat. She was certain to write down the intricacies of their arcane pattern in her spell book for future reference. Her mind was a steel trap, but even it could make mistakes in the heat of battle. It was always better to have it all written down, if only so that there would not be a repeat of her exit from Waterdeep, wherein she had been forced to leave behind all of her arcane textbooks and journals. It almost felt at times as if she was starting as an apprentice wizard anew. Had it not been for her clear memory and incredible intelligence, she probably would be. Alas, it was a mere stumbling block on her road to grandeur. Before long her name would be spoken amongst the academies along the likes of Elminster, Mordenkainen, and Szass Tam.

Perhaps not that last one.

The Walls of the Shining City

Finally, they reached the outskirts of Elturel, and much like she approached almost every situation so far, Daniella held an expression of bored contempt. "Ah, there she is. A city full of ingrates so pompous, they felt they deserved their own sun." She scoffed and shook her head, "All just to kill a few vampires? Mark my words: Such magic does not come without a price, and I highly doubt a single individual will be paying it once the bill comes due."

The approach of the guard earns another sigh of annoyance from the Wizard in Red. She nearly laughs at the sight of the young girl posing as a city guard. "We fare well, beyond the soreness of our soles and souls alike." She smirks at her own wordplay and then gestures to the young Mantlemourne, "Is this what Elturel is trying to pass off as the Guard now? She couldn't be any older than fifteen, and I think I spy a color green behind her ears that is more vibrant than The Green Fields themselves. I would know, we just traveled from as far." Her old, cruel habits seemed to be returning and there was a tiny part of her that cringed at that. Thankfully, an odd man in a mask seemed intent on interrupting their interaction. "Excuse you, if we needed y our help we would have ask- Wait a moment. Ah yes, it's you. How could anyone forget a mask like that -- silly little thing that it is?" She chuckled bitterly. "Fine. I suppose the man has the right of it: No harm at all - quite the opposite in fact. Our 'goods', as you call them, are all above board. Food, travel supplies, spell components, and the like. But if you insist on wasting everyone's time, be our guest. Alas, this young sir has claimed our innocence, so would it really be necessary?" Daniella fought the urge to nervously look towards the chest that held the Black Dragon eggs.



Sold two Shortbows taken from the cult cave at %80 value (40gp total).

Rolling persuasion to convince the owner of the pearls to let me purchase (or take for free?) a pearl from the necklace that would be worth 100gp on its own, as a material component for the Identify spell.




DaniRosznar-fotor-bg-remover-20230825202249.png.6294998c35692bd5d40a73e0d27b5fa2.pngDaniella "Dani" Violette Claribel Rosznar II

Human Graviturgy Wizard (3)


checked-shield.svgAC: 12 | health-normal.svg HP: 22/22 | awareness.svg PP: 15 | WS: 0/2 | Spell Slots | Insp | Languages: Common, Chondothan, Elvish, Draconic, Infernal

Greenest Envy

Upon returning to Greenest, Daniella held her usual air of disinterest with the fawning locals, yet would never downplay her and her allies' accomplishments; she merely wrote off their gratitude with a nod. At times, she would even decline her head further into a half bow, like an actor finishing their finest work upon a stage.

As Wendy approached her about the claimed jewelry, Daniella had been admiring the ring with twinkling eyes, and for the first time in perhaps ever, she was smiling with genuine excitement. The Goblin's words caused that smile to curl into an expression of incredulity and disgust. "You fools and your cursed need to do 'good'. Have we not done enough good already? These people live because of us -- at least three times over, in fact. Now that we finally have the chance to gain something from our deeds, you would turn around and cast it to the nearest beggar? Tch..." She exhaled a sharp breath of annoyance and did not respond for a long minute. The reflection of the gemstones in Daniella's emerald gaze glittered enticingly. Those emerald orbs slid over to the goblin girl and narrowed once more, and for a moment Wendy would see pure hatred in her eyes. Finally, after calculating the pros and cons in her mind, she relented with a sigh and slapped the ring down in Wendy's palm. "So be it. I would go with you to meet their owners."

So, she did. Upon finding the owner of the pearl necklace Dani crossed her arms and appraised the person, "You are quite aware of the lengths and dangers we have gone through to not only save your hides but to retrieve your blasted jewelry, yes? I, a wizard of some renown, require components to cast my spells so that I can continue to save people like you. To do more 'good' in this world." Though she did not perform the action, one could hear the air quotes around the word good. "So, instead of keeping this necklace which -- arguably -- was no longer yours to begin with, I offer you a deal. Allow me to purchase the largest pearl from the collection at fifty gold pieces." With a quick flourish and a clear indication of premeditation she produced a small bag with the exact count of gold dragons. "I require it for my magic. I would hope the 'good' we have done will be enough to convince you that even now I am doing what many would consider the 'right thing' by offering you gold instead of just saying that I deserve it for free -- which I do." She continued to extend the bag of gold as an offer, her expression one of warranting.

The Road to Elturel

Upon their travels, Daniella kept mostly to herself, as was most likely expected. She was not fond of opening up to others, and even if she were, this group would have not earned it yet from her perspective. She spent a predominant amount of her time scribbling away in her spellbook-cum-journal, casting gazes towards Leosin, whom she had yet to establish any trust for. At times, she would look to the chest where the eggs were hidden to ensure their security, and in the evenings she would check on their status and catalogue any changes in their behavior or appearance in a separate notebook that had quickly become chock full of charts, notations, and calculations.

The first morning she awoke from her private tent, she stepped out to find hot tea awaiting her. She eyed it suspiciously at first and looked to their travel troop for its source. She caught Aralim's coy gaze and the boy quickly looked away, earning an amused half-smirk from Daniella. 'Ah, of course. Bright Boy wishes to get on my good side so that he might earn my favor. But for what purpose? Does he wish to steal a look at my arcane discoveries? Mayhaps earn a prominent name in the legends written about me? Pathetic.' Even as she thought it, she didn't actually believe those were his intentions. But admitting that Aralim might just be overly kind and thoughtful was too much for her at that juncture. Even still, her eyes lingered on him a moment longer while he attempted to look otherwise occupied and avoid her gaze. A word came to her mind; one that she dared not even allow her thoughts to linger on for more than one eighth of a second. Such a thought was juvenile and preposterous; not to mention a massive distraction from her goals. She physically reacted to her thoughts with a shake of her head while plucking the tea from the ground and sipping it softly. It was...mediocre, of course, at least to her tastes. She preferred the herb steeped a bit longer to enrich the flavor. And though she had never mentioned it, a drop of honey and a single leaf of lemon verbena. But all things considered, he had done quite well. She took another sip and found herself gazing at the boy once more with a return of the amused smile. She couldn't banish that damnable word from entering her mind again, but she allowed herself to think it this time, if only so that it would go away and never return: 'Cute.'


The remainder of their journey consisted of an intolerable amount of walking. She was almost thankful for the chance to fight off the vile spider-pests that had troubled a fellow caravan. Not for the chance to do good, mind you. Rather it was a welcomed break from the monotony of placing one foot in front of the other. Wendy's approach to the combat had been a unique one that earned an eye roll from the wizard. But it had been fairly effective and she found little need to complain beyond a few initial comments of annoyance. The ettercaps were dispersed easily enough, as they had proven themselves far beyond competent.

As a bonus, Daniella had even recalled a couple of new spells from her studies that she had practiced and performed during the combat. She was certain to write down the intricacies of their arcane pattern in her spell book for future reference. Her mind was a steel trap, but even it could make mistakes in the heat of battle. It was always better to have it all written down, if only so that there would not be a repeat of her exit from Waterdeep, wherein she had been forced to leave behind all of her arcane textbooks and journals. It almost felt at times as if she was starting as an apprentice wizard anew. Had it not been for her clear memory and incredible intelligence, she probably would be. Alas, it was a mere stumbling block on her road to grandeur. Before long her name would be spoken amongst the academies along the likes of Elminster, Mordenkainen, and Szass Tam.

Perhaps not that last one.

The Walls of the Shining City

Finally, they reached the outskirts of Elturel, and much like she approached almost every situation so far, Daniella held an expression of bored contempt. "Ah, there she is. A city full of ingrates so pompous, they felt they deserved their own sun." She scoffed and shook her head, "All just to kill a few vampires? Mark my words: Such magic does not come without a price, and I highly doubt a single individual will be paying it once the bill comes due."

The approach of the guard earns another sigh of annoyance from the Wizard in Red. She nearly laughs at the sight of the young girl posing as a city guard. "We fare well, beyond the soreness of our soles and souls alike." She smirks at her own wordplay and then gestures to the young Mantlemourne, "Is this what Elturel is trying to pass off as the Guard now? She couldn't be any older than fifteen, and I think I spy a color green behind her ears that is more vibrant than The Green Fields themselves. I would know, we just traveled from as far." Her old, cruel habits seemed to be returning and there was a tiny part of her that cringed at that. Thankfully, an odd man in a mask seemed intent on interrupting their interaction. "Excuse you, if we needed y our help we would have ask- Wait a moment. Ah yes, it's you. How could anyone forget a mask like that -- silly little thing that it is?" She chuckled bitterly. "Fine. I suppose the man has the right of it: No harm at all - quite the opposite in fact. Our 'goods', as you call them, are all above board. Food, travel supplies, spell components, and the like. But if you insist on wasting everyone's time, be our guest. Alas, this young sir has claimed our innocence, so would it really be necessary?" Daniella fought the urge to nervously look towards the chest that held the Black Dragon eggs.



Sold two Shortbows taken from the cult cave at %80 value (40gp total).

Rolling persuasion to convince the owner of the pearls to let me purchase (or take for free?) a pearl from the necklace that would be worth 100gp on its own, as a material component for the Identify spell.


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