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Synthy would smile back to her. Offering her hand back to the lady greeting her. Her hands were in direct contrast to the rest of her soft skin. She had the leathery mitts of a soldier and the perfumed scent of cinnamon, vanilla, and a citrus note mixed with cherry. Her molten golden eyes looking to her and her purple dress, "My name is Synthy. It's a pleasure to meet you Ms?" Gesticulating with a roll of her wrist encouraging her to introduce herself.



Synthy would smile back to her. Offering her hand back to the lady greeting her. Her hands were in direct contrast to the rest of her soft skin. She had the leathery mitts of a soldier and the perfumed scent of cinnamon, vanilla, and a citrus note mixed with cherry. Her molten golden eyes looking to her and her purple dress, "My name is Synthy. It's a pleasure to meet you Ms?" Gesticulating with a roll of her wrist encouraging her to introduce herself.

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