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Cloudy Summers

Cloudy Summers

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Blake made sure to arrive long before the hall could fill with chattering guests and the incessant buzz of anticipation. As with any event, it was crucial to get a good lay of the land sooner rather than later. Assigned seats that laid bare the names of every guest for all to see made his task simpler even if the lion's share of them were unfamiliar to him. He had a list of names in mind when attendance began to pick up - now came the time to begin his search in earnest.

He effortlessly navigates the crowds, plying empty small talk and the compliments that hung low enough for anyone to grasp. Some mistake him for his modest dress as another of the house's servants, paying him only enough mind to snobbishly request another drink before turning away; he gladly avails himself these opportunities to observe without fear of reprisal (or worse, inclusion) as he gradually matches more faces with names and reputations.

Having made diligent rounds about the hall, Blake finds himself near his own table at the same time a certain tiefling takes her seat there. So Synthy Ksyamen is the Chelaxian who not long ago seemed firmly intent on drinking the whole of the manor's watch straight out of their jobs. A woman like that is certainly worth his consideration, if for the novelty alone. He moves closer, intent on striking up fruitful conversation for the first time that night, and his eyes fall upon the rather striking figure at Synthy's side. Stark white hair, mismatched eyes of bright amber and dull grey; why did this woman seem so familiar? As a name passes her lips he is suddenly reminded of some gossip on House Garess his lord had shared with him some time ago...



"--Krysova, isn't it? Valeria Krysova. And you would be Synthy, of course."

A man appears from the crowd to stand before the two, looking for all the world as if he should be asking after the state of their refreshments. He offers a sheepish smile.

"I beg your pardon... I happened to notice the name as I was searching for my own seat -" (he gestures to that across from Valeria, unoccupied) "- and I couldn't resist my curiosity when I saw its owner present." He offers his hand to Valeria then Synthy in turn. "Blake Osbourne, retainer to his lordship Elsverd of House Surtova. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my ladies."

Cloudy Summers

Cloudy Summers

Blake made sure to arrive long before the hall could fill with chattering guests and the incessant buzz of anticipation. As with any event, it was crucial to get a good lay of the land sooner rather than later. Assigned seats that laid bare the names of every guest for all to see made his task simpler even if the lion's share of them were unfamiliar to him. He had a list of names in mind when attendance began to pick up - now came the time to begin his search in earnest.

He effortlessly navigates the crowds, plying empty small talk and the compliments that hung low enough for anyone to grasp. Some mistake him for his modest dress as another of the house's servants, paying him only enough mind to snobbishly request another drink before turning away; he gladly avails himself these opportunities to observe without fear of reprisal (or worse, inclusion) as he gradually matches more faces with names and reputations.

Having made diligent rounds about the hall, Blake finds himself near his own table at the same time a certain tiefling takes her seat there. So Synthy Ksyamen is the Chelaxian who not long ago seemed firmly intent on drinking the whole of the manor's watch straight out of their jobs. A woman like that is certainly worth his consideration, if for the novelty alone. He moves closer, intent on striking up fruitful conversation for the first time that night, and his eyes fall upon the rather striking figure at Synthy's side. Stark white hair, mismatched eyes of bright amber and dull grey; why did this woman seem so familiar? As a name passes her lips he is suddenly reminded of some gossip on House Garess his lord had shared with him some time ago...



"--Krysova, isn't it? Valeria Krysova. And you would be Synthy, of course."

A man appears from the crowd to stand before the two, looking for all the world as if he should be asking after the state of their refreshments. He offers a sheepish smile.

"I beg your pardon... I happened to notice the name as I was searching for my own seat -" (he gestures to that across from Valeria, unoccupied) "- and I couldn't resist my curiosity when I saw its owner present." He offers his hand to Valeria then Synthy in turn. "Blake Osbourne, retainer to his lordship Elsverd of House Surtova. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my ladies."

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