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The world's history, calendar, and other pieces of cultural significance.

Entries in this blog

The First Year, and Jakub Kladivo

The First Year The five kingdoms sent explorers to every edge of the Worldstorm on land and sea. Those that returned reported a swirling, impassable wall of wind and lighting over a mile high, and so dense with dirt and debris that vision stopped soon after the storm’s edge. Others reported enormous, winged beasts darting in and out of the tops of the storm clouds. After a decade of search and scholarly debate, the leaders of the new world came to a grim conclusion: the Godswar had des


spyrosbaldr in History

The Birth of Zavan, and the Breaking of the World

Zavan, the God of Aspiration The Dwarves were the first people to be given magic, as they were jealous of the elves and their millennia of life. They became fierce guardians of this new power, which they used to create great feats of architecture and technology. Once their towering dwarven halls could be made no more magnificent, they set about shaping the world. Centuries of dominance made many of the dwarves as selfish and petty as the gods. The elves eventua


spyrosbaldr in History

The Birth of Khalgun

The Birth of Khalgun Siforr was the first of the children to claim his domain. His ambition shone white and hot, forcing even Ytar to veil her eyes. He used that distraction to steal a single flame from his mother and gave birth to the Sun. Ogun was enraged by both the petty theft and arrogance of the young god and drew together every spec of dust that cast a shadow. He combined this mass to form the first planet and mocked Siforr from where his light c


spyrosbaldr in History

The Birth of the Universe

The Birth of the Universe The Old Gods fought one another to mutual destruction, obliterating magic and swallowing much of the planet in a permanent Worldstorm. The Five Kingdoms that remain live by an uneasy truce born out of necessity, a peace which is tested when the New Gods begin to arise. Let’s start at the beginning. At first, there was nothing. A moment later, there was everything. In the great cataclysms of creation, the First Four were bo


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