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About This Game

A new Town... ...A new Hellmouth

Game System


Detailed Description

Rules: Using the UniSystem Buffy The Vampire Slayer RPG. Material from all books, including Angel RPG, are fine.

We're picking up from the game I started on the old MW site just before the switch to this new MW.

The Game will be set after season 7, so anyone who can be a Slayer, Is a Slayer. (Powers start kicking in around age 9, and basic slayer stuff "gets real" around 14).

Game will be set in the town of Harborton, a large town in a predominantly rural area, which has the only high school within 60 miles. Lots of kids have to spend hours on the bus every day to get to and from high school. Other towns in the area have their own grade-schools (even if it's a one-room school house) and Jr High.
There are lots of small, local businesses, a book shop, several old vacation homes, a large number of Bed and Breakfasts, and, unknown to most, a Hellmouth! No one seems to notice the high turn-over of residents and tourists. It's like most adults are just oblivious.
And really, it's only been since that town in central California disappeared into a sink-hole that the Vamps and others started really showing up here.

Characters: Build the type of character you want to play. BtVS games are based on something called the Unisystem. (I'll post details about character stats soon.) If you want to play a Watcher, Slayer, Werewolf, Psychopath with delusions of "Oh my gosh, there's monsters!", Jr Witch, Initiative Soldier, high school jock, hick farmer full of country wisdom, computer hacker, city family that just inherited uncle Jethro's country home, Danger-Prone Daphne, or weird talking animal, that's fine. Rules are pretty open. (For all I know, you're all going to want to play vamps that slowly eat the town).

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