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Closed Game

This is a closed game, meaning only members of the club can see content within it.

About This Game

When the snows fell everywhere, civilization was forced to pause. Continuing silence from governments and confusion among scientists allowed Riot, Calamity, Rumor, and Conspiracy to ride beside the traditional four horsemen. When spring failed to come for the second year, economies crashed, governments collapsed, the trappings of civilization were strained to breaking, and people all over the world froze to death. Now life has become a day to day struggle, with bandits, starving wild animals, and deadly storms threatening your survival.

Game System


Detailed Description

"No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn." -Hal Borland

This is an almost post apocalyptic game set a couple years after the global winter that came for everyone and never ended. Civilization is collapsing rapidly, supplies are starting to become hard to find, and millions, if not billions, are dead. I say "almost post" because while things are continuing to get worse, there are still places in which humanity is struggling to hold on.

Major themes will be:

  • cold weather wilderness survival
  • scarcity of resources
  • absence of civil authority
  • altruism vs desperation
  • ???

I'm looking for one to four players who are willing to work together and will help me explore these themes, both in relatively relaxed times of plenty and during emergencies of all kinds.

I'm new to GURPS and this new Myth-Weavers, and learning as I go. I've decided to take players who are interested and willing to work around the "under construction" nature of the game. If one person applies and I like their application and character, we'll just start slowly. If more people apply, I'll work them into the ongoing story until we reach the cap of 4.

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