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Game Expectations

I am not looking for murder hobos or anyone seeking power progression. This isn't a game you can expect to "win", in the sense of achieving absolute security and plenty. Characters will be normal people rather than ex-special forces wilderness survival experts.

I want players who can work with me and each other on exploring character traumas and successes. I am going to insist on generally altruistic characters who default to supporting each other. When weighing the risks of helping outsiders vs keeping yourself safe, I would prefer you create characters who will take moderate risks to help others, perhaps with payment or reward in mind. Sabotaging your group members for your own advantage or on a whim is as unwelcome as blatantly ignoring the tremendous pressures just surviving from day to day can inflict on a person just because it's inconvenient to have weaknesses.

I will support a certain amount of metagaming from you in support of the game. Suggesting challenges, failures, themes, narratives, hooks, or correcting my ignorance on anything in game or for the sake of realism is extremely welcomed. Suggesting changes to the game format or organization is fine as well. Even if I don't take your suggestions, I appreciate them.

Apocalypse survival requires some elements of psychological horror and very tough decisions, and I expect players to have the maturity to keep an open line of communication with me about how they're coping with what's happening. As interested as I am in exploring the setting, I would rather you and I be comfortable with what's happening, to the point of cutting people or myself off if events exceed someone's tolerances on a trigger issue. PLEASE let me know, I don't judge. I won't be dwelling on the (especially to me) excruciating levels of suffering that can be commonplace in such a world. We can reference it, use it as atmosphere and character fuel, then move on.

I am inconsistent in my posting rate, and I don't expect constant attention from you. If days go by or a week passes without any activity, I'll be ok with it and I hope you can be patient with me as well. If you know in advance about an extended absence, just let me know, or even if it's already begun. I'll plan around you without complaints. Try not to disappear without warning, especially if others are relying on you to carry your half of the RP.

If none of these are dealbreakers or fun limiters for you, carry on!

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